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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mountainmomma

  1. I know it's hard! I am having the growls again today but it's cause I am on liquids till tomorrow. My Dr didn't act like the noise was anything out of the ordinary. Just remember to chew it upo really good and personally I found that drinking some Water before the meal helps me eat less but as per directions 15 mins before and 1 hour after. UGH! That is the hardest part for me. I drink alot while eating so I am having to retrain myself. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask your Dr anything!!

    I have yet to feel full. Hoping that will happen soon!

  2. I was banded on 2/9/09 as well and have to do full liquid diet for two weeks, then mushies for two weeks after that. If you're eating solids already you are either eating too fast or not chewing well enough, is my guess. Surprised you're able to eat them at all to be honest. I tried to eat cream of wheat this morning and put it down without even taking a bite...looked too solid for me at this stage!

    Yep yall are right I also had to do 2 weeks of liquids, Tomato Soup and all that good stuff. Follow Dr instuctions and the paper work with the post op diet came from the nutritionist. Might want to go check it all out again.

  3. Oh yea I know how you feel!!! Can't get a word in on the noisy tummy! I had my surgery on 12/31/08 and just had my first fill today and mine was also put in empty.

    My Dr told me when I went in for my 2 week visit to not panic if I did not loose weight but to try not to gain any. since there is really not much in the way of restriction from your band yet. Do not panic! I could still eat almost as much as normal but I made it a point of stopping when I thought I had had enough. Forget the 1000 cals, I would be supre cranky!! :biggrin: Just hang on til you get a fill. I got mine today and am on liquids til tomorrow and then to soft foods again. I had to drink a glass of Water to make sure it went thru, since then I had a Meal Replacement shake, still noisy but I don't care at this point I am just ready to start feeling restriction. Keep me posted. Gina

  4. Just curious as to why you have been so long with out fills??? Whats up with that? I was banded on 12/31/08 and I just got my first fill today, could've had it 2 weeks after the surgery but I am a slow healer and the Dr was not touching anything that could get infected, that was the only reason he did not give me a fill til now. I will say it hurt and I am glad he did 4cc. I have a 10cc band. :thumbup:Keep us posted and I hope things start moving faster for you.

  5. Barry, was anything else going on when you had the surgery? I had the same kind of thing but I also had a hiatal hernia that got fixxed during the surgery, Dr said things were settling back into place. I do have a hard time sometimes If I do not chew good enough and some foods just do not go down well and so I avoid them now. definalty go to softer stuff and take smaller bites and sips of Water, avoid guzzling.. I had my surgery on New years eve and thinsg are much better now. Had my first fill today. woohoo!! Good luck and if things do not get better I would def call my Dr and talk to him about it. Some of it could still be the air from surgery if you had it laproscopic...Good Luck to you! Gina

  6. It is definatly a long term comittment to your Dr, Thats why you really need to like them. I was told by my DR that I needed to stay local for at least 2 years, I will have to see him regularly till I hit my sweet spot, then I have to go in once every 3 motnhs till 2 years is up, after that he said once a year. You have to keep in mind there are things that can happen at any time and you need to be able to get to your Dr if you need to. It was tough for me to make that comittment cause I hate the area I live in and can hardly wait to move, He did say that If I moved after my 2 years that there are bariatric Dr's in most of the bigger cities and I may have to drive to get to one but thats ok too, I will worry about that when the time comes.:tt2:

  7. The only reason I found out about the gingersnaps was because I talked to 2 friends at the same time and one is in the medical field and the other is 6 years out on a bypass. I asked about the gas and both of them at the same time said"Gingersnaps". Ok so the friend with the bypass said it was superbad as far as smell went and told me a story that had me rolling on the floor. So I came home from Florida and told my hubby, he is a diabetic and eats everything sugar free however ya gotta be careful of the sugar alcohols, They will tear you up! Gas and worse.. so I told him to try it cause he literally drives me out of the bedroom at night. Ok well he does 2 Cookies first thing in the morning and then depending on what he has had to eat he will do 2 more in the evening, It helps aloT!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin: Since being banded I do have gas but It is not smelly yet, I am sure it will get there when I start to eat more foods. Ginger tea is a great idea. I was just thinking about getting the root itself and getting creative in the kitchen. Good luck.:thumbup:

  8. Your doctor is someone you hire to help you with your health. If he or she has a good reason to advise you against WLS, listen and evaluate what they say. But if your doctor simply doesn't like WLS and refuses to consider it, find another doctor. Your doctor is your employee, not your mother or your boss. If they don't want to work with you on your obesity in a way you find satisfactory, hire someone else to do the job.

    I love what you say Here! I wish I had this kind of insight on a regular basis! :thumbup:

  9. No it did not have to do liquids before. just the day before, i did have to go on a Hi Protein low carb diet so I ate alot of meat and I had to do the shakes too to get in all the protein I needed for the day. I would not have been happy to go all liquids for 2 weeks before and then 2 weeks after,I was cranky enough the 2 weeks after with no food. I mean I was a total B!+<H a do buy was did I all and better fell me make sure it but now funny house....Not my on remodeling some to ready then more hammer. sledge bought out went day one enough mad time the cry wanted . it.[ quote]< p>

    Wow, the nurse in the doctor's office told me that I need stay on a liquid diet two weeks before the surgery. The goal I guess is to lose a few pounds and to have a less fat liver.

    I really dread for the two weeks. Even though you don't have to do the two weeks before, did you have to lose a couple of pounds before the surgery though? Thanks.

    My current weight is 240 and my BMI is 42.50.

    I had to loose off the liver too, I lost about 20lbs in the 2 weeks.

  10. Hey, I was Banded on new years eve and am doing pretty good, yes I get hungry but I am trying to eat better, however my Dr did tell me that I might not loose anymore weight till I got a fill, he said not to be upset if I did not loose but to try not to gain any. I have can feel when I have had enough, which is more then I thought, but I do not want to take the chance of making myself sick or getting another Hyatal hernia, DR warned me about this before if I were to overstuff after the band, however when he went to put my band in I amready had it, so he fixed it. Maybe that is why I fell a slight restriction. But I try very hard not to over do it and Oatmeal is good, I get the weight control flavored stuff with No sugar. Love it! I usually can do 1 egg with some grits, or 1 egg and about 1/4 can of corned beef hash. This is breakfast and whatever other meal If I am too lazy to cook anything else. Kinda scared to do anything else.

  11. I guess I am the only crazy person who jumped the gun and went without even telling my PCP. He always told me I needed to loose and I tried to do it myself, uGH.

    So I just started looking for a local group online and found them, read all the info I could and went to a seminar. Then I started telling my other Drs and they were all behind me 100% . I guess I was just lucky I did not need a referral.

  12. WOW thats not good. Can you go outside the military?

    seems like there would be something you can do to get the ball rolling. Maybe your husband can help as far as contacting the right person to find out stuff and all that you need to do?

    If you are able I would say be a cash paying pt and just go get it done where you want to.

    I would have had my INS not covered it .:thumbup:

  13. You are so awesome to be there supporting her!

    I am also a newbie here and I have to say this is truly a wonderful bunch of people online. I know as I am sure most of us do how your wife feels. I still feel like that and I am post op 4 weeks, I have to say most of my real friends are back in Florida, can't say as much for being in Texas 12 years, so I keep in very close contact with them, even have a couple that are bypass pts, so they help too. But for now you can just take her to support groups and get her going, These people are not going to treat her differently or bad, cause we are all in the same boat. Good Luck and More power to you! Gina

  14. No it did not have to do liquids before. just the day before, i did have to go on a Hi Protein low carb diet so I ate alot of meat and I had to do the shakes too to get in all the protein I needed for the day. I would not have been happy to go all liquids for 2 weeks before and then 2 weeks after,I was cranky enough the 2 weeks after with no food. I mean I was a total B!+<h . I wanted to cry all the time and I was mad enough one day I went out and bought a sledge hammer. I was more then ready to do some remodeling on my house....Not funny now but it sure did make me fell better and all I did was buy it.

  15. Welcome Home!

    I am a native Floridian, Love it and miss it, unfortuantly no jobs down there.

    Anyway I know what you mean. I started getting bigger when I was 8. I was never involved with anything at school cause I was ADD and this was before they knew what it was, I struggled just to graduate with my class. However I was not huge but a 14/16 most of the time, even when I started working and going out to party and dance all the time, I realize now that the dancing was keeping me from getting bigger. Then I met My now Husband and stopped going out and dancing and the weight just poured on me.

    I did the diet thing and lost some. But then the babies came and ugh you get the picture.

    My older brother always called my Chunky. I hated it!

    My dad used to put me on diets when I was too young to understand and I hated that, felt like I was being tortured.

    I also felt like my family did not like me. Mom was always telling me I needed to loose weight.Guess I shoulda told her to stop cooking! ha! I too just found this site a few days ago and it has been very enlightening for me. I like it cause it is a support system and no one is critisizing anyone. Good luck! Gina

  16. I know it's a pain, I ended up getting my counselor to fax the letter 2 times cause the Dr's office could not find the first one. Go figure! I know it seems like it takes forever, I went for pre op bloodwork and found that I was very anemic and the Dr said they would not touch me with a ten foot pole till I got it taken care of, luckily My GYN gave me a scrip Iron for preg women and it only took a month to get me back to a safe place so I could have the surgery.

    So If You have to I would go to this office and maybe get a copy of the letter and take it to the Dr yourself, I know I would. Bother them! Good Luck!:thumbup:

  17. Emma, everyone is different and only your Dr can tell you which surgery will be best for you. Mine gave me the choice and said I was a candidate for either one. Go to a free seminar and ask all your questions before you do anything, the one I went to told about all 3 procedures.

    they will also tell you the side effects and all things that can happen so that you are fully prepared.For some the band does not work, however the bypass is permanent as is the sleeve. do all of your research and talk to people, you would be amazed at how many people have had either or of these surgeries.

    As for me I was on liquids for 2 weeks after surgery and then moved to soft foods. Have not had my first fill yet but I can definatly tell I can not eat as much as I used to, I also have to chew, chew , chew my food as you will with all of the WLS. That is slowing me down as I used to swallow without chewing like I should, you will learn alot, then make your final decision. Good luck.


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