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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ashleyb

  1. Anyone have any work out video's they really like or that have helped them at home???
  2. Yea i wanted to do a therapist but it's a little hard with Work school and being a single parent. i have no time. That's why im trying to use this as an outlet. thanks for the input though
  3. Wow that's really scary! I'm so glad you made it through everything. I know i had some pain bc of the air that is left in your abdomen but other then that mine was ok. I wish i had some really good advice for you. I had my surgery march 3 of 09. And I've only lost like 10 lbs. So all i can say is i wish i couldn't eat anything or very little. I dont wish for the pain though. I have No restriction at all don't even feel like there's anything around my stomach and I'm on fill #7. So im on the other side of Banster Hell where i can eat anything no problems and have no restriction. All i can say is take it slowly always inform your doctor of any pain. And Congrats on your weight loss.
  4. I am feeling down like a failure. Like I should have had Gastric bypass. Im not loosing. I'm not dieting, Im living normally. But Thinking and eating healthier. like i've limited snacking and foods like ice cream etc. I had my surgery on March 3ed. It's been 4 month's and I've lost...11 lbs. Now since i starte the diest and everythign before i've lost like 21 but WTF. I'm exercising and I've had 3 fills as of today. And nothing is happening. My doctor says...live your life dont worry about Dieting and how much protien your eating, the weight is going to come off. Just be paitient. My band has 4.5 cc in it...Can anyone tell me where there "sweet spot" is? Or how long it took you to loose the weight you needed! I need to loose about 80 lbs...well now about 59lbs. HELP ME!! GRRRRR im so angry at myself.
  5. im so glad im not alone in this...I want this weight gone! I just need to be patient it's gonna happen like gastric bypass patients! Time is what i need. thanks all
  6. really. im sorry girl. dont give up on yourself. You'll get back on it. Take it one day at a time. this isn't a diet..it's a life style change!! You can do it sister!!!

  7. I was banded on 3-3-09 And I've lost about 11lbs since then. Good but not great. My surgeon is happy but Im not I can't seem to get into Exercising at all. I Went for a week straight and I just HATE doing it. I actually yawn during it:confused: what is that about ya know. It makes me so tired and lazy. So i just stopped after a week. I hear people say they have so much energy after they work out...Im like wth am I doing something wrong?? I would go for 30 min everyday I'd do the bike with an incline which made me sweat and i kept my heart rate up to 150 160, for 15min then I'd go down to the weight room and life weights and work my arms. Idk My energy level is just Not there!!!! Any advice about how you got started would be great!!!! Thanks
  8. Yes i had my first Fill last Thursday! I was so afraid it was gonna hurt but there were no problems just a little sting! I Think ima start walking outside..my son is in love with bring outside he's almost 3 so I think that would be a good idea! And then do laps at the indoor pool for a while. I can not see myself ever LOVING to Exercise but we will see thanks everyone
  9. Hope things are going well with you!! How are you? Im at 197 I had my first fill last thursday and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be! Still not very much restriction at all. Im gonna call my surgeon on Monday and see when I can come back for another fill. I'm ahving a hard time not snacking. A really hard time!!!!

  10. hello. Im doing just fine. Got my first fill last Thursday and it didn't really hurt or anything so i was happy with that. But I haven't really lost what i want to but my surgeon is happy. Not really a big difference with this fill so Im gonna call him monday and see when I can come back for another fill cause I dont wanna wait another 6 weeks with no change. I lost 5lbs ina month he was happy but im not. I'm having trouble stopping snacking. And I dont really exercise either. I dont really have any restriction so it's frustrating. I'm at 197 which I havent been under 200 in like 4 yrs so yayaya. How are you?

  11. I had surgery on the 3ed of March and ever since i could eat solid food I haven't really had any restriction so today I finally got to go see my surgeon and get a fill everything went well A little stinging but that was it. He put in 2cc and i'm eating dinner now and I can still eat just as much as before. I dont know what i should do, should I call him and be like I can't tell a difference at all with the fill..etc. or wait a little while or what. Anyone gone through this. Im at 197 and i was 208 surgery day. Thats not a lot of loss there. I think i need like a 4cc fill or more.
  12. So on the 3ed of April I will be a month out. And i can eat everything and anything i want to. I can eat a lot more then I thought I should be able to. About 1/2 of what i could before maybe a little more. My weight loss has stopped. The last few days I have given up for some reason on myself and ate everything in sight. I feel like crap today, i think i have a virus i feel so achy all over. My next appt. isn't till the 23ed and I don't wanna wait that long to get a fill I'm going backwards instead of forwards, and of course It's my fault. I take responsibilty for what I have chosen to put in my mouth. I was going to the gym everyday and then just stopped. I hate working out. I need a freakin Shove in the right direction. I told myself I wasn't gonna be one of those people who screw up there band and eat things the shouldn't after my surgery But that's what I have become. Everyday I say Today is gonna be different and for some reason I choose to not make it different. Advice would be great. Thanks
  13. Iwannabeskinny, my myspace is SPC Bucks Wife from el paso texas!! Thanks for all your comments everyone!!!
  14. im glad you got it that was the day after mine. I can eat anything and everything too. I hate it but my doctor isn't wanting me to get a fill for a month so it sucks. I think ima call him tomorrow though and see what i can do. It's really difficult for me to stop snacking. Man it's killing me. And making feel horrible in my head i feel guilty for eating it. I stopped loosing weight. Im just at a stnad still I hate it.

  15. hey girly. How are you ... did you get your surgery whats going on?

  16. you got your first fill...awesome. I really have no restriction and i dont get nausuas or anything when i eat too much just get uncomfortable. So it's been hard to stay on a diet for me. Gezz I hate it. I hope you are seeing some smaller numbers on the scale. How are you doing? Do you gotta be on liquids again?

  17. Anyone getting there band in March??? I just found out today I'm getting it done either the 3rd or 10th of March and I am so excited I screamed for like 10 minutes:w00t: I switched from the gastric bypass to the band and he called he to tell me they could get me in the 24th of this month for the bypass And I said I wanted the band and i called 3 times last week and he was like oh ok well I can get you in either the 3ed or 10th of March!!!!!!!!!!!!! So thrilled and excited and nervous all at once ya know. OMG i cna't believe this is happening finally after over a year waiting. It's happening. I had to wait to so long b.c the Army moved us to texas and i had i start the process all over again when I got here. Anyone in the El paso area?? So excited. Does march bandsters have a name??? We need one!!!:w00t:
  18. ashleyb

    day 5 and feeling HORRIBLE

    YOu could just have a stomach virus..i know a lot of people get sick after surgery b/c your body is trying to get used to the band and at first it wants to reject it b/c it's a forein object inside you so your amune system go's down and you get sick. So just take it easy get plenty of water and try crackers chew them up really really good and you will be fine. Get sleep as much as you can! Hope you feel better soon!
  19. ashleyb

    foods to avoid

    well i am 3 weeks almost post op and I haven't had any problems with Chicken. Everyone is different. I haven't had any problems with anything!!! good luck!!
  20. Well I had my surgery on the 3ed and I went ahead and started eating other foods b/c I feel so good, and it doesn't bother me at all!!!!!!! So i figured as long as I took it and ate slow and chewed it up really really good, I could have it. And so far that seems to be true, I am having no pain when I eat at all. Has anyone else had this happen to them, I can eat a hole hot dog, very slowly chewing, And that seems like a lot to me!!!! Any thoughts would be great!!
  21. 17 that's great. I've lost only 8 ::( but I did start exercising I'm going to the gym and doing The bike for my legs for 15 min and then I go to the weight room for another 15 min. And work my arms...Hopefully that will push me under 200lbs I'm at 202 right now. haha. One of my docotrs is psyco about NO sugar. That's impossible. I can limit my sugar but have No sugar at all ever is not gonna happen. Is yours like that?? I can eat prolly half of what i used to. And I want to snack so bad.... But I have to Stick to this. I start 1500 calories today and that along with working out should help me loose weight he was .5 to 1lb a day gone and he wants to see me in 4 weeks. So basically want me to loose 30 lbs by the next time i see him. WOW im liek wtf ok. I can do this though!!!!

  22. umm no i did not tell him. Im doing fine I feel fine absolutely no problems so I'm gonna stick with my mushies and go from there.
  23. I had my first check up after surgery yesterday and I am 2lbs away from being under 200lbs!!!! Woot Woot So excited about that! My doc said I was doing good and looked awesome! And i could start on mushies for the next 4 weeks...with NO sugar!!! He kept stressing No sugar No sugar..he said even with the band you will gain if you ahve sugar..and after my appt on the way home I'm thinking...ok What just happened? Did I become a diabetic some how, Did my Pancrease stop working??? It's Impossible Not to have ANY sugar, almost everything has some sugar in it. And i can't afford to go out and buy more food that's just SF. I just went to the store. I made Speggetti last night and the sause had 5g of sugar in the hole can so how can we cut out ALL sugar all the time I think he was beiung a little psyco on the sugar deal!!! So Im thinking If i limit myself to like 100g of sugar a day it should make things alright, Also he said I was ok to start working out!!!! So i went to the gym last night! Im excited about my journey so far!!! Any idea on the sugar thing...anyone wiht me on this?????
  24. that's cool. How are you doing so far. I'm doing just fine. I can eat anything I've tried so far. With out getting sick to my stomach. I had my first doctors appointment today and I've lost 8 lbs so far. I wish I would have lost more!!! But that's ok, he ok-ed me to go to the gym so I hit that tonight! and im gonna do that everyday! So that should help. Sooo how are things with you!!

  25. Hello everyone. I started my pre-op diet today and I really like the drink but there not very filling By 3:00 today i was so angry b/c i couldn't eat and I was hungry. So I had 5 saltine crackers which was 50 calories, So i think i made a good choise. But I wish the drinks were more filling. I'm allowed 1500 calories a day and Im allowed to eat 1 meal a day and then 4 of those drionks through out the day. I hope It is better tomorrow. I have my surgery in 1 week and i dont wanna a fatty liver so I need to stick to this. Any advice or Words of encouragement would be great!!! Ashley

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