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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 4my4kids

  1. Hello Everyone:

    So glad I found this blog...I 2 am a slow loser. And I finally have accepted that that is OK! I was banded in Dec. 09. I have lost 75lbs, i lost 30 lbs pre-op for a total of 105 in 2 years....I 2 have been a victim of you own laziness and unwillingness to change old habits. Once I decided that the last 30lbs were not going to come off without some lifestyle changes I was forced to take a hard look at myself....And we all know how we love to do that...For my birthday this year I asked for a bicycle and a committment from my family not to bring junk food into the house....OH HOW I LOVE THE SWEETS....Everyone so far has been very accommodating..My birthday was only Sept 13th so we will see. I am riding my bike everyday and have lost about 4lbs. I did not change anything other than adding bike riding and not eating sweets...My goal is to be at goal weight by Dec. 2011. I to thought that I would already be there and having some skin removal done by now...But the one thing I can honestly say is I have a life time to get that skin removed. That was not something I could have said before lapband....Everyone keep working hard every pound lost is one you didn't gain....If you have only lost 30lbs in a year so what....That is 30lbs you didn't gain....and we all know that it is very easy to gain 30lbs in a year......KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK EVERYONE!


  2. Ok fellow bandster's I am having a very difficult time right now and need some words of encouragement.....:thumbup: I have not lost but 4 lbs in the last 8 weeks...I also have not been the best exerciser or watcher of what I put in my mouth....I seem to have fallen down and am having a hard time getting up again!

    I lost my sister in March...My parents who have lived in the same area as me my entire life have now moved to Missouri, my husband how I love dearly has decided to become very possessive and insecure so I seem to be taking better care of him than me.....I know I just hit a bump in the road but thought I would handle these better than I have...I am going to see a different surgeon tomorrow. My surgeon is 6 hours away from where I live and I don't seem to make it over to the Front Range as often as I need to for adjustment. I was forced to chose that surgeon because of insurance reasons...I now have different insurance and can see one in my area...I hope that will help me....I have also joined a local gym, as walking and swimming don't seem to be cutting it anymore....I'm sorry if I sound like I am whinning but that is probably what I am doing.....Just need a little encouragement to pick myself up and get going again....You guys are always great for that! I will keep you posted as to my progress after seeing the surgeon tomorrow!

  3. Glad you straightened that up. I was thinking... if she's losing 40 pounds a month since December - I'm definitely doing something wrong. HAHA

    Hey guys,

    I hoped on here today to try and get some self reassurance. I have done very well since my surgery on Dec. 2nd, 2009. I have lost 45lbs. I am very happy about the results dont get me wrong...But I seem to be on a plateau...I have not lost a single pound in 3 weeks..I havent changed my eating habits or exercise habits. I am starting to get a little frustrated and listening to that stinking thinking we all get when we arent progressing like we want. I know I should be happy with the results so far and not worry these things happen....But Damn it SUCKS! You guys are all doing great and keep up the hard work....And don't we all wish we could lose 40lbs a month!:(

  4. I thought that I was in need of a fill because I didn't feel any restriction for several weeks so scheduled an appointment with my surgeon. Since scheduling that appointment I seem to be getting a little tighter on my own. Can that happen or is that just wishful thinking on my part. My last fill was January 14th. Just wondering if this could happen or if I had finally went totally crazy! HAHA

  5. I am terrified of going to the gym. I have had so many gym memberships that I have quit using and paid for I could probably have paid for my surgery. The reason I am unwilling to join a gym at this time is because of my fear of failure. I have been so positive through out the process so far and dont want another gym failure to derail me...I will continue to go for my daily walks and have purchased an eliptical for home and I am very happy.....I don't believe you have to be a gym rat to be successful at weight loss, just find what works for you and GO FO IT!

  6. I was banded on 12/2/09 with a 14cc band. I have currently 6 cc and feel no restriction. I go to the Dr. on Thursday and hope he will give me a fill. I try not to get down on myself but it feels so much like a diet now and not a lifestyle change. I still want to eat and if I sat long enough and drank enough liquid with a meal I think that I could eat a normal meal again....I am so ready for the band to start working for me like so many others have said. I have lost 37lbs so far so probably should not be complaining. Just ready for a little help from the band.

  7. I was banded on Dec. 2nd. Since surgery I have lost 35 lbs. I have a 14cc band and have had only 1 fill. I currently have 6cc's....I have no restriction I feel...I have another Dr. appt. on Feb 18th. I am hoping for another fill. I to have had to rely on Portion Control and old fashioned will power to lose what I have lost...But thats ok because it is 35lbs I have not GAINED...I am so glad I stumbled on to this thread....I love it...


  8. I did Weight Watchers and saw my family Dr. every month....She was an advocate for this surgery so she took very good medical notes...My surgeon says that is the key to getting Cigna to pay....great medical notes on everything from exercise, to mental health, and any other complications you may have due to your weight. as well as, not going more than 30 days between Dr. visits...If you do they can make you start all over again. It was my understanding it really didn't matter how much weight you lost on the program, just that you did it and stuck to the program...Good Luck you will do great!

  9. I had my first beer or tried to have my first beer 2 months post banding.....I had about 3 small drinks and thought that it was going to come back up...I was so full feeling very uncomfortable....I have since tried Diet Coke and Rum and have had no problem with just one drink...I think as long as it is occassionally and not excessive you should treat yourself every now and again!

  10. You have made the greatest decision ever! I to have been heavy all my life and have been on every diet know to mankind at least once if not twice.

    My insurance company Cigna made me do the supervised weight loss program for 6 months before approval. Boy was I pissed....Did they not know I had tried everything prior to this....BUT in the long run I am glad i had to do it.

    It tought me to look at food for nutrition and not as comfort, it tought me to control my portions and think about everything i put in my mouth. I lost 30lbs in that 6 months and have lost about 40lbs since surgery. I think that I have been successful and not had bouts of depression that some seem to have after surgery because I had already started taking control of my own food intake.....

    GOOD LUCK! :rolleyes2:

  11. I had surgery on Dec. 2nd, 2010....I had my first fill on January 18th. I am scheduled for another fill on Feb. 18th. I have lost 34lbs so far.My question is when does this become a lifestyle change and not just another diet? I have a size 14 band with only 6cc's in. My surgeon will only add 2 cc's at a time because I live 5hrs from his office. I have no restriction at this time and have to measure and weigh all my food. It really sucks because I feel like I am on another never ending diet. Is this a normal feeling or am I just whinning! I know that I should be greatful for the weight loss so far....but I was just hoping for a little more help from the band.


  12. This same thing happened to me where I work....At first I 2 was very upset....Again I was worried about the food police and always having to justify what I am eating...But I think that the person who did this to me thought that he had my best interest at heart and I have had to just let it go.....I think being positive through out the whole process is more important than being worried about what someone else might think...You will do great!

  13. I am a first time poster so I hope I do this correctly. I just finished my 6 month Supervised Weight Mgmt Program. I have Cigna insurance and during that 6 months I lost 39 lbs. My PCP tells me not to worry about the amount of weight that I have lost. That is not what they are looking for. I have lost the same 39lbs so many times. I am so worried that since I lost 39 lbs then they will assume that I can just continue to lose. I know me. I will fall off eventually and gain all the 39 lbs back and then some.

    I am really excited about this process and am really worried about this weight loss period. Am I worrying when I don't need to be. Has anyone had Cigna and been turned down because of to much weight loss during the 6 month period. I have been on such a roller coaster I will have a hard time bouncing back if I am denied. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.


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