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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nolagirl2

  1. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    This challenge is the perfect way to keep me on track and keep making good habits (they're so easy to fall out of!) But yeah, I was super-psyched this morning to see a new decade! 279.8 - I rounded it to 280 - But I am SOOOOOO psyched to be in the 270s. I was considering setting up some mini-goals for myself, but to be honest, each new decade is a mini-goal met!
  2. nolagirl2

    Excess Skin - WHEN?

    Yeah it looks like we have similar stats. I'm 22, and with a little more to lose, but also a few inches taller. I know I will probably have my breasts and stomach done maybe. I don't really want to (am afraid of the pain), but I think I will want it anyway. So far my arms and thighs are sort of okay. We'll see.
  3. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    C - 280 (-53 total, -8 this week*) *yay for my first fill.
  4. nolagirl2

    How long until you started exercising?

    walked from day 1 started elliptical on day 22. later that week, started working with small barbells (2 or 3 lbs) doing arm exercises.
  5. nolagirl2

    Help with what to eat

    I had liquid diet 2 days pre-op, nothing after midnight day of surgery
  6. I totally agree - once you start, you can't stop. But I am fine just sipping crystal light, then I never miss it. And DON'T try "if i eat healthy things its ok." Because 1000 calories of healthy stuff or even 500, is still 500-1000 more calories than you should have. Yeah, stay AWAY from creme liquers. They are delicious, but deadly.
  7. nolagirl2

    Loose Skin?

    I'm nowhere near goal, but based on where I can see stretch marks, I'm thinking I"ll have a fair amount in the chest/stomach, and maybe a little bit in thighs/arms, but those seem manageable.
  8. nolagirl2

    Who Did You Tell?

    I started with parents and close friends. Then told my brother and sister. Then told one coworker. Then, after a few too many drinks, told my aunt. As surgery date approached, I told other close friends and the rest of my office. After surgery, found out the aunt had told others in my extended family (who i am NOT close to and do not like). But I don't really care what they think anyway, they are a big bunch of b*tches. My parents told a couple of their friends. Everyone basically knows, and my opinion is, if you have a problem with it, I don't care. It's my decision, my life, my health, my body, my money, my everything. I like having support from so many people. A lot of people say "well I want compliments from people who don't know I had surgery." I sort of don't care about that. I mean, that'll be nice, sure. But I like compliments from people who know. I like that when I send my best friends pictures, they say "Oh my god you look amazing!" So what if they notice more because they know more? At least I get that support and encouragement when I need it. And I also told my close friends, because I thought about the fact that if they went and had surgery and I didn't know, that would be sad. And just because this is my weight doesn't mean there's anything wrong w/ it. I'm not going to be embarrassed of my weight, obviously it's not a secret. Also, I don't lie. So no reason to start now.
  9. I drink 100+ oz. of water a day. I drink at least 48 oz. before I eat lunch, then at least 24 between lunch & workout, at least 24 between workout and dinner. Plus some after dinner. I occasionally drink crystal light, but it's very rare. I just prefer the taste of water. CL doesnt seem to quench my thirst. I basically drink only water all day long, except I have 1 cup of coffee 3-5 times a week.
  10. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Tricia I tried leg lifts tonight, and they totally kicked my butt! I did 3 sets of 20 of all my arm exercises, my thighmaster, and some toe-raises, but those leg lifts i could only do one set of 20 for each leg and each way (sides and fronts... so i guess 80 overall, 40 per leg). SOOOOOOO hard. But good overall I'm sure
  11. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Congrats to last month's winners!! Telly - you're my hero, you look awesome. I've said it before, I'll say it again, it's nice to see the band really work for someone who really works the band! And in the interest of full disclosure... Here's my swimsuit photo taken Monday (memorial day woohoo!). Luckily I bought a 3-piece (top, bottom, skirt) at LB last year that still fits and covers most of what makes me go "eek!" But with the GFG club on my side, I am going to lose some pudge by 4th of july and look better (and i know i look better than the last time i wore this suit, june 05, i was at least 30 lbs. heavier). so instead of worrying about how i look in this swimsuit, i'm just going to hope that it lasts through the season while i work my butt (and gut) off! you gals are my inspiration, seriously.
  12. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    P'nut- you could always divvy up GFG club between "active members" and "dormant members." that way you're not erasing them, but we also have a concise list of who's participating. also - i added pics to my scorecard on page 1. check it out and tell me how hot i look
  13. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Pfunkem's Gone for Good Club June Challenge Score Card Points earned for Rule 1 For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point. You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week. 5-31__1__6-01__1__6-02__1__6-03__1__6-04__1__6-05__1__6-06__1__6-07__1__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__13__ 6-08__1__6-09__1__6-10__1__6-11__1__6-12__1__6-13__1__6-14__1__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__12___ 6-15__1__6-16__1__6-17__1__6-18__1__6-19__1__6-20__1__6-21__1__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__12___ 6-22__1__6-23__1__6-24__1__6-25__1__6-26__1__6-27__1__6-28__1__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__12___ Grand Total___49____ Points earned for Rule 2 For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points. You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week. 5-31__2__6-01__2__6-02__2__6-03__2__6-04__2__6-05__2__6-06__2__6-07__2__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__21___ 6-08__2__6-09__2__6-10__2__6-11__2__6-12__2__6-13__2__6-14__2__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__19___ 6-15__2__6-16__2__6-17__2__6-18__2__6-19__2__6-20__2__6-21__2__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__19___ 6-22__2__6-23__2__6-24__2__6-25__2__6-26__2__6-27__2__6-28__2__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__19___ Grand Total___78____ Points earned for Rule 3 For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed) You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week. 5-31__3__6-01__3__6-02__3__6-03__3__6-04__3__6-05__3__6-06__3__6-07__3__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__29___ 6-08__3__6-09__3__6-10__3__6-11__3__6-12__3__6-13__3__6-14__3__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__26___ 6-15__3__6-16__3__6-17__3__6-18__3__6-19__3__6-20__3__6-21__3__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__26___ 6-22__3__6-23__3__6-24__3__6-25__3__6-26__3__6-27__3__6-28__3__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__26___ Grand Total___107____ Points earned for Weight loss For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point Beginning weight 5-31: 288 Weigh-in weight 6-7: 280 Weigh-in weight 6-14: 274 Weigh-in weight 6-21: 272 Weigh-in weight 6-28: 268 Total lost during challenge: 20 Total points earned for Rule 1: 49 Total points earned for Rule 2: 78 Total points earned for Rule 3: 107 Total points earned for weight loss: 20 Total Challenge points earned: 254
  14. Order vodka & Water, and mix in a crystal light. Also, pot doesn't give you munchies. Just don't eat anything, and you won't have the munchies. Pot munchies come from not being able to stop eating. So just don't eat anything.
  15. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    C - 288 (Lost a lb, gained 3, lost 2. what a week.)
  16. Yeah, I had pics taken at my second consultation, on 4/17/06. I was weighed morning of surgery at Heartland. I came up at 311, when my home scale consistently said 315. So who knows. I did drag my butt to the gym and do 40 minutes on the elliptical (20 min. hill climb, 20 min total body interval). I"m also going to do some arm exercises and use the thighmaster. I'm also going to try to do 20gm of carbs or less the next three days - detox & kick my body's butt a bit. Starting out with 177 lbs. excess weight, I feel like I have to kick my own ass to make sure I get it off!
  17. Hey folks. My highest weight was 333, which gave me a BMI of 50.6 Preop I was 315, which is a BMI of 47.9. Now I'm down to about 287-290, which is a BMI of about 43-44. I started this with 177 lbs. excess body weight. To be honest, I'm not sure of my eventual goal weight. My idea is around 160-200, to be narrowed when I'm closer. I've been kicking ass (if I do say so myself), but this weekend I was a little off the wagon. I tried to keep my principles good (don't overeat, still do 80% protein/20% carb), but it still was not everyday-eating (plus I didn't journal like I normally do). Anyway, this morning I got on the scale and it looks like it moved up. But still, it looks like I lost 5 inches this week, so I'm thinking/hoping that's just muscle being heavier than fat. Either way, I'm definitely back to boot camp today. I'm actually ready for it, I'm so excited to jump back on that elliptical later. And I have lots of high-protein low-carb goodies to eat. So anyway, this is my new favorite thread.
  18. I tried your turkey pepperoni this weekend, and it was amazing! A big hit with non-bandsters as well. I think non-meeting meeting sounds good! I bet others would be interested too.
  19. nolagirl2

    Exercise Today

    Today so far: Arm circuit with 3 lb. weights Planning: 45 minutes - 1 hour on the elliptical
  20. nolagirl2

    Exercise Today

    Today: 50 minutes/3.42 miles on elliptical (4.1 mph)
  21. nolagirl2

    What's the "trick"?

    You probalby mean your 10cm band, which is 4ccs (but maximum volume of 5)
  22. nolagirl2

    I'm so disappointed

    My insurance required TWELVE months of supervised dieting. I said no and self-paid.
  23. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    Thanks P'Nut JOINING INFO: H-333 S-315 J-288 G-180 C-288
  24. nolagirl2

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    JOINING INFO: H - 333 S - 315 J - 288 G - ?? C - 288
  25. nolagirl2

    I'm so disappointed

    If I were you, I would still go to the seminar and get your requirements done. That way, when May rolls around next year, you can get your date set ASAP. I went to my first seminar in July '05 and was banded 5/2/06! Granted, I was partially responsible for some delays. But still, get the legwork done, then you can still schedule farther out in advance if you still feel like it Just my $.02

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