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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mamadot

  1. Mamadot

    Waiting waiting waiting

    I'm scheduled for my psych eval in 10 days. From most of the posts I've read, I don't think we have anything to fear. I think they just want to ensure you are a good candidate for the surgery, and are going into it informed and committed to the process and lifestyle changes. I was told at my MD consult appt. that it would take about 5 weeks after the psych eval for all the processing between the MD office and insurance company to receive authorization, and then I could schedule my surgery. Good luck, and I hope the rest of the process goes quickly for you! Hang in there, I really believe it will be well worth it :w00t:
  2. Congratulations on your surgery and good luck on your journey! So far it all seems to be moving pretty fast for me, too! I started investigating in February, and may be scheduled for surgery in May. From all the posts I've been reading, I guess we're pretty lucky! I hope your recovery goes well, and I hope to be in your shoes soon :w00t:
  3. Congratulations! I hope the next three months goes quickly for you. Good luck on your journey!!!
  4. Mamadot

    How long

    I have Blue Shield in California. I went to my first MD Consult this week and turned in my diet/weight/medical history. I'm not required to go on a 6 month diet pre-surgery. I'm scheduled for my psych eval in two weeks, and a support group meeting next week (my MD requires attendance at 1 support group meeting). Following the psych eval, I was told it takes a week or so for the MD office to process the results and submit the paperwork to the insurance company, and then the insurance company takes another couple of weeks to process and authorize. So, I'm looking at 6 to 8 weeks processing, and hopefully I can schedule for surgery sometime in May. I will be required to go on a 2-week pre-op liquid diet, but I think that will help me get ready for my post-op diet. Good luck, and I hope time flies for you now!
  5. Mamadot

    Approved! Yay!

    :thumbup:Congratulations! Wow, - you have all summer to focus on yourself and adjust to this new way of life, and then just think where you will be for the start of the next school year! I can't wait until I hear that I'm approved! Good Luck!!!
  6. Just went to Disneyland for my Son's 6th birthday. We sat together in the 'Roger Rabbit' ride, and the bar barely came down due to my large belly. My Son is rather short. This ride is really Jerky and spins around, and my poor son was crying at the end 'cause he hit his head several times on the bar as it only went down to the level of his head. That is DEFINITELY incentive for me to commit myself to this process! When I told my boys about my upcoming surgery to lose weight, they both said that I was pretty and they loved me just how I was. They didn't want me to change. I just love my little guys so much!!! I explained to them that I was doing it to be healthier and more active with them. I can't wait to have this surgery!
  7. My BFF and I were both just pre-approved at our MD consult yesterday. We have a pysch eval, support group meeting, and final Insurance approval to get through, as well as the required physical and lab work, but it looks like we could be banded in May. We are SO excited to begin this journey together, and our MD will even do our surgeries on the same day, so we can recoup together. Wishing you all the best in your journeys!!! :biggrin:
  8. Chicamam1 - Snow Skiing has been on hold for me for years because of my weight. I'm planning on getting back into it as soon as I get back into shape. I hope you get back to snowboarding and shred past everyone!!!
  9. KelinTX - Just look at yourself now - you should be SO PROUD! You've come a long way and are an inspiration to those of us starting this journey!!!
  10. Mamadot

    Pre-Op Bucket LIst

    My best friend and I are seriously considering Lap Band, and have already started eating our 'bucket list'. I just joined this site today, and read 'TheGhOst's' posting on another thread... "Speaking of last meals, running up to the pre-op diet I think I had a whole month of "last meals". Everytime I went to eat I kept thinking about what foods I might have to give up after the band and indulging one last time. Ended up it was all a big waste. The foods I use to think I loved and would miss are either just doesn't even interest me any more or I am still able to eat them (in smaller portions). Sometimes I wish I had believed that pre-band, then maybe I wouldn't have started this journey nearly 10 pounds heavier than when I first decided on the band." I'm going to try to stop eating through my 'bucket list' and avoid the extra pounds!
  11. LOVE this thread!!! Things I won't miss... -Holding my pant leg to keep my legs crossed -Using the large Handicapped stall in the Ladies Room -Worrying that my young sons will fall out of amusement park rides when they sit next to me, 'cause the restraint won't go past my big belly! -Grease stains on the chest of all my blouses -Thigh friction -No energy to stay active with my young sons -No energy for sex with my DH :thumbup:
  12. All of your posts are so helpful! I've been seriously overweight my entire adult life, yo-yo dieting for 20+ years, and I feel I'm ready for a drastic change. Gastric bypass is not an option I would choose for myself. Lap Band seems like a much safer option. I like the idea of starting over with a stomach like a new baby's. I know this will not be easy, but my best friend and I are strongly considering taking this journey together, and I have a wonderful husband supporting me. I want to be actively involved with my two young boys throughout their lives. So, I think I'm ready for this.:thumbup: I have a consult on 3/9, and hopefully I'll be scheduling soon after.

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