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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gus-Gus

  1. I had a fill last week and was having problems all week with keeping food and liquids down. couldn't get past mushies. I went in today and has some taken out and of course now I once again feel like I'm not filled enough. ARrgh its so frustrating. However, while I was there, I spoke to the nurse and she said to keep things around the 1,000 calorie level and make sure most of that is Protein and to drink lots of Water.
  2. Gus-Gus

    Inconsistent Band!!

    I'm with you guys. My band is not liking me right now. I just had my fourth fill. Did really fine for the two days of liquids and the first day of mushies and now all of a sudden it doesn't like me at all. I don't want to get an unfill unless I absolutely have to because it took me a while to get to this point. I freak out eating out as well and on Sunday even soup was a problem, but I took it home. Mornings are the worst. A good eat out meal is the Tomato basil Soup at Applebees (if you have one near you) you can also order it with a side of mini cheeseburger sliders (I take off the bun of course). If you can't get through the sliders, take them home.
  3. Gus-Gus

    does this happen to anyone?

    I have just had my fourth fill and experiencing problems I never had before, like waking up from a nap with my protein shake trying to work it's way up. I have found that if I chew a few tums between meals, it helps a bit with the reflux and gives you some extra calcium to boot.
  4. Gus-Gus


    I'm with Guy, heal first and worry about food later. You should be on liquids still and as long as you choose lower calorie liquids, drink up. I just had my fourth fill and am finally feeling restriction which is taking some getting used to. So enjoy your time while you can and heal. It's a lifestyle change not a race and you will get out of bandster hell and start to see results.
  5. Gus-Gus

    VERY Restricted!!!!

    I just had my fourth fill and finally feeling very restricted and concerned that I might be overfilled. But I have been able to get my water in. Have been able to drink my protein shakes and chew my multi-vitamins, so I'm with WeBand and not going to complain for a while at least. I've been told that as you lose the band loosens up, so I'm gonna wait a bit more and enjoy the smaller portions for now.
  6. I have found that with all that is going on with our bodies I sometimes have a yucky or stale taste in my mouth and chewing gum helps. I chew for awhile and then spit it out because even though it's been years since I swallowed any gum, I don't want to tempt fate.
  7. Hi Steve,


    Haven't seen you in the forums for awhile but you posted on my "I'm new" post and were the first person to talk about the "sweet spot" I think I'm finally there. When you hit it, were you full after a few ounces? And how long did it take after that to start feeling a loosening up? I don't think I'm overfilled just yet, but this is my first real feeling of restriction and I'm still adjusting.

  8. In response to both of you. I was able to eat more than I anticipated before my first fill and more than I anticipated after my second and third fill as well. I was working on sheer willpower and portion control but losing or staying put so it was okay. I had my fourth fill last week and I also don't like my band very much. I am finally feeling full after 2 ounces,which I believe was the original goal, but it has been an experience. I worry that I might be over-filled but I'm going to wait it out just a little more to see if it gets better before I ask to go back in for an un-fill. My average has been staying the same weight or 1-2 pounds a week. I am happy with those results. Keep track of your portions, starting with protein first and I think if you stay within 1/2 to1 cup of food per meal (I usually serve myself 2 oz's of meat and 1/2 or 1/4 cup of Beans or other protein) and drink plenty of Water between meals, you'll manage your weight loss. Good luck to you.
  9. I had my third fill last week and I believe, if I remember the conversation, I have 6 cc's in a 10cc band. I did great on liquid phase and first day of mushies, but second day of mushies, restriction "really" kicked in and I mean big time. Today I could only get through half of my Cream of Wheat. I am worried about overfill but I also want to tough it out for a little bit more at least as in the past I have felt like I wasn't full enough. I don't want to over panic as long as I can keep at least 2 oz's down. So, I think I hit my sweetspot but not quite sure yet. Any of you keep track on how long till you started to feel a "loosening" of the band?
  10. Hello all, I have been having a really hard time figuring out how much to eat etc. I haven't had much restriction and I hate counting calories, I thought the whole point of the band is I wouldn't have too. Anyway, I found a great web-site (all-about-lapband.com) that has a lap band eating plan that contains food lists and portion sizes and a core meal plan with how many portions of Protein, grains, fruit etc. you should be eating per meal and so forth. I printed it all out and made myself a food journal on my computer that I printed out on pretty paper. So far so good. Also, their is a book out: Before & After: Living and Eating Well After Weight-Loss Surgery I just ordered it from Barnes and Noble and the reviews have been excellent. I hope this helps you all. Check out the web-site, it really helped me. I'll keep you posted on the book, once I get it.
  11. Gus-Gus

    September Bandster Check-in

    Slim-n-tn You were talking about your fear of chicken. I have found chicken hard to eat myself. My hubby does almost all of the cooking at home and the best chicken is when he puts chicken thighs or chicken legs in the crockpot, dumps a jar of salsa on top and cooks it on low all day long. It comes out soft and juicy. Add a little ranch Beans and a spoon of rice to your plate and it's perfect with plenty leftover to pack for lunch the next day.
  12. Gus-Gus

    September Bandster Check-in

    Hello Samurai's, I just found you and this is my first post to this thread. I was banded 9/29/08 and have had two fills. I am down 64 pounds from my first appointment with the surgeon to today. (51 of it post-op) and I've had two fills. I haven't felt that "sweet spot" yet, but I only weigh once a week and I either stay the same or lose 1/2 to a pound a week (and I'm okay with that) as long as I don't gain. I've had lots of questions about what I should be eating etc and found a great website (all-about-lapband.com) and they have a lap-band eating plan that has been a Godsend. It has recommended food lists and portions and a core plan of what you should eat at each meal. I copied it, made myself a daily food journal on my computer that I printed on pretty colored paper and bought myself a notebook that I covered with and old pair of jeans (I sew) and I am taking charge. That way when I see my doctor I can show him what steps I'm taking to make this work. Anyway, if you get a chance, it's worth checking out. Good luck to all you fellow Samurai's and Iwill be checking this thread regularly.
  13. Gus-Gus

    Wooooooooooohooooo! S.v.!

    Congrats and good job. Just one questions. What's ONEDERLAND?
  14. Gus-Gus

    up and down weight loss

    I was banded back in September and stressing about the slow down in weight, I have some weeks when I don't lose any or gain a half a pound, but for the most part I'm averaging a one pound loss per week. I was driving myself crazy in the beginning and on New Year's day made a resolution that I would only weigh once a week, so now every Thursday morning after I get up (and pee) I get on the scale, naked, and weigh myself. I keep track on a calendar so that I can discuss any issues with my doctor when I see him, but as long as I am staying still or losing a pound a week with no gain then I'm happy. As long as I don't go up, then I can live with my new lifestyle changes. It's a long road, but we'll succeed, so hang in there.
  15. Gus-Gus

    6 days out and nervous

    I had my band in on 9/29/08 and I haven't reached my "sweet spot" yet, I've had two fills so far. I get full during my meals, but I am hungry every three hours. I just stocked up on healthy snacks and I have a snack ine between meals. String cheese, fat free pudding, a slim fast shake etc... Once you get past the initial restrictions, you will find that you will have your three meals and a small healthy snack in between and the hunger pains will be minimal (at least they have been so far). I also find that if I drink plenty of water, I stay full between meals as well. On another note, it's been five months for me, I am down over 60 pounds, and my doctor has already reduced my high blood pressure medications and will soon be reducing them again. You will get the hang of things, During post op, I drank alot of tea sweetened with Equal and that helped. Hang in there and know your not alone.
  16. My favorite eat out place is Applebee's. I get the tomato basil Soup and cheeseburger slider's meal. I take the bread off the sliders and the patty's and soup are just right. Most restaraunts have allowed me to order off the kid's meal menu without explanation. Claim Jumper has some great appetizers and the Lettuce Wraps appetizer at Elephant Bar is also a good meal.
  17. I can tell you without a doubt the best thing for me post-surgery has been my crockpot. Meat is very difficult for me but an excellent source of protein. Meat cooked in the crock pot all day is soft, moist and easy to eat. Best meal so far, Chicken thighs in the crockpot, dump a jar of salsa on top and let cook all day. Once cooked add some mashed potatoes or ranch style beans (another good source of protein) and your good. There will also be plenty to pack up some containers for lunch the next few days.
  18. Gus-Gus

    I want a salad

    Salads have been no problem for me unless I'm eating out and they pre-toss the salad. Sometimes if it's been sitting in the dressing and the lettuce starts to get soggy it's harder to chew and that has been a problem. But if the lettuce is fresh and I put the dressing on myself, then no problems at all with salad.
  19. Gus-Gus


    I use the Slimfast, low carb, in chocolate. I like them because they're easy, really good chilled and I can drink one on my way home from work to hold me over until dinner time. Every once in a while I through in a South Beach Protein Bar instead of a shake.
  20. I have the same problems you are having but I'm with Jodi_620. If I drink lots of Water, I am staying full longer between meals. I have trouble in the mornings and can eat alot (I measure my foods as often as possible) in the evenings. I am up two pounds this week but I admit that's my fault because I've been sneaking in things that I shouldn't be and not drinking my fluids like I should be. I've had two fills and still haven't found my "sweet spot" but I am learning what foods keep me full longer. Cream of Wheat in the AM, tuna at lunch and any type of meat for dinner is a day that works best for me. Good luck and hang in there. I wouldn't have believed it a few months ago but it does get easier and you do learn how to read your body better as time goes on.
  21. I'm glad to know that we don't "have" to drink all that water as I hate having to go to the bathroom all day long. I have learned though that with my band, if I drink more water I stay "full" longer after I've eaten.
  22. I chose to get a lap-band because I had a problem with portion control and not so much a problem with sweets etc. I have found that I can eat pretty much whatever I want with a few adjustments (ie:burgers with no bread) and less of it. The one thing I was told however was ABSOLUTELY NO CARBONATED beverages. And I must admit that I really really miss my Diet Pepsi. My family and I go camping once a month and the one thing I looked forward to at the end of the day was a Jack and Diet pepsi while sitting by the campfire. So my question to all of you is...........Is there anything you can't have now that you really miss? Just wondering.:cursing:
  23. Gus-Gus

    Things that you miss

    Hi everyone, I've been gone a few days. Having a rough week, up two pounds. (obiviously not missing anything these days). I miss what you all miss and I can't wait to get to to where WEAS123 is and not miss anything. I also love my band and have no regrets but I still miss food. However, yesterday I was able to go to Bass Pro shop and buy "regular" clothes. I still run into the Avenue and Lane Bryant because I like their jeans, but soon won't have to go there at all. That I won't miss. Super Bowl wasn't too bad, no beer or seven layer dip but I was able to eat a few bites of pizza and that was enough for a change. Thinking about joining a training group and running a marathon. Ran one in 1999 (took me 8 hours) and want to do another one to prove the first one wasn't a fluke. How about you all? Anyone take up running, or any other sport you would have never dreamed of trying before. No matter how much I lose, I doubt I'll ever try rock climbing.
  24. Gus-Gus

    LapBand = Better Sex

    Well I can tell you that after losing 60 pounds, the hubby is enjoying sex more. Better posititions. However, if there are any over 40 women out there. Then you may or may not have discovered a, how do I say it "lube" problem with your body. That didn't get better with the wieght loss. So any suggestions would be helpful. My hubby did say that once I reach goal weight he was going to "bend me like Gumby"
  25. I am in Corona as well. Is your insurance covering your surgery. Mine did and they referred me to Dr. Krahn in Riverside. He also has offices in Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino. There is also Dr. Coon in Riverside. Dr. Krahn did my surgery at Parkview Hospital. He has been great so far and I don't have any complaints. His nurse is very nice but I get the impression she has never been heavy so there are some things she just doesn't get, but I can work with that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
