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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jenfs5

  1. Hey Jen, it sounds like we will have the same date: April 16th! I just got word from insurance on March 10 that I was approved and I am so happy to now have a date. I go for pre-op visit on 3-31-09. Does anyone know what is involved at that visit? Do they just tell you what you can eat the weeks before surgery? Anyway, I'm now an April Bandster! Soo happy!

    Congratulations Peggy. I got my apporval on March 9th...LOL. We can compare notes on how we do. I just found out the other day that my doc requires an overnight stay at the hospital which I was not expecting but oh-well as long as I get my band and everything is Ok I will be happy. And I think on the pre-op apt you will get info on pre and post surgery diets. I had my pre-op apt then found out that they did me too early b/c you have to see the surgeon w/in 30 days of the surgery so I have to go back again the week before surgery. I am lucky in that I do not have to do an all iquid diet pre-op, just low calorie high Protein diet. but now I have to do another dumb sleep study and I am not happy about that :scared2:. I already know I have sleep apnea from a previous sleep study done 3 years ago, but I never followed up to do the second one to test with the cpap because I knew I was not going to wear it. But the pulmonologist says nope got to do another one :crying:. Oh well I will get thru it.


  2. I had to stay overnight for the insurance to pay, but my Dr. didn't require me to. He actually said that I was the first Blue Cross patient that he has done surgery on that was require to stay.

    Hi Jen, glad to see another Jen who knows how to spell it...LOL I hate it when people spell my name with 2 N's :thumbup:

    Well I found out just this week that my doc requires everyone to stay the night too. And I was planning for an outpatient procedure. Oh well, I will be fine either way as long as I get my band ( which will be April 16th :thumbup:) It is really weird when you work at the hospital and then you are the one in the bed. I had that happen to me once before when I was in for a DVT in my arm. I actually got up and went down to the lab to see all of my coworkers because I was so bored...LOL. I just felt like I should have been working and now laying in a bed.


  3. Well I went yesterday for what was supposed to be my pre-op appointment, but they messed up b/c you have to see the Dr within 30 days of your surgery and I was too soon...OH well. And now this morning I missed my apt with the pulmonologist. I set my alarm but never turned it on...so I am rescheduled for 315 this afternoon ( i like that better than 745 am anyway :crying:). I did find out at my session with the nutritionist yesterday what my pre-op diet will be. It looks like I am one of the lucky ones and do not have to do an all liquid diet. My diet is a very low calorie (800-1000) high Protein diet for 2 weeks. So I can have like 2 lean cuisines, a serving of veggies and 2 shakes a day. I am sure I will be hungry, but I will just have to push thru it. Exactly 5 weeks from today is surgery day :thumbup: I am getting excited.


  4. This is just a whiney little post because I am feeling sorry for myself. Yesterday, I had the upper GI thing done where they sedate you and put the tube down your throat. Well, they must have scratched the inside of my throat pretty good cuz now I feel like I have one heck of a sore throat and I still have the headache from the anesthesia. Over all, not such a great day to be at work. On top of it all, I only got about 3 hours of sleep total last night.:crying: Just wanted to share and vent a little. Hope everyone else is having a better day!


    sorry you are having a crappy day. I had one of those a couple of years ago and my throat hurt pretty bad, it hurt just to turn my head. But I believe the pain is different for everyone b/c it depends on how much your body fights the insertion of the scope. When I read my report it said something like "patient tolerated procedure well, although she had a fair amount of retching when inserting the scope"..LOL :thumbup:

  5. I too will be an April bandster. I got my date yesterday and it will be April 16th. I was suprised that I got a date and insurance approval so soon especially since I have not even finished my pre-op appointments :laugh:. Oh well at least I dont have to wait too long. I go tomorrow for my pre-op appointment and see what kind of pre-op diet I have to follow. I am hoping for not too many days of liquid diet...LOL. Oh well, good luck everyone.


  6. I am still in my fact finding phase and my question is this: after your lap band are you able to ride jarring/jerky rides (ie roller coasters, simulator rides)? My family goes to Disney every year and I am wondering if there will need to modifications for me in what I ride.

    Yeah I was wondering about this too. I like roller coasters and was wondering if the shoulder harness would press on the port and cause any pain or if the jarring would just be bad for it? Anyone else have any info on this?


  7. Yeah me too. I have already had my initial consult, meeting with dietician, meeting with psychologist and my upper GI. Next week I have...Mon 3-9 appt with the cardiologist...Tues 3-10 2 hour support group meeting...Thur 3-12 appt with the pulmonologist and then Wed 3-18 the follow up with my surgeon and dietician. So I am hoping that soon I will have everything in order to get my surgery the end of April. Good Luck everyone.... :)


  8. Molly,

    That kind of sucks. Have they told you that you cannot do the surgery now? I too have an autoimmune disease, not the same one though, I have Antiphospholipid syndrome(causes increased risk of blood clots, miscaraiges and even posibley strokes). I told my rheumatologist that I was looking into the Lapband and she did not say that I could not do it only that I needed to be on full anticoagulation for an entire week after surgery. And I told my surgeon about it and he did not seem concerned except about the week of full anticoagulaion. So my surgeon is planning to talk to my rheumatologist about it too. But so far no one has told me I could not have it done, and from what I have read about autoimmune diseases and lap band it is mostly thyroid related. I hope that helps.


  9. Hal,

    I think it is great that you are really thinking hard about this decision. I know that it is one that I am not making lightly. I had looked at this surgery a few years ago and then gave up on it because my inusrance would not cover it. But starting this year the hospital where I work started performing it. The surgeon went to HR and told them that if he was going to perform the surgery at this hospital then there was no way they could deny coverage for the employess. So as of Jan 2009 it is part of our insurance. So now i have jumped on the bandwagon and am hoping to get my surgery either the end of April or early May. But anyway back to the point I was making..:rolleyes:. I have thought long and hard about if this is the right decision or not. I dont think you should have the surgery if you are not willing to look very hard at all aspects and are questioning if it is really right for you. I too have lost and regained weight many times. So when people say why cant you just do this or do that I tell them my problem is not with losing weight, but in keeping it off. Yeah the band will probably make losing the weight a little easier and faster, but i believe it will make a huge difference in keeping it off.

    Sorry this is long and rambling, but I hope it helps.:thumbup:


  10. OK, thanks everyone. Now I wont have to worry so much about what happens after I get to that phase. NOw I just have to get thru the rest of my pre-op appointments. I have already had my initial consult, upper GI, psychologist and dietician consult. On 3-9-09 is the cardiologist, 3-12-09 is the pulmonologist and then my follow up appoint with the surgeon is on 3-18-09. We are hoping this will be my pre-op appointment, but it will depend on how quickly we can get my insurance approval, so wish me luck.:rolleyes:


  11. HI everyone. I have a question that I am hoping someone can help me with. Right now I am still doing all my pre-op appointments and do not have the insurance approval or surgery date yet. But I am wondering what would happen if after everything is all approved and the surgery date is set and I start the pre-op diet. What if I lose enough weight on the pre-op liquid diet that it drops my BMI below 35? Does this matter since everything has already been approved? Do they even take that weight into consideration? I am scared that it will happen and then I cant have the surgery. Has anyone either had this happen or heard of a situation like this? Any info would be appreciated.


  12. Does anyone know of a flavorless Protein powder or liquid that I can add to food or hot tea? I met someone at a support group meeting and didn't get her name. She uses it everyday in her Breakfast oatmeal and swears she can't taste the difference.



    I have not tried any of these yet as I am still in the pre-banding appointment phase, but I have heard of a few that other people have mentioned. One in powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored ( and no I am not a rep for Unjury..LOL), another one is Beneprotein. I am pretty sure there is a whey Protein Powder out there that is unflavored too but not 100% positive on tha one. As I said I have not tried them yet but I do plan to get some soon and start trying them so I know what I do like for pre and post surgery diet.


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