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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Wanttolose

  1. I'm in the same boat! I was banded about 1 year ago and have done pretty good until recently. I have found myself slipping back into my old bad habits. I had knee surgery about 2 weeks ago and what else is there to do but snack? I got an the scale and found 11 extra pounds. We just have to take back control and remember that we had surgery and if we don't succeed then it was a waste. Today I started logging all of my food and drinks in a diary and starting some weight lifting and will start walking as my knee permits. Nothin' to it, but to do it!!

  2. Sure I wrestled with the same thoughts and questions that you are. I went to Weight Watchers and Nutri System and lost the weight, but I ALWAYS gained it all back and then some. Losing weight is the easy part. Keeping it off is much harder. With the band if I go off track or screw up or whatever it isn't near as bad, meaning I just can't eat as much. So I eat a piece of pie that I don't really need and not the whole pie. There are times when I want to eat alot but can't, and thats a good thing. What I am saying is it's a life style change and you can't just give up like you can on regular diets. This band works, but you have to work with it. It won't do it all for you, it still requires effort on your part. I still think this is the second best decision I have ever made, the first is marrying my wife 30 years ago! It's normal to have second thoughts, but it sure is nice to go into a meeting and not be the fattest guy in the room! I love it at work when people say "hey skinny"!

  3. I find that I have to exercise more to lose weight. The weight is still comming off, but I guess I have to earn it. After surgery the pounds seemed to come off on their own. I may have a slow period of weight loss because I go in for knee surgery in 2 weeks.

  4. I have been banded since April of this year. It was the best thing I have done. I was always hungry, always. Now I don't get hungry near as much,and when I do I am satisfied with just a few bites. I actually get tired of people always wanting to go and eat. Meetings at work are always centered around food. I normally have a small snack or only have a drink. I notice people looking at what I am having and are amazed at how little I want. At work I told a couple of people about my surgery, so in other words everyone knows. I am lucky in that everyone at work has been supportive. I haven't heard a single negative comment! Good luck to you and don't worry about hunger.

  5. For me exercize is the key. When I don't exercize I seem to maintain or lose very slowly, but when I do exercize the weight drops off much quicker. I consider myself a sucessful bandster because I have lost 62 pounds so far and am still losing. I need to start lifting weights again. I haven't lifted since my surgery. I was always one of the strongest (and fattest) in the gym. Now my arms are really getting small, but at least I'm not one of the heaviest any longer. Time to lift and build muscle. It takes more calories to maintain muscle, even when resting.

  6. Well I finally made it into the 250's. This was the first goal that I have been hoping to reach. I now weigh in at 258.6. I started out at 298, made it through the 290's, then the 280's, 270's, 260's and have arrived in the 250's! It feels great! People really seem to notice now and make comments. I have noticed that my energy levels have soared. I have an appointment with my primary care doctor the end of this month and can't wait. I haven't seen him since my surgery. In the past he would always say "so what are we going to do about your weight" , and I would say "I'm gonna get a fatter doctor"! I can't wait to get down to my goal weight and then look him in the eye and say " so what are we going to do about YOUR WEIGHT"!

  7. It just shows how people love to talk even when they have know idea what they are talking about! I met one lady who had bypass surgery and didn't want the band because she didn't want to have the adjusting dial hanging out of her stomach!! People need to get informed or just stay quiet. This just goes to show that we need to ask our doctor not the over talkative know-it-alls.

  8. Hi Ed! My wife and I were banded 1 week apart. Best thing we ever did. I was really scared about surgery, it was my first. Surgery was a piece of cake, over real fast. Buy lots of flavors of Protein drinks, we prefer Syntrax nectar, they have lots of flavors but you just have to see what you like. Check your doctors post op food list and buy lots of stuff before surgery. Get everything you can in advance so that your post op energy is spent on recovering. Don't be a bonehead like me and try to over do things! Pay attention to peoples success stories, and be encouraged. We both took off from work 1 week.

    Good luck to both of you! You both will do great!:)

  9. I'm going to get my wife to read your post when she gets home. Right now she says that she can eat almost as much as before the band. Myself, I am satisfied with just a very small serving or I get stuffed. I ate some dry tuna the other day and I think I almost found out what stuck means, it just stopped and I felt some pressure. I looked around and almost felt a little panic. I took a little sip of Water and it went down. A great reminder for me to chew chew chew. Thanks for your encouragement!!

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