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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by freeradical

  1. freeradical

    My port flipped

    Everything I have is crossed....all the time! Any time my brain is idle I instantly go to Lord please let this band keep working forever. I haven't felt this good in 13 years. Freeradical
  2. freeradical

    My port flipped

    It has occurred to me that the location of the port site maybe the reason for the flipping. Along with loosing weight too of coarse. By the 3rd week post surgery i was able to sleep on the port side. I think that 's one of the reasons mine decided to stand on it's end. I went for my 2nd fill last Saturday and the Doc had to go up above the port and stick the needle in from above straight down. It was strange looking, but worked. Took an hour, but worked. He is really good at this. I still hope this will be my last one, for a good long while anyway. Freeradical 15.5 lbs lost.
  3. freeradical

    My port flipped

    Thanks gonnabethin. The fill went just fine. I don't believe there was anything wrong with it in the first place.
  4. freeradical

    Some Questions to ask about LAPBAND

    I had my pre-op physical on Thursday. My surgeon pushed around on my abdomen and asked me questions about pain and/or gas when I ate. He said he wanted to see if he might need to remove my G.B. while he was installing my lap band. I said "do what?" He said that since I wasn't having symptoms he wouldn't remove it, but he said that after some patients loose a good deal of weight, Gall Bladder problems can arise. That's all I know about that. Freeradical installation date 7/7/06
  5. freeradical

    HELP!! Sabotaging Myself With Booze!!!

    Gotcha, I usually misunderstand these posts anyway. I really should NOT reply to them.
  6. freeradical

    HELP!! Sabotaging Myself With Booze!!!

    I make sure, and I drill it into my head before leaving the house, that every other drink is going to be a large diet coke or ice Water. Something without calories. Another trick if you're sitting at a table or bar is to order a large diet coke or ice water along beside the alcholic beverage. Every two or three drinks pick up the water or coke and drink quite a bit of it instead of the alcohol. I'm usually very glad that I've done this the next day. I don't feel so hungover! Hope this helped. Freeradical
  7. freeradical

    Some Questions to ask about LAPBAND

    I found out, which I'm sure most of you already know, that my ins. will not cover anything before, during or after this surgery. The reply back from my Lab Band Docs office is that after I pay $15,500 up front they will see that I am well taken care of and bill me later if there are additional charges. So that makes me nervous that I could loose everything I own if this thing goes south on me. But hey, I've known people that do very well in bankruptcy.
  8. freeradical

    Some Questions to ask about LAPBAND

    I have a question that I'm going to ask my surgeon's staff tomorrow. I'm self pay, and so far it appears I will be paying "up front", so say worse case scenario and the surgery, or I do not go as well as expected. Who pays for the emergent/extra patient care, ICU, extra days in the hospital, extra medical care, etc.? Will I even receive emergent care since there's no insurance involved? Will they help me out of the crisis and nurse me back to health and put me on some sort of payment plan or what? If you haven't had this question(s) come up before, I'll let you know what I find out.
  9. freeradical

    doc in MEXICO

    It's like I always say, what good is the money if you don't have your health! I'm self pay and I'll be paying it back for a few years to come, but I expect my health to be better, and that will make me able to work and pay it back, and feel good while I'm doing it- ideally that is. Freeradical LB Installation date set 7/7 at 7 a.m. - Oh those lucky sevens:clap2:
  10. freeradical

    Northwest Arkansas?

    Nan, I'm very glad to hear from you. I feel like I'm going to miss my food as well. Did you have problems returning to work, or doing normal daily activities? I'm trying to figure out how I'll change my dog's Water after the surgery without bending over. Should be a riot. I think I'll start out by placing the bowl on about 5 or 6 towels. As you can see in my reply to Cathmo I'm scheduled for 7/7. Freeradical
  11. freeradical

    Northwest Arkansas?

    Hi Cathmo, Did you have your surgery in Mexico? If so, how did it go & are you able to receive follow up care of any kind here? I'm with U of A also and plan to have Dr. Wellborn do the surgery. Freeradical Surg. date set for 7/7/06 @ 7 a.m. Lucky 7s hahaha- I hope!!
  12. freeradical

    South Arkansas

    Jobelle, Thanks for the advice. I'll take it. My office is across the hall from my bedroom. If I get too worried about my work I can just walk across the hall. I plan to be extremely caught up before my surg date. I think I've about made up my mind to go through with it. I've tried to imagine how it will be not to be able to eat some of the things I eat now. It will be strange alright, but I'm determined and once I set my mind to something I'll make it work. I realize the importance in following the pre and post-op instructions, so if my doc does his job right, I'll do mine. I'll be glad when the mandatory support group meeting night gets here (next tues). I still have questions, and once they are answered to my satisfaction there won't be any reason not to press on. Thanks for your reply. I hope you are still doing good. Freeradical
  13. freeradical

    South Arkansas

    Jobelle, I' glad to hear from you! I'm glad you are better. I figured from everything I've read that it would be about a week before you could see progress concerning the pain/discomfort. Have you been able to swallow pain medication? I think I could get through the rough part if I could get pain med in me. If I do this, I plan on taking a week off from work or more if I need it. Do you think that's a good idea? I'm 57 y/o and probably take longer to heal. Hang in there and keep posting. I would like to know how you do. Freeradical
  14. freeradical

    South Arkansas

    jobelle, I'm a little concerned. Haven't found any posts from you in quite a while. Let me know if you are doing alright. Freeradical
  15. freeradical

    Northwest Arkansas?

    Dr. Wellborn said at the seminar last week that it is 24 hrs. or less in some cases. Freeradical
  16. freeradical

    South Arkansas

    Hey all! I'm a new member considering the Lap Band. I'm also considering having my procedure done by Dr. Wellborn. Any advice from y'all will be appreciated. Freeradical Little Rock
  17. Hi all! I'm new. Went to my first seminar Tuesday night. Dr. Clay Wellborn is my doctor. I'm going to contact my PCP and Cardiologist for their opinion and my medical records for Dr. Wellborn. I have a question for the Lap Band Support community. Has anyone out there had Lap Band Surgery who has previously had heart bypass surgery? I have no idea what my doctors are going to say to me when I tell them I am contemplating Lap Band Surgery. Thanks in advance for any replies. Good luck to you all. This has been a very informative site and I don't feel like I'm going into this blinded anymore. Thanks for all your help!!! Freeradical :nervous in Little Rock
  18. UPDATE: Well I heard back from my cardiologist yesterday. He said that he had no problems with my making it through the surgery just fine, but he though there wasn't enough data on the long term effect of the procedure. In the US the longest is 5 years I believe. Overseas may be another story, but that wouldn't be more than 14 years at any rate. That would be find with me as it would give me time to save up $ for band removal/replacement, since I'm self pay. He said he wanted to do more research on the subject and talk to Dr. Wellborn before he made a definite decision. I haven't heard back from my PCP yet. Believe it or not he is more informed on the latest medical policy/procedures than my Cardiologist. Freeradical

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