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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by akheya

  1. Hey everyone..maybe someone on this thread can help me...well m not diagonsed with PCOS...but m very scared...thing is i havent realli gotten it checked it but the symptoms do sound lil similar and i met a doctor

    for my lapband surgery he has asked me to do some test prior to the surgery (some blood work and pelvic and abdomen Ultrasound) now m not married and everytime i do ending going for my appointments with the dr my mom makes it a point to come along...the doctor happened to ask me if i was a virgin and before i could answer he said ya u must be(m not)...the reason m not ending up getting it checked is...well i belong to an indian family and they dont really accept their kids to have sex before marriage..i know its sad,but ya thats the truth and more over i live in dubai and i plan to get my surgery done here as well...being a muslim country its even worse...now i dont know wat to doo...has anyone had this problem before...my dr and endo suspects i might have some hormonal inbalance...but cant be for sure till i run those test...Now if i go for my Ultrasound and they find out m not a virgin m scared they my tell my mom and my mom is gonna be hystericall then....i guess my question is did anyone have to do pelvis ultrasound for lapband surgery? and are the test any diff if ur virgin or not?

  2. Hey Axt,

    welcome to the group... congratulations on taking the step to get the surgery done:)...m still waiting on mine as welll....if u dont mind me asking where does Dr Faruq Badiuddin practice ? i mean which hospital or clinic and where?...

    Btw would love to chat...as we all here to help each other and motivate each other :frown:

  3. Hey Mommacb, welcome to this form and welcome to UAE:)...i must say this is a very quiet thread..i dont reside in Abu Dhabi but will try and find out information for u soon regarding fills in Abu Dhabi...i live in Dubai(well my family does and i was born and raised here soo know most of Dubai and around) in Dubai there is Emirates Hospital where Dr Chris De Bruyne is the surgeon, he is from belgium and comes to dubai only for lapband surgeries once a month and his team( Dr Roger Batrouni) takes care of the after care of the patient...i know for fact they do fills for patients who have not done surgery with them but price m not definate abt (500-600 per fill) for their patients its 250-300 per fill after 3 months....but there are other hospitals that do surgeries here as well but m not sure abt the fills...belhoul hospital and american hospital..

    I hope i was of some help..


  4. Thanx everyone for the feedbacks and trust me it eased my mind alot coming from you guys.


    Though m not banded yet either but from wat i have read soo far...if i were u and in alot pain the day of surgery and strongly believe the pain would cont..the following day i would request the doctors if i could stay another day at hospital, but thats just me...since i live alone in toronto as well...the main reason i decided to get banded in Dubai (If i do) is coz i was gonna be all by myself in toronto and noone at all to be there or takecare of me if i was in some sorta need since everyones experience with surgery and pain in different, some tend to recovery way faster than others...


  5. Hi everyone, i am still not a banded, but looking to get banded soon, i've already done my consultation with Dr Chris De Bruyne in Dubai..now just deciding if i should go for it or not( Honestly i am really really scared) and i understand almost everyone prolly went through this nervousness/anxiety and undecided phase before their surgery as well.

    Now since m not banded yet m doing all my research i can before hand and looking in for answers i dont have from someone who does.( as i found out everyone here is very very helpfull--my own experience:thumbup:)

    I am starting this post so everyone can also post all the questions they think are silly and which they dont have answers too, something u think might be intense to something realli reallli small...coz as i said i rather ask a silly questions then dont know wat to do if m in situation..

    So here is my question :

    I have heard and read from post that soon after surgery (not sure how long 1-7 days maybe or longer/shorter) u are not realli suppose to bend as it might cause some problems to the stitches or port , so wat do we do in a situation when u have to go to toilet and after clean urself and later pulling up ur underpants since u have to bend?especially the same day or the following day after surgery....m sorri for posting such an embrassing question but i've realli been thinking abt it and i didnt know where else i can get the answers, soo i ask....:rolleyes2:

  6. Hi everyone...can someone please help me...m looking for aftercare and fills in toronto/mississauga/brampton.. anywhere in GTA is ok...m still not banded but m thinking of getting banded here in Dubai, since my whole family is here and i live alone in toronto they preferr i get it done here soo atleast if i need to be taken care of or anything at all they can be there for me...my family is more freaked out abt this whole thing more than i am...soo m realli considering getting banded here in dubai...butt pls can someone suggest me where i can go for fills and aftercare in GTA since after surgery (1-2months after surgery)will be in toronto for most of the time...i just come to dubai to visit my family once in a yr or something...plsplss help

  7. Hey everyone..is anyone here from dubai/toronto...m in a fix...m not yet banded but also m not able to decide where i should get banded...i recently got my PR(Permanent Residency) for canada but been living there from 9yrs on student/work bases...i was born and raised in Dubai which means my whole family still resides in dubai....Now my problem is if i get banded in toronto i will be alone there and noone to be with me or hellp me during my surgery and from wat i have heard it is imp to have a helping hand for few days atleast..and if i get banded in dubai ,i have no idea wat will i do abt aftercare once i am in toronto...has anyone been in any similar situation?? if so wat did they do? does anyone know of any doctors for fills and after care in toronto?...please helpp

  8. Hey Signora...m in the exact same situation as u are...i went in last week to emirates hospital and spoke to DR leya , m pretty sure she consulted u as well and i was told the same thing u were abt Dr Chris De Bruyne....i have a loooottt tooo loose...BMI of 47....let me know as well if u get any feedback or update..M going in to see Dr Roger tomorrow as he takes care of the patients of Dr Chris De Bruyne...lets see how it goes

  9. Hi Guys m soo glad i came across this thread..m a resident of Dubai as well and recently got my PR for canada..but currently in dubai. I live alone in Canada, so was considering have lap band done here in dubai where my family is...can anyone recommend me surgeons....m realli veryy scared as i have been overweight almost all my life or atleast as long as i can remember...also would love to get in touch with ppl here who got banned already...any tips or nething i should realli know before i go for it?

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