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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nolagirl2

  1. I was a total carbaholic. A few years ago, I just gave up. I ate basically nothing but junk food - pizza most every day, chips, bagels. I would occasionally try to eat a little healthier, but I would never make the commitment. If I wasn't going to commit to eating healthier, I might as well not try to choke down chicken once a month, just eat the pizza. I was also a carb-binger. I would buy a half-dozen bagels and eat them all by the end of the day. I also was incredibly inactive. And the more I did these things, the fatter I got, and the fatter I got, the more I did them.
  2. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    :focus: You all get to see me again!
  3. nolagirl2

    What was your fat behavior?

    Yeah I also remember the feeling of eating so much you would be sick to your stomach, and have to lie down. And it would last for hours, it seemed. I don't ever want to feel that again.
  4. nolagirl2

    Protecting Your Daughter From Cervical Cancer

    I think it is supposed to be made available next year, but definitely ask your doctors! I know it is FDA-approved, so the wait should be short.
  5. The FDA approved a vaccine, targeted to women between the ages of 9 and 26, that would protect them from HPV, which is a leading cause of cervical cancer. They are recommending that most girls get the vaccine at ages 11-12 (before they are sexually active). Any thoughts? Link to MSNBC story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13612899/
  6. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    BTW... Anyone else considering hitting up the LB sale this weekend? It's like Forever-21 prices. I'm not in 20s yet, but my 22s are getting a little bit looser, so I might go see what they have. I'm clothesless wonder nowadays, so I will need some necessities.
  7. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Oh Robyn Robyn Robyn I am soooooooo sorry. I honestly don't even know what else to say. I'm sorry. Good luck.
  8. nolagirl2

    Protecting Your Daughter From Cervical Cancer

    Yeah, I didn't want to jump in too early, but I am totally for the vaccine. Obviously some people are either against it or wary of it, because it vaccinates against an STD. My mom had cervical cancer 13 years ago. Why let your daughter suffer because you're afraid a vaccine might make her have sex? (which it still doesnt make her sterile, or invulnerable to other STDs)
  9. Days 1-3 clear liquids Days 4-7 full liquids Day 8 Start incorporating solids (soft foods at first)
  10. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cynthia - I think you should get out a before picture and a current picture and put them together so you have a reminder of how far you've come. I know you're in a battle right now, but you do not want to get back to where you were before banding. And I have faith in you that you can hold off until you get your issues resolved. I just think you need to keep reminding yourself of how far you have already come, and you don't want to go back. Robyn - Hopefully you are home by now. Get some good sleep, and keep us updated. You'll be in my thoughts. You can do it.
  11. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Keep on kicking butt Funny I just want to see pictures! that's the one thing I do for myself all the time - lots and lots of pictures. That way, I also have a reminder of how far I've come. By the way, I changed my goal weight today. I was originally going for 170, which would have been normal-BMI if I was 5'9. Turns out I'm 5'8. Then I decided "Oh who cares? I can set my goal to lose 150 lbs. Then I can always chose to lose more if I want" I'm the type of person who sees goals as guidelines and doesn't get discouraged as long as i see progress. For example, I wanted to be at 250 by 7/15. That is not going to happen, so my amended goal is to be at 258 by 7/14 (10 more lbs). That is achievable, but again, if I am at 260, I'll be okay with it. I also am L-O-V-I-N-G swimming. The past two nights I have swum for an hour.... love, love love it. Lins, btw, CONGRATS on the -3 lbs. this week! Kick butt!
  12. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Lianna - I'd recommend confusing your body a bit. Eat different things at different times, exercise different ways at different times. Instead of walking and cardio (I dont know which -elliptical, bike?), try swimming and aerobics. For three days, eat the (healthy) opposite of what you eat. Load up on protein, cut your carbs. Just kick-start yourself.
  13. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Thanks Funny... and You! I was pretty confident I'd be a serious contender in the June GFG challenge, I was in it to win it, until your crazy 23 lbs. in two weeks. Blew me out of the water. Pictures please!
  14. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Here I am, 4 weeks later
  15. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    So today I was trying to figure otu my eating patterns etc, and I realized that every night, after dinner, I'm fine, I don't snack. But during the day I seem to always be hungry. Well I read a post saying that caffeine makes some people hungry. So anyway, today, no caffeine and way less snacking. I still ate a biggish lunch, but still, nowhere near the grazefest I was having some other days. I want to lose 10 more lbs. before I move (If I can)
  16. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Ladies I am officially a licensed driver (again). And I'm starving! I'm thinking a tuna steak for dinner.
  17. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    c 268 (-65 total, -4 this week)
  18. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    My last meal I did it up! My parents and I went to Macaluso's on 39th (a-m-a-z-i-n-g italian food) and split two dinners (Even pre-band, didn't eat a whole one!) We ate bread and I think maybe an appetizer, and then split tortellini and a steak. Yum. We had dessert and wine etc. That was saturday night, and my surgery was on tuesday. Oh yeah, and after dinner I went out with friends and had more wine... Piece of advice... Never drink the night before you have to start clear liquids :doh:
  19. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Well the offer stands, you've got my number. Let us know when are you up for fun! I think sometime late next week hopefully would work?
  20. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Jennifer - Oh ok. Yeah, that meeting was a blur to me I think It takes me a while to figure out names, faces, etc. Yes, we definitely need to get together soon. Also, Holli, Robyn, is there anything we can do for you guys? Call if you want me to come over and eat popsicles with you :success1:
  21. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I bought myself an "I love me" present today... New hat! It's my friend Les who makes hats. They are supercute but expensive But to me, worth it, because I am worth it! :success1: So anyway here's a picture of me wearing my sister's hat (same style) and a picture of my hat, which is reversible!
  22. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Chantay - PCOS... Still have the facial hair going (which I take care of), but acne has cleared up, so that's a good! Jennifer - Thanks & Hiya! I think we missed each other at SG meetings maybe? Welcome to our virtual SG, with more fun
  23. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    PCOS is Polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is hard to diagnose, but the symptoms include obesity, acne, hirsutism, difficulty conceiving, irregular periods and/or amenorrhea. It increases your odds for getting Diabetes II or endometriosis. I also scheduled my last fill at Dr H. (At least for a while). July 12 at 3:30pm. I leave the 14th! Yikes! It finally hit me today when I realized that after Friday (finally June will be over), I won't be at work again until the 5th!! And then its really on.
  24. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Alright Hoehn-ators what's for lunch? i am havin some salmon salad. About 1/3 can of canned salmon (not that bad) with a special sauce my parents made (mainly basil, garlic, oil, brown sugar splenda) as the lubricant (instead of ff mayo). YUM. And maybe a piece of cheese, we'll see how it goes.
  25. nolagirl2

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Most weeknights I am pretty good. The days I know I am not free are 6/29, 7/1, 7/2, and 7/13. Haha. That's not too much! I would say Monday the 10th is probably the latest I can plan to do something. So anytime between now and then is probably good. What about you gals? I've noticed, PCOS-wise, my skin has improved a LOT since banding/eating better. that's the most noticeable thing so far.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
