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Posts posted by NiceWillSuffice

  1. I was banded April 2009...14 months later i hit my goal as of yesterday! Slow going but pretty happy.

    Havent had a fill since before Christmas. Finally figured out what i can and cant eat and how much. I mess up and PB from time to time but not much.

    The down side to slow weight loss is instead of going from huge clothes to small clothes I had to buy different sizes every few months! still worth it.

    Went from tight fitting "loosefit" size 40 jeans to size 34 "regular fit".

    My blood pressure is good too and my energy level and even though it gets hot where I live im not nearly as miserable as I used to be.


  2. its both..fill er up!

    On January 12 I had my first fill of 3 CCs - and for the first time I was very restricted (surgery 11/16/09). I struggled for about the first 3 weeks trying to figure out what I can eat and how much and how long to chew. My doctor said that if I haven't lost 8 pounds by February 12 I was to come back for another fill. I've lost 7........and I'm beginning to fill less restricted. Now I don't know if that' because I've learned how to eat or because I've lost 7 lbs, my band is now looser.

    Should I fill or not?:angry:

  3. You feel this way because you JUST had surgery. Its takes a week or 2 for the anaethesia hangover to go away..plus any pain meds you might be taking and even if none, just the antibiotics can have side effects. Your coming out from under a major cocktail..full of gas, swelling and probably having a deficit of sugar/salt/vitamins, etc.

    I PROMISE..it will pass and the way you feel 1 week from today will be very different. Not perfect..but different.

    Its normal in the first month or so to second guess.

    Wait until you feel great again and realize you have no restriction and can eat anything you want! then you will REALLY second guess the process!!!!..but then its fill time. :angry:

    Its not just a tool..its a process. I'm almost a year in and loving it.

    I was banded on Thursday and I still feel really bad. I have no energy. I feel very full after just a little bit of Water or tea. I can't even imagine having Jello, oatmeal, applesauce, etc.... I am not even able to finish a whole popsicle. I had half a popsicle yesterday and felt very full. Will this go away? Why am I feeling this way? I am worried that I will never be able to get my daily Water intake, and even less eat any normal food. I am so worried that I might have made the wrong choice by getting this band

  4. I couldnt handle the Worldwide shakes either and didnt like them. The only Protein shake I like is the 50 Grand Slams from GNC in the red can.

    They have a powder too, but i dont care for it.

    I am trying shakes pre op and had the Pure Protein (worldwide protein) and had very bad "runs" all day... I wonder if anyone had this experience and if they know what is going on... Maybe it is the Lactose? Can anyone reccomend protein that is good that will not cause this side effect?

  5. Nice work, soon you will be JWow from NJ! :hurray:

    :angry: Hey all my name is Elizabeth I was banded on 2-3-10 and this is so new to me lol. Doing well I guess on the three different things I'm eating just a bit confused but I'm sure everyone is at the onset. If my scale is right as of today I have lost 9 of the 70 lbs I would like to lose! I'm excited and scared at the same time. I look forward to posting with you all! ty

  6. it doesnt happen to everyone and its not ALL your hair. my docs preop program they say when it thins its from lack of Protein. If you need the band..especially for health reasons dont worry about your hair. a good cosmetologist can do wonders...and you'll be thin/healthy. :angry:

    ive been hearing a lot that once youve been banded, after a few months your hair starts to fall out....does that happen to most people or is it rare? also, why do you think that happens? is it a Vitamin deficiency or something of that nature?

    just wondering!

  7. Congrats,

    you are in the BandHell Club. Since Preop & since Jan 15th when you were banded all the weight you lost was from your own work..or post op eating limitations.

    That rocks. 1 pound is nothing..although I understand NOT wanting to go backward.

    Just keep fighting until March 8th..then 2 weeks after that the fight might start again. Its a bit of a merry go round until the restriction is dialed in.

    Be excited. you have a lot to look forward to. :angry:

    Omg!!! I gained a pound, i had my surgery a month ago today, i had lost 25 lbs pre op diet and post op.... I weight myself this morning and i gained a lb!!! I havent had a fill yet, i get one march 8! And i cant wait because right now i can eat everything i want and it is soooo hard trying to stick to a diet after those miserable starving weeks from the beginning.... I dont know how to stick to a diet right now!!!!!!!!!!!! How did u guys did it!!!

  8. wow nice work! keep in mind you might need to do it again..or even again. Right now it probably seems perfect.

    Hey, besides losing fat around the band..the fill can cause light swelling making the feel tighter than it really is. After a week or so you get used to it and the swelling goes down and it gets loser.

    Why would a fill cause swelling? Beats me..BUT..this is the reason my Doctor recommends Clear to Thick to Solid for a couple days after a fill. Some Docs dont. Point is, more fills might be in your future but for today..enjoy the restriction. :angry:

    Hi had my 3rd fill on Thursday - Total 5.5 CC.

    Had a tough 4 days - including not being able to drink more than a sip of Water :-(.

    But my perseverance paid off - Have lost 7 pounds since my fill, and have move to thicker liquids!!! (I guess I have lost some fat around the band and swallowing has become much easier).

    Really excited as I had not lost weight for more than 2.5 months!!!!

  9. I had about 8 fills untill it got dialed in. So no, once your fill level is dialed in you wont feel that way any more.

    I had my surgery on december 16, 2009. I am due for my 2nd fill on February 11 but I feel like I can eat as much as I used to! I dont, of course....but Im ALWAYS hungry! always! Will I always feel this way?

  10. Normal. you need a fill once your doc says its ok. Might need several overtime. But..normal. I think people call this period of time you are in "Band Hell".

    hello - I was banded a few weeks ago and can finally eat solid food. I am finding that I am so hungry these days. i did really good on the preop diet and lost 15 lbs however since being banded I have not lost anything. Plus I am hungry all the time. I am trying to make good choices but nothing seems filling. Plus.. I have this pain on my port side but it is not at the port location. Could i have broken my band? Most likely not but paranoid none the less.

    I think this is all normal however when will I stop being hungry? Are you supposed to lose weight before your first fill?

  11. Of course!!! you were just banded..fast surgery or not its a prety big deal. It takes a week or more for the seditives/drugs to come out of your body plus I assume you are not drinking caffine, and reduced sugar intake and might be taking painkillers..etc. There are lots of reasons to still be tired..the number 1 for YOU is you just had surgery. :)

    It can take 3 months to feel a good version of normal. 1 day at a time. In 4 weeks you will feel nothing like you do today..AND..you will be skinnier!

    I'm sure being exhausted within the first week or so after surgery is completely normal. Try not to worry so much and don't be afraid to call your surgeon with any questions you may have.

  12. Hi Lynn,

    Its pretty normal to need another fill a couple weeks later. It feels tight at first then settles in and gets looser and/or more fat shrinks and it gets looser. Either way, what you are experiencing sounds simply as-if you need another fill.

    If the band is tight enough, you will not be able to overeat (unless you eat around the band with milkshakes or whatever).

    I felt the same way at 2 weeks..MULTIPLE times. 2cd guessing if the band even really does anything. Yes readers, i know it is a tool and requires work...BUT the restriction is black and white. It either IS restricting or is NOT restricting. You need a fill.

    It took 8 fills and mine has been perfect now for months. One time they extracted all the Fluid then refilled it. That made a huge difference. I had a 10cc band (or maybe 12 I forget now). Your is much smaller but its only 25% full!

    As far as pain..where is the pain? In the port hole? Around the port? Constant in your stomach? Only when you swallow? You need to provide more info on that one.

    My insurance covered the fills..or its included in the overall. Sound like you are paying al-la-carte. Sounds like you still need another regardless.

    good luck.

    Does anyone else have a problem with controling their eating 3 weeks out from a fill? I don't think it should be this hard - anyone else struggling with will power? I have a 4cc maximum band; had 1 cc fill on 1/13/10. This worked for about 2 weeks and then it's been downhill ever since. I think I may need more already but can't tell if it's a psycholgical battle or physical battle I'm fighting. The fill was terribly painful (I question if this is normal) and the doc said I'd never need more than 2 cc maximum. I can't believe there are those out there having 4-5 fills. The expense! the pain! I need some reassuring advice. Anyone out there with a small (4cc) LAP-BAND®?

  13. well here is my opinon...

    • In one week I have lost 10 lbs. Is that average?

    I lost 12 the first week.

    • Which are the best Vitamins to take and what dosage?

    I was told..and still take a Flinstones complete and a B12. It is amazing how much B12 helps for energy

    Whatever is chewable from costco. No magic here. Compare calorie/sugar contents then pick.

    Hands down..GNC 1000 Grand Slam - premixed in a red can and cold. Its the best.

    Have never seen a clear Protein Drink.

    • Any lotions or tricks to prevent saggy skin?

    didnt have that problem

    • When will I feel normal again?

    Never..which is good. Our "Normal" is what got us here.

    • Any good blogs or website that could be helpful now that I have the band?

    You are on the best one

    • Any other good tip you think I should know?

    Yes, be patient. How you feel will change daily over the next few months.

    my 2cents.

  14. :tt1:every 2 days it'll get better and after a couple weeks will be a lot better..until now enjoy clearing the room. haha

    I was bannded 8-11-09. Every day I get bad gas build up in my chest cavity area. I am a receptionist so I sit most of the day. I do make plenty of excuses to get up and walk around but I still get bad bloating/gas to the point that it gives me dry heaves, something that needs to be avoided. My doc suggested extra strenght Gas-X. I take 4 a day before my day at work is over, it gets rid of about 70%. Is this always going to be like this for ever? Will it ever go away? Any suggestions please!!!!!!!!:biggrin:

  15. August 25th is my birthday..i was banded in April so that I could turn 40 on 8/25 being at my desired weight.

    I will remember all of you getting banded on my birthday too.

    Its so great so many people are fed up..had enough..and doing something that WILL work instead of all the things that WONT work.

    Congrats - 8/25 will be your new birthdates too. :angry::)

    Hey Everyone,

    I am going to be banded August 25th, 2009. I am very excited, no very nervous right now, but expect to be as we get a little closer.

    I am on my pre-op diet. I have to do it for 2 weeks. I get a shake for B-fast and lunch, then a small meal for dinner(meat and a veggie). The last day or 2 will be Clear Liquids only.

    Anybody else scheduled for this day? What type of diet, if any, are you on. How do you feel right now? Excited, nervous?

    Good luck to all of you,



  16. PBing I would describe as burping up what you just ate..BUT..its not really down in your stomach so its not really throwing up although a couple times I PB'd and it triggered real vomitting..from the gut. yuk.

    mostly happens from swallowing a lump (getting stuck)..but also from overeating.

    The slim is litterly mucus. its gross but usually only happens when your PB'ing or about too

  17. if all you eat is crappy food today..you'll lose weight with little effort because you won't be able to eat nearly as much of it.

    (portion control as 1000 people already said)

    If you want to lose weight and be healthy you have to pick healthier food and believe me you will want to because you'll be so modivated. it does MORE than take the edge off.

    Just do it. all you got to lose is weight.

    What good is the band if it doesn't do the work for you? Okay, I know this sounds stupid, but please read on....

    I sat through a lapband seminar the other night, and after listening to this doctor and the people who gave their stories, I am beginning to wonder if I am just crazy. I thought I was ready to have the surgery (meaning I had no fears of the surgery itself) but was struggling over having to lose 40 pounds (yes, the doctor says this has to be done first). However, after sitting thru the seminar, now I confused myself and messed up my thinking. I am hoping someone out there can help me straighten out my thinking process on this one!!

    IF you have to work just as hard (or harder) at watching what you eat, and how much you eat after being banded, then what's the sense in having the band in the first place?

    It seems to me that IF I could watch what I eat and how much I can eat, then I wouldn't be obese and searching for other options (ie: weight loss surgery).

    SO...I guess what I'm asking is... If I can not be discplined enough NOW to watch what and how much I eat, how is the band going to change that?? IF you have to work just as hard or harder after the banding, then what good is the banding? What exactly is it's job? I know everyone calls it a "tool", but what good is the tool if it doesn't help me change the way I choose foods and their amounts? I hope this makes sense to someone out there!! Please help if you can!

  18. I am 4 months on and i had 4 small and one larger for the port. I am very fair skin and the large one is very visible and the one above the belly button is also visible. the surgen made the cuts in the crease of where the rolls were so they should enhance my six-pack once the weight is gone. haha.

    I expect the larger scar will fade but always be visible. Looks kind of cool like I got in a knife fight. :w00t:

    So I was just wondering, out of curiosity, if your incisions left any visible scarring and if it had faded any. I was in the store yesterday and saw scar cream and wondered if it was worth using or not. I'm not personally all that concerned with the scarring aspect, as I just allowed myself to have a band placed in my stomach through my bellybutton (;)!) but I just wondered if anyone has had success with hiding the scar.

  19. Barneygirl,

    I think I can answer this! I have had more than 5 fills and been banded 4 months.

    So i want to suggest that your band still is not tight enough. I believe the band should be tight enough that even really well chewed food should be a little restricted and fill the "stoma".

    I had the EXACT symptoms you described 2 fills leading up to my last one. I felt good restriction but could easily "eat around" the band by chewing.

    This last fill was like magic..at first i was scared it was too tight and it took a few days..but now im dialed in by going tighter.

    I can even describe how it feels, if I drink a cold thick Protein Shake I can feel the band..not pain but I feel the drink pass through. That was the magic tighness for me because at that point well chewed NON liquid food backs up a little.

    To be clear..it doesnt get stuck but it takes a while to go down.

    Here is another way I identify being "dialed in"... Say I eat a couple ounces of well chewed chicken. If I take a swig of Water I will burp up all the water and the food along with it. Why? Because the food is still trying to go down and water has no where to go so it gets bletched up.

    My guess is you dont have this experince. You probably either get stuck..or it goes down.

    Soooo, my infinate wisdom is tighten that sucker up!

    No doubt someone will reply back and explain why everything I said is wrong - just ignore them.


    Please help w/this ? I am about in tears trying to figure all this out. If you chew chew chew so the food does not get stuck then it must go through to the bigger part of your stomache, in this case u can still eat alot. I have had 5 fills I can eat tons still as long as I really chew and I do eat alot. I have only lost 20 pounds in 8 months I thought I understood how this works but I am know cofused.

  20. i cross the border in TJ twice a month. Unless you are selling drugs, buying drugs, walking the streets, partying in the bars etc you will have no problem. you odds of being in a car crash driving to San Diego are higher.

    Your friend clearly doesnt go to Mexico.

    I assure you they will be happy to pick you up at the border if you are worries about it. its really no big deal.

    Hi, I have recently decided to get a lap band and will be doing it with Dr. Ortiz in TJ Mexico because my insurance won't pay:frown:. My concern is that I have a friend that lives in S. California and she says that the Mexican borders are very dangerous right now. I am wondering if anyone has recently been through the border and if it seemed dangerous. It is stressful enough to go out of country and make this big decision but I don't want to put myself in a dangerous situation. Any advice?

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