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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KartMan

  1. KartMan

    dec 07 about 260ish

    From the album: Before

  2. KartMan


    These are scary! Who was that guy?
  3. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    I suggest you take a look Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kako, it is a fascinating read.
  4. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Good one. Sadly Cheney is now admitting those lies but he still stands behind those decisions:cursing:. In this respect, I hope Patty is right about everything she adheres to. If anyone deserves to spend eternity in the fires of Hell it is Cheney – or does he already run the place:confused:?
  5. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    See the cynic in me would turn that around and say that line of thinking allows people to blame someone else for their flaws. “God made me flawed and I turn myself over to him to show me the way…” I believe I am responsible to myself and my fellow man to do the right thing. If I am bad and immoral, I ruin my own legacy and bring shame on my whole family. In my opinion, God can not just forgive my indiscretions and make everything right. If I do something unjust, it is my responsibility to make it right.
  6. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Lots of prophecies from different prophets have “come true”, it doesn’t give the prophet any credibility in my book. If you take a good look at the prophecies of Nostradamus you could be convinced that he was the most accurate prophet of all time. The problem is that as you study it more and more, you begin to read more and more into those prophecies. If you look at them objectively, you see them for what they are, mere coincidences. Prophecies in the Bible are just the same in my opinion and true believers want to believe in them so badly that they infer even more than is actually there. Somebody once said “There is no there there” – that’s how I feel about it. As for “knowing” the truth, I “know” my truth and I am comfortable with that.
  7. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    I guess that why I’m always so confused, all this time I thought the Ultimate Guide was written by Douglas Adams.
  8. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Sorry Patty, that analogy falls a little short (like a mile or two short).
  9. KartMan

    Proud or Ashamed?

    EbonyRose, You should be a motivational speaker. Thanks
  10. KartMan

    Proud or Ashamed?

    It’s only fair that I point out that I am indeed totally proud:thumbup::biggrin::thumbup: Not of what others think mind you, but of what I have done for me. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse, but I don’t have much in the area of humility (I missed that gene). I could really care less what other people think and I have never been one to get embarrassed easily, so I was never ashamed in that sense of the word. The question was really meant more as a way to ponder where I have been and where I have come. The answer to my poll for me is “both”. I am extremely proud because it was damned hard work. To those of you that said the band doesn’t do all the work for you, you are so very right. I am disappointed in my old self though for getting so heavy. The beauty in all of this is that I now know what it is like to be healthy and to not be the “big guy” in the room and I have the tools (the band is only one of those tools) to stay this way. Keep up the great work you all. I’m not done and neither are you:wink2:
  11. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Wow, I definitely don’t have time for this one today. [PLACEHOLDER ARGUMENT] …. [/PLACEHOLDER ARGUMENT] Well ok, I guess I have time for a little cheap shot. Lots of people claimed to have seen Elvis after he died, I don’t believe them either (sorry, couldn’t resist).
  12. KartMan

    oops, ignore please

    Man boobs are mostly gone, I’m hoping they will reincarnated as Pec Muscles
  13. KartMan

    oops, ignore please

    I also lost my ass and those things that I thought were biceps.
  14. Did you ever see the series Firefly? It was later made into a movie called Serenity. It was a great show/movie on many levels. It was extremely interesting how they handled the issue of prostitution. Those with an interest in this topic (or if you just want to see a great program) should check it out.
  15. KartMan

    oops, ignore please

    I should have known… This is your fault BTW. I created the message but forgot to do the poll, so I edited it down to this. Only after editing it out and creating the second message with the poll did I figure out there is an option to add a poll to an existing thread. Believe it or not, I actually have an IT background – kinda scary isn’t it?
  16. KartMan

    Hunting Season - Heads will roll

    done http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/proud-ashamed-101658/
  17. KartMan

    Hunting Season - Heads will roll

    My fiancé is Vietnamese and she would always be amazed at how much Vietnamese food I could eat. I told her there was a small Vietnamese man living in my stomach. That was pre-band of course, now she eats more than me (and she only weighs 95lbs). So here is a conundrum… Should I be proud of losing 100 lbs, or should I be ashamed of having been 100 lbs overweight?
  18. KartMan

    Hunting Season - Heads will roll

    More importantly, with no Virgo in the house who makes sure you actually barked at the full moon?
  19. KartMan

    Hunting Season - Heads will roll

    Thank goodness:thumbup: If I screwed up a word in that post I would have had to kill myself. Yes, I have OCD for dictionary.com too (that and spell check). 94 lbs gone, Yippee:w00t: I’m less focused on weight now and more interested in Total Body Fat (yet another obsession I’m afraid). Are “good” obsessions bad or are only “bad” obsessions bad:confused:?
  20. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Thanks! It was my turn to bang my head on the desk yesterday about this stuff, maybe the crack on the head gave me the inspiration. I swear I don’t know how I’ve managed to get any real work done these last few days
  21. KartMan

    Hunting Season - Heads will roll

    I have to confess that I am a messed up Virgo. I am irritated by stupid spelling and grammar mistakes too, yet I can’t spell to save my own life. To make matters worse (because I am a Virgo) I have horrendous OCD about it and have to spell check and reread everything I write fifty times to try to root out the bad spelling and grammar, then I still worry that I missed something. Woe is me:frown: How about instead of an "Edit" Feature we have an "Editor" Feature? Maybe a mod dedicated to going back and correcting all of my grimmer and spelling so that I can sleep? Maybe it’s late and I’m taking this way too seriously:confused:
  22. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    No, I think you are wrong. For a non religious person I consider myself to have a pretty good sense of what spirituality is. In fact, not being tied down by a particular religion has allowed me to be open minded enough to look at spirituality across multiple faiths (kind of a hobby of mine in fact). So I do understand it, in fact I appreciate that you have faith in Jesus and that it helps you get thru the day. I also appreciate the fact that my Muslim friends take solace in the five prayers they recite every day. The world can be a horrible place, I take comfort in knowing that faith helps some people survive day to day. Understanding spirituality it is a far cry from believing in it though. I simply don’t believe any of what you propose to be fact or enlightened scripture, therefore I can not stand by and be told to live that way. Not only do I not believe it, there is a lot of it that simply appalls and angers me. I don’t say these things to try and sway you from your beliefs – I have no interest or desire to turn you or any other from faith. I only say them to clarify my own beliefs. I have said on here before that I would fight and die for your right to practice your religion in your own private way, but I will just as relentlessly fight to ensure that your (and every other) religious belief system is kept a safe distance from our government.
  23. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Oh my, I’m pretty sure the sky is about to fall on us:eek:.

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