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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lingling

  1. well im home and on day three. Im struggling to get enough in. How much did you all consume on the first couple days? i can barely drink 5 sips before becoming full. also i have been spitting quit often. is this normal? Im still in ait of pain also. Last night - finding a way to sleep was a nightmare.:welldoneclap:

    Hey Smilan! Yay! We did it!!!!

    Make sure you are sipping like 200ml of Fluid over 10minutes and tiny sips like ridiculously tiny ! Does the spitting happen after the drinking? My doctor said drink as much as I like but do it SLOWLY as its just like a sink - if you turn the tap on too fast it will overflow! Maybe that is what is happening?

    Day 3 for me today. Have been sleeping on my tummy for the last two days - and feels okay. Probably won't take much pain meds today either. Feeling tender around wound sites though and sore abs.

    I tried on the dress I have in my avatar this morning - and it fits perfectly - a little saggy if anything! SO AWESOME!@

  2. My doc said that I can drink beer but I'd want to sip a pint over 1/2 an hour - YAWN!

    I will give it a go - but not until a FULL month post op, the biggest risk is mean to be slippage, so I don't want to risk it till after I am fully healed.

    I also was given 12 bottles of french champagne - approx $1,000 worth - those things are going down my throat come hell or high water!!!! ha aha

  3. good luck!! I keep having dreams about waking up after surgery w/a toothache like pain in my shoulder from the gas....man i hope it doesnt feel like that for real!

    It feels like someone turning a knife in your shoulder!! Not nice!

  4. I am not sure about what is normal - but I have got five. The biggest is the one where the port is. They would not be bigger than an inch each and there are no stitches - just strips to hold them closed

    I don't know how bad they will scar as I have still got dressings on them, but I am going to use "bio-oil" LINK: Bio Oil - Uses to get rid of any scars. Better to have 20 scars and be healthy though, I say !

  5. Well I am on day three of post op and I am struggling a bit psychologically - Today I have eaten (well drank) 1 cup miso Soup, 1 scoop icecream, 300ml of Vitamin Water. I am excited that I couldn't care less about food and I am not hungry at all, but I must say I do feel a little sad at the thought of not being able to sit down to a feast again. I know this is something I had thought through before hand and I know that I'd rather be skinny than have a feast but its a strange feeling to work out in my brain.

    The gas pains have gone but I am a burping machine! Still in a bit of pain as was stupid and went to the supermarket (grocery shop) today, which exhausted me and hurt my abs!!

    How's everyone else doing?

  6. Am feeling pretty crap. The gas from surgery has gone but the other kind of gas has hit hard! And it hurts SO much to burp! But otherwise it feels like I have a big balloon stuck down there. Is horrible.

    Painful at the moment as a friend came round and we had massive giggling fits - so I feel good in myself, but I think I am a bit anxious as it feels sore and I feel bloated and I am worried I have or will damage it by laughing, moving, lifting things, how I get up etc or if I drink my chocolate milk too fast. The only things I have managed to ingest today are

    2 cup chocolate milk (low fat)

    3 tablespoons of icecream

    1/2 cup of pumpkin Soup

    How insane. No wonder these bands work!!! ha ha!

    Finding it hard to keep Water intake up as I really want the "taste" of food since I haven't had it for so long (with the pre op etc) so I want to drink things that taste nice and Water fills me up too.

    How are the others going who are already banded?

    Good luck to 3rd of April Bunnies - super_chilli, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, cajunmomma, TxMomof4 - you will be fine!!! The anesthetic is FUN!

  7. Just wanted to send out my best wishes for tomorrow's line up. super_chilli, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, cajunmomma and TxMomof4. May you have an easy time of it.

    Glad to hear good reports from our lead off team.

    I had good news today at my pre-op, I only have to do 2 days of liquid before surgery. The bad news is the surgeon won't know if he can do my surgery until he gets in there. I will be devastated if I wake up and he couldn't do it.

    Why's that Jersey?

  8. Hey Guys

    Am home and in bed now. Yay it's good to be home. Although the hospital I stayed in was so tiny and cute - it had about five beds and the OR was tiny too. Really nice nurses more like a hotel hospital.

    I turned up at 7am for an 8am surgery, they took me through and told me to get changed into my very sexy gown, hat and booties! I then went and laid down on the bed in the recovery/pre-op room and they put these funny leg warmer things on me that inflated and deflated all the time (had to wear these for 24hrs) to stop blood clots. They covered me in this big plastic blanket which had a hole to pump in hot air, apparently higher body temps mean better recovery. Then the anesthetist came in - he was SO Lovely. I burst into tears and said "please don't let me die!" and he rubbed my arm and said I'd be fine and talked to me for about 10-15 mins and put my IV lure in my wrist (I love exciting stuff like that!) and then gave me SO MUCH PREMED sedation I was off my face - AWESOME. Everyone was having a laugh. They wheeled me through and then I had to shuffle onto the OR table and I remember saying "wow, thats a small table" - like you'd think they'd make it nice and wide but it wasn't. Anyway, the Anesthetist was going to put something in my IV lure and all I said was "Dont let me die" next thing I know I am in recovery and hearing beeps etc and then someone was testing the defibrilator and I freaked out and thought it was for me and I said "dont let me die, is that for me?" and they laughed and said no, and I was like "IM ALIVE!!!" I was so excited.

    Then they put me in my room and I slept for ages like three hours - tried to stay awake every time I woke up but couldnt - would snooze back to sleep - finally woke up about 4pm and logged on via my phone to tell you guys I was alive! Then back to sleep, and some visitors came intermittently from 5-8pm which was nice but hard to be bothered talking. The gas pains from the gas they pump you up withSUCK like you wouldn't believe. feels like someone has a belt around me under my boobs and is making it really tight. But I put a heat(wheat) pad on it which helps, but the pain refers up to shoulders as well, so just have to alternate or get three heat packs (Which I have got today!) to soothe the pain and walk around lots - which I didnt feel like doing as I was so sleepy. I took a sleeping pill at 10pm and was out to the count. They said I could sleep on my side - which was good - but it did put different pressure on the gas in my tummy so I got pains in different areas on my chest and shoulders. The nurse kept getting sick of me asking if it was okay that this bit hurt or that bit hurt etc. she said "you've just had an operation!" haha.

    So I am at home in bed today - they have given me some hard core pain killers, normal pain killers and some antiinflamatories. I don't think I need them too much though - its just nicer to have them.

    Am a little scared about what this journey (esp the next few weeks/month) holds for me. I am very scared of hurting the band - I cannot feel it speciifically and I cannot feel any restriction - but I am only on fluids so I guess I wouldn't. He said this morning that he put a little bit of Fluid in it, and apparently I have a Johnson and Johnson band - which must be the Realize band - I don't really mind though.

    How is everyone else going - either in recovery or with pre-op jitters? x

  9. Okay so this is it!

    Its 6.10am here and my surgery is in less than 2 hours. Just woke up, gonna have a shower and then pop down to the hospital. Feel like throwing up I am so nervous!! Hopefully I live to see another, much thinner and healthier day!

    Will keep you posted! Thanks for all your support thus far! Good luck to any other April 2nd (and April 1 as it is probably still that in America) bunnies, I'll be thinking of you. xxx

  10. Hey! Never fear! You will be okay!

    I am being banded in 14 hours time (8am NZ time on the 2nd of April) and I was so freaked out about the surgery, and I am not any more. I don't know why, but I know I will be okay.

    I keep coming back to the fact that if the risks of surgery were that high, and if this was not the choice for me, then I would have come to that conclusion when I was contemplating this for the last two years - doing all the research - when I was looking at it objectively, not subjectively through anxiety-tinted glasses.

    You wouldnt have come this far if you didnt believe it was for you in your heart.

  11. Weight loss will help I am sure. Fat cells store oestrogen hormone, so if you have a lot of fat, you have a lot of oestogen putting your whole system out of whack.

    The other goal is making yourself less insulin resistant. eat like a diabetic, exercise your butt off, take metformin if you want and it helps, but all it did for me was give me periods and a lot more acne. The risk of not having a period at all is endometrial cancer - so you have to have one one way or another - Oral Contraceptive is the easiest but not recommended when overweight. Metformin was the other option for me but didn't like the side effects. I stopped Metformin, took Spironalactone for my acne (thank goodness) and had a Mirena IUD put in situ to make sure my endometrial lining was so low that I was not an endometiral cancer risk. And, failing my own efforts at weightloss and making me less insulin resistant, I am getting the band, hopefully it will fix the PCOS, if not, I'll stick with my mirena IUD until I want to have a baby then Clomiphene like you wouldn't believe and IVF if that fails. I have a great endocrinologist who taught me all of the above. Suggest you go in well armed with many questions! Good luck - and you will get there I am sure!

  12. I believe that men looking at naked women is normal behaviour, same as watching porn - that's how their brains and hormones work. However I also believe it can be hurtful and devaluing to their partners. My way of looking at it is that the act of sex can be an arousing thing to watch, however objectifying actual individual women and just looking at their "beauty" is hurtful to me as I feel like he could just look at me as I am a woman! The act is something different. I do also agree with Renob, private time is private time - so long as he's still putting out and treating you like a lady - he's just silly enough to get caught!!

    They say it is defined as an "addiction" when it's impacting on your life and you cannot or do not change the behaviour.

    In this case it's more complex, it is impacting on your life not his, as it is hurting you and making you insecure. What you have to work out for you is does it hurt you enough to ask him to stop it, and if he cannot, then THAT is when it is a problem, the downloading in itself is not a problem per se.

  13. Okay I am freaking out, with anxiety and excitement. My surgery is 2nd April at 9.15am. New Zealand is the first country to see the sun, so I will actually be having my op sometime during the day on the 1st of April for you guys in America!! Hence why I am freaking out a bit!!:P

    Have half packed my bag, have talked to as many people as possible about anesthetic, have made lists, changed my bedsheets, tidied up, stocked up the fridge with liquids. :biggrin:

    Weigh in tomorrow - am 7kg down as at today's weigh in 130.4 but let's see what the scales say with the doc!!! :thumbup:

  14. Ok went shopping today. I got:

    Lingling, what are wheatbags, gaspains and singlets?

    Oh my god, so funny! Gaspains was me saying gas pains but with sloppy typing. (meaning the pains in the shoulder from blowing up your tummy) Wheatbags are fabric bag things full of wheat and you heat them up in the microwave (hope its called that in America!) and they are nice and warm. Like a natural heat pad Heated wheat bags by Lavender Lane NZ

    and singlets are eerr.. tank tops? ha ha, its Australian I just found out on Wikipedia!!! Guess we've been learning from our Auzzie neighbours!! :P

    Sleeveless shirt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  15. YEEEEAAAAHAHHHHH!!! Not long now! Welcome everyone. Thanks for the shout out Smilan! Yay for the 2nd of April!!

    Starting to get freaking excited about this!! Hoping it will quash the nerves of the surgery! My neighbour just said to me a good way to think about it is that I might be nervous but imagine if someone told me now that I couldn't have it, I'd be angry! - So i have to keep thinking of that!:thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
