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Everything posted by KartMan

  1. KartMan

    7 months postop c 190

    Thanks! I couldn't be happier with the results.
  2. KartMan

    Obama's Green Jobs Czar

    As well he should have. Anytime a member of the administration becomes a bigger story than the task at hand, they need to go. The work that Obama needs to accomplish is too big to be weighed down by one guy. I think most people on the President’s staff (this has been true of past administrations as well) know this to be the case. In the last administration, I don’t think Rumsfeld read that memo, he stayed on way too long and damaged his administration and the country.
  3. KartMan

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    I don’t think that is true. I think that the organizers of the groups that are leading the opposition to the reform are actually against Obama and not necessarily against any one component of the reform. They see this as a way to drive a wedge into his popularity and their best chance of defeating him in the mid-terms and ultimately in 2012. The way I see it, if he backs down on the public option he will be admitting defeat and he will be weakened by it. I think he should use the mandate he was given in November and the majorities he has in both houses of congress to push through Health Care for all as right and not a privilege.
  4. KartMan

    7 months postop 190

    Well thanks! I can tell you for sure though that I have been fat most of my life. The beauty of the band for me was to drastically reduce my daily caloric intake and viola we have a whole new me
  5. KartMan

    Obama's Green Jobs Czar

    Ok, so I am an unabashed Obama supporter. Having said that, I am not a fan of this whole “Czar” concept and this should be an impetus to end it. Now to be fair – Obama did not invent the Czar role. Unless I am mistaken, I think it may have been Regan back in the 80’s with the Drug Czar (maybe it was Bush I). In any event, the whole Czar thing needs to be reigned in. We have cabinet level positions for all of these roles and those cabinet officers have a full vetting process and need to be approved by congress, we should stick with that.
  6. KartMan

    6.5 months postop b 195

    Oh I did stuff something in my shirt, years and years of fast food combos and heaping plates at buffets. Those are all in the past.
  7. KartMan

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    You’re funny Do you really think BET is a way to put down whites? Have you ever watched the station? It is a niche market mostly run by blacks for a black audience and it is market driven. They make money because they can drum up enough advertisers to pay their bills, they are clearly not getting rich over there though. A quick google check would probably show that they are in their bottom tier of revenue for the various cable networks. Just curious, what is the “real reason” for dieagreements?
  8. KartMan

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    You know Patty this is exactly the sort of head in the sand attitude that got us into this situation. If we had fixed this 20 or even 40 years ago we would not be in the dire straights that we are in now. Your argument has huge holes in it, but the most glaring is the statement that we have the best care in the world. Do just a little research and you will see that this is clearly not the case. Sure, you can make the argument that we have some of the best facilities and some of the best procedures available, but the cold hard reality is those are not available to everyone – not even people with coverage. The fact is, we spend more than just about any country per person on health care and are very low on the list in terms of infant mortality, life expectance, medical quality of life, etc., etc. I have cited reference to you before on these stats, since you have chosen to ignore them and continue to spout the drivel about how great we are I can only assume you are deaf, ignorant or extremely biased on the issue. If you think it so good today, then why are we spending so much and getting so little?
  9. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Totally agree Bjean. I too believe that people really do believe in their own hearts that their own religious experience are real. Patty, with all due respect to your beliefs, I have to agree with BJean. You see, for me, faith or someone else’s account of a miracle is just not enough for me. It’s not that I am cynical (well maybe a little:sneaky:), it’s just my analytical nature. Please don’t make another analogy about not seeing air, yet believing in that or asking me to prove the existence of Abe Lincoln based on old history books. You know that those are hollow comparisons and really do a disservice to your argument.
  10. KartMan

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    HappyHome, great post – you are an inspiration. CM, you are so right as usual. I totally agree with you on the racism aspect of this. I think there are factions out there truly hate Obama not for his policies but for the color of his skin. You see it in the fracas about his birth certificate, in they way they oppose his speech to the students, in the emphasizing of his middle name, and in so many other ways. I have seen racism up close and I know it when I see it, this is it.
  11. That would take losing some years too. I whish there were a band to take off years the way this one takes of pounds. To make matters worse, with the fat gone from my face, the wrinkles look a little more prominent. Oh well, at least they are skinny wrinkles:lol:.
  12. KartMan

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    I think it’s just a rumor. For it to be true it would have to be Palin for Pres and Cheney for VP. He has a proven record of being the brains behind the jacka$$.
  13. This thread has been an inspiration to me so I figured it was time to give back. I’m not quite where I want to be yet, but I couldn’t be happier with my progress so far. The first picture is from about 1 year before surgery at 280lbs. The last 3 pictures were taken today at about 190lbs (down about 95lbs total).
  14. KartMan

    7 months postop d 190

    From the album: 6.5 Months Postop

  15. KartMan

    6.5 Months Postop

    7 months post op @about 190 lbs (down about 95lbs)
  16. KartMan

    7 months postop g190

    From the album: 6.5 Months Postop

  17. KartMan

    7 months postop f 190

    From the album: 6.5 Months Postop

  18. KartMan

    Various Postop

    On my way!
  19. KartMan

    My tiny car

    This was an Escalade before it got banded :)
  20. KartMan

    My itty bitty car

    From the album: My tiny car

  21. KartMan

    may 08 about 280

    From the album: Before

  22. KartMan

    jan 08 about 260ish

    From the album: Before

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
