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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Makulafamy

  1. That is not very far at all! Congrats and soon you will be on this side of the band!
  2. Makulafamy


    2Fly...first, you know I love you! You always have kind words to say about my pictures. Second, I never say GONE FOREVER bc i think I would be fooling myself if I thought the band was forever. lord knows I hope I will never return...but Forever is a long time. However, positive thought and committing to something goes along way...so it is good if people feel like their weight loss is forever. Anywhoodles... I also understand what you are saying about the people around you thinking you have become obsessed. And although I only know what you share...you might just be...just a smidge. That's what fear does to us afterall. It pushes us to extremes. My coworker had gastric bypass, and like you...is extremely worried about gaining the weight back. She is now obsessive about eating and working out. Her fear is driving her. And like you, people are telling her all the time "You are losing too much weight". I think you might feel this a little yourself, that you are spending A LOT of time focused on not gaining the weight back. You have transferred one obsession with the other. It is about finding the right balance ya know? If working out makes you feel good...there is no reason not too. BUT, if the fear of gaining the weight back starts to consume you...that's when it becomes a problem. This is a good post and it's always risky posting personal feelings and thought on here bc some people can take things the wrong way. You have overcome a lot.
  3. Makulafamy


    Hi Ms. B. I have found that the most amazing support group online is through blogging. Don't be intimidated by it. I use Blogger, and if you ever feel up to it...you should give it a try. It is pretty easy to set up your blog. If you don't want to do that, you could just read other's blogs...that is not too hard either. When I first got banded in January, there were only a few bandster blogs...but now there are so many! And I can say that I owe some of my success to the amazing women that support me through my blog! If you figured out Lapband talk, I know you can figure out the blogging community! BUT, if not...this is a great place too :thumbup: Feel free to holler if you have any questions. I actually went to my first real life support group meeting at my hospital, and out of the 45 people that were there, only 2 had the band. The rest were gastric bypass. good luck and welcome! Amy ps. the link to my blog is in my signature. All you have to do is click on it!
  4. Hey! How did you first fill go? Anything? Have you been back yet? Shoot me an email (amy.workman@gmail.com) and let me know how everything is going.

  5. Here is a better description of Dr. Friedman. When I first starting thinking about WLS, I went to our hospitals "meet the doc" with Dr. Friedman. We currently have 2 choices in docs at my hospital for WLS. Many of my coworkers had undergone gastric bypass by the "other" doctor, and I had heard that this doctor would try to push me to choose gastric bypass. I didn't want to be pushed in either direction. So, I can't even tell you how wonderful it was when I met Dr. Friedman for our first appointment. He is calm, understanding, open, honest, and respectful. My boyfriend came with me to my first meeting, and Dr. Friedman answered his questions as well. He was up front with me about the band and how sometimes, for some...it does not work. He drew diagrams, explained everything to me, etc. I of course ended up choosing lapband. It wasnt very long after surgery that Dr. Friedman came by to check on me in my room. Whenever I go to see Dr. Friedman, I leave feeling like I am on cloud nine. He has a great way of celebrating your successes and works with you and the band to make sure you do succeed! My first fill was 6 weeks after surgery. I was supposed to come back in another 6 weeks, but after a couple of weeks with that first fill, I knew I didnt have restriction and needed more. I was able to schedule and appointment and got right in for another fill. Still didnt feel restriction, so I got back in a week later. What is fabulous about Dr. Friedman and his staff is that he doesnt make you stick to some strict schedule for fills, and he doesnt give the same tiny fill to all patients. We are all different and he realizes that. I would not be as far along with my weight loss if I had a different doctor. I am certain of that. I know Dr. Friedman fills patients who were banded out of the country. His staff is wonderful. From Betty to Dr. Angie...couldnt ask for more.
  6. Not as fast as you though! You rocked it!
  7. Thank you for the comment! I set my goal around 170...mainly bc I couldnt even fathom being a healthy weight...so that was as low as my mind could go.

  8. Makulafamy

    Me 173lbs

    I dont know why you dont like your full body shots! You are crazy! As for how much I workout...not enough. Right after surgery I started walking and did a 5k 2 months later...but then I slacked off. I am back on track now and do a bootcamp twice a week and bought Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to do at home...so I am aiming for 5 days a week now.
  9. Thanks Beth! I am glad you like my blog! I have learned so much from the blogisphere~! You will be 2 months out on Monday huh? Time will fly and soon you will be one of the seasoned bandsters!

  10. Makulafamy

    250 pounds.

    From the album: Band Progression

  11. Makulafamy

    Bed after eating,

    Hi Marisela, are you asking bc of reflux or worried about eating before bed in relation to weight gain? I can eat whenever, and lay down and it doesn't bother me. As for weight gain, it doesnt really matter when you eat in relation to when you sleep. (of course I only get my information from health magazines and other information)...
  12. Makulafamy

    PLEASE HELP...pre surgical liquid diet

    Hi Josie, My liquid phase consisted of Protein Shakes, Jello, sugar free popsicles, broth, juice, etc. For the shakes, I liked Adkins or Slim Fast Protein shakes the best. Although I have heard lots of people like Muscle Milk....I had one and didnt like it so much. I ate the heck out of some popsicles though, bc I really missed being able to chew something! I enjoyed chicken broth more than the beef broth. It is hard, but hopefully the weight loss that usually comes with the liquid diet will help. Aim for at least 60 oz of Water a day. good luck! Amy
  13. Hey 2Fly! I am sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that she has a full recovery. You are one of the success stories, and I am so pleased that you are posting pics of your tummy tuck bc so few do and I want to know what I am getting into when the time comes. Thanks, Amy
  14. Ooh, I love talking about poop! In fact, I blog about poop quite often! So, to answer your questions: Before band I pooped probably at least 3 times a day. Of course, at 327 pounds, I was eating tons of crap (heehee) during the course of a 24 hour period. So more in, more out. During the preop liquid diet, I learned to never trust a fart....meaning....a lot of liquid in, a lot of liquid out. These days, I poop once every two days. Sometimes three. And they are nothing like they used to be. Dr. Oz says your poop should be a nice S-curve...mine are more like chicken nuggets. But less food in, less food out. You have to make sure you get your Fiber in. I do a good job. I love Beans and eat a fiber bar usually 5 days a week. Water is important for this as well. Dehydration can play a part in hard or lack of poop. I drink lots of water though, so that is not my problem. In all my presurgery classes, they made it sound like after surgery I would have to slowly sip water. Not true for me. I can still chug water like normal. It goes right down through the band. Even at my tightest restriction, water never gave me any troubles. Hope that helps! Good luck on your journey! Amy
  15. Hey Pooks, Mine is in my signature. I will go take a look at yours right now! Enjoy!
  16. Thank you Cindy and NCIS! That makes me feel good and now I will be skipping around all day
  17. Makulafamy


    I am thankful I had a preop bc you usually get a good weight loss high going into the surgery, and I think it helps prep you for your post op diet. But, if you dont have to do one here is what I would do: If you are a soda/pop drinker try to stop now and drink your Water. I am a total sunkist addict, and gave pop up about 5 weeks before surgery. At first I added crystal light or SF koolaid to my water, but now I just drink water. This will help now though just in case you are a caffenine fiend and will get headaches for a few days from withdrawals. Also, if you are required to do Protein shakes after surgery, go get a few different ones now and figure out which ones you like. I had to stay overnight after my surgery. I dont remember how long my surgery took...I think 45 minutes. After the anasthesia (however you spell it) wore off, I felt pretty good. I was up and walking the halls within the first hour of being back in my room...helps with the gas. I had an IV drip and a drip for pain meds...so I just kept pushing that button bc...well who doesnt enjoy free pain meds :w00t: I went home the next morning, so I was in the hospital maybe 24 hours. My doc gave me some medicine to help me not get sick with the liquid loritab. I layed around, watched tv, blogged, walked up and down the street. My boyfriend had to work, so I was home alone all day no problem. My surgery was on Tuesday and I went back to work on Monday. The only pain I really had at all during the recovery time was from the gas. I just took my gas-x strips right on time, used a heating pad, and walked. Hope this helps. If anything else comes to mind, give me a shout. Amy
  18. Makulafamy


    Hey Sharp Tongue! Welcome, welcome! You will probably be able to eat very well until you get some good restriction! Stay strong This is def a great place to get tips and answers. I have found tons of information and "met" some wonderful people through bandster blogs. My link is in my signature for my blog, and there are just tons out there. Feel free to holler (as they say here in the south)! Amy
  19. here is what I have learned about fills....Even with a great restriction and sweet spot...you will still stop losing every once in awhile. At least I do. I was filled last Monday and BOY HOWDY it was a goodie. And last week I lost 3 pounds. However, the week before the fill...I lost 5 pounds. Now this week...nada. My weight loss seems to be on a cycle. I lose good for 2 weeks after my TOM and then hold almost steady for 2 weeks. I believe in weighing everyday, and have come across a lot of articles lately that say it is actually good bc it helps you stay on top of it. However, you do have to realize that your weight flucuate, and I only record my weight "officially" on Mondays Amy

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