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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Fluffy_Gurl

  1. personally, I much prefer a bigger guy. I am constantly trying to feed my man. and..its working hes now complaining he thinks he is fat lol so now its back to some healthier food for him....

    These girls you are trying to "bed" arent work the time your taking to get nakid...any girl who is gonna "bed" you is probably willing to bed everyone no matter what size they are. as a girl, ur gonna have more fun with a girl who cares about you..shes gonna trust you more..and ur gonna have more "fun" personality is the most attractive trait. you have to remember that women are wired differently. We -most of the time- are looking for men to potentially build a relationship with. I dated a man (i use this term loosely) that was hot..six pack...bicept like pop-eye...smile like brad pitt etc...the more i went out with him the less attractive he became..why...because he was a douche. and i never did "bed" him.

    If ur just looking for a fun time girl, ur size doesnt matter. if you have game u have game. not any different than us big girls havn game to get 10's.

  2. I think you should seek help if you are emotionally eating because if you continue you will stretch your pouch. If you had slipped you would know, everyone on here taks about how painful it is if you do. I think the real issue you need to deal with is your emotional eating. You can do it! you can overcome your emotional eating! look at all of the hard work you have done to get here. you are obviously a very strong person beccause this is not an easy process. Call your dr.s social worker or seek counsleing elsewhere with someone who can help you with dealing with your emotions. YOU CAN GET PAST IT! YOU ARE STRONG! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!

  3. Im sorry to hear that you dont have a good relationship with your mom. But you cant please everyone. The only person that maters if you please them is YOU! I think you should share your feelings with your mom, but ultimatly this decision is yours! It sounds like you have doing well without your mom in your life..and you can continue to do so. you will do well! haave faith in yourself! you are the one who matters!

  4. im getting banded soon and was wondering where most ports are placed....

    If you could choose the location of your port would you have chosen a different place?

    Is there a bad place for the port?

    Did you get to choose where your port is located?

    Can you feel your port???

    How much weight did you lose before it showed?

  5. I know just how you feel! My dr wont do the surgery until you have quite smoking for two months. So im on day forty something of no smoking. I quite cold turkey..it was pretty hard but glad i did it before being banded altho i did gain about 6 lbs but thats slowly coming off now and i havent even started the pre-op diet. when i left my dr office i finished my pack and never looked back! I wont lie its hard, i think about it daily...even had dreams about smoking...i just keep thinking about my surgery, and how much easier exercise is now that i dont smoke! you can do it!:smile2:

  6. I wish I hadnt told already. I really didnt want everyone n my buisness. unfortunatly one of my family members didnt "understand" that I wasnt really telling people and has blabbed to my entire family. I just decided i really dont give a crap about what they Think. the rest of my family is all tall and very thin and im wider than i am tall. I wish i wouldnt have told, unfortunatly i had to tell someone..cuz i need a ride to the hospital wich is an hour and a half away.

  7. Each ins is different and it depends on how your employer has the plan set up, some plans dont require pre auth for procedures, some require pre auth for everything. I once had an ins that I had to get pre auth for immunizations for my dtr at her preventative visits.

  8. Totally depends on your dr and your ins co. My doc scheduled my surgery at my first appt for two months out. my insurance only took a week to approv but they required thirty days notice. so the whole process took two months...im scheduled for 10-12 and my initial appt was 8-18. so totally depends!!! Good luck in your journey make sure you do lots of research and ask lots of questions. This site has been AMAZING for me. Hope will help you as much as it has helped me.

  9. I too am getting banded in two weeks. My date is Oct. 11th. I started my 2 week liquid diet which consists of nothing but liquids, cream Soups, Jello, and pudding. So far so good haven't been really hungry but the caffeine withdrawls are killing me, leaving me feeling week and tired. I do not understand how people are getting surgery so fast while I went through a year long process of testing and a strict diet followed by a nutrionist? Is it just diff Drs. do things diff? Anyway good luck!

    Most of the process is regulated by the ins company. sometimes the dr.s but most likely the ins co. Mine was pretty easy with the ins co i have now, but the one prior was like a two year process. glad my company changed ins!

  10. OMG! I stepped on the scale today for the first time in three weeks. so heres the story...before my initial appt I was slightly under for a bmi of 40, so i gained a few pounds to qualify.

    I went to my initial apt and they said quit smoking or no surgery so i tossed the smokes as soon as I got to my car.

    my pcp changes some medication that makes me super tired.

    three days later I lose my job. so ....I've gained twelve more pounds since that appointment.

    I'v also been allowing myself to eat foods i know i shouldnt with the mindset that ill never be able to eat them again after the surgery. I know this is not ok. Ive also not been exercising like I should because I am so tired and depressed over the job loss. Im also a single mom making the job loss even more stressfull. I have decided to spend some of my savings(which is mninimal anyway) to pay for cobra and go ahead and have my surgery in two weeks.

    how do i get back on track before my surgery? are there tips or a process that anyone has used to try and get in the mindset beore surgery that was successful?


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