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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beachgirl

  1. I'm going to give you a good swift kick in the azz. Just kidding. Lighten up on yourself. Your still healing. You haven't had a fill yet. Your doing fine and you will get there. It gets some taking use to and when you get really good restriction, trust me, it won't be a problem. You'll know you can't do it and your band WON"T let you do it. Just take a deep breath and say, I will be fine. Hugs, Sherri JO
  2. beachgirl

    Is Age A Problem?

    Hi and welcome, I'm close to your age. I'm 43 and was banded last year at 42. I've lost 80 pounds this first year and although it's slowed down I'm still losing. I think you'll do great. This is the greatest place in the world for support and help. Congrats. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  3. beachgirl

    on the fence

    I think your doing great. My surgeon says 2 pounds a week is where we should be. Anymore than that if you have the saggy skin issue. I did loose faster in the beginning. I lost 60 pounds the first 5 months but now just 1-2 pounds per week and I'll take that anyday over gaining like I use to. Just breath and don't be so hard on yourself, your doing wonderful. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  4. beachgirl

    Do I have to much restriction??

    Just be careful, I'm been banded for one year now and my fills never fully take effect for 4 weeks. I'm 4 weeks out right now from a very little fill of .20, ( I have the small band) and I pb'd last night. Very tight. I just don't want you to be miserable on the cruise. I loose less when I'm so tight that I can't eat food than I do when I can eat. Sounds crazy but it's true. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  5. beachgirl

    Very Scared!

    Oh, It's nothing at all like that. In fact, when I Pb, I can Pb or wait it out if I want to. It's just that it's pressure in your chest and sometimes I don't want to wait it out so I just lean my head over and it more or less comes up itself. It's not like puking at all. I was scared too death but it's a very simple, quick process. I can usually walk it off, do some yoga and give it some time and it will pass. But you can breath and everything else is normal, just some pressure pain. It's not bad at all. You'll be fine.
  6. beachgirl

    I am SO angry right now.

    I'm so sorry, that really sucks mud. I hope they make an exception since you weren't told and change that for you. Sending you a big hug that everything works out for you. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  7. I wished I had the magical answer but for me it was just time and a tight till. I mean now, I'm very restricted and I know as well as the writing on the wall if I take a sip while eating I WILL PB, no if ands or buts about it. It was really hard for me but it does eventually happen. Now I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I'm one of these that did it from day one because I didn't. I drank with my meals for a long time and then when I finally got tight I just couldn't and so now I dont. Don't worry, it will happen. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  8. beachgirl

    on the fence

    There are several polls on here about how much they've lost, how fast and I know 8 people who are close friends that have been at goal and still loose. I know there are probably people that may gain but I don't know any plus if they were gaining they would just need a fill. I've been banded 12 months. Had lost 60 in the first 6 months. Then got too tight and slowed down my losing but it's perfect now and still losing 1-2 pounds per week which is plenty fast for me because after losing 80 pounds and I'm older, 43, I don't have any loose skin. I would have it done it a heartbeat. I too was self pay and went to Mexico and it couldn't have went better. I go to Dr. Curry for fills and he is the best. I would sure think twice about backing out, I wished I had of had mine done years ago. Not only did I loose 80 this first year but if not banded I would have gained at least 20 or more and so I'm 100 pounds to the good. I went out to eat last my with my entire family at Ryan's which is a huge buffet. I tasted of a little of everything I wanted and was done. Eat maybe one cup after everything was said and done and had a wonderful time. I never focus on food and eating I just eat to live. Good luck and you will do wonderful.
  9. I've been banded for 12 months and can take my loritab 10's which are the same size as the gucophage and my 2 other pills at the same time. I've never had to cut them or crush them. I know some people do so you might want to just buy a pill cutter and try it. I bought one a year ago and it's still in the package. I don't want diabetes but I was self pay for my surgery and altogether been out about 20,000.00 and my husband the year before I was banded was put on glucophage. I've only lost 80 pounds in one year being banded and he's lost 60 just from being on his glucophage. My mom is also on it and has lost 70 pounds in 2 years. It makes me feel bad that he's lost as much as me and didn't have to be banded. Oh well, I guess I should just be proud I don't have to take it it's just the idea of it and believe you me I hear it monthly that he lost weight for free and it cost me 20 grand. lol. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  10. beachgirl

    Bad needle pain with fills?

    I had one where his asst. tried I think fill #5 and it hurt because she poked me 6 times but Dr. Curry hits him the first time every time and he sprays this numbing spray the whole time the needle is in which is just for a second or 2 and I never feel a thing. I swear it doesn't hurt.
  11. beachgirl

    charley horses ...

    WOW, My husband suffers with them so bad that he screams and walks through the house up to several times a night sometimes. I thought it had something to do with his diabetes but it doesn't. Would you believe I've heard probably 10 people tell us to try the hotel soap bar under the sheets and I have a bunch of them from my banding in Mexico so I guess it's not going to hurt to try. I mean he will holler, scream and almost cry and I usually end of getting tickled at him and then he gets mad. He's tried all of the Vitamins and stuff but we also haven't tried the pickle juice. He'll think I'm wacked when I put soap under his sheets and give him pickle juice, oh well, he thinks I am half the time anyways. LOL. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  12. beachgirl

    A year ago today

    Wow, You skinny minny little studette muffin. You look awesome. Thanks for sharing, you really look great and I bet dh is very exicted. Hugs, Sherri
  13. beachgirl

    FILL Question.....

    I've had to but with very little tweaks. I too have the small band and had 2.5 in it and with perfect restricition and a month ago after I'd lost another 10 or 15 pounds I felt I needed a tad more so had just .20 put in and am very tight again. I would say that after you loose a little that your band loosens because your stomach is getting smaller. This all is just my opinion though. Good luck, Sherri Jo
  14. beachgirl

    Dating someone with an Autistic Child...

    I don't know anything about the illness but I do want to say that I admire you wholeheartedly. You have to be a very kind and caring person. I know some people would probably just run and you seem to be an amazing caring person and I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and you keep up the wonderful work. You sound like you make a wonderful couple.
  15. Noone knows this about us but I'm going to tell you so you won't think your all alone on this. My husband's first affair was 14 yrs. ago. Our children were 5 and 3. We had just built our first home and it was the first on in this subdivision that today the cheapest home in there is 350,000.00 and at the time we just gave 99,000.00 for it. Anyways, I would drive home on weekends to see my family that were 1 1/2 hours away and take the kids. I never noticed him acting different and he was a meat Market Manager for a large corporation and I was small, had a good sex life, beautiful home and a dog, lol. We sold that house a year later and moved back home. One night at 3:00am our phone rang and it was a man. He was furious. He said your husband had an affair with my wife and I just found out about it and if I could get my hands on him I would kill him. My world fell apart. I didn't leave him. He is the only guy I've ever dated and we were childhood sweethearts. We worked through it and he had the gawl to tell me that they got drunk at her swimming pool party while I was at home with the kids at my parents. He took her to my new home, had sex with her 5 times and she spent the night. Now we have a good sex life but we've never had sex in the shower and he said we also had sex on the couch, in the great room floor, and in our bed. I just couldn't believe it. Never wanted sex in the shower with me. That being said, we have been through a lot. Still married after 25 yrs. and going through something similar now. I guess what I am trying to say is there is alot of that that goes on and it's nothing you've done wrong. I think men just wander sometimes or at least some of them. Don't blame yourself, take care of yourself and your kids. I'm still with mine and we'll see how things go. I wish you the very best and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep me informed on how your doing. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  16. See how much support is here. You will love it here. If you ever have any questions you need answers to and I can help please feel free to pm me. I would love to see some pics of where you live if you ever get a chance. I envy you. Good luck on this marvelous journey, Your banded friend, Sherri JO
  17. Quit laughing first of all. I know I'm too old to be going back to college and wouldn't have done it a year ago and 80 pounds heavier so I guess it's kind of a NSV. I have always always always wanted to work in a hospital and I quit college after one year ago a few years back so I enrolled today and classes start 8/10/07 and I'm so excited. I pray I have the strength and energy to finish this time. Pray for me. Just thought I would share. My daugher in-law went with me and enrolled as well so we can go together and she not knowing it would hurt my feelings said on the way down there today, "I admire someone at YOUR age going back to college". I could have strangled her but I guess if you think about it she's right.
  18. beachgirl

    Port showing?

    I agree, I think with time you'll be fine. I too didn't have much stomach fat so I had the mini, lowprofile port put in, it really makes a difference, it's much smaller and not as deep. Good luck and congrats on your need journey, you'll love it. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  19. Welcome, welcome, Oh I bet those mountains are beautiful. California is one place I've never been but do want to see so bad. I loved the mountains in Monterrey Mexico where I was banded. Hope everything is going great for you and congrats on your banding. This is the best place in the world for support and info. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  20. beachgirl

    Got Something Stuck While Eating

    You'll be fine. It happens to all of us at one point or another. I've pb'd probably 20 times over the course of a year and you eventually learn to walk, yoga and different things to keep from actually throwing up. Sorry you had to go through this but hope it wasn't too bad. Hugs, Sherri Jo
  21. It was 40 or 50 for me. What's bad now is they ask me every time they see me and they think I'm a gastric bypass patient and when I say I've just lost 5 or 10 they sometimes act dissappointed.
  22. beachgirl

    43 and just enrolled in the R.N. Nursing prog.

    Thank you so much everyone. Rose thanks for your kind words. I go tomorrow and I'm so excited for the first day. I here some of the classes are really tough so I will really have to study but I will do WHATEVER it takes. Thanks again, you are a sweetie.
  23. beachgirl

    What do you eat when you eat out?

    I love Terriaki Chicken with veggies, baked potatoe, things like that. Steak just doesn't do well no matter how tender or what kind. Chineese for some reason doesn't do well either.
  24. beachgirl

    Band at Surgery

    I didn't have any fill but Funny had surgery the same day as I and she said they put some in hers. I have the small band and she has the larger so I don't know if that had something to do with it or not. Dr. Curry gave me my first fill 3 weeks after surgery.
  25. beachgirl

    help from anyone who.

    I think the reason is that after you loose a few pounds your stoma is smaller and therefore the band gets looser but that's just my opinion. I would most definitely get a slight unfill. I went through that being too tight for 3 months and didn't loose an ounce and then got .30 taken out and started losing 2 pounds a week again. Don't wait like I did. Good luck. Hugs, Sherri Jo

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
