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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Tiffykins

  1. I just saw your post on OH, and wanted to make sure you get these messages, I replied back here after we came home to shower between swimming/fishing in the gulf, and then heading right back out to dinner with friends. We didn't get back home until after midnight.

  2. Hallelujah ! ! ! That is excellent news, and I am so stinkin excited for you. I can't wait for you to the sleeve. That's absolutely awesome ! ! ! WOOHOO

  3. Hey there, and thank you.

    As for the skin, oh believe me, I have plenty of it. But, it is rebounding nicely. In that dress, honestly, all I have on underneath is a pair of hipster panties. I still have a small fat roll, little pooch on my lower abdomen, but I've learned to accept it. My boobs are shot to hell, and I will have breast implants. I will also have a tummy tuck after I have another c-section. I do have kind of wrinkly skin on my upper inner thighs, and honestly it doesn't bother me. I still have flabby arms, and that's why I wear shrugs/bolero type garments with sleeveless/tanks. In reality, my body is pretty "droopy" as my husband says, but like I tell everyone that asks me, I wouldn't trade in the body I have now for the body I had at 270lbs, well except for my boobs LOL. I do miss my boobs, and actually hate them right now, but nothing that a great push up bra can't conceal when I have on clothes.


    Best wishes, and if you need anything, let me know.



  4. Once you get further out like I am, making better choices is a lot more difficult because all the swelling is gone, and all the bad foods, carbs, junk, candy, all go down super easy, and it's just wasted calories. Like I said, just because our stomachs are smaller, it doesn't mean we can't suck down a 3000 calorie milkshake. Those type of foods, ice cream, cake, cookies, chips, pretzels all slide right on through.


    You really do have to battle the food demons with more than a tiny stomach.

  5. You will definitely have to change your lifestyle. If you don't know get a good hold on your eating habits, and why you can't make good choices on your own, counseling may very well help you. The sleeve does make it easier especially in the beginning to make better choices. You really don't have room for anything other than protein foods if you want to follow the rules. If you choose to eat carbs, and junk then you aren't going to lose, and without protein, you could heal slower, lose more hair, and more muscle mass, so it's more than just eating right, it's about feeding your body properly when we have such a tiny stomach.

  6. Any weight loss surgery is going to let you cheat it. None of them stop you from putting bad foods in your mouth. That part of weight loss is all on us and our mind. I literally have zero issue eating half a bag of cheetos, but I don't because that would make me gain. Any one of us can suck down a 3000 calorie milkshake, but you have to be willing to not do it. There are healthier options, you just have to be willing to make the right choice.



    Remember, they operate on our stomachs, not our heads, so all the head hunger and bad habits are ours to break. The sleeve simply makes it a bit easier.

  7. Hi there, you honestly have to change your relationship with food. I can eat a lot of junk food if I want to, but I have to make the better choice. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy some stuff that a lot of people avoid because they can't stop eating it when they start. I don't have that problem. The post-op diet is not difficult to stick to if you want to lose weight. Also, I found that since my hunger was gone, I didn't have a problem eating protein first, and then veggies. I didn't have a lot of room for carbs so that's how I lost my weight so quickly, and never had a stall.

  8. For me, it's a balancing act. Old habits could creep in, but I also gained 5lbs on vacation, and once I got home back to my eating plan, I lost it within 6 days. It's weird, and my surgeon told me to expect a 10lb bounce around up and down after I hit my year surgeriversary which is June 3rd. So I kind of see what he is talking about.

  9. My nut recommended 1500-1800 calories a day. Limit white carbs to 80grams, up the protein to 80-100, and stay low fat since I had my stupid gallbladder removed and can't eat full fat stuff anymore. I eat lots of veggies, and pita chips. I am finally able to eat avocados and peanut butter again so I think those healthy fats are helping me maintain. Since February 4th, I've dropped 13lbs. The gallbladder surgery sent me into losing again.I still have amazing restriction, and still eat by the rules 90% of the time, but sometimes I'll eat more potatoes, pasta or rice and some veggies at some meals just because that's what my body is craving. I've gotten over head hunger. I still make the best choice when it comes to snacks, but I splurge a couple times a week.

  10. Hey chickee, I'm 27lbs below goal. My nut increased my carbs, and calories. I have to eat a minimum of 1500 calories on average, and get in about 60-80 grams of carbs per day. If I eat fruit, I go way over that, but I'm still getting in about 60-100grams of protein. It's tough because I still lose a couple here and there. I have to honestly graze now to stop losing. I am even eating white carbs to stop the lose, my body is in overdrive it seems. I even had to quit cardio and heavy working out, and just focus on muscle building.


    Congrats on getting to goal. Maintenance is tough for me. I found losing much easier. But, now I just eat whatever I want, and quit stressing over stuff. So, far I'm holding steady around 123lbs. I want to gain back up to about 128-130, but I think my body is comfortable right where it's at.

  11. I would recommend the sleeve over any other WLS. There is no way I would ever recommend the band, and I love my life with the sleeve. It's the best, and I have nothing bad to say about it. The band on the other hand sucks, and the statistics on the band are just horrible.


    The sleeve has given me a wonderful life, and I have achieved so much physically and mentally over the last 11 months.


    Best wishes on your surgery, and if you need anything feel free to contact me.


    The carb thing is pretty easy to manage early out because we really do not have room for carbs. Once you get further out, and the sleeve relaxes, it's a bit easier to get more in, and have some carbs occasionally. But, it's all in moderation and the sleeve makes it so much easier.

  12. You've done really great Laura. Honestly, if you're snacking, you'll have to go back to basics. How many calories are you getting in? Are you still tracking? If not go back.


    Try doing 800 calories for 1 day then back up to your norm calories for 3 days then back down for 1 day. Shake things up, freak your body out.


    I know you can do this Laura. The weight regain is probably water weight. I found drinking some diet grape/cranberry juice made me pee more when I was retaining water. It helped.


    Laura hang in there. You're only 5 months out, and you'll get to goal. Put the snacks away for a few days and go back to mainly protein. If you have to use protein drinks to keep your protein up and carbs low.


    Don't give up chickee, you've come so far.

  13. Congrats on your loss thus far. Missed ya around here, don't be a stranger ! ! !

  14. I completely fibbed. I do have a blog on here and on OH. I don't update often and my blog is not always sleeve related, but more like every day/life happenings. I'm not sure I could have like a blogspot blog, I'd be afraid it wasn't popular enough, and that I would bore people to tears. I actually write poetry and short stories, and enjoy writing, but I don't know if I could handle the "rejection" or lack of interest in my little life to blog on a public venue like blogspot. I'll add you to my contact/friend list so you can read my blog.

  15. Thank you for the sweet picture comments. The dress is having to be altered, and I'm going to have about 2inches taken up in the hem. Thank you again, I always have to have my long dresses altered even with heels, I'm just too short LOL.

  16. Find something you love, if you like to dance, I always recommend Hip Hop Abs, it's great for tummy toning and it doesn't feel like I'm working out. Also, Zumba is a blast so check out Zumba — Ditch the workout, Join the party!

    to find a location that offers it near you if you think you might like it. I loved it and even though I couldn't keep up, and am not the most coordinated person in the world, I enjoyed the heck out of it.


    If you like to be focused, then I suggest joining the YMCA near you, and have them teach you how to use the machines. That is part of their membership fees. They will teach you how to use the machines, and which exercise work best for certain areas of the body. My Y offers Zumba so I was able to use the gym stuff and do Zumba all for 30 bucks a month.


    I hope this helps. To find Hip Hop Abs, check out amazon.com



  17. Currently, I'm doing some light isolated toning exercises with the EA Sports Wii Active. I also only lift weights and have quit all cardio. During my losing stage, I did Hip Hop abs 2-3 days a week, and then I would lift 2-3 days a week. I would change it up quite a bit, and didn't have a real structured program until around 6 months out. Then I got real serious with the weight lifting. I laid off of it after my gallbladder surgery in February, and haven't been able to get back on schedule.

  18. Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and smooth recovery tomorrow. You know Swiftflow is having surgery tomorrow in Denton, Tx at the same exact time ! ! ! My thoughts are with you.. . .

  19. Thank you so very much ! ! ! I love my sleeve.

  20. The uploader is being an a$$hat, and has me and several other members especially from OH in the videos without permission. I tried to be nice then they copped an attitude. I've reported them to youtube so we'll see what happens.

  21. Thanks for sending me the link. I'd heard I was in a video over there, but had never seen it before. I never gave anyone permission to use my pictures so I'm not sure who published it. I don't necessarily mind, but it's kind of creepy. Thanks again.

  22. I have no firsthand experience with Houston surgeons, but a dear friend of mine in real life used Dr. Audencio Alanis and had an amazing experience with him, his staff, and facility. I think Shanda and Alegna both used him here but neither of them post frequently.


    Dr. Alanis - Houston Weight Loss Surgery, Houston Lap Band Surgery, Houston Roux-En-Y Surgery, Houston Gastric Band Surgery

  23. Thank you bunches Anna. I figured when they needed to insult my surgeons, and call me narcissistic and arrogant that they were simply making themselves look bad. I have never once insulted anyone's surgeon choice, nor bashed any surgeon on this board or any other board. I find it comical truly because now that the truth is coming out, and it's out in the open forum, posted by people that have first hand experience that they want so badly, I sit back and think, hmm my opinion doesn't seem so trivial at this point. I've known about all the stuff for over a year and have never said anything bad. I've simply stated what my needs are, and that my standards would not be met by certain facilities. Yet, I'm arrogant and narcissistic. I told a few people that I'll just chalk it up to them being hungry, and hormonal.

    You're doing fabulous, and drink a couple ounces of gatorade to feel better. Seriously, or even some Pedialyte. 4 ounces of Gatorade or Pedialyte will not hurt your weight loss.

  24. YAY YAY so happy for you. That's the day before my kiddo's bday ! ! !

  25. I'm so glad you got it, I was worried bc I sent a package out to someone else and it never made it. I know life has been keeping you busy as a bee, so I thought you either got it, and was loving life, or you didn't get it, and the mail man had been using it LOL. Thanks for the sweet compliment. The new color is growing on me LOL.

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