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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by HAL380

  1. Good Morning Everyone;

    Aside from the obvious benefit of just losing weight, what else motivates(ed) you?

    For me it is the following:

    1 - A more professional appearance in business situations

    2 - The ability to work around the yard without fatigue

    3 - I would really like to install pavers for my driveway, but

    its hard for me to kneel down and get back up.

    4 - I would like to take long walks - health benefit - without

    heavy breathing.

    There are probably others, but these are a couple to give an example.



  2. Good Morning all;

    Had my last consult yesterday with the nutritionist. Asked her if my doc required pre-op diet, she said no. I know I have to have the group orintation and then one on one with the Dr. Asked her "From this point to surgery date how long will it be"? She said 2 to 3 months. I can't even speak with anyone in the Dr's office until they get the paper work from this last consult, that's why I was asking the NUT for all the scoop.

    I have a couple of questions and will pose them here rather than make them as separate posts.

    1 - What is the big deal about the Magic Bullet? I know it is some kind of blender, but why is it so much better than an ordinary blender.

    2 - I am hoping that when I lose my 100 lbs, I will have so much more energy. Right now I become fatugued quite easily. I guess when I dont have to lug around that 100 lb I will have more energy. What has been your experience?

    3 - After banding and fully healed, how careful must you be regarding the band and contact sports. Basket ball, ordinary horsing around. Not talking about going into the boxing ring, but what about being bumped in a crowd etc.

    4 - What about a medic-alert bracelte in the event of a car accident or some other situation where I may be unconscious?

    Thanks in advance


  3. From a man's perspective:

    If I were you and visiting with them and they said Anything, disparraging, or hurtful, I would look them straight in the eye and point my finger at them and simply tell them to SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! You are no ones punching bag, nor are you their ego booster.

    Oh Hal that will hurt our relationship ---- What relationship???

    Dear Hubby??? Choose your wife or mommy

    Sometimes you have to be a gut fighter.



  4. Good Morning all;

    As I have posted previously, I want to keep my band to myself. No one's business but mine. I work in an office, but will not tell them. Naturally if I come to work too soon, and exhibit pain or discomfort that will bring on questions. I am trying to figure out some senarios wherein I can dissappear for a week or so and not be questioned.

    In this connection I am thinking about a 5 night cruise out of NYC. I enjoy cruising and would have medical attention available. could walk the deck for the walking part, could recline on a deck chair as I hear this is comfortable. Many Plus's. Only negative would be the dining - or lack there of.

    I think I could get a 5 night cruise for around $250 each. That would be one of those "Last minute Deals", so maybe I would not find something. But "Last minute" really means 3 to 4 weeks before you leave, so if I got one I could build my story around that, or if I miss a deal I could simply say I am taking a week off.

    Any thoughts from experienced banders about my cruise deception idea?



  5. Good Morning all and Happy St. Pat's Day!!

    I was approved for WSL last March, went to the mass indoc session and walked out after the Doc was late arriving for the group discussion. Also was not impressed with the office staff. I am sure they are competent, but somewhat curt.

    In any case I figured I would come back when I was in a better mood, but never did. I also thought - in the back of my mind, that I could do the weight loss without surgery. Wrong!!!

    I went for my physical this past 3/1 and had gained more weight. My PA almost cried and said I was killing myself. I told her about leaving the indoc class and asked if WLS was still on the table. She said she would put me in again. Well yesterday I got the approval subject to Psyc and Nut evals. I passed before so should be ok this time.

    So today I will call and make the apts for the evals. This time I will not walk out on the prelim indoc.

    Anyway, I have a high school reunion 9/11 and I want to look good for my X-wife :scared2::thumbup:. Now don't jump on me, I am doing this for myself and my kids and current wife.

    Will keep you all informed.



  6. Hi Gingerjane;

    Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me?????

    She had Lipo but your band is wrong????

    why didn't she simply have a life style change and manage her flab? Why didn't she wait a year before the lipo???

    Everything she said to you applies to her.

    As I have posted before, I will only tell my wife and mother. No one else. Telling people only opens the door for people to enter your life.

    I don't criticize you for telling others, that's your choice. but for me I will keep it to myself. When people notice a weight loss I will simply tell them I am on a "Portion control Plan"

    Regards and support to you


  7. Congratulations on the band.

    First let me say very clearly that I am pre-op, not banded, But I have been reading every post I could find so I would be informed. It's my understanding that the first few weeks are liquids only then on to mushies, then on to solids.

    I would recommend that you check with you doctor before going to solids.

    My best wishes to you.


  8. I am a real estate appraiser here in Connecticut. My job is really sedentary, just working on the computer, driving around to photograph comps, going to city hall for research and then the inspection of the subject property. Inspecting means climbing stairs etc. No twisting or lifting and so forth.

    I don't intend to tell anyone other than my wife and mom, (you know how moms are-they worry and I dont want to keep a secret from her)

    So the heart of the question is how long do you think I will need to be out of work before I can show up at the office without a big sign on me that says "I had a surgery"

    My plan is to shoot for the Memorial Day weekend. I will go in on thursday and have 5 days off before going back to work on tuesday. As far as missing work thursday and friday, I will simply tell them I am going deep sea fishing.

    I have no problems having a boss, cus I own the business, but share office space with a friend and his wife.

    I already know the answer and it is "It depends" I could be one of the hard cases with much pain ect or maybe a lucky one with almost nothing. What I am looking for is a cncensus.

    Regards to all


  9. Good morning everyone

    I have been reading many many posts in all the forums here and it seems that the predominant forum members are women.

    Is this true, or are the men here just hanging out lurking?

    I have no problem hearing of the experiences and sucesses of the ladies, but being a guy I would like to hear things from a man's perspective too.

    Warm regards


  10. Hello Marmour;

    The answer has to come from within you. This is not a lap-band issue. I would be happy to be your email buddy and try to encourage you as much as possible, but only you can control your chocolate habit.

    There must be some sort of addiction support group near you. Here we have overeaters annonomus(sp?), AA, and others. Check them out.

    My best to you and I will specifically pray for you.:smile2:



  11. Thanks for all your replies to my post. As I said I am rather private, but on the other hand I enjoy having some fun at others expense. So maybe what I will do when asked about my wonderful weight loss. I will simply tell them I have a fantastic weight loss plan and if you give me $20.00 I will write out for you. He He

    On a serious note, I will share it if I think it would be a positive help to someone else who is obese. If a slender person asked then perhaps it is not something I would discuss.



  12. Hello again

    2nd post today.

    I am a very private person, and I don't think I will be telling anyone, other than the wife that I will have, or had the band.

    Who wants to hear about my "Operation" anyway.

    I mention this because when reading the post op forum, someone was heartbroken because of a thoughtless comment from a co-worker.

    Maybe I will do a poll



  13. My last post was 3/13/09. At that time I had been approved for the banding, and was scheduled for the indoc meeting. I went there with my wife and was in a room full of fat people. I got annoyed when the presenter/doctor was late. I felt it would be impolite to leave after he started his presentation. I know my temper and was getting more and more negative as we waited. I wanted the most positive approach and felt the moment had passed after he was 10 min late. (our meeting was scheduled for 1:00 and I figured he was having an extended lunch). Anyway we left.

    I have made no progress on my own, and now feel like I really need the band. It will force my moderation. I am fortunate that I will most likely be "reapproved", but must again go through the phsyc screening, and the nutritionist visit.

    Hal - Why are you telling us all this????

    I don't know, I enjoyed visiting the forum in the past, and wanted to rejoin. I know all of the former "Pre-banders" have moved on, and I am talking to a new group of Pre-banders. Anyway lets go down this road together.

    Warm Regards


  14. My PPC recommended that I have the band. Did my phyc & nutritional consults within 2 weeks and they gave me a positive report to the Dr. That was about 6 weeks ago. Finally Dr's office calls and schedules an "educational" visit for April ?? (forget).

    In the meantime, I have had mixed feelings. I am about 100 lbs overweight, but otherwise in pretty good health. I enjoy eating and alcohol, obviously too much. At the end of my nutritional consult she handed me a folder and said "This is the rest of your life". When I got home and read "The rest of my life", I said wow, do I really want to make this trip.

    On the other hand, I would like to be trim and fit, move easier, and have the ladies smile at me some more. I have longevity in my family. Grandparents -4 died in thier 90's, dad passed at 94, and mom is still with us @ 94, so maybe I should consider the quality of life issues if I am going to be here for the next 30 yrs or so.

    Comments appreciated - only positive ones, don't want to be brought down by negatives.



  15. This post is not really a question, but more about me thinking about my decision for surgery. Since I am pre-op this seemed to be the right place for this post.

    Me - 66 in March, Male, sedentary occupation. weight - 295, height 6'-0". According to the chart my weight should be 175'ish. My desired weight is 190.

    Motivation - (in no particular order) Want the ladies to smile at me (again), want to improve health BP and Diabetes, colestoral (sp?). Want to be more active and move more easily. I am a professional and at times give testimony in court so a good appearance is also an asset.

    Other points - Have longevity in family. father died at age 94, mom still alive @ 94, all grand parents lived into 90's. So I think "Why be stupid and throw away my life?"

    Hey Hal what is the point of all of this - you ask. The answer is that writing helps me think. I don’t mind putting my thoughts out here for others to see, (and I am open to constructive comments).

    So here’s where it boils down to - I can see and want all of the obvious benefits, be more healthy, move better, be able to enjoy exercise, look better and feel better about myself. The troubling part is getting there. There is minimal risk in the procedure. There is discomfort short term post op. There is life long restrictions I will be facing. – no alcohol, no grazing on the cruise ships buffets, many of my favorite foods will be off limits. Eating has been a very comfortable social part of my life. I go to my favorite restaurant, and like Cheers – they all know my name and the waitresses know that I want a cup of coffee and a glass of Water when I arrive and then I can wait for them if they are busy.

    I have done the diet things before, and have had some very good results and other times have only middling success. The way I look at it is similar to the Spanish conqueror Cortez when he invaded Mexico after sailing from Cuba. He ordered his men to “Burn their boats”. That meant there was no turning back. We will succeed or die here. I view this surgery as burning my boat. And that is somewhat daunting to me.

    I ask that no one say to me “If you have these questions, then you are not ready”. Any thinking person will ponder large decisions. It is a wise man who “Counts the cost”.

    I feel better for having put this to paper. I want to do more research to see that there is large life after the band.

    Regards to all


  16. Hi All;

    By 2/5 I will have had my psyc and nutritional evals, and tomorrow I am submitting the questionaire I was given.

    My wife works for a hospital, and I am covered by her insurance, and my Dr. has recommended me for this surgery.

    So, I dont know what may stand in my way. I am hoping for an early apt for the knife. Probably will know more in a few weeks.

    Regards to all


  17. My PCP has referred me to the Dr. for the Band. I am just starting out on this journey. I currently weigh approximately 290. My good weight is around 180. I have type 2 and am on blood pressure meds. This should be an interesting trip.

    I have go for a consult with the DR, then with a nutritionist, and I am not sure what else, oh yeah attend a support group mtg.

    For anyone who knows the answer - typically how long does the procedure take, and how long is the hospital stay?

    Regards to all


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