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Status Updates posted by Nooshie

  1. good morning! just wanted to drop you a quick note. today's day 1 of your liquid diet, yes? how's it going? day 9 for me.


    yesterday i took the day off and did all my pre-op stuff. it's good that i did because I had to go to the doc in tujunga, the lab in montrose for blood work, Verdugo hills hospital for the chest xray....and then to st. joe's for the nurses assessment. took all day.


    so you wanted to know about the nurses assessment. basically, it's like a pre-admitting. you meet with a nurse and she asks you all about your past histories of surgery, current meds, advanced directive, gives you surgery morning instructions. she enters all the info into the computer. it took about an hour or so...but they print up all your stickers for your charts, your wrist band...etc. it was pretty good.


    I'm getting excited. just 6 days to go!!!

  2. Hey Andrea, Thank you so much for talking with us today at the doc's office. You have no idea how much it helped my husband to see how healthy you looked and how positive you were about the surgery. It was great to see you. Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing from time to time! Thanks again!


  3. hey gina,

    how are you doing? I've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I know you're probably not home yet (if surgery happened on Thursday), but check in when you can. Hope all is well.

  4. Hey there Gina,

    How's it going for you? Went to the support group meeting last night. it was good, but a bypass lecturer who had lost 200+ pounds. Amazing transformation. You had mentioned that you use the Unjury protein. I'd like to try that since it doesn't have iron. Can you tell me where you buy it from?

    Thanks! Have a great day!

  5. Hey you! So good to hear from you! How are you doing? Hows your weightloss progressing. Do you love the band? I'm going for cardiac clearance on thursday. I hope I pass. I'm getting excited!

    Is there a meeting tomorrow night at St. Joe's. I am going to get serious about going!



  6. Hey, so nice to hear from you. Are you going to the meeting tonight? I'm planning on going. 25 pounds is wonderful!!! tomorrow is my cardiology appointment. did you have to do a treadmill? I called to see if I need to do that and she said no, it's just an appointment...so not sure what they're going to do..but that's tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.


    See you tonight, i hope!


  7. Hi Gina,

    Just wanted to check in with you. How are you doing? Your surgery is coming up. Excited? You're going to do fine. How's the liquid diet going? I'm doing okay...just very burpy. : ( but I've lost 13 pounds. when was the last time that happened!

    Wishing you the best,



  8. Hi Gina, Just wanted to check in with you and find out how you're doing and what happened with the doctor. Did you go in, and what did he say about your incision. Hope you're feeling well and that the issue is resolving.

    Keep me posted!


  9. Hi, I'm doing okay. discouraged a bit because the scale is not moving down. been at a standstill for over a week (see my post). I mean, I'm eating very little, exercising regularly, drinking water, and it seems that the only think i WAS doing, but am no longer, is the protein shake. maybe i'm not getting enough protein? I don't know. but I'm just doing what i'm doing..i mean, i can't do anything more than I am...so I will continue. Fill is still good. I can eat about a half cup of food....I can eat more though I am truly not inclined to since i'm not hungry. yesterday I ate a tangerine with my lunch, and it was soooo good that I realy wanted - and had - another one...though one of those really little ones. Well, i was totally full and uncomfortable...so much so that I won't be doing that again. So far, nothing getting stuck.

    I've lost 25 pounds total (since 2 week preop)....at one point it was 27 #for a fleeting moment...but i'm stuck at 25 pounds here for a week now. wah!

  10. Hi, Just wondering how you are. Your picture looks beautiful. Hope all is well with you!


  11. I'm glad to hear you're doing better and that the redness is starting to go away. I'm get irritated by fabric tape, so they had noted all of that prior to surgery. I get welts all along the borders of the tape.

    i'm doing okay on the mushies. it's so much better than the liquids. ellen was so nice to scan her pages of the book for me, so now i have a better idea of what mushy meals are supposed to look like. I get my stitches out on Wednesday. Woot.

  12. Marissa, how's it going??? I came on the group site looking to check in on you but didn't find an update. I want details, facts....:::smile::: I just want to make sure you're doing fine. I got your email to the group a few days back. Are you feeling any better now? Hope so. You're in my thoughts.




  13. yep...clear liquids as of noon tomorrow. went shopping yesterday for diet ginger ale, sf jello cups, cranberry juice and broth...oh, and my sf popsicles. can't forget those. I can't believe it either! And you're right behind me the following week!

    How's the liquid diet going?

  14. good morning. okay, so i'm flipping myself out about getting sick. last night it was cold at my house...i turned on the heat. the dryness in the air made my sinuses feel weird so I had a fitful night thinking "OMG...i can't get sick, etc." so stupid. it's just that i've come so far...it's taken 9 months. I don't want anything to stand in the way of it....so i'm freaking myself out. so dumb. I get mad at myself. and then it's compounded by the fact that we can't take any vitamins...no air born, not immune system boosters. whatever. Starting clear liquids at noon today. I'm armed with broth and jello. : ? and my crystal light. I think maybe the fact that we haven't eaten properly in the last two weeks also contributes to feeling a little worn down, don't you think? Hopefully, it'll be over soon. Sweet potato soup sounds yummy.

  15. Great! So happy to hear you're doing okay. Everyday gets better. I even started being able to sleep on my side again! Woot. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  16. Hey Gina, what about the Trader Joe's soups? Also, I found some soups at Albertson's that are in these little cartons with a screw off top...organic. creamy tomato, tomato/red pepper, potato leek. not too bad. but I'm like you...we're losing weight so it's worth it. I've lost 9 pounds. : )

  17. Hi! I live in Sunland. So nice of you to welcome me. How was surgery, and how is it going so far? I'm anxious about my appointment on Monday. I have no idea what to expect. Please keep me posted on your progress. Good luck! Anush

  18. I just found your message. Glad you're doing okay on the liquids! I'm doing okay too. Surgery is only 5 days away. Eeeps!! I'm excited, and nervous...and you're just behind me. Today's thought for me was "this time next week it'll all be over!" I'm ready.

  19. loved looking at your photos! You look amazing! So cool that you did a weekly photo. Great for inspiration! ::hug:: congrats!

  20. mushies are two weeks after. guess what! You start mushies on thursday!! happy happy joy joy!!!

  21. No, i don't have staples. I have stitches (that poke through my clothing), and over the stitches, they put crazy glue. Don't worry about the staple removal. Once it's over, it's over. right now i'm dealing with constipation issues. the protein shake has a lot of iron in it, and it's causing me grief. because of that, i'm only having one a day...and i think maybe i'm not getting enough protein cuz the scale hasn't gone down in 4 days. : (

  22. not sure if you're a peanut butter fan or not, but ellen sent me the sample menus and that was on there. OMG, it was soo good. just a couple saltines and a tablespoon of peanut butter. It really hit the spot. I went to costco a few days ago and bought this cool cuisinart hand blender. so I had made chicken for the family, and I just hit it with the blender and it pureed it. I mean, y'know, it was puree...but it was still good. : )

  23. thanks so much Gina. I appreciate all your messages and having someone that I can share with. So last night I thought for sure I had a head cold. it's cold in my house...so my nose was running. I put on my sweatshirt....had tons of tea....water, broth....even though, Hey, i'll gargle with listerine since it's supposed to kill germs on contact. I got to bed and my mind was going a mile a minute...what if...what if...if i have a head cold but my nose is clear do I tell the surgeon....all these kinds of thoughts. So I had to calm myself and just pray. I took it out of control and put it in God's hands. And I woke up feeling better. : ) So I'm here today, with my broth and my jello. I'm less than 24 hours out. Eeeps!

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