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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nolagirl2

  1. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    yeah I'm glad you got the directions! It is funny - I oculd only eat 1/2 my breakfast, but now I'm hungry again 2 hours later! Grr... I'm just going to drink a lot of water and see if I can hold off until noon or so. Plus I like to drink at least 32 oz. before lunch. I am leaving for NOLA on July 14. I'm so excited! And nervous/scared. Lots of emotions. BTW, who else has PCOS? Just curious.
  2. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    So girls, I wake up this morning and maybe a pretty usual breakfast: 1/4 c. egg beaters 2 strips turkey bacon 1 cracker cut of cheese I'm pretty sure my "soft stop" is taking a deep breath. A few times I've eaten past it (oh, but if i weren't a compulsive eater, how much easier life would be...), but this time I stopped. And I had only eaten half my breakfast. This is new. How are yall this morning?
  3. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Let's do a recap of all the things I should have responded to: 1) Lox - I bought it @ the Hy-Vee on 76/State Line. Some stores have it, some don't. They didn't have it at price chopper. I used to eat it on bagels yum.. But now I don't eat bagels You could have it in a wrap with lettuce, cream cheese, maybe another veggie? I eat it in a salad with spinach, tomato, egg, and chevre. 2) Social suppers... I think the only way I could swing this is if we all cooked the same things and just split up the portions... which would be complicated. Thats all I know for now...
  4. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Edamame is green soybeans. They are a good veggie/protein source. I eat them as a veggie usually (not anymore!) I'm glad too, it will make me chew and eat slowly again. Good habits are so easy to fall out of!!
  5. Wow, that's a good idea funny. I already owe myself about $450!!
  6. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Wait so what is up with surgery this Friday? Are you on a preop diet before, where is the surgery? Is it outpatient, will you be home same-day or next day? Do you have to pay? Do they totally unfill you?
  7. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Yeah it was over in like 5 minutes. I mean, it wasnt comfortable, but from "Yikes!" to "Ahhh" was about 5 minutes. I waited about an hour, then had some refried Beans, which went fine. I think on a scale of 1 to 10, my PB was like a 2 or 3. Very easy. Woohoo I have a band! I can't eat a horse! :eek:
  8. $500 seems reasonable if you get an hourlong massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, and other treatments.
  9. Thanks :eek: Yeah I was walking by my parents computer and saw all these old pictures of me, and it was crazy. I didn't have a lot of before pictures, so its hard to really see the difference if you don't.
  10. nolagirl2

    Gas pains. Is it food?

    I was on liquids for two days before surgery. My surgery was on a Tuesday, my last supper was Saturday night (steak, pasta, wine, dessert). Two little days doesn't hurt.
  11. Even when you have a lot to lose, every bit helps. There's about 60 lbs difference in these sets of pictures. It makes the other 100 seem... easier I think.
  12. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    First PB today! Ate some edamame too fast... not that much, but way too fast. Got the golfball, put away edamame, went to bathroom, and YAK! it was over pretty quickly though. So that band is in there, doin its job. And now I'm not horribly afraid of the PB. What should I do food-wise? Can I eat later? Refried Beans?
  13. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    This is a collection of before & after pictures. I was walking by my parents computer and saw some pictures of what I looked like 60+ lbs. ago. Yikes! I suddenly needed to be SURE i dont look like that anymore.
  14. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    No problem, I'm glad they're getting used! Cynthia - another one I see a lot DH/DD/DS etc = Dear husband/daughter/son.
  15. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Angela - I daresay you have skinny legs! I feel like I'm dragging tree stumps around most of the time :confused:
  16. nolagirl2

    Unethical bandsters?

    I think its reactionary and defensive to say that anyone is blaming the victim. I was just saying that, especially in my experience, it's emotionally complicated being fat. It is a big part of my identity, and change is scary. It is, in some ways and for some people, easier to be fat than to change. None of this is in any way blaming the victim. In many ways I chose and tried not to be fat; in some ways I chose to be fat. This is my experience. As far as opening doors for other people to blame the victim... Who exactly? I just think recognizing the complexity of a situation is okay. I don't blame fat people for turning to food for comfort. I don't blame them for being fat. I don't blame them for their choices and their condition. A corollary is how people always want homosexuality to be explained as either biological or sociological - nature v. nurture. I personally believe that it is a bit of both, but that doesn't mean that I blame gay people or think that they choose it. I still think it's an intrinsic part of their being, but I don't need to say that its due purely to biology just to try to make that point clearer. There's going to be subtleties and shades of gray in any situation; it isn't malicious or hurtful to acknowledge them.
  17. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cynthia - LOL is laughing out loud. Exercise is good! I know its a pain and annoying, but it's good for you band or no band, losing weight or not. And it'll put you in a better mood, I bet. Always brings me up. Angela - How did the clothes work out? That profile shot is amazing. I'm going to go walk my sister's dog in a bit (she bruised her rib - doesn't know how), and pick up a pilates dvd to try before I go to NOLA.
  18. nolagirl2

    Unethical bandsters?

    I agree with Wheetsin. For my personal experience, I know that with each new WL attempt came a fear of failure, and a fear of success. I have been overweight/obese my whole life, so I don't even know what I look like under all this. That's pretty scary. And what about between WL attempts? After failing, or after succeeding only to then regain. I always felt "Well, why do this hard thing that is just going to fail, when I can do this which is easy." Everyone has different feelings, beliefs, and situations. It might not be true for you, but its definitely true for some.
  19. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Yeah I walked in Friday and the waiting room was totally empty! And they said I just missed you. We will set something up - maybe something during the week after July 4th weekend? I did get a fill - 2ccs. No restriction that I know of yet. (Total 6 ccs)
  20. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Ditto to what Angela said, Robyn. I love coffee, and am usually always up to go get some.
  21. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Thanks Angela :confused: It at least helps me know I can't go all the way over the edge without carbs. I have also noticed that my PCOS is getting better - my skin has cleared up a lot. Just something I realized. Ok, I'm going to go exercise and get it over with!
  22. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Robyn I understand your feelings. I'm already ready to see Sabapathy again this Friday. I was supposed to go see him this week, but I didn't because I thought he'd be at SG blah blah blah. I was really feeling overwhelmed a couple of weeks ago and fell into some bad habits... mainly overeating. I still don't let myself eat carbs (because then I know I'd be really, Really, REALLY off the wagon), but it's gotten harder for me to not eat a lot. I've started thinking about food all day every day. I don't have restriction. I'm going to call Dr. H's office and see if I can get a fill before I go (maybe on the day I go... :confused:) Anyway, even though Im losing, that doesn't matter in my head, where I hear "Eat cheese. Eat nuts. Eat tuna. Eat turkey. Eat chicken. Eat cheese." all day long, not "You're losing weight, don't blow it, don't eat when you're not hungry!"
  23. nolagirl2

    Lap Band Surgery - No Pain Meds!

    Just so you see the other side... I used ALL my pain meds. I took it every 4 hours until it ran out, and then I started using liquid tylenol. I also had staples, which irritated my skin. But a lot of people use pain meds too.
  24. You probably will need to see the doc about a week out. I'm pretty sure that it's physically okay, but if it's travel for pleasure, I wouldn't recommend it. You'll have a lot to adjust to the first few weeks.
  25. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    thanks robyn :confused: just trying to make the most of it while i can

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