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Posts posted by EmmaWang

  1. I am not able to feel my port. I was told by the nurse that my port is located under my long incision. However, I touched the area around it, actually I touched and felt my entire abdominal area, but could not locate the port. Does this pose a potential problem for filling? My first filling is scheduled on next Thursday. I am very concerned with where my port it. I hope this does not mean I would have to do a band reposition. I mean, I ony had the surgery about 1 month ago.

  2. I am not able to feel my port. I was told by the nurse that my port is located under my long incision. However, I touched the area around it, actually I touched and felt my entire abdominal area, but could not locate the port. Does this pose a potential problem for filling? My first filling is scheduled on next Thursday. I am very concerned with where my port it. I hope this does not mean I would have to do a band reposition. I mean, I ony had the surgery about 1 month ago.

  3. Same here. I'm only 3 weeks postop and I know this is a time for healing not focusing on weight loss, but my dietician recommended I increase my calories as well. I was eating 800-1000 calories a day. She told me to try to get closer to the 1200 mark, that I was putting my body in starvation mode. Never in my life have I been told I wasn't eating enough!

    Bambam, I see your surgery is one day behind mine. How did you lose 50 lbs in such short period of time? I lost around 16 on the pre-op diet then only 8 lbs since the surgery. I am almost one month post op. Right now the scale is not moving. I know I am probably in the banister hell time frame. But how did you do it? losing 50 lbs already, wow! By the way, I am eating around 800-950 calories each day. I have felt that I have been eating way too much than I should. But recently I got hungry two hours after Breakfast (usually two eggs) and got hungry again 3 hours after lunch and dinner (usually 4 OZ of fish, 3 OZ of tofu and 2 OZ vege each meal).

  4. Hi Ellen,

    Nice to meet you. I am new to this post and still a beginner on the journal of weight loss. I am so sorry to hear about your ceiling. That sounds horrible. Thank God no one was in that room. I hope you could find the contractor and get this resolved. Keep us posted on it.

    I have one more good news to share: I weighed myself again this morning and I've lost all the additional gained pounds. So I am now back to 217 lb again.

    Still have one concern: I am three weeks two days post op now. I eat around 4 OZ of fish, half cup of tofu and 2-3 OZ of soft cooked vege each meal. Is this too much? Would this much food extend my pouch? Someone told me that we should not eat more than one cup otherwise we could extend the pouch and cause a slippage. Another person told me that since I haven't had any fills yet, thus I don't have a pouch yet.

  5. ljv, thanks for your post. It looks like you are also a night owl like me. Haha... My doctor hasn't said much about the restrictions on exercising. But he encourages walking. I haven't done much of walking since my port site sometimes still sores. However, I joined my co-workers today at noon and walked about 1.5 miles. They are also taller (I am only 5"2) and much thinner than me. It was quite a task to catch up their paces. I was really tired after the power walk and my port site also sores a little. But I am very glad that I did it. Exercising is important element in weight loss. I am sorry to hear that your step children have Juvenile Diabetes. I am sure they will get cured sooner or later.

  6. Thank you both very much. As I tend to eat a lot of tofu (3-4 OZ each meal) and cooked vege, I think my meal size is well over 1.5 cup, probably 2 cup. My other concern is that by eating this much, would I have messed up my band and expanded my pouch?

    Joann, you are right, I am still in the process of learning the difference of feeling "full" and not being hungry. Yes before the surgery, my definition of a satisfied meal is actually getting stuffed. Even now sometimes it's hard to tell the difference of being "full" and being not hungry. I'll try to eat a smaller amount of food then stop for 5 minutes to see if I am still hungry. However even with this much food at each meal, I feel hungry again after 3 hours.

    Longtothin - your name is also the desire that every lap bander longs for. I have longed to be thin and fit for a long time. It looks like you have done an amazing job - losing 113 lbs from June 2008. WOW, in not even a year. I wish I would be lucky enough to achieve this kind of speed in weight losing after my fill. My first fill is scheduled on 04/09/2009.

  7. Hi, thanks for the response. No my doctor did not give me a special diet. However, I was afraid if I am eating too much that I might expand my pouch? A lot of people were saying that we should not eat more than 1 cup of food. I definitely have been eating more than 1 cup each meal.

  8. Hi, I am two weeks 5 days post op. I am in the soft food phase - fish, well-cooked vege, egges, fat free cheese, sugar free pudding and tofu are allowed.

    My typical three meals are like the following:

    Breaksfast: 1 hard boiled egg; 1/4 cup of fat free cottage cheese with pineapple

    Two hours later I would feel hungry again.

    Snack: Edyy's no sugar added popsicle (30 cal, 1g sugar each)

    Lunch: 3 to 4.5 OZ of flat fish (half to 1 fillet); half cup (4OZ) tofu; 2-3 OZ of vege

    Snack: Edyy's no sugar added popsicle (30 cal, 1g sugar each)

    Snack2: 1 sugar free popsicle (10 cal each)

    Dinner: to 4.5 OZ of flat fish (half to 1 fillet); half cup (4OZ) tofu; 2-3 OZ of vege

    Snack: Edyy's no sugar added popsicle (30 cal, 1g sugar each)

    Three or fours hours after lunch or dinner, I feel hungry again.

    All the meals and Snacks combine to about 860 calories per day.

    Do I seem to eat too much?

    I read that a lot of people are only eating 1 cup of food? Exactly how much is that? Are we talking about stuff the soft or solid food into a cup sized cup to measure?

    Yesterday morning, I suddenly gained 3 lbs. I did a post about it here and a lot of responses were it was probably Water retention and it will go away eventually. I think that it is probably most Water retention; however, am I also eating too much to contribute to the 3 lbs gain?

  9. Hi, I am two weeks 5 days post op. I am in the soft food phase - fish, well-cooked vege, egges, fat free cheese, sugar free pudding and tofu are allowed.

    My typical three meals are like the following:

    Breaksfast: 1 hard boiled egg; 1/4 cup of fat free cottage cheese with pineapple

    Two hours later I would feel hungry again.

    Snack: Edyy's no sugar added popsicle (30 cal, 1g sugar each)

    Lunch: 3 to 4.5 OZ of flat fish (half to 1 fillet); half cup (4OZ) tofu; 2-3 OZ of vege

    Snack: Edyy's no sugar added popsicle (30 cal, 1g sugar each)

    Snack2: 1 sugar free popsicle (10 cal each)

    Dinner: to 4.5 OZ of flat fish (half to 1 fillet); half cup (4OZ) tofu; 2-3 OZ of vege

    Snack: Edyy's no sugar added popsicle (30 cal, 1g sugar each)

    Three or fours hours after lunch or dinner, I feel hungry again.

    All the meals and Snacks combine to about 860 calories per day.

    Do I seem to eat too much?

    I read that a lot of people are only eating 1 cup of food? Exactly how much is that? Are we talking about stuff the soft or solid food into a cup sized cup to measure?

    Yesterday morning, I suddenly gained 3 lbs. I did a post about it here and a lot of responses were it was probably Water retention and it will go away eventually. I think that it is probably most water retention; however, am I also eating too much to contribute to the 3 lbs gain?

  10. Suzanne and Aubrie, thank you both much. Both of you have lost more than 70 lbs. What a role model. I was also afraid if I am eating too much so I messed up the weight losing progess even though I know I shouldn't have been. Of course comparing to the liquid diet, it is much more real stuff now. As I am recovering, I also get hungrier. Each meal usually lasts me about three hours, then I get hungry again so I would have one or two sugar free popsicle to hold on till the time of the next meal.

  11. Thanks. It's just sometimes my legs are like having a mind of their own. I keep saying to myself: don't weigh it until Sunday. They just walked up to the scale already. LOL. I'll definitely try to refrain myself tomorrow and wait until Sunday to see if the Water weight has been gone. Hopefully by that time, I won't be disheartened again.

    I understand it is time for healing not losing right now, but when I saw the number on the scale, it just drove me nuts coz I feel have been sticking to the plan and doing nothing wrong.

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