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Everything posted by Mamadot

  1. Mamadot

    Maintenance Support

    Welcome back, Linda. We're all here for you - experiencing our own challenges and looking to eachother for support and inspiration. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles, but it sounds like you're motivated to get back on track - good for you! You didn't mention your activity level? I've found exercise and activity is the key to overcoming plateaus, jump starting weight loss, and maintaining. You can start by just adding more activity to each day - taking the stairs (if you're able), parking further and walking whenever possible, and just getting up and moving on breaks and throughout your day. I didn't exercise at all before the band, and I'm still challenged maintaining a regular exercise routine, but I have been successful adding more activity and movement to my everday life. Best of luck - you can do it!!!
  2. As some of us original members are trickling back, let's keep in touch here and share our ongoing maintenance challenges, hopes, and successes with eachother like we did when began this journey I'm 2 1/2 years out, initially lost over 100lbs in at sixteen months, and put about 14 lbs back on over the last winter holiday season thru spring. I got back on track by training for and completing a sprint triathlon this month. I've lost the 14 lbs and I'm back to maintaining my original 100lb weight loss. I'd still like to lose another 10-15lbs, but I'll be happy to maintain where I am currently. My challenge is to continue to exercise regularly and make healthy food choices throughout the fall and winter months (especially over the next holiday season ) Looking forward to keeping in touch - receiving support from and giving support to all of you! {{{Hugs}}} & Smiles Jennie
  3. Mamadot

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    It's great to see all of you back on this site, Gaye, Ann, Rebecca, and Denverlee! Denverlee, I think of you and your daughter often, and I'm so happy to hear you say that she is doing well. I'm happy for you that you seem to be at a point that you can focus some attention on yourself - you deserve it! All of us have had some challenges over the past 2 1/2 years, but look at us - were still working towards our goals and keeping the bulk of our weight off. I attended a support group meeting last night that was focused on the challenges of maintenance and keeping the weight off. I put about 14 lbs on throughout the last Christmas holiday season into spring due to poor food choices and waning exercise routine. I finally took it off by setting a goal to complete a sprint triathlon with a group of local women, which made me exercise regulalry rotating between jogging, bicycling, and swimming. My food choices naturally became healthier once I established the exercise routine. My whole body leaned down, and while I'm not at my 'ultimate' goal, I am back to maintaining my original 100lb weight loss. The sprint triathlon (400 meter swim, 10 mile bike, 5k (3.1 mile) run) was 2 weeks ago, and I completed it without walking and without coming in last. I was ecstatic (still am). Now my challenge will be to maintain an adequate level of exercise and healthy food choices throughout the fall and winter months, with no major race or goal (other than maintenance) to focus on. Keeping in touch with this wonderful group, as well as continuing to attend my local support group meetings will definitely help! Best of luck and continued success to all of us Jennie P.S. - I'm going to start a new thread called 'Maintenance Support', as this thread is so long! Come meet me there...
  4. Mamadot

    Life after goal weight.

    I'm so glad you posted, Denverlee! And I'm so very happy to hear your daughter is doing realively well!!! Please know you both continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! I have a picture of your daughter at my desk, from the fundraiser held in her honor. I send positive thoughts and prayers whenever I look at her smiling face. I was the caretaker for my Mom during her bout with breast cancer over an 18 month period, and as emotionally draining as that was, it doesn't compare with what you, as a Mother, are going through caring for and observing your young daughter. I hope you continue to post here when you need a safe place to vent your emotions. More than that, I pray you can find someone that you are comfortable talking to in person, that can provide you with the support and insight you need now and throughout the next several years. You are trying to be so strong for so many people right now, that you probably are giving little to no time for your own needs. While I'm sure it seems exhausting to make time to care for one more person - you are the most important person that needs to be cared for right now, so you can be the best you can be while continuing to care for your daughter. Holding in your emotions for too long may cause a meltdown, so please consider finding someone to work through your emotions with. As for your weight, there are a few of us who were banded in May '09 that are fighting with emotional eating - falling back into old habits - and dealing with unwanted weight gain of 10 or so pounds. My surgeon said years 2 thru 4 are the most difficult - dealing with real-life issues while maintaining a healthy lifestyle after the initial glow and excitement of the Lap Band procedure has dimmed. So hang in there, Sister, and know that you are not alone in this journey. Take it a day (sometimes a minute) at a time. Love, {{{Hugs}}}, & Smiles Jennie
  5. Mamadot

    Words of Wisdom...Please?!

    I'm almost 2 years out, having lost 100lbs after 16 months. The surgery was a breeze for me - minor discomfort, no pain or gas, and easy recovery. This has absolutely been the BEST thing I have ever done for myself and my overall health and well-being! I can relate to all that IndioGirl posted. I am dealing with 'head hunger' and allowed 10 lbs to creep back on over the holidays (chocolate and chips go down way too easy for me, and are trigger foods that I have a hard time controlling portions). While I hit several plateaus during the past two years, this is the first gain. I am fortunate that my Surgeon provides a well-rounded aftercare program, at no additional charge, including weekly support group meetings and an 11-month cognitive behavior therapy course. If you have support group resources available, I encourage you to take advantage of them, as the surgery only helps with the physical issues - you still need to find a way to work through the mental issues related to obesity. I allowed my exercise to lapse over the holidays, and just got started again. I think I'm back on track (and down 2 lbs) with the support of the meetings, and I've re-joined a group of women who participate in local 5K & 10K runs and train together. Our goal last year was a 5 mile mud run, and that really motivated me to exercise regularly. I didn't exercise at all prior to the Lap Band, and running was the last thing I ever thought I would do - now I love the way it helps tone my body and makes me feel! This year's goal is a mini-Triathalon, and that goal has motivated me to re-establish a regular exercise routine. Since I have a desk job, I make sure to take a daily walking break and I go up and down 7 flights of stairs in my building. I also park at the far end of the 4th floor parking structure, so that is another 4 flights of stairs once or twice a work day. If traditional exercise is not appealing to you, just increase your daily activities - no elevators, more stairs, park farther away, walk around your work environment as much as possible, and find fun, active things to do on your days off. As for protein shakes, Slim Fast are pretty low on protein compared to other options. My absolute FAVORITE (and I've tried many) is Premier Brand Chocolate Protein Shake available at Costco or online. They are pre-made in a carton, and taste like chocolate milk without the sickeningly sweet artificial sweetener aftertaste. A case of 18 goes for $24. They also come in Vanilla, but I prefer chocolate. They are low-cal (160 cals), low sugar (1 gm), low fat (3 gms), include fiber (3 gms), and high protein (30 gms - 50% of a woman's daily requirement) I drink one each morning for breakfast, and I'm satisfied until lunch. My husband is type II diabetic, and he drinks one each morning for breakfast, too. It's really important to get enough protein, and with the limited amount of food you will be able to eat, a good-tasting high protein shake can be a great supplement. Best of luck to all of us on our journeys!
  6. Mamadot

    Top 10 Mistakes

    I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, Ann, but I had problems when they changed this site and I haven't been back until today. I am having the exact same obsessive food issues as you posted! I put on about 10 lbs over Christmas and New Years. I take a few pounds off, and then put them back on again. I'm obsessive with chocolate and chips - easy foods for me, and I have absolutely NO control once I start eating them. I am so upset with myself - I feel like I'm back to yo-yo dieting! I just re-read this list you posted re: "Top 10 Mistakes WLS.." I'm going to print it out and be more aware of my actions. I looked back on what I was doing while I was successfully losing the 100 lbs, and what I am no longer doing. I definitely let exercise slide over the holidays. I met my goal last year of running in a 5 mile mud run, and I thought I could continue motivating myself and exercising without formal goals - I was wrong. So, I recently rejoined the group of ladies I was running with, and now we have a new goal of participating in a mini-Triathalon in the fall. That has given me the motivation I need to start exercising more regularly again. My Surgeon provides weekly support group meetings that I attend regularly, and that helps, too, but I am still VERY challenged with choosing the right foods, and not obsessing over food. My Surgeon has a nutritional Physchologist on staff that started a new 1-year program (meetings once a month) called 'Between Starving and Stuffed' that is really helpful in becoming aware of and dealing with your food issues without eating through your problems. I wish this class was every week! I kept hearing about a 'Honeymoon Period' through the 1st 18 months, where losing and maintaining were fairly easy, and then 'real life' would sneak back in. Well, I think for me the honeymoon's over! Thank God I've developed several healthy habits along the way that I think will help me avoid total relapse, and I continue to have a wonderful support base. I just have a few trouble spots that I need to work through, and I need to get back to what worked for me over the past year. While I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling, too, it is helpful to know I am not alone! We've both come SO FAR, and I'm sure we both have it in us to maintain our healthier lifestyles with the help of this great tool. Best of luck to all of our 'Mayo Banditos' in our 2nd year and beyond!
  7. My husband and I celebrated our 10th anniversary in June 2010. I was about 10lbs shy of my major goal of losing 100lbs. I found a beautiful bracelet with 10 sections (signifying 10 years of marriage) and 100 tiny diamonds. My husband bought if for me as an anniversary gift, but I would not wear it until I hit my 100lb goal, which I did this past September. Over the holidays, I gained a few pounds, so my bracelet is now back in my jewelry chest until I shed those extra pounds. To help me achieve this, I'm training with a local group of women for a mini-Triathalon in the fall. I started out last year training for a 5K run, having NEVER been a runner or athlete, and that really helped me achieve my goals. So, to continue to keep motivated to exercise, I'm stepping it up by committing to a mini-Triathalon. I can't wait to wear my beautiful bracelet again! Best of luck to all of you in keeping motivated to reach your own health goals!
  8. Mamadot

    Life after goal weight.

    I just visited the website and saw the most beautiful Princess! She takes after her beautiful Mother! Thank-you for sharing your story with us - prayers of support can help bring about miraculous results, and the more people that know about your precious daughter, the better! May she be blessed with complete healing, comforted during chemo, and go on to live a long and healthy life charming the world with her radiant smile! I wish I lived in your state, because I would love to participate in Dakota's run in person! You look amazing! As others have mentioned, your health is vital to caring for your daughter. Reaching/maintaining your goal and keeping active with your running in the midst of life's struggles is a testament to your inner strenghth and your commitment to a healthier lifestyle. I pray you have a good support base of family and friends nearby, surrounding you with love, ears to listen, and shoulders to lean on/cry on when needed, as well as arms to hug you in support and to Celebrate the small and large victories during the course of your Daughter's triumph over Leukemia! Sending you my heartfelt thoughts and prayers for complete healing for your Daughter, and prayer of encouragement, strength, and serenity for you!
  9. Wow - what a GREAT day today! :thumbup: I weighed this morning and I finally met my main goal of losing 100 lbs (101, to be exact - lol). I remember way back when John, Ann, and Dani reached their 100 lb goals, and they all inspired me to reach mine - so thank you all SO MUCH!!! I have been on a plateau for months, but I started to make better food choices over the last two weeks, and finally took off the last 6 lbs to exceed my goal - I'm SOOOOO happy! The most I have ever lost on any 'diet' was about 40lbs, and never came close to any goals. I was even OK during the plateau, because I was at least maintaining a 95 lb weight loss (+/- 2 to 3 lbs), and I know maintenance is a challenging road. I still want to drop another 10-15lbs, but even if I maintain at this weight, I am extremely satisfied and feel successful! My Husband and I celebrated our 10 year annivarsary back in June, and he bought me a diamond bracelet with 10 sections and 100 tiny diamonds. I decided not to wear it until I reached my 100 lb goal. Well, we're going out tonight, and I will finally get to wear my bracelet!!! I can't wait :smile:
  10. Mamadot

    Met My Goal of Losing 100lbs

    Jago - thank-you for your kind words of support, and know I will be thinking of you on 11/22! I can't wait to receive your posting that you have met your goals - 'cause I know anyone that puts their mind to it and takes the steps to get this procedure and work with this incredible 'tool' can and will succeed! You go - JaGo!!!!!!! :thumbup:
  11. Mamadot

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    Wow, Ann, you have been through a lot in the past few months, and still you keep your sense of humor and your support for the rest of us! I think of you often, as you are a special woman, and I pray that you heal quickly! I am so happy for you that you drastically reduced your chance for recurrence. I was priveledged to support my Mother during her bout with breast cancer a couple years ago, and I saw the inner strength and courage (along with a great sense of humor) it takes to go through the treatments and become a survivor - so my hat is off to you!!! I'm glad you get a flat tummy out of this! My friend and I are both researching our reconstructive surgery options - I could use a lower body lift, but it is such a massive surgery with a lengthy and uncomfortable recovery (not to mention very expensive and not covered by insurance) that I doubt I will proceed. Luckily my husband loves me as I am, my body tucks nicely into clothes and support garments, and I don't ever plan to wear a bikini. My arm 'wings' don't thrill me, but the visible scars from an upper arm lift don't appeal to me, either. So, I'll wait and see. Please let us know when your tummy tuck has healed, and if you would recommend it to others. Be sure to get plenty of rest and be good to yourself - you deserve it!!!
  12. I see that there are still several of us who were banded in May 2009 that are still visiting this group site. I thought we could share what is working for us in our 2nd year, inc. food choices and behavioral changes that continue to support our weight loss/maintenance efforts, and any new or ongoing challenges we face. I have four main 'keys' to my personal success in losing and maintaining 95lbs weight loss (to date): 1. Drinking a 'Premier' brand chocolate protein shake for breakfast every morning (my favorite for taste, consistency, and sustainance - found at Costco - $23.99 for a case of 18 - 30gms protein/3gms fiber/1 gm sugar/160cals). I tend to be very tight in the morning, and cannot tolerate solid food very well until lunchtime, so the shake really satisfies me until lunch and provides me with 1/2 my daily requirement for protein. It's also very convenient as it is pre-mixed - grab and go! 2. Exercising - I was not exercising at all pre-band, and moving only when I absolutely had to. I would wait any amount of time for an elevator to take me up 1 floor. My best friend inspired me to start jogging, with a goal of running a 5 mile mud-run this fall. I hated running, but we started gradually in January of this year, and now I can slowly & consistently jog 6 miles without stopping. The 5 mile mud run is in 3 weeks, and we are both ready. The jogging has toned and shaped my entire body. While I still don't LOVE (or even like much) jogging, I do love how it makes my body look and feel :thumbup: ! I jog 3 times a week, and for the rest of the week incorporate a lot of movement whenever possible. I always take the stairs in place of the elevator, and make several trips when I'm loading or unloading groceries (or whatever) instead of trying to carry everything in at one time. I don't look for the closest parking space, and I no longer move my car when I'm shopping at a large outdoor shopping area and I want to shop at the opposite end from where I parked. I walk to speak with people in person at work whenever possible instead of using e-mail or phone. I try to make additional movement fun by playing more with my 7 & 8 year old sons (tag, frisbee, walking/jogging while they scooter, etc.) We all love the fun bonding time! For the jiggly arms - I'm using the 'Shake-It Weight' and doing the 6-minute DVD exercise program several times a week (see a demo at www.shakeweight.com) It's definitely toning my arms and shoulders, but it won't completely fix my arm 'wings' :huh2: 3. Support Group Meetings and Forums - I'm very fortunate that my physician provides a well-rounded program, including weekly support group meetings and a 12-month 'Eating Normally' cognitive behavior therapy course - all offered at no additional charge. I have taken full advantage and attend all the meetings offered with few exceptions. I have designated Wednesday nights as my night to take care of my own health and well-being. My Husband picks up my sons and has a 'guys night' (which they thoroughly enjoy), and I go to my meeting and then exercise with my best friend. I feel mentally and physically rejuevenated. I never had taken care of myself in this way prior to the band. Our 'Mayo Banditos' forum and the 'Lap Band Talk' site in general has provided me with invaluable information and support. Even when I am not posting, I check in and read your threads and share your challenges and triumphs! 4. Last but not least - the awesome support I have received from my wonderful husband and sons, my parents, friends (especially my best friend who did this with me), and co-workers. I've been so very blessed with unfailing support and encouraging compliments from everyone I have shared this process with (and I've shared it with EVERYONE :biggrin:) Challenges: 1. Making better food choices - expanding my selections from the easy 'slider' foods (softer foods, lots of gravy or sauces, ice cream (though I have substituted 'Skinny Cow' and low-fat/non-fat frozen yogurt for Haagen Daas :wink2:), chips and dip, etc) and including fruits, vegetables, and more meats. I need to take on the 'harder' foods to digest, and just eat smaller portions following the 'rules' of eating small bites, chewing thoroughly, and eating slowly. 2. I've gone through many phases of regularly PB'ing, sometimes because I wasn't following the 'rules', and sometimes just so I could eat things I shouldn't or eat more than I should! (twisted, I know!!!!:scared2:) My band seems to occasionally self-adjust tighter - so it may have slipped (self-inflicted :sad:). I'm at a good restriction for now, so my physician isn't concerned unless I get to the point that I'm too tight, then they will check it and see if it has slipped, and if anything needs to be done. I've been much better for several weeks now, but it is still a challenge to not eat to the point that I feel I need to bring some back up :drool:! 3. I've been playing with the same 4 to 5 lbs over the last several months. I am 5 lbs away from my main goal of losing 100lbs, and I sometimes feel that I sabotage myself with my poor food choices so I can't meet that goal. Beyond those 5 lbs, I would like to lose another 15-20lbs, but this 'home-stretch' is so much harder than losing the bulk of my weight! Overall - I am absolutely THRILLED with this procedure and the results I have received with the Lap-Band, and I wish I could have done this 10 years ago!!! Can't wait to hear from some of you!!!
  13. Best of luck, Sarah, on your hip replacement surgery. I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers for you on the 29th! I hope this will free you from pain once you heal, and allow you the active lifestyle you desire to reach your goals. You have done amazing getting as far as you have while dealing with the pain - you should be very proud of your accomplishments, and I have no doubt you will reach all of your goals!
  14. Mamadot

    Jennie & Jeri Before, During, Now

    Jennie and Jeri are life long best friends who had gastric banding surgery together in May, 2009.
  15. Mamadot

    Met My Goal of Losing 100lbs

    Thank-you, IndioGirl! WOW - your pictures and stats are amazing! You're inspiring me to go beyond my 10-15 lbs addtional weight loss and go for the 'normal' weight range for my height (another 20-25 lbs :thumbup:). But for now, I'm just going to bask in my 100+ lb success :smile: And thank-you, Jason. You're doing AMAZING with a loss of 75lbs - you'll be here before you know it!
  16. Dr. Perry can be on the conservative side, and sometimes a bit 'dry' in her presentations, but she provides valuable insight into the mental issues that lead to our eating disorders. I attended 'Eating Normally' last year, and I'm repeating it again this year. I'm getting more out of it my 2nd year. As for how much you can lose - it's really up to you, and how much effort you put into embracing this 'tool', following the 'rules' for success (eating slowly, small amounts, chewing throroughly, sipping water throughout the day, eating protein first, making wise food choices, and finding an exercise routine you enjoy and can stick with). I was originally told that I could expect to lose 50lbs. Both my friend and I have lost over 90lbs, and I plan to lose about 20 more pounds and fully expect to succeed. The weekly support groups (including 'Eating Normally') have really helped me stay focused and on track. Good luck!
  17. Mamadot


    I am 1 year and 3 months post-op, and I've been challenged with making correct food choices, eating slowly, and chewing well. I PB'd daily (sometimes multiple times a day - many forced and some involuntary) early on, and I think my band may have slipped a little, as I am only at 6.2 cc's and had to have a small unfill a few months ago, 'cause my band seemed to be self-tightening. Now I am at (what I feel) is perfect restriction. I still PB about once a week, and oftentimes it is just a ball of mucous and gives me great relief. When I have had sinus problems (like others in this thread have mentioned), I would be very tight, and PB mucous. I also 'slime' (I hate that term - but it is what it is) where I spit stringy mucous for about 5-10 minutes following most meals. My Doctor agrees that my band may have slipped some, but unless I want to pursue it, and as long as I can keep in enough nutrients, then there is nothing that has to be done. I'm fine with that for now, and even with these issues, I LOVE my band and all that it is helping me to achieve!!! I would strongly encourage anyone with a band to learn what nutritious foods work best for you, practice proper eating (slow, small bites, chew well, no drinking 30 minutes before/after meals) and work with their Doctors to get to optimal restriction without being too tight. This should reduce or eliminate PB'ing (which can lead to slippage) and sliming.
  18. Mamadot

    What kind of Protein Shakes??????

    My favorite for taste, convenience, and price is Premier brand protein shakes from Costco. In Southern California, Costco carries chocolate, and it doesn't have that extra-sweet artificial sweetner taste - just a good, creamy (not too thick or thin), chocolate taste. They come in a box of 18 cartons for $23.99. I am 1-1/2 years post-op, and I still drink one every morning for breakfast because I like the taste, and it is very satisfying with 30gms of protein, 160 calories, 1 gram sugar and 3 grams fat. You can order both chocolate and vanilla online at the following link: Premier Nutrition - Diet, organic, and low carb, protein bars, protein powders, protein supplements and health supplements Good Luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
