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Posts posted by jenn28

  1. Hi Girlies...........

    Thanks for all the positive reinforcement!! Vinesqueen..........your post made me smile!! Ok, I am happy to report that I have lost them back!! YEAH!!! I did this through halloween treats and all! I took some of your advice and it truley helped to motivate me through it!! Sunshine........I am so glad to hear I was below the norm!! It's just a little shocking when you step on the scale and see the numbers go up instead of down. BUt it was very rewarding to be able to loose it so quick. It's Gotta Go........ your post was short but gave me the reassurance I needed!!

    Thanks girls!! Now, I hope to loose 5-10 more by Christmas!!


  2. Hello to All......

    I feel bad because I havn't posted here in months but yet I find myself back to ask you all for some help!! I know this is a great place for support and I really need it now!

    Here is my problem........... I went on a cruise this past weekend with some girlfriends for a little "me time!" I have two beautiful little girls who I absolutly adore and this is the first time I have done anything like this. Well, I endulged a little too much. I came home and hit the scales first thing yesterday morning and I GAINED 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!! This sounds crazy but we all took are scrapbooking stuff and this was an organized scrapbooking cruise. A lot of late nights eating JUNK to keep me awake (scrapping until 3am- 2 nights in a row). I also endulged on a lot of vanilla-mocha and fancy Desserts that I didn't have to pay for. (well, I payed for it but I am sure you know what I mean if you have been on a cruise) OUr group also had a couple of FREE cocktail hours!!

    So my question is this...........What have some of you done to loose those few lbs that you have put on? I HAD lost 62lbs before the 5lb weight gain. I have been at a slow pace the past month in a half. I had surgery on 4/3/06. I need a PUSH start again and I am up for any advice to get these 5 off along with another 5 before Christmas Festivities begin!! Up until this point I havn't experienced gaining weight, just maintaining for a long time. (since I was banded) The frustrating thing is I don't feel like I ate a whole lot of food, so it must be the coffee drinks and desserts I just had to try.

    (My girlfriend said to me........"How many of those people on the Titanic wished they would of had desert with there dinner." Gosh, that sounds horrible, and I guess I took it litterly.)

    ON a positive note: This was the most "comfortable" vacation I have had in a long time. I was able to keep up with everyone and I WASN'T the biggest person in my group!! :cool:

    I am up for any suggestions!!

    Thanks for reading!!


  3. We started our b2s meetings yesterday! :faint: My workouts have already been affected, I worked out Mon and Tues but did not make it yesterday or today. I "worked out" in my room until 5:00pm last night and just got home about an hour ago today. I did break a sweat moving desks around, throwing away stuff and changing my bulletin boards. (does this count!?) I am really hoping that my 5am plan works, if not I am looking into after school care for my girls (which I didn't want to do) so that I can hit the gym from 3-4:30. We will see...............good luck to ya all!

  4. I had a NSV at our back to school meetings! Our department met in one of the teachers classrooms to discuss the upcoming school year. Well, in the years past I always looked for the nearest chair to sit at and always hated it when there were no chairs, only desks! To sit in a desk was a nightmare and could be embarrasing from time to time. The bigger my belly got, the more uncomfortable I was! Well today.........I went for the desk and had NO PROBLEM with room to spare!!!!!! I chuckled to myself and I couldn't believe how something so minor felt so good!!

    Thanks for letting me share!!!!!!!! :clap2:

  5. WOW Telly you got guts, you kick-ass, and you look AMAZING!! Can I say Superman, WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!! You go girl! I hear ya with the Hair loss thing. Like you, I have thick hair so it hasn't gotten to the point where I want to shave it off, but I am seriously thinking about cutting short. I scheduled a hair appointment yesterday for late Sept, so we will see!

    P'nut thanks so much for your fill or no fill post! I so needed that! Your posts are so helpful to me and I appreciate the whelm of info that you give out!! Your my lapband Encyclopedia!! I went to lunch the other day with a couple of girls from my area that I have met on LBT and we all found you to be very helpful!! :)

    So.......to get to my stats! I have been laying low due to some frustration! I mentioned in a earlier post that I have been stuck in the 230's for some time!! Well FINALLY today I woke up and weighed and to my great surprise I saw 226!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO, we will see how long this holds. I have been working out very faithfully BUT I have been off work all summer. I go back on Monday and my new workout routine will take place in the early morning at 5am!! I am not to excited about it, but I have 2 kids and I don't like the fact that I am away from them from 8-3 and then again for me to workout. My dh is a wildland firefighter and it's still "fire season" here in California so he still gone a lot. Wish me luck on this new workout adventure. I truley fill that if I don't work out than I don't loose!!

    keep up the good work girls and guys!!!!

  6. Hi Girls......

    I have been in a funk and not wanting to post anything lately. I FINALLY this morning saw 226!! I have been stuck around 230 for almost a month!! Hopefully I am on the downhill spiral. It sounds like you are all doing well and it's refreshing to read that we all share the same struggles with this band.

    JulieNYC: loosing weight on a BIrthday vacation is AWESOME!! I to have to switch to a morning workout since I start back to work on Monday. (high school teacher and my summer is OVER :phanvan ) My goal is 5am, so I don't have to stay away from my kids any longer than I already am. We will see how long I last.

    Susan: I am glad to hear that your surgery went well. Sometimes I wonder myself if my port might have slipped. My problem is I am pretty sure I need a fill!

    I don't know if any of you are low on energy, but I found a AWESOME energy drink. It only has 8 calories, and it has NO sugar, NO carbs and you can get it with NO caffeine. It is called XS, I get it from a trainer at my gym. It does have carbonation, he told me to either drink it warm or open it and let it sit for an hour and then pour it over ice. It doesn't taste yucky and it works!! I do have new found energy with my weight loss, but I still find myself tired around 3pm! I have two little ones and sometimes they are hard to keep up with.

    off the subject...........this may be a stupid question but how are you guys posting pictures? I swear I am computer illerate when it comes to photos. I do have a digital camera. All I have done with it so far is take pictures. I have not printed or ordered anything yet. I would love to get my avaitor changed and get some pics on the before and after site, but I am embarrased to say that I am clueless!! Please help!!

  7. Welcome Back Telly!! :whoo:I didn't make it to the gym today, but I did chase around 6 little girls!! I have 2 girls and my bestfriend has 4! I had this crazy idea to have them over today for a pool party playdate! After swimming all day, playing dress up and going to Target (yes with all 6) I was to tired to hit the gym. I am sure there were a few calories worked off in there somewhere!

    Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I just thought I would bring this back up in case there are any more teachers, students, etc.. out there!! I am back in full swing next week and I am getting a little nervous about how I am going to get my workouts in. As of now, I am hitting the gym at 5am!! I have no idea how long this will last!! The other option is 8:30pm when my kids go to bed! We will see what happens! I was hoping to get a support system together of school staff so that we can stay on top of this!! Summer is over and the bell has rung!! :faint:

  9. I have been out of town and the last time I weighed I was 229. I haven't weighed in almost 2 weeks, and since I started my MC when I got home I have decided to wait and weigh when it's over. Hopefully that will be this Friday. My hope is to be about 227 or less. I have been flexuating between 231-229 for almost 3 weeks!! :faint: I will report with my current numbers for next Wednesday's weigh in. I will skip this weeks weigh in. Hope to have big numbers for you next week!!!!!!!!


  10. LapBandit your my HERO!!! Your weight loss is AMAZING!!!! I am doing well, but I can totally relate to Dimples. I have lost 53+/_ . I too tend to loose and regain the same 3-4 lbs. I will say that I havn't weighed since last week. I was gone for a week and just got back to my gym this past Monday. I started my "cycle" so I don't want to weigh until it's over. So, hopefully by this Friday I can weigh with good news. THe last time I weighed I was 229. I have been there for about 3 weeks. (229-232) I will be estatic if I get on the scale and it reads 227 or less. Then I know I have beat that 4lb cycle. I have found with my band that if I don't work out I don't loose! This tends to get depressing at times, but it has also kept me very honest. There are days where I feel like I can eat anything and that gets aggrevating. It's been very HOT here, so I tend to want smoothies, cold coffee drinks and the dredded ice-cream. I just know that if I splurge on one of these treats then I have to work extra hard at the gym!! The weekly weigh-ins on LBT help me a lot, because I don't want to report bad news, even though it does happen from time to time. We all need to stay as positive as possible and just keep giving each other encouraging words!!

    Keep up the good work girls!!!!!!!!! And for those of you that are struggling...... tomorrow is a new day!!


  11. hELLO GIRLS......

    I have been gone for a week or so and gosh it seems strange to NOT read about how much Telly is kicking my ass! ;) (that is with her AWESOME weight loss and encouraging words to exercise more)I am glad to see Tricia K is still around! And it looks like MoOrless is doing well! I have been in Evensville, Indiana and Owensboro Kentucky with my 18-under club softball team that I coach. I did manage to work out at this AWESOME gym called Tri-State Fitness Center. We have nothing like this where I live in California, and it was much needed since I also ate at lots of yummy non-California restaurants. I worked out 5 of the 7 days I was there. Here is what I did:

    Mon-Wed-Fri: 30 min of cardio, 3 sets of 15 on leg press, leg extensions, calve raisers, quads, tricep press,biceps, pull downs, lap pulls.

    Tue -Thur: 1 hour of cardio (30 min on tredmill, 30 min on stairclimber)

    The humity was HORRIBLE, and since I was outside a lot I was hoping that I was sweating off some pounds but unfortunatly it didn't come off as much as I would like it to.

    Since I have been home, I worked out on Mon (did the cardio/strength) and Tues (cardio only) , NOTHING today! I had built-ins put into my office and I have been cleaning and simi putting my house back together today!

    Glad to see that everyone is still doing well!!!


  12. No on RockStar, yes on THE ONE! Did you watch it yet? If so, I will let you in on a secret. If not, I won't ruin it for you! I will say it SO MUCH better live, and there is so much that is said that they leave off of TV.

  13. I was out of town yesterday so here are my digits......

    230 (-52 total, -1 this week)

    I will be gone for 8 days, therefore I will check back in on August9th! Hopefully I will have some big numbers to report. I am sure TELLY will be melted away by the time I report back! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

    My goal is to get out of these 30's, I have been STUCK there for WEEKS!! Going up and down like a rollar-coaster, I feel your pain Tricia K!

  14. I am a Special Ed teacher at a high school. My kids are not severely disabled, they just have learning abilities. I teach math and job skills. I also am a mommy of two beautiful little girls (age 5 and 1) and I coach club softball!

    I am so glad to see lots of nurses, it makes me feel good about choosing this surgery. :)

  15. Good Morning Girls.......

    I feel YUCK! It's been 2 days since I have made it to the gym! Tuesday, I had someone working on my house all day and I couldn't leave and yesterday I was out of town from 6:00am - 9:00pm! I had all intention to hit the gym when I got home but I was exhausted! I don't know if you watch Reality TV, but I was at RockStar Supernova (Tommy Lee was trippin!!) and The ONE taping and danced my booty off! So...my workout yesterday insisted of lots of dancing and walking!! Today I will hit the gym for my normal cardio/strength workout!

    I leave tomorrow night for 8 days and I have checked in to a gym close by my hotel. I am going to Nationals in Owensborough, Kentucky for my club team. Not to exciting, so I am hoping to have lots of time to get my workouts in!! Keep me in your prayers, because I really need to stay on track with my workouts while I am gone!!!!!!

    Thanks girls for reading!!

  16. :update:

    Sorry...I was out of town all day/night yesterday so I didn't report! I am happy to say I relost the 2lbs that I had gained last week!! So here are my totals: j232/c230/g205 ( -2) 25lbs to go.... Will be out of town all next week, so I won't be back to report until the following week!



  17. 200 laps around my house chasing kids! Had someone working on my house all day and very frustrated that I couldn't make it to the gym. Had 3 hour practice for club team (we leave for Nationals on Saturday) in 110 degrees weather. Hopefully I sweated off some calories! Tomorrow I will be in Hollywood all day, dancing and walking. Plan on hitting the gym about 9pm tomorrow night when I get back to town! Let's see if I stick to that!!

  18. Hey Thanks Girlies for the suggestions!!!! I knew you would come through:) I will hit Torrid and Macy's tonight. Tricia K....hey thanks for the links, I hope someday I can bring myself to wear something from glitterzlingerie. I am just not there yet!

    If I can figure out how to download pics, I will have my husband take a picture of the choosen outfit!!

    Take care, you girls RULE!!!!!! :peace:

  19. Hey girls I am in some desperate need of help!!!! I am going to Hollywood this Wednesday to be in the audience for RockStar Supernova and the new show The One (cross between Amerincan Idol and Real World). THe dress code is Very Hip Night Club Attire! Before my 50lb weight loss that would of meant Lane Giant (oh..I mean Bryant) 7-jeans and a cute shirt with sleeves! Well now I am wearing a 18 bottom (did get a pair of elastic waist 16's) and 16 top! :whoo: I don't normally dress up much due to having 2 small children that keep me busy, coaching club softball and teaching at a local high school. I need :help: What would you suggest for this event? I was going to hit Torrid tomorrow evening if my dh isn't out fighting a fire! (my dh is a wildland firefighter and this is his busy time!) I have been trying to stay away from the mall due to being in between sizes and waiting to hit the magic 16!!

    I have been reading some great fashion tips some of you have been dishing out, so I thought maybe you could send some my way!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. I don't know why I never read this thread........please count me in!! Here is a little bit about me...........I was banded on 4-3-06 and I have lost around 50lbs (+), I have about 3lbs that are flexuating up and down! I have been over weight my whole life but was able to manage it. UNTIL, I stopped playing softball and had my kids. I went from being a muscular fatty to be a low energy cellulite fatty!! I decided that I wanted to watch my girls grow up and be around to see and play with my grandchildren (gosh that sounds wierd, since my oldest is only 5) so I needed to take action now!! Lapband has been a godsend!! I am back to being active and my cellulite is tightening up and my muscle is BACK!!!!!! In fact my dad has some crazy idea that I can start throwing (I was a pitcher in college) and play on a Woman's team next summer. Who would of thought I would be 33 years old thinking about playing again! :)

    I am leaving town on Saturday and will be gone for a week, so my next post won't be until the August Gone for Good Club starts! Here are my current stats:


    You are all great and I think it's great we have LBT to share our journey's with each other!!!!!!!;)

  21. Hello and Welcome to LBT!! THis is the best place to find support and friends going through your journey with you! I wish the best of luck with your band and it's already changed my life over the past 3 1/2 months. If I could give any advice or words of encouragements: Remember tomorrow is only a day away and don't fret the small stuff. A brownie today is still a brownie tomorrow. (meaning it's ok to say no to "comfort foods" because they will always be there and there are a time and place for them:) )


  22. Count me in!!!!!!! My goal is to be at 205 by Christmas!! I am currently at 230 and I have been at a standstill for about 2 weeks! SO hopefully this is the kick in the butt that I need! I to LOVE Christmas! It's been fun ready all of your Christmas memories, ideas and recipies.

    Our fun tradition we started in our family about 4 years ago is playing dirty Santa and Christmas trivia. Since most of the family is over 20 years of age (with the exception of my 2 little ones and my cousin's two new babies) we decided to do the dirty gift exchange and call it Dirty Santa! (this is where everyone who wants to participate brings a gift at a 25.00 value and we draw numbers and #1 grabs a gift , opens it and then #2 grabs a gift and can either take #1's gift or grab an unopened gift, then you keep going until all #'s have gotten a gift. We had to put a 3-steal limit on it! It can get pretty crazy in our family! We usually have about 15 people participating! After this is done, my aunt gets us all together to do Christmas trivia. She has a bunch of x-mas related trivia questions and the winner of each questions gets a Lottery Ticket.

    Good luck to all of you on completing your goals!!!!!!! Thanks Funny for starting such a fun thread!!

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