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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by John337

  1. Hi Guys - hope this finds you all well. We have been very busy with work and our Boys. Thank god my youngest is out of the marines after 4 yrs and is now looking for work. My oldest just got married last week and they are now in Spain.

    I have been maintaining @214-216. Feeling good. Once in a while I still have a hard time with red meat. Still eating very slow. Meals take 30 min to consume.

    Will check in more often.


  2. Hi Rebecca -

    Glad your doing well. YES - You are "zero-ing" in on the sweet spot..............You might need some fine tuning - ( becomes too tight or loose) Once at the sweet spot, your adjustments will be very,very minor in order to keep you there.

    With me, as I lost the weight, my adjustments were enough to keep me in the zone so I can continue to loose at the same rate.

  3. It's hard to believe what we accomplished over the past year. I still can't believe it. I can eat just about anything but must really chew, chew, chew. The only thing that seems to be a pain in the butt to eat is scrambled eggs ( if you can believe that). If the eggs are runny then I'm good. bread needs to be toasted and well-done. SMALL PRICE TO PAY........

    I can exercise, work on the house or boat and feel no pain afterwards. I use to pay for 3-5 days after strenuous activities. Shopping for clothes is a treat. I can buy off the rack at any men's store. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels have never been better.

    I still find myself slipping up and eating too fast. The L/B gives me the signal to stop eating for a few minutes and think about how fast I'm eating. Eating slow and chewing remain a challenge.

    All in all, one of the best decision I've ever made in my life.

  4. I'm still online from time to time.

    I have lost a few more lbs, but it's SO SO SLOW and I'm putting huge efforts lately. it scares me, because sometimes I wonder how long I can keep this up. i'm exercising a lot! I want to make it a way of life, but some days I feel so tired that I wonder -- can I really keep this up, THIS much? I go 5 nights a week to the gym, plus 4 lunchtimes at work. . .

    My weight is still moving, but barely. . . Also, some days I think I may need a fill, other days I feel like a fill would make me too tight-- so it's basically a matter of me just measuring foods, choosing the right foods now, etc.

    I'm still glad I got the band, but at times I'm frustrated. . . wondering if this is as far as it will take me. It's still better than before, but it's not really what I'd hoped for.

    Spidey- do you think you need a small fill? you said you can eat more? or is that just once in a while? my dr told me it's normal for me to be able to eat more one day, less the next. . . but I don't like that feeling! ha ha

    I have acid reflux about 2 times per month now -- barely any-- just a bit, but it makes me think I might need a small unfill. I'm scared to get any unfill, because as it is I'm only losing about 4 lbs per month, and I don't wanna gain any back.

    ok- had to get this off my chest. . . tomorrow hopefully I'll be more enthused :)


    Hi Lisa - I've away on vacation and just checking the boards without posting but wanted to let you know for a while I was losing very slowly. I would suggest an adjustment. An adjustment when you are "in the zone" only needs to be .25cc which is a very very small adjustment. My last three adjustments have never been greater than .25cc but it really made a difference in weight loss. I was able to eat....( slower) but felt satisfied longer as well.

    Something to think about......Don't get fustrated...you are doing very well.:thumbup:

  5. I meant to post last Friday, but I've been soooo busy, I haven't had any free time for the computer. Anywho.... I made it to goal!!! :biggrin:

    Ann - I just got back from vacation and was hoping to see your post. CONGRATS.........MANY CONGRATS.......:):thumbup:.......113 lbs is such an achievement.......keep it up.

  6. Hi Ann & Rebecca,

    Seeing my son after one year was quite a home-coming. We met him at the airport in N.C. and he asked " Where's my other half". He couldn't believe what he was seeing which was nice but a little wierd. I still don't ( mentally) see myself as thin as everyone else does. I guess it will take a while. But my wife, other son and I had a great visit with our Marine and his wife.

    For my other issue, I will try the miralax. It's funny, this is the only issue that has been an issue for me since day one.......

  7. Hi All,

    Great stories. Keep up the good work. Went to the Doc recently and had an esophagram and all is good. Now seeing the Doc every three months. Weight has remained unchanged. Enjoying the summer.

    Still eating Proteins first therefore the vegetable intake has been limited which still causes problems on the other end ( if you know what I mean). BMs are not as frequent as what I would expect. Stool softners are still needed.

    Anyone else still having the same issue after a year ???

  8. I wanted to be the first to wish all my Bandaversary friends a Happy Bandaversary.......

    It is hard to believe it has been a year this month for us. We have all been thru alot. I doubt any of us has regrets. Everyone is doing so well. We have shared alot of difficult and happy times on this website and for this I say Thank You to all my mayo Banditos..........................

    The only regret I have - I should of done this 5 years ago. In any event , it is done and I feel great. I think I put 10 years back on my life. This has been of one the best decisions in my life........:thumbdown:

    So far, maintaining has been easier than I thought. I am loose enough to eat more but tight enough not to get out of hand.

    I met someone for lunch a few weeks ago in NYC for lunch and he walked right past me in the restaurant looking for me. lol..lol.

    The end of the month should be interesting.....My son is a Marine and he has been in Okinawa for the last 2 years. I saw him one year ago. I think he will be in shock :blushing: when I see me at the airport...........

  9. Hi All,

    Just got back from a Mexican vacation.......AND GAINED NO WEIGHT !!!!!!!! Feel good. Still holding my weight which tells me I am at the correct adjustment for maintenance. It is hard to believe next month we Celebrate our BANDaversary !!!!!

    Everyone continues to do well. It is great to read these posts and accomplishments........KEEP IT UP.....:thumbup:

  10. I currently weigh 365 lbs. I have yo-yo deiting for the last 10 years. I have called 3 surgeons and even attended 2 information sessions. Everytime I talk to a doctor or the office assistants, they say I need Gastric Bypass, not the band. I am paying for surgery out of pocket, the band is cheaper and safer with a lower risk of complications. (Complications I'd have to pay for!)

    I do not want Gastric, I feel like I need a tool, not a fix. I have NO co-morbidities.

    Has anyone on here lost 150 lbs or more?

    Does anyone have any insight as to why they would try to get me to do Gastric instead of Lap-Band®?

    Is Portion Control your problem?? It was mine. I lost over 120 lbs and feel great. You should challenge them when they say bypass vs LapBand. Ny Doc at NYU in NYC would argue the reverse.

    Good luck......

  11. Just checking in........Everyone is doing great. Keep it up.......

    Sarah - Slow but steady is good.... You can do it......:thumbup:

    Ann - Your goal weight is just around the corner....I am excited for you.......................:smile2:

    I have been holding which is good and am able to eat a little more here and there. I leave for vacation next Tuesday so that will be the test for me. This Northeast winter is for the birds. Sunny Mexico here we come..........:thumbup::cool2::blink:

  12. Ann - You are so right.............Stay on top of the PA and push to see the surgeon. You're right. You didn't come this far not to have 100% success...........

    Trisha - Dr. Kurin is still at NYU. The practice is so busy but what I really ike about the group is that they really pay attention to you and listen to you. Learning to eat slow is such a task for me as well. There are days I eat slow without thinking and then there are meals I start off taking a big bite and thank goodness I catch myself :smile2: so not to get stuck. I constantly remind myself to take small bites ( dime size) and eat slow. I try to get into the habit of putting my fork down in between bites. Even that is hard to do.........

    OLD HABITS ARE HARD TO BREAK...........But we will change!:confused:

    Good luck............

  13. I asked my PA yesterday what quantity my surgeon thinks I should be able to eat, and he said 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food.

    When I told my PA that I can regularly eat 2+ cups of food before getting full, and that maybe I need a fill, she replied, maybe you need to exercise more. Huh? What happened to the LAP-BAND® is supposed to be a tool to keep you from getting hungry and eating too much? That frustrated me. But, I agreed to up my exercise this week and get back to her again next week to see if it changed anything for me. *sigh* I'm so frustrated. The past two months have been nothing but up and down the same two pounds or so. And I'm *this* close to hitting the 100 lb. mark. :smile2:

    Hi Ann - It really drives me crazy when a Doc or PA says - "Exercise more" instead of listening to the patient. You are basically telling the PA that the LB is loose and should be tightened a little as you can eat 2+ cups of food. Exercise will not stop you from eating 2+ cups of food. While we all can agree exercise is part of the solution , so is adjusting the band so that we eat 1-1/2 cups of food and we're satisfied for 4-6 hours.

    I can honestly say the Docs at NYU really listen to the patient and adjust the band accordingly. I think if you feel an adjustment is necessary then the PA should listen to you and make the adjustment. :confused:

  14. Hi Jen!

    Thanks for the sweet words! This band has been the absolute best thing I've ever done for myself! In just a month or so post op I was able to stop taking meds for my heart, high blood pressure, high cholesteral, one of my PCOS meds, diabetes, asthma, joint pain and was able to lower my c-pap machine for sleep apnea. It has been amazing! Not to mention, I just feel so much better! I have so much more energy! And absolutely love beeing able to shop in the "Normal Sized section of the clothing stores! It's been a very long time since I've been able to do that!

    The not so great thing is that I have lots of wrinkles! They just started popping out of nowhere! But ya know...I can handle wrinkles if I have a much healthier body! :confused: I've been told that at about 18 months your skin starts to even out a bit and look better so we'll see.

    Good luck with your banding! Hope it happens soon for you! Keep us posted!

    WOW -- CONGRATS.............You're doing so well.......Keep it up.:smile2::thumbup::eek:

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