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Andy Liz

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Andy Liz

  1. Thanks for the info on the alcohol - that's good to know so anyone considering going there won't be alarmed! I couldn't imagine what on earth was wrong with it or what could possibly be growing in it - very strange indeed! I'm very glad to know that is the way it's supposed to be - at least there!



  2. How are all the Rumbaut patients doing? I'm doing great and advance to mushies tomorrow! I've been fighting hunger for what seems an eternity so anything that will give me a feeling of fullness will definitely be a blessing!

    Hope you all are doing great! My incisions are healing very well and I only have a little tenderness at the incision sites. I've played golf and have done a few 15 minute sessions on my eliptical machine with no problem at all. I think I'll advance the eliptical to 20 minutes today!

    Take care everyone and let me know how you're doing!

  3. I guess I missed out on all the cheese/colon blowing discussions.... I'll have to go back and see what I missed - or maybe not (colon blowing, really?) I do feel like I have been living on dairy products since being banded though and I thank the good Lord above that I'm not lactose intolerant!

    I can't remember the last time I posted here so I'll just give you my update. I'm at 254 and am pleased as punch with that. I have noticed that I've been at the same weight for the last 4 days - here's my new vow - ahem..... I vow not to weigh more than twice a week!

    Does anyone remember that Friends episode where several of them were stuck in Monica's bedroom while Rachel and Ross had an argument? They were getting hungry and ended up trying to eat the sugar hair removal product Monica had! I guess, in a pinch it would be handy stuff to have around!

    Take care all and I'll try to hang around more so I don't miss the good stuff - really, colon blowing?

    PS - I forgot to post my surgery weight and all that stuff - please update my info when it comes time : H 270 (I think I miss calculated the first time); S 264; J 267; SG 250; G 150; C 254

  4. Hi Everyone!

    Glad to see we're all doing so well! I feel fantanstic but am battling hunger too. I'm two weeks post op now and can graduate to mushies tommorrow. I've been pretty good the last two weeks and have lost 11 lbs since surgery but I've stayed at the same weight for 4 days now....? How can this be? I'm eating less than 1,500 cals a day and getting some mild exercise? I think I'm going to put off weighing again until next week so I don't get discouraged....

    A girl that got banded the same day I did admitted to eating a McDonald's cheeseburger this week. She felt bad about it but had absolutely no trouble with it going down. I feel like I could probably handle something like that too, or maybe a slice of pizza but I'm too afraid to try. I'll keep plugging along with the mushies for the mandatory two weeks!

    I think my port might be at my bra line too and if it is, I don't like it there. I wanted it in the center several inches below my bra line where a friend of mine has hers. I'm long waisted so there's plenty of room and this is what we discussed prior to surgery. I have a couple of lumps above my incision and one feels like it could be the port but it might just be inflammed tissue. It was very swollen right after surgery and is much smaller now but still "lumpy". I've e-mailed the doc some pictures and an explanation of what I'm feeling so I hope I have an answer soon!

    Good luck to all of you newly banded or about to be banded! If you're like me you'll be glad to have the surgery out of the way!

    Booda - about the milk of mag, I've taken it 3 times since surgery because I haven't been eating anything with any Fiber, mostly just Protein and carbs so I've been "bound up". This is not a typical problem for me but I'm glad I had it. It certainly helps with the bloating and "expulsion" of all the gas from surgery. Just stay near the potty after you take it! Another girl that was banded with me complained of not being able to sleep well, she said that has since resolved so just hang in there and keep yourself entertained. I think my mind worked overtime trying to figure out how I could make pizza into a palatable liquid (never did)..... I guess I should be grateful....?

    Take care everyone and keep plugging away!

  5. I can't seem to remember everywhere I post so I apologize for being a little hit and miss. I was banded 8-17 and I feel like I'm doing great. I took a week of vacation to be on the safe side, but I really wouldn't have needed it. I feel remarkably well. The gas subsided pretty quickly although it came back last night. I took some milk of mag (mom) to get things moving and that seemed to help a lot. The maalox didn't seem to work for me in making the gas go away. The mom makes it all go through and out - if you know what I mean!

    I've been keeping in touch with the others that were banded the same day I was and we're all healing at different rates with different complaints. Some have incisional soreness, some more gas than others and some are having trouble eating much of anything. I feel very fortunate to have only slight incisional soreness although there is a large knot above my port incision. I figure they had to tug and pull on that one to get everything out of the way and it will probably take quite awhile to go away.

    I hope we all heal quickly and get started on our day to day life as a bandster as soon as possible! Take care and let me know if the mom helps!

  6. What fun to share musical tastes! You guys might give Psapp a try. They sing the theme song for Grey's Anatomy and their song Hi is really fun. Not super fast but probably good for warming up/cooling down to. It's very unusual and I love their sound!

    One of my favorite songs to exercise to is Blister In The Sun by the Violent Femmes. It's also my all time favorite party song. Jachut - I think we have very similar tastes in music because I also love Greenday and The Offspring. My next download though is going to be Fergie's, London Bridge - what a fun song!

    Just talking about all this exercise themed music makes me want to go exercise - BYE!

  7. I was just banded last Thursday and I did have a few waves of "what have I done to myself?" but they're gone now and I'm learning a new way of life. I'm a little sore from surgery but otherwise am managing everything else just fine and you will too.

    Definitely get out your pre-op instructions and follow them. Each doctor is a little different though so don't freak out if others around here are doing something different than you are.

    The BEST advice I got and can give you is to not eat anything solid the day before surgery - stick to liquids, preferably Clear Liquids. I've had several people tell me (the doctors, previous patients, etc) that eating a big meal the night before as a last hurah kind of thing is the worst thing to do. It causes more nausea and gas pain post-op. The docs also told me that they can tell who follows their advice and who doesn't by how well the patients do after surgery!

    We had one girl in our group that came with her mother. Her mother encouraged her to eat - to keep up her strength - so they went out and had a large meal the night before surgery. She suffered horrible pain, nausea and vomiting post-op. There are probably a lot of people that have eaten before surgery and have had no trouble at all but why tempt fate?

    You will be fine, and yes it is a little unsettling to have surgery when it's really not mandatory, but in the end you'll be very happy you did it. Best of luck to you!

    Andy Liz

  8. Hey Everyone!

    I made it back safe and sound without any trouble - thanks for all your information and well wishes - I appreciate them! The surgery went well and I only had what I would consider the normal amount of discomfort after surgery. I did have a few minutes of remorse in the recovery room and the day after surgery when I was still feeling a bit under the weather but I think it's gone now. Still sore of course around my port area but my appetite is returning and I actually felt hungry today. I was hoping it would stay away a little longer so the 4 weeks of dietary restriction would go a little faster but, oh well - I'll just have to manage! Lucky to have no shoulder pain, but oh yeah, lots of gas!

    The only thing I could complain about was their alcohol swabs, and that's pretty minor but in the cardiologist's office the girl took a cotton ball out of a glass jar full of cotton balls and alcohol and I noticed the alcohol was cloudy....? The other time was in the hospital when they took out my IV. She put a cotton ball dampened with alcohol on my hand and taped it down. I kept smelling something sour and even asked my friend if she smelled something like yogurt in the room. I thought maybe my clothes stunk from the suitcase because I had just showered and changed them a little earlier. When I took the tape and cotton ball off my hand the smell got really strong and when I put it to my nose I almost puked! What on earth can grow in alcohol to make it sour - and why aren't we dying from infections? I figure they must put something in their mix because I didn't get any infection at all. Really weird!

    Telly - I think it's a requirement to be hot to work in Dr. Rumbaut's office. They all had it going on didn't they - and how beautiful is Elsa? Did she have the picture of the SUPER HOT guy in the frame on her desk when you were there? She said he's just some random guy but that she's using him for postive imagery! Have you heard anything out of Amy? I was wondering how she was doing but haven't had time to check around here for her.

    Thanks again everyone! It's nice to have this over with and I'm anxious to get on with the day to day life of a lapbander! I'll check in soon.

  9. Well gang - I'm getting everything ready for my trip south of the border!!! I hate flying and wouldn't you know it - a new terrorist scare. I'm going to need so much gin (just kidding since that would undermine all my liver shrinking dieting)! At least I know no one will be making a bomb in the back seat while I'm praying that the plane will stay aloft!

    Anyway, my friend that's traveling with me (she had her surgery in April) suggested we only take a carry on. Sounded great to me at the time but now we won't be able to take ANY toiletries. No Shampoo, conditioner, lotion, hair stuff, toothpaste, perfume etc..... I hadn't planned on feeling well enough to really do my hair and makeup but I hope there's someplace close where we can get some of the basics that the hotel may not have!

    She's going to take my before pictures too, so they'll be extra bad. Either after a day of traveling or with no makeup, hmmm... you guys are going to be lucky enough to see me at my very best - at least someday, hopefully soon!

    Take care everyone and I wish for you all dedication and persistence! I'll check back after surgery and I'm so glad to hear there were so many good experiences.

    Andy Liz

  10. Hi Everyone!

    Sorry I've been so absent lately - working lots and gaining weight! I started my pre-op diet Monday and have had great results. Something about impending surgery keeps me focused. Anyway, I had gained up to 270 and since Monday on a low carb plan, have lost 9 lbs. I'm delighted with this even though I'm sure it's mostly Water (I've been peeing like a thoroughbred)! Anyway with this success I'm hoping to have lost 15 lbs by surgery day. I'm doing a 2 day elective (the doc only requires me to do 1 day) liquid diet pre-op so I'm hoping that kicks the loss up by a few lbs....

    Anyway, I'm getting really excited and looking forward to being healthier, having a more active lifestyle and much better clothes! Surgery is next Thursday - less than a week away and I can't believe it's really going to happen. I'm kind of in a "shock and awe" frame of mind. Also my niece is getting married in November so I've got that as a goal to help keep me focused!

    I am just so delighted and excited and I love the support that is offered here! Everyone is wonderful!

    Thanks so much!

    Andy Liz

  11. You all crack me up in the BEST way! Underwear have always been a topic of concern for me. I have such huge, plain white underwear that my husband calls them "the big whites" like they're a new kind of shark or something. I've ventured out into color from time to time but the majority of my underwear are big, and uh, white.

    When I get to goal and get all new undies - I told my husband he was going to go broke. I'm going to get the matching bras and panties - enough for every day of the week plus a few more and the bras are going to be lacy, or sheer, plunging and/or front hooking or whatever the hell I want. Why? Because I can!

    It'll be that way with clothes too. Just like in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere tells the sales clerk that he'll be spending an insane amount of money - oh, yes that will be me, oh yessssss!

    Wait a minute - I work for a living..... crap, I'm back to reality now. It's a gray and dingy existence here in reality - but I will get the pretty undies - he, he!

    Andy Liz

  12. I've had a hysterectomy but I still can't get away from the red stuff!

    I'm Bloody Erin - what the hell does that represent?

    Non the less, very interesting Amy - where do you find this uh, swarther smellin stuff?


  13. It's so wonderful to know that so many of you have gone through the same emotions and are willing to share to help out those of us that are waiting our turn! Thank you!!!!!

    I've been having lots of second thoughts too. When I'm fully awake and can rationalize the situation I know it's the best thing I can do for myself, but recently I have been having more and more frequent "nightmares" if you will about having the procedure done.

    I'm not dreaming about the procedure itself or anything that goes wrong but that I'm a huge failure for not being able to lose weight with discipline and hard work. I have these feelings of "why am I putting my body through all this", "why can't I be strong", etc. I wake up in a panic and then realize that it's all going to be okay. My mom has been gone for several years now and I know she would never have approved this especially since I'm going to Mexico, so I think that's where it's all coming from. I also panic about the money. We could use that money for so many other things - nothing as important as my health - but isn't it sad that I can justify home improvements over my health?

    I just keep looking at the facts and looking at my health (not horrible at this point but it's staring me in the face) and my inability to do anything about it and I realize this is the best hope I have to regain my health and my love of an active life.

    My surgery date is 8-17 and I've bought the plane tickets and sent my deposit so I'm doing it period - but at times I think I'm just plain crazy for proceeding. Good luck with your surgery and thank you to everyone that has offered advice and stories - it really helps!

    Andy Liz

  14. Leenerbups - I have a connection with you already because of a hilarious personal story about the cowbell skit that you've got in your signature. It's probably only that funny to me so I won't bore everyone, but when I saw that I thought I must add my words of encouragement.

    I feel for your situation because I have those same insecurities you've described. I haven't been anywhere "nice" in ages because I just feel plain out-of-place. I know how difficult it can be to face new people and to be "up" in an effort to make a good impression when you feel so rotten about yourself - I fight the urge to let other's opinions of me define me even though I know that's just plain crazy.

    My advice is to concentrate on what a great person you are, get a fabulous dress and just be yourself. Your boyfriend loves you for who you are and he had to have learned that from his family, right? They're probably just as wonderful as he is and if not, they can go screw themselves!

    Changing the subject now, why can't you get a fill? Are you having problems and if so what kind? Amy - you're wonderful help, you're so very kind and such a wonderful asset to this site! Hang in there Leenerbups and just do the best you can and remember we're all here for you!

    Andy Liz

  15. I'm being banded in Monterrey by Dr. Rumbaut on 8-17 - Hooray!!! He refers to Dr. Steven Malley for follow-up and fills and are very pleased with him. I think he's in Lenexa or at least on the Kansas side somewhere. I don't know him yet but understand from postings I've read that he's very kind and does an excellent job.

    I'm sure if you inquired specifically about him on this site you could get some information. Good luck with your search and your surgery!

    Andy Liz

  16. I sweat too! I've always been warm natured but it's even worse now with all the extra "insulation". I notice it takes me longer to cool down and less time to warm up when I start moving. At work I often put my hair up just because if I don't the hair at the back of my neck is just dripping wet - it's just plain gross. Then I've got these other ladies that are freezing all the time - makes me sick!

    Sweating is definitely one thing that I hope improves after I've dropped some weight! I try to pawn it off to a "hot flash" but I'm on hormones and don't have hot flashes - my co-workers seem to buy it but they're probably just being nice.

  17. I've been drinking these off and on for a few years and I'm going to incorporate this into my pre-op diet. When I drink these for Breakfast and eat a healthy diet I usually have no trouble losing some weight. I just can't make myself do it long enough to add up. I absolutely love these smoothies though and they really do taste like a treat. My only problem is that I usually make so much I'm going to have to cut it by 3/4 after banding or it will just go to waste!

    8th Continent light vanilla soymilk

    vanilla flavored soy Protein powder - whatever kind I can get at Walmart

    frozen fruit - strawberries, blueberries and peaches are my favorite - just a few of each


    some splenda if needed

    Blend away! The frozen fruit and banana give it a great thickness and MAN is it good! You can use any amounts or combinations of ingredients you wish to make it your way.

    Diane - I'm going to have to look for that brand on my next visit to Kansas City. It's hard to find one that's really good tasting and they're so expensive I hate to experiment to find one I like - so I'm glad to have your recommendation!

    Amy - I do love the soup! I'm wondering when I can add that in my diet after banding. I'm thinking if I blend it maybe during the full liquid phase...? Sounds like you're all set. I got some Vitamins the other day too, and they're Flintstone's! I'm trying to buy up stuff I'll need like that so I don't have to buy it all at once.

    I'll check back in with everyone later - take care all!

    Andy Liz

  18. I'm so delighted to hear these things. I'm going to Dr. Rumbaut (8-17!) on the advice of a friend that was banded by him in April. I've never heard an unkind word spoken about the man and will be so eager to meet him. Maybe we should start a Rumbaut thread so we can follow our progress specifically...? Anyone up for that? Oh, wait.... I guess Nancy already did this! Way to go Nancy!

    Andy Liz

  19. Telly - look at those guns!!!! I can really tell you're working out. I'm a lazy lard ass but I'm hoping I'll get a wave of inspiration soon.... I used to love being active and with some weight loss I think I'll get that back.

    Amy - so glad you're home! I've been wondering about you and how you did. Don't worry about the gain. You'll probably start peeing like crazy and it will just drop off within a few days. Just stay on that liquid diet as prescribed so you can heal well. Where is your port? I'm going to ask Dr. Rumbaut to place it so it will be out of the way for a future TT. Don't know if he'll oblige me or not but I might as well ask!

    I forgot to include my stats for the week earlier - I weighed in at 264 on Wednesday. This was after my attempted week at the Soup diet. I followed it for a few days then just kept eating the soup 2x a day and then a regular meal for dinner. I ate lots of fruits and veggies too so I feel a lot better. I think I'm just going to continue to do these things for awhile - with Telly to inspire me, I'm going to get back on the eliptical machine too.

    Glad you're back!

    Andy Liz

  20. I've been told that lifing weights actually makes loose skin "appear" worse because as the muscle tones it becomes tighter and looks more streamlined (I'm not talking about building muscle) and that the loose skin drapes over it and looks even baggier.

    Jacqui - I'm really identifying with your comment on not finding the same body.... I'm 42 and people continually mistake me for being in my late 20's (which I love) but I'm sure it's because every wrinkle I could ever have is filled with fat! I've also only got a few grays which are cammoflaged nicely with highlights! Anyway, although I'm delighted to be banded (8-17!) I'm very nervous about what I'm going to be left with. I know it will be an improvement health wise and really that's the most important thing but my vain side doesn't want people guessing my age at 50 next year when just last year they thought I was 28! It will be an interesting adventure don't you think?

    In regards to plastic surgery I think I'm going to have to have a TT because I'm sure I'll be left with an empty apron that may improve some with time but it was never flat to begin with so it's certainly not going to make it there now. I've shared in other threads on this topic that I've always had difficulty getting pants to fit well and I think a TT would help that problem too. I would like to also have a boob lift because they've always been headed south - but it's not a priority.

    Andy Liz

  21. Yep, I've got the face fat too. I've even had people ask me if I was taking steroids (moon face). Nope I'm not and never have. It's a family curse, the fat face. I too have difficulty finding pants to fit well and it's only gotten worse the bigger I've gotten. My legs are not small but not pear shaped either by any means. I have absolutely no hips, even at 264 lbs. I can still feel my pelvic bones on the sides of my body.

    I've considered face reduction surgery but I'll just wait and see what happens to me when I get banded (8-17 woohoo!). I might have some loose hanging double chin like a turkey neck but I'll just bide my time with the chin thing. I'm more concerned about having to have a TT. I'm really interested in that because I think my pants would fit better and even though I'll never be a pear, maybe I could one day be a cucumber! Let's keep track of our progress along the way!

    Andy Liz

  22. I'm a pet lover too and I can feel the heartache you're going through. Sounds like many of us have had to make that painful decision but I believe you'll know when the time is right. The look that precious face gives you will tell the whole story and you'll just know.

    My personal story happened after my dad died of colon cancer. He had made sure that my husband and I would take care of his little dog, Angus after he passed. We only had him a little over a year when he was poisoned and I had to decide when it was time. We tried everything to save him but he just kept getting worse. It was horrible and I felt like I was losing my dad all over again because I had so many wonderful memories of Dad with his little Angus - they were so cute together. Dad would eat a cheese puff then Angus would eat a cheese puff. I don't think my dad ever ate an entire meal because the dog would get as much as dad!

    I wish you the best and I know you'll cherish all the wonderful memories you have with Peaches.

    Andy Liz

  23. Hey Courtney - good luck! I'm sure you'll do fine on your own, everything I've heard is that they take wonderful care of their patients in Mexico. I hate to fly so the hardest part for me will be the trip, but you know, somehow I'll manage! Best of luck to you and keep us posted.

    Has anyone heard anything out of Amy? I'm hoping everything went well for the girls that were there together..... Have a great day everyone!

    Andy Liz

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