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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Rett

  1. I contacted Dr. Mckeen's office and he does them for patients done in Mexico and his rates are good.... but, he doesn't use fluro, just has you drink some Water before he takes the needle out to make sure it goes through. In most cases I think that would probably work out OK but it does make me a little nervous. I'd like to contact your friend about the dr she found. Is he in Utah???


  2. Today is one week post op and I feel pretty lousy. I noticed a hard, raised vein on my arm about 1 1/2 in in length. Now it is about 3" long and not quite as hard, could it be a blood clot????

    How much can you usually drink on the full liquids? ? After about 1/4 cup I start to feel bloated. I don't know what to think, I feel bloated all the time so I spend much of my time eating GAsX and holding a hot pad on my stomach. A near starvation diet can't be healthy so I have been trying to get in some nutrition but I am so uncomfortable and feel rather grouchy today I also experienced for the first time ever a cramp in the FRONT of my leg..... lack of Potasium??

    I got home from Mexico on June 8th and on Sun., June 11th I learned that my niece had passed away at the age of 21, just 6 months older than my daughter and they had been very close growing up.... Today, Tues. I learned that my daughter who lives in Korea, where her husband is stationed in the military, is flying home tomorrow for the funeral and is not planning to go back but will be staying at our house until her husband recieves new orders in September. I would love that except that I haven't been able to do much for a long time and her room is chuck full of boxes of things that I can't move.

    My quiet recuperation time has been turned on it's ear, my usual stress "control" is eating oops, can't go there....... so what do I do???

    :help: CAN ANYBODY HELP ?????? Rett

  3. Got my band Tues. 6-6-06, I've got more questions than I thought I'd have... like "where's my stomach?" and "am I hungrey or have I injested too much?" "whats this moving inside me that feels like a baby's foot?" I just know that can't be right! "Why the back ach?" "The pain med isn't very strong, can I take Excedrine or ibuprofin?" "Or, how about a little morphine?" Anybody know whats going on?????


  4. Weight watchers is still the best all around, I can do this the rest of my life diet. I plan to use the program after I'm banded. The reason? It takes into consideration all the elements of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Like for instance, sometimes, if you aren't loosing, you actually need to be eating MORE. I found that I lost better when I ate ALL my points instead of scrimping. Unfortunately, I found after I had lost about half the weight I needed to I started getting into the nervous, If I eat less I'll loose faster, diet mentality and then your leptin control kicks in and ORDERS your body to FILL UP THEM EMPTY FAT CELLS! and all is lost. But with only 30lbs. to lose I'd REALLY reccomend Weight Watchers for life. And if you can lose the 30lbs then you can go free and therre are no side effects. Good luck with your efforts. Rett

  5. My husband just found out that his company offers an insurance carrier THAT PAYS FOR LAP-BAND! If he had known we could have signed up for it next January but we didn't and so I'm having the surgery in 2 days and we're self-pay. Now he's really depressed and I'm thinking how all that money could have gone so many other places:omg: that puts extra pressure on me to make it all worthwhile --- life is a bummer, it just never stops! Wouldn't it be nice if insurance companies would keep pace with available treatments instead of working so hard to find ways of raising premiums for less coverage? Sorry for venting my frutration, my husband was kind of a pickle when he found out.... Rett:rolleyes

  6. Hi, I know how you feel, my surgery is Tuesday 6/6/06 and I'm up and so excited one day and then, like last night, I'm scared to tears and sobbing all over the place. I'm 57, 5'1" tall and over a hundred pounds too heavy and like you have been suffering for a long time with back problems and foot problems and sleeping problems and pain, pain, pain. I can't keep up with my housework I'm no fun and of course I look terrible feel terrible and can't really do anything so I eat which just makes it worse and then... well you know the story. I guess there are no garantees in life, except I think we are pretty much garenteed more of the same and worse if we don't lose weight, and if we go on another diet we know we will end up another 10-20 lbs. heavier, so the band gives us HOPE and I think it's the best option we have. Once a person puts on 100 or more pounds it doesn't matter how hard you work to take it off or keep it off, your body hates the empty fat cells and is constantly trying to fill them up. Bummer!!I'm cared t be able to handle the new life style because everything in life seems to revolve around food. All my husband and I seem to do together is go out to lunch. Now we'll have to find something else..... or have nothing.

    After all our strugglings, which have been in vain, I believe there remains within us, a last, effectual struggle to be made. Good Luck !!! This is going to take a major leap of faith, but what do we have to lose, except say, 100lbs.?


  7. I'm just wondering if you have to walk across the bridge into Tijuana? ?

    and how can you be sure Miguel is Miguel?? and did you need a heating pad?? what kind of Snacks did you take???? and what did you do after the tests on Pre-op day???? Did you take a phone card? do they have phones in your room at the hotel??? Last min. jitters I guess, sure would appreciate hearing from a few of you....;)

    Thanks, Rett

  8. Hi,

    I am being banded in just one week and I am excited. I've been on the pre-op diet and it has been really interesting to me that I haven't even thought about Pepsi and I haven't been ravenous, there is a certain freedom I've experienced because I haven't had to think about food and dieting and weight every min. of every waking hour. All my journal entries, for over half my life sound the same, "I've got to lose weight", or "this time I'm going to stick to my diet" or "this has got to be the last diet I have to go on" and I've dieted and lost and ALWAYS gained it back with a little extra, a little extra weight, a little extra depression, a little extra pain in my back and feet, a little extra obstruction in my throat etc. MY hope for the band is that I can begin to eat and think and live in a normal fashion. I want to do something besides think about my weight. We all know how to lose weight, the band helps to KEEP IT OFF.

    I've been researching the band for about a year and my dad keeps bugging me about it till finally when my husband said if I wanted it we'd find a way to pay for it, I jumped on it and that was about three weeks ago. Good luck with your research and decision.


  9. Hi,

    my surgery date is June 6th with Dr Kuri in Mexico. I'm on the pre-op diet and feeling sorta proteined out... I could use some reminders of why we are willing to go through this, give up soda, maybe even ice cream, I know from when I have lost weight before that soon as I start feeling OK again I seem to forget how REALLY HORRIBLE it feels to be morbidly obiese. When you have 100 plus to lose it never hurts to remember what it was like in "the fat old days" here are some to get us started:

    (1) I would like to be able to reach all my own body parts.

    (2) I would like to sleep with one or two pillows instead of five.

    (3) I would like to have a neck.

    (4) I would like to lay down without my neck and chest meeting & rubbing

    (5) I would like to be able to stand without back pain.

    (6) I would like to snuggle with my husband instead of a CPAP mask!

    (7) I would like to have a lap for my grandchildren to snuggle on.

    (8) I would like to be able to walk without foot pain.

    (9) I would like to be able to walk without my belly leading the way.

    (10) I would like to be able to walk without my face turning red and heart


    I'm sure there are many more we can add so please feel free to do so. I think we all share in the frustration and the many embarasing moments...


  10. I've been on this pre-op diet now for 2 whole days and it doesn't really go over with my stomach. The stuff doesn't taste bad, thats not a problem and I'm really not that hungrey either, it just doesn't agree with my tummy. Can this really be "good for me??" Does it get better? so far I just crash at about 5-5:30 and then cant get to sleep when I go to bed. I'd really like to hear from someone who has done this high protien/low carb diet. I was NEVER a candidate for Atkins. Can it really be done for TWO WEEKS????? :tired


  11. My husband and I had decided to put of the band until October.... I thought that I sent ishi (patient facilitator for Dr Kuri) an email with that information. Then she called and left a message on my answering machine saying that the date I wanted was open (the 6th of June!) she sent me all the information and and forms etc. and I'm thinking wait a min. didn't you read my email? so I checked my sent box only to discover that I hadn't sent anything about October. But, I remember writing it! anyway, I told my husband when he got up and lo, he arranged for the money and I GUESS I'LL BE GOING IN 2 WEEKS. That's fast and sorta taking my breath away. I have to do the pre op diet because my dr. requires everyone with a BMI of 45 or above to do it and i'd rather be safe than sorry. I have been amazed at how supportive my husbands had been even though it means he has to work 84hr. weeks. Either he really loves me, or he is really tired of looking at me in this condition......... I think I'll go with the love. tomorrows Sunday dinner will be the last normal meal for a very long time. When I finish here I'm going up to have a Pepsi. How hard has it been to give up pop???? that will be the hardest for me I'm afraid.

    My Son sent me a great quote (I don't know who said it but it's good) :confused:


    Well, I guess this is "it":nervous Rett

  12. Hi all,

    I need to book my flight to Mexico to get my band, my husband thinks I'll need to go first class because the seats are roomier and I'm sure it would be so much more comfortable, but it is almost TWICE as much as seats in Coach. I was wondering how many travel coach and get along ok and how many have to get the more expensive ticket. I've got a little over 100lbs. to lose. any feedback would be appreciated..


  13. Hi!

    You got your band on my daughters birthday! How was it???? I'm considering Dr kuri too and would love to hear how everything went. How was the hotel? How is the staffs English?? Do you have any discomfort??? Were you scared???? How would you rate the new hospital????? I look forward to hearing from you. Best, best of luck, Rett:)

  14. I just wanted to say thank you for the positive imput. You are right, if it really does work there are a lot of issues that have to be dealt with, some, in fact, that were instramental in prompting the upward gain in the first place. It is a great thing to have a forum like this because all of us need support from someone who understands what we are/have been going through. Thanks again. Rett:)

  15. :help: Hi, I am just starting to realize how terrible I really look and how hard it is on my family. I already know how terrible I feel but the hopelessness has been going on for so long now that I'm scared that the lap band will just be another thing (a very expensive thing) that leaves me worse off than before. I've read a lot of posts and I get a mixed mesage:omg: I mean, I really don't have any desire to experience a PB, ugh! Still, to do nothing means I can look forward to just what I have now..... and to diet again means to gain even more weight and more pain and probably a heart attack.... so what do I have to lose? about 110 pounds.

    I have been considering Dr Kuri in Mexico..... has anyone else been to him? Rett

  16. I'm brand new to this forum, I live in Utah and am seriously considering the band but it is a huge step and a lot of money and I wonder is it really worth it and will it really work and will I be sorry I can't eat very much, I have 110lbs to lose. Two years ago I lost 56lbs. on Weight Watchers but gained it back (of course!) plus about 12 extra pounds. I am only 5' 1" tall and I look and feel worse than ever before in my life. I can't stand or walk without pain, my house is going to the dogs and I can hardly breath. Yes, I am desperate, could the band really work. I could soooooooo use some moral support and encouragement. Rett

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