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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mamadot

  1. Surgery Date: May 19th Weight Loss Preop: 18lbs (2 week Pre-op Liquid Diet) Weight Loss Postop: 14lbs (2 week Post-op Liquid Diet) Total Weight Loss To Date: 32lbs :bored:
  2. Mamadot

    Ugh... First Sliming Experience

    I have avoided bread since I was banded 5/19. I LOVE garlic bread, so when my family would have some, I would just take a few bites and descreetly spit it back into a napkin and throw it away. The day before my first fill, I decided to try some wheat toast with butter. I took a small bite and chewed really well, but it still got stuck. I started to slime a little, and it took several minutes to finally go down - a very unpleasant feeling. I think I was saved due to the small bite and chewing, but I don't think I will be eating bread (or anything doughy) for quite some time. I'll go back to my chew-it-up-and-spit-it-out routine when I'm craving garlic bread. I figure this will reduce my calorie intake, too!
  3. IMPORTANT INFO... I just wanted you all to be aware if you have sinus congestion/drainage when you get a fill, you may feel additional restriction and have a hard time getting down water or anything. My best friend had the same fill amount as I did (4 cc's) but she could barely get 3/4 of the water down, thought it would get better, and had a rough time the rest of the day and night 'sliming' and was unable to get anything else down. She was better in the morning, and able to tolerate soup and a protein shake. If you're going in for a fill and have congestion, you may want to postpone it, or at least mention your congestion to your doctor before they give you the fill. Here is a thread on congestion and fills: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/colds-sinus-infections-cause-changes-your-band-47756/
  4. My best friend and I both were banded on 5/19. We both had our first fills Monday (6/15). I went first. Our doctor's Nurse Practitioner handled our fills. I didn't even feel the needle stick. She injected 4cc's, then I had to slowly drink an 8oz glass of water. Well, I wasn't expecting much or any restriction with my first fill based on what I have read by others on this site. I was wrong! It took me 20 minutes to drink my water - very small, very slow sips. With each sip I would gurgle and burp and feel some tightness in my chest. I thought I had too much fill, but I just needed to get used to the sensation and sipping small amounts slowly. By the evening I was able to slowly sip a protein shake. She recommends 2 days of liquid diet, and then slowly adding solids. I'm thrilled feeling the restriction, but it does take some getting used to! It's now Wednesday, and I am eating solids - very slowly, very small bites, chewing to pulp, and very small portions. I know to stop when I hiccup or gurgle, or it just feels like I can't get anything else down. My eyes are still hungry, but my stomach isn't. My stomach makes some very embarassing noises after each meal! :blushing:
  5. I start my day with a protein shake that has 35 grams of protein and 170 calories (WorldWide Protein from Trader Joes) to ensure I get enough protein. From what I've read, I think you should try to get at least 1000 calories daily so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Oddly enough, eating that few of calories (500) may stop your weight loss. You definitely need to get the minimum protein required by your doctor or dietitian to avoid complications due to protein deficiencies (i.e. thinning hair along with more serious issues). To increase your protein and calories while keeping your hunger at bay, it's recommended to find healthy, solid, protein-rich foods as opposed to the protein shakes that do not remain in the upper pouch and do not satisfy your hunger as well as solid food. I get my first fill tomorrow, so I'm sure I will be challenged to eat enough healthy, protein-rich calories once I feel more restriction.
  6. Mamadot

    Not for the squeamish or shy...

    OK - I'm joining in and adding the scoop on my poop! I was at Catherine's today looking for stretch pants that would fit me through a few sizes down :welldone2:. I hadn't passed any more than a few rabbit droppings in the last couple days. I just started solid foods yesterday. So, I feel an uncomfortable urge, and thank God they had a private restroom. First came a round of diarrhea, followed by 15 minutes of extreme pushing, culminating in the birth of a giant redwood tree trunk! I didn't think it was possible to have diarrhea and constipation in the same sitting! And I certainly didn't think it was physically possible to get that giant, horrendous mass out of my rear end! :frown: (I can't wait to weigh myself when I get home - I should be down a lot!) I thought the 'Rock of Gilbralter' story was funny until I was contemplating it while planning my own birth announcement! How is it that I have been constipated throughout the 4 weeks of liquid diet, and when I start solids I have my first bout with diarhhea? I used to be a regular, 1x daily girl, but now I think I need some of that 'Benefiber' you're all talking about. Oh Happy Days!!!! :thumbup:
  7. I am on the 27th day of liquid diet. The two hardest days were the two days before surgery on Clear liquids only. The rest of the time I have been surviving on Protein drinks, lowfat, low sodium Soups, lite yogurt, and choc mint SF Jello pudding (yum). I am SO SICK OF THIS DIET, but the up side is I'm down 25lbs in 27 days, so that keeps me motivated :thumbup: Last night we went out with friends to 'Bucca di Beppo' italian family-style restaurant. The portions are huge and delicious! I thought it would be torture and I would have to sip Water, but they did have a delicious 'Wedding Soup' that I asked for just the broth, so it was a treat and kept me satisfied (along with a spoonful of my hubby's pesto sauce :party:) Tomorrow is my follow up appt. and I am praying I'll be cleared for soft/mushie foods. I was so excited at the market today buying eggs, mashed potatoes, laughing cow cheese and cottage cheese. I think I'm about over the worst of it!
  8. My best friend and I were both banded by Dr. Quilici on 5/19. We both had very positive experiences. He has an excellent, well-rounded program, including the pre-op requirements (fully coordinates nutrition assessments, psych evals, working with insurance companies, etc.) to surgery (very minor discomfort - I wouldn't call it pain - small incisions, no staples) to 'free' pre- and post-op support groups. Dr. Quilici is a reknowned bariatric surgeon who teaches these procedures to other surgeons. He surrounds himself with top-notch associates. He provides his patients, free of charge, with twice monthly support group meetings and sponsors Dr. Summer Perry's one-year 'Eating Normally' psychological nutrition program. We highly recommend this surgeon for the Lap Band procedure.
  9. Mamadot

    Good Books on Lap Band

    The absolute BEST BOOK on the whole Lap Band journey... (includes several personal stories with before/after pictures and is written by a reknowned surgeon and a program coordinator) Lost and Found: A Guide To The LAP-BAND Journey by Dr. Nirmal Jayaseelan and Cynthia Jones O'Kelly (Paperback - 2009)
  10. Hang in there - it seems you are so close to making this happen! Instead of being devastated by your physical reflection, be very proud of your resolution and determination to succeed in improving your health to benefit you and your darling triplets I was just banded on 5/19, and it has been the BEST thing I have ever done for myself (and my family)!!! My two young boys are into exercising and eating healthier already, and my diabetic husband has been losing weight as I don't have all the junk food in the house. Good luck!!!
  11. Mamadot

    Any tips on survivng the Preop Diet

    I just survived 2 weeks pre-op liquid diet, was banded 5/19, and just finished my 1st week of post-op liquid diet with 1 more week to go. It's not easy, but definitely do-able! I was lucky that my best friend and I had the surgery on the same date by the same surgeon, so we are on the same food plan and can co-miserate with eachother - our nightly talks really help. Make sure your protein shakes have a good amount of protein (I was drinking one with 35gms of protein 2 times a day = 70gms). The protein will keep you from feeling hungry. Drink lots of water, and have a variety of soups (Campbells has a low sodium, low fat cream of chicken that's good) and lite yogurts. I lost about 18lbs during the 2-week preop, and I'm down 22lbs now - that is great incentive for me :smile: Good Luck!!!
  12. I haven't tried Optifast or Medifast. My MD recommended 'World Wide Pure Protein' available at Trader Joe's. It comes pre-made in 11oz cans in Vanilla and Frosty Chocolate (there may be more flavors), and has 170 calories with 35 grams of protein. The flavor is tolerable to me (some people really like it), it doesn't give me any stomach problems, and it's easy to bring to work or wherever I'm going. I can't tolerate Aspartame, and this protein drink doesn't have that - it is sweetened with Sucralose, which I can tolerate.
  13. Pangaeus - My MD required a 2-week pre-op liquid diet. I'll share it with you in case you would like to follow one provided by an MD vs. your own 'made up' diet. You should be proud of your dedication to succeed! Here it is: Full Liquids (1000 calories & minimum 70grams protein daily) including: Skim Milk, Low-Fat Low-Sodium Cream Soup, Any Fruit Juice without Pulp, Any Vegetable Juice, Sugar-Free Pudding, Sugar-Free Jello, 'Lite' Non-Fat Yogurt, No Sugar Added Fudgesicles, Protein Supplement (recommended: 11oz can World Wide Pure Protein - 170cal 35gms protein, found at Trader Joe's - 2 daily - Or any protein powder equal to 70grams protein daily) Liquids that can be consumed in any amounts: Water, Crystal Light, Diet Snapple, Tea, Coffee (preferably decaf), Sugar-free Jello, Sugar-free Popsicle, Low Sodium Broth I've been on this diet faithfully for 4 days and have lost 7lbs. Good luck!
  14. Bamagal - thank you so much for your response! By the amount of weight loss noted on your ticker, you have done really well and I value your advice. I need to get my head out of 'volume eating' mentality - all or nothing, and learn how to eat like 'thin people'. With this band and weekly support & nutrition meetings, I believe I have the tools to succeed.
  15. I'm on day 3 of my MD's required 2-week pre-op liquid diet (1000 calories daily). I had a really hard time the first two days - lack of energy, headache, and actual physical hunger - but I woke up this morning feeling great and I'm down 6lbs! (of course I recently gained a couple pounds during my 'Last Meals', but I still am happy with a 6lb loss!) I probably wouldn't have felt so bad the first couple days if I hadn't been on a week-long 'Last Meal' binge that ended the day before the start of the liquid diet. I would advise anyone nearing your pre-op diet start date to start easing off the volume of food you eat so you don't come crashing down the first couple days. My surgery is scheduled for 5/19 and I'm so excited that now I will have less than 100lbs instead of over 100lbs to lose once I'm banded. This pre-op diet gives me a nice head start. Best of luck to all!!!
  16. Awesome weight loss, Danimal! I hope to be right near you after my 7 days, as I'd like to be down 10lbs for my final Surgeon visit before surgery. Hang in there, all, we're almost to surgery!!!
  17. For about 6 weeks after attending my first informational seminar on Lab Band, I ate like there was no tomorrow! I had decided to have the surgery, but hadn't nailed down dates or surgeon. I went to every 'favorite' restaurant and ate every 'favorite' meal (w/dessert) that was on my food 'Bucket List'. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed every morsel and felt like I had a fitting 'good bye' to the foods I didn't want to indulge in again post-op. Following this eating spree, late one night I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest and I had chest pressure over the next few days. I thought I had done myself in! I didn't think I was going to pass the 'Cardiac Clearance' my MD required (which, luckily, I did). Once I really initiated the process by meeting with my surgeon, getting nutrition info, psych eval, etc., I toned my eating down a lot (no further heart issues). I did, however, have a few great 'last meals' the week leading up to my 2-week pre-op liquid diet. My last 'last meal' was a large volume of Mexican food at lunch the day before my liquid diet. As delicious as it was, I think I paid for my final week of 'regular' eating, as the first two days on pre-op liquids was really hard - I was hungry, had a headache, grumpy, and lethargic. I think I was crashing after eating all the food and then having next to nothing. By the 3rd day of liquids I was feeling great - no more headache, more energy and less physical hunger. I am completely dedicated to this process and will not put one morsel in my mouth that isn't on my liquid diet list over this 2-week period (I've already lost 6 lbs - woo hoo!!!) Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience without condoning my actions. If I had it to do over, I still would have had 'some' last meals, but not to the extreme that I took it
  18. My best friend and I are both scheduled to be banded on 5/19 - we are SO excited!!! Best of luck to all!!!
  19. Mamadot

    Mayo Bandito's dates only

    May 19th is the date my best friend and I will both get banded. We can't wait!!!:thumbup:
  20. Mamadot


    I have been living through my 'lasts' for well over a month now. There was a previous thread titled 'The Bucket List' and I had quite a long 'Bucket List' of foods and restaurants I ate my way through. While I feel like I'm ready to start this journey now, and was able to say 'good-bye' to many of my poor choices and large servings, I would NOT recommend this path, as I gained about 5lbs and did not feel well overconsuming above and beyond my 'normal'!!! Has anyone seen 'SuperSize It'?!! Plus, if you were to do this close to your own scheduled surgery, it may impact your physician's decision to hold the surgery due to enlarged fatty liver! Today was to be the last day of my 'Bucket List' - with April 1st my start date for cutting back before the liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery. I had the last thing I was craving - chocolate molten lava cake, this weekend, and now my obsession with getting my 'lasts' in has been quelched. My Psych eval was complete last week, and I am hoping to have insurance approval soon, followed by a surgery date in early May. I joined Curves to start exercising, and I'm on a healthy mindset and on track now to get back to all my 'Agains' I have in store for me (I just LOVE the 'Agains' reply :cool2:) Best wishes for success to all of us!!!! :biggrin:
  21. Mamadot

    SHOPPING Dreams...

    Betzeebug - Last night I was thinking about buying a sexy dress in a size 12 or 14 and hanging it where I could see it for motivation! So cool that you did that! I love reading all these posts and dreaming about the day in the not-too-distant future that I'll enjoy shopping again!!! I'm hoping to be banded in May, and I have plenty of clothes in a variety of plus sizes , but I'm excitedly anticipating when I'm back into a 16 - then 14 - and possibly 12??!!! OMG - I think I will stare at myself in the mirror all day long!!! Calf-high boots, fitted jeans, and a form-fitting sweater with sexy bra/panties underneath - and it's actually a possibility, or should I say probability now! Good luck, all!!!
  22. We recently purchased a Wii game system. We all set up our Miis (cartoon characters of ourselves to be used as the game characters). I picked features similar to my own, including a larger body size. Well, when I was playing with my young sons last night, my 7-year-old said I needed to make my Mii bigger to look more like me!!! He wasn't trying to be rude, because he is the one who said he loves me how I am and is concerned about me changing the way I look and feel to him. But it still hit a nerve! Maybe I should create a skinny Mii as positive reinforcement of my goals :thumbup:
  23. Thanks for posting that info - it is very helpful! I'm sure I'll be receiving more detailed info on my pre-op diet within the next couple weeks (surgery is targeted for May), but it is really helpful to have this info in advance so I can start taste-testing protein shakes and bars.
  24. Mamadot

    Great Appt today!

    Congratulations and great job!!!
  25. StephO - The way you wrote/shared that last event made me feel like I was right there with you! I'm so sorry this happened to you!!! It reminded me of the time a few years back that I was canoeing with my husband and young neice. My husband and I were having a Water fight with the oars, and I accidentally fell overboard in the middle of the lake. I couldn't get back in, and my husband was unable to lift me back in, so I had to hold on while he rowed us back to shore. There was a lot of slimy, fresh-water 'sea weed' that I had to be pulled through before we got to shore. Several of my extended family members were nearby watching, as this was at a family reunion picnic at the lake. UGHHHHHH! I am SOOOO excited to live life as a thinner person without all of the physical weight issues! Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories and words of support and encouragement - this is a GREAT group!!!

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