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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ashleyb

  1. yeah true...I've heard a lot of people saying Wendy's chilli is really good to have on mushies. I will have to try it soon. I crave penut butter with chilli I've always had a peanut butter sandwhich with my chilli and I'm not gonan be able to do that...or I shouldn't anyways. I just hope I'm not making a big mistake by venturing out on my own as far as trying different foods. Time will tell I'm sure!!!!
  2. Hi Kennedy, I got banded in el paso texas, my hubby is stationed here for the Army and it's covered by our insurance, so i had it done at Boumont Army Medical Center. I"m feeling a lot better!! Thanks. I know it's a long process. Hang in there!! Where are you from?

  3. IT took me about 20 min to eat it prolly. I am starting to feel a little sick to my stomach so idk if it's that or what?? But It's been over 24 hours since I ate it so i dont see how It could still be in my system!!!! But it comes and go's. So idk. Last night over 12 hours ago I ate one piece of grilled cheese and it took me about an hour, I just ate really small bites and chewed and chewed and it went down just fine.
  4. yeah I am worried b.c i have a doc appt on monday and Im like If I have to drink another soup Ima puke seriously!!!!!!! I am eating A LOT less then I was that's for sure!!!! I hope everything looks good On monday anyways!!!1
  5. I came home today the 4th. I'm very weak and sore. My throat is extreamly sore and dry omg it sucks. It's really hard for me to walk and stand up straight feels like I'm pulling something. Gotta a lot of gas pains sometimes. Just comes up in my throat and that hurts a little. Im not eating much Im afraid to eat I dont wanna hurt myself. But I ate some cream of chicken soup 2 teaspoons and some water. Everything went down fine. My I can't tell if im full or not so I just stop anyways. Anyone else having these kind of problems. Tomorrow Hopefully I wont be this sore. Also around my incision by my belly button is a little red And they told me to watch my temp if it got above 101 i could have an infection. So Thats worried my a little. Ashley
  6. ashleyb

    Drinking while eating

    wow i wasn't told any of this. I never asked either though. I have been sipping my drinks when I eat. not drinking a big amount I haven't tried pop yet, but i never asked about it either.
  7. I had my surgery on the 3ed of March and went home on the 4th I had a piece of gum on my way out the hospital. I ask and she said it was fine just don't swallow it. haha.
  8. ashleyb

    Day 3 post op

    really wow. Im sorry. Thats crazy
  9. wow it sounds like you are for sure on your way!!! Im so glad you are doing good. I need to get out and walk It's so windy where i live I've been putting it off. But i gotta get out and do it. Good luck with everything
  10. ashleyb

    Day 3 post op

    yeah thats what i thought!! gross
  11. omg that sounds so yummy I would eat it like a dip if i could! can't wait to try it!
  12. *I know this question is a little gross and personal but I would really appreciate your honesty. I am 4 days post-op and have not had a BM yet. I knew it would take a while after surgery b/c of the anistesha and everything...and us not eating very much. I am taking my stool softeners just waiting around for it to happen!!! So how long after your surgery did it take you??? *Also I'm eating more then I thought I would be able to. I can eat a bout a 1/2 a cup maybe a cup at one time. Is this normal?? My surgeon just put a little saline in my band not a lot. So I don't have much restriction. How much can you eat at one time? *Any good Soup Ideas??? So far I'm eating Cream of Chicken which I'm about burnt out on... Vegetable Soup i put it in the blender...and thats it. Everything else is jello, pudding, apple sauce, and popcycles. And Ideas would be great!! Thanks
  13. As far as protien drinks go I drink carnation instant breakfast the chocolate ones and they taste like chocolate milk there so yummy. Try that one misslongleggs!! I think I might get something from wal mart!!
  14. ashleyb

    Day 3 post op

    Really, well I got a booklet the day I left the hospital and it says, day 2 post op and for the next 2 weeks thats what i can have. BUt i can't have mashed potatoes or stuffing or macn n cheese nothing like that. BUt yeah thats what I can have. And it doesn't bother me at all. Everything go's down just fine. If you suck hard you can get pudding through a straw!! haha My surgeon even told me if I wanted to put a piece of pizza in the blender and drink it then I could!! hahah But that's kinda gross i would think!
  15. ashleyb

    Day 3 post op

    hi there. I am 4 days post op I got banded on the 3ed. So how are you doing? I feel great today. Yes I am still very sore but so much better then yesterday and the day before that. Each day it's getting better!! I hope you can say the same. I am eating cream of chicken soup which is very old right now, so last night I had vegetable soup from cambples I just put it in the blender and it looked like baby food.. but tasted much better!!! Went down fine. I also have some strawberry jello I've been eating, chocolate pudding, just made some butterscotch so I will be having that a little later when I get hungry. Cinneimin apple sauce, it's so yummy. SF popcycles and that's about it so far. Crystal light drinks, water, etc. Hope this helps you.
  16. Awesome...Im so glad your doing better, each day is a little better I have found! I get really hungry so often but can't eat very much. What are you guys eating? Any ideas Im so sick of Cream OF chicken soup!!! haha
  17. hi there. I was banded on the 3ed. I can home last night. I had trouble breathing to it hurts my chest..ribs to breath deep And it's b/c of the gas they inflate your stomach with during surgery. So there's gas laying around in your abdomen and there's nothing you can do but try to burp and fart as much as possible use your breathing thing they gave you that you blow into. If they gave you one. That will help do it as much as possible even if it hurts keep doing it. B/c the next day it will be better. Im feeling so much better today then yesterday. Just keep taking deep breathes. Good luck girl. Were goign through the same thing! If you really feel like something is wrong and you can't get enough air. def go to the doctor or call 911.
  18. ashleyb

    Mexico Danger!

    i live right on the mexico border el paso, texas my hubby is stationed here in the army and we are not alloweed over there at all. It's so dangerous. I will never go!!!Im so sorry this happened to you. Many people go over there and never come back, so consider your self lucky to be alive!!
  19. hi everyone this is day 3 of post op. I do feel better today less pain. I've been farting more, so I am getting the gas off me. I have to cough quite a bit and it really hurts but it's good for your lungs. I put a pillow over my stomach and push and then cough as i need to. I got a lot of stuff outta my throat earlier. Im eating yogurt, cram of soups, pudding, jello,applesauce.. there calling these full liquids!! My back is hurting more today. It feels strained. So I will be resting a lot today.
  20. ashleyb

    "Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

    hi everyone. I just had my surgery on the 3ed and I came home today the 4th. Im so weak and sore. I didn't think it would be this bad but it is. A lot of gas in my abdomon when they do your surgery the fill your abdomon with air so they can see and then you get a lot of gas pain. Sucks. And my throat is extreamly sore I can't hardly talk. So dry. But tomorrow will be better hopefully!! I dont have any trouble eating Im just afraid to cause I dont wanna hurt myself!
  21. hey there, thanks for thinking of me. Im home now. Had my surgery yesterday and I am really sore. And weak. Today I started full liquids, jello, cream soups etc... for 2 weeks. I go and see my doctor on the 16th. Im having a lot of gas pain, and my throat is super sore. It was better earlier but now that I'm home it's gotten worse, I hate it. It's hard to stnad up straight right now. I feel like a pulling sensation, I'm so worried it's gonna get infected or soemthing. I pray it doesn't. It's so weird Im not hungery but when I eat I can't tell when I'm full so I just stop after a little cause I don't wanna do to much. I hope I feel better tomorrow! How are you doing?

  22. I For sure want more kids...but I'm wondering how long after my band should I wait to get pregnant? I'll be 23 in May and I'm having my surgery the 3ed of March. I didn't gain a lot of weight with my first child so i don't think I'll have too much trouble with the second! Anyone Gotten prego right after the band...if so any complications? Any insight would be great!!! Thanks Ashley:tongue2:
  23. no I'm not really nervous right now. But I'm sure once I get in the hospital and sit there waiting...I will be!!! Well Im glad everything is going down alright I keep thinking It's gonna feel totally weird to swallow anything. I bought some yougurt, cream of chicken soups, Applesauce, cottage cheese and some sf popcicles do you think that will be enough to start out. Or what should I buy??

  24. ok thanks guys! My surgeon has never even mentioned it to me so i was just wondering!
  25. wow really 10 lbs. That's crazy. Im sure it takes a little while to feel normal. Are you hungry at all or is food not even on your mind? Does it feel weird when you swallow food?

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