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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by 303'sJourney

  1. Amanda,

    Oh how I would love to tell you that the band has helped me with those things. I have to say I have read on here where it has helped some... but my cravings and eating for boredom are still very prevalent and I could out eat anyone when it comes to chocolate and oreos!!! :( I think like everything with this process it depends on the person. Just like some people feel restriction right after surgery am some with as little as one fill... I was not that person and it has taken A LOT of discipline and desire to get to this point. I am here if you need anything and am glad to help and support you... ask away! I hope you are doing well and look forward to keeping in touch. P.S. Do you have a date yet?

  2. Beth,


    I am SO glad to hear that everything went well and am so excited for you that he was able to do the surgery as a SLIP. I hope you don't try to over do it tonight with the kiddo's! Remember your body needs time to heal!! I'm sorry to hear about your vomitting spell... I don't envy you! PLEASE try to take it easy and take some time for yourself to heal and get to feeling better. I live in the area so if there is ANYTHING at all that I can do... I'm here! I updated the pictures the other day when you asked... but like my comments say... it's pretty impossible to tell a difference. They are marked as @ the 44lb mark though. I look forward to seeing some pics of your progress too! :) :)

  3. Rachel,


    My daughter's name is Piper and she will be 2 on the 15th of June. She has been a real handful since my surgery. She never wanted to sit in my lap or put her head on my stomach... now... that's all she wants!! I too am sick of liquid. I dreamt about cottage cheese yesterday... who does that! I can't wait until Tuesday when I can finally have some. Did you have your post op visit? How did it go? What did your doctor say? Did he remove your bandages/tapes? Things for me are pretty good... just still feel like I have done a million too many crunches... but I'm making it! :)

  4. Dr. Cwyes has done over 3000 lap procedures and I really like that he gives you the option of choosing the lap band or the realize band. I called the office and explained that I had already been to a seminar w/another doctor that I did not like and they set me up with an in office consultation with two other people... much more formal and personal. I didn't like that you had to go to the novis center before you could even meet Dr. Webb! I got an appointment with them very quickly and they are so friendly and wonderful. I had my first appointment with them on April 22nd and I will be banded next Monday. Their phone number is 399-4004 another good doctor in the area who my friend went to about 6 months ago is Dr. Craig Morganthal I don't have his number right this second but if you want it I can get it. He is newer @ the lap band but old school with laproscopic surgery.

  5. He has just done more general surgery and gastric than the band but my friend loves him. Let me know if there is any more information I can offer! :)

  6. So you were banded on the 27th?? How are you feeling? What did you have to do from the time you set your date with your surgeon up until your surgery date? Any advice for someone getting close??

  7. Also... lesson learned from me. You don't have to wait until they give you the pre-op diet to start preparing yourself and following it. If you would like I can scan and email you a copy of both the pre and post op diets... just shoot me an email address. I hope all is well and love catching up with you! :) :) :)

  8. Are you still on here? Where are you at with your goal? I am having surgery with Dr. Cwyes on Monday and would love to hear about how you're doing!

  9. Awe... Chloe is so adorable! Things are wonderful here. I was down 25 lbs but gained back 1 lb when I started soft food... it really hurt my feelings... but whatever. I will definately let you know how the fill goes! I'm a bit anxious about it also. I just found this fantastic protein shake for my late nights at work. It is 25 grams of protein, no carbs, no fat, no sugar and only 110 calories. It's by jayrobb and is whey protein. I didn't care for the strawberry but the chocolate is a dream!! I just ordered a single serving pina colada and tropical dreamscicle online today and can't wait to try them. They keep me full for a good bit of time. They're nice when you don't have enough breaks at work or time to cover all of your meals! I am so glad to hear you're doing great! Piper is doing wonderful, adjusting well. Well have to get back to work but it's great to catch up... I'll talk to you again soon!

  10. beth, I am doing pretty good. It has gotten kind of discouraging around here. I lost 10 lbs immediately after my first fill and then have only lost 1 since then. I am ready to go back for my next one! It is ashame your appt isn't on the 24th... that is when I go for my next fill! I am so excited for you beginning this new journey. How are you doing? Have you started following any kind of diet or changed your eating any to prepare yourself? How was your 4th? I hope all is well. It's great to hear from you! :)

  11. Beth, Please don't apologize for asking questions... that is the only way to get the information you need and I am MORE than glad to help. Yes after I went to the novis center I called my insurance company to find out who else was covered. I really hated the idea that the novis center was charging $1500 for things I could do on my own. I can make my own psych and nutritionist appts since I know they are required other than that... submitting paperwork, that's what you have billing people in your practice for... I'm not spending $1500 for someone to do what they're supposed to. That is what insurance companies are for... to keep you from being taken advantage of like they do!

  12. Beth, Well I am sorry to hear that you won't be using Dr. Cwyes but I do understand wanting to take as little time off from work as possible. Today actually was my one week check and he was estatic that since I started my pre-op diet to today I am down 25 lbs. He confirmed that I am the first SLIP procedure he has done, the other three girls that had surgery the same day as me were a little upset he didn't do it on them too... especially the two after me...

  13. but he explained to me... I don't know about them; that he decided to do it on me because aside from a hiatial hernia and obesity I am otherwise in great health... where as the other's had diabetes or some other co-morbidities that he just felt the traditional way was best for them but that he plans to continue use of it since I am healing so nicely. He also said I should have zero visable scaring and my port is right in my belly button area instead of half way up my chest. Dr. Baptista may use this technique also...

  14. Can you tell me where and how to put a ticker on my page? I have tried to add one but... um... I'm a little computer stupid bc it didn't work... :( YOu are doing so great! Thank you for the encouragement and support!!!

  15. Coleen- I also had a single incision surgery w/dr cywes. I am not feeling any discomfort which I am thankful for! It is SO nice to have my port in my belly button. I had my first fill on the 19th of June and it was a breeze. The one thing I will tell you is that when Dr. B tells you to drink water after he puts the liquid in your band. Dear lord please SIP!!!! I didn't and OMG! It was awful... When I was walking out I had to stop in the bathroom and throw it up. (It more like just fell out of my mouth) but the whole day it was hard to drink water... You will have to sip the whole first day... then the next day I was perfectly fine. Unfortunately I am not feeling any restriction at all... I go back on the 24th for my second fill.

  16. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary. I think at this point... your body is like HELLO 95 lbs... what more do you want from me! :) I know how hard it can be to hit a stall as well. I have only been banded for a little under a month and I had not lost in 2 weeks... then this morning BAM 3 lbs... I was soooo excited! They always say the last 10-15 are the hardest. I will keep you in my prayers but can already tell... if you've come this far in just 1 year... you can lose this last 15 without a problem. GREAT JOB! What do you think they key to your success has been? Do you exercise a lot or eat only certain things? Do you follow low carb or just watch your portions? I am doing pretty good. I had a single incision surgery so it has healed pretty well... the incision is in my belly button. That is also where my port is. I'm feeling pretty good.

  17. CONGRATS!! You are doing so great!!! Can you tell me about a day in your life... food and exercise wise. I am about a month away from surgery and am trying to figure out how to have the BEST results and you're doing pretty magnificent so I thought maybe you could help me!

  18. Days 1-3 clear liquids... just like 2 days before, then 4-9 is creamy's like protein shakes, then I can move to mushies like scrambled eggs for about 3 more days then by day 14 I am on to regular food. So far so good... no issues keeping anything down and no nausea.

  19. Did you get to ask Dr. B about doing the single incision surgery? I hope that he is able to do that for you! T-Minus 4 1/2 days... WOO HOO! I will get some pictures posted on here... hopefully tonight.

  20. Did you have to drink EAS shakes or did it just have to be low carb? I have found this phenominal protein shake. It is called Pure Protein... It has 22 grams of protein, only 110 calories, 2g of fat, 2g carbs and 1g sugar... would that work??

  21. Do you have any advice for someone starting out... do you know of any keys to your success that you could share? I was just banded on the 18th of May and have already hit a stall in weight loss... I'd love to hear your thoughts...

  22. Dr. Cwyes said with all of the research they can accomplish the same thing with one incision and will be moving to do all of the surgeries this way. He was like a kid in a candy store talking about the surgery. I am on to soft foods... like eggs, cottage cheese, skinless meats etc... I am feeling SOOOO much better now that I have some real food in my stomach! I would stay on top of the nutritionist to get your appointment scheduled but they are usually pretty good about getting you in relatively quickly. Just so you are prepared b/c I wasn't... all of your appt's #2 and #3 will be group appts, #2 will be with people who are at the same stage of the approval process and #3 will be with people having surgery the same day as you with your dr. It was really great to see and compare stories today at our follow up visit with the other 3 that had surgery the same day. I look forward to hearing about your nutritionist appt.

  23. Happy belated anniversary!! How are you feeling? Do you love it or what!!! You are doing so great! Keep up the wonderful work!

  24. Have you been banded yet? How is your journey going?

  25. Have you been banded yet? You don't look like you need it! What is your goal weight? You are soooo beautiful! The pictures of your wedding day are fantastic!

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