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Posts posted by JABBA THE MUTT

  1. Noosagirl,

    What a fabulous world we live in. I never thought I would have the opportunity to offend someone thousands of miles away, without leaving the comfort of my chair. Simply marvelous.

    With regard to your statement. If men are in fact inferior (some of them really are, particularly the effeminized younger ones), then there is always the alternative.

    Technology and the opening of minds mean you can live your whole life, raise a family, make a living, and accomplish whatever you want to, without one of Nature's "inferior models".

    Relax, be happy, life is short. Learn to distinguish sarcasm from anger, it will make the trip a lot better.

  2. Old people talk about and obsess on food because in their youth, eating on a regular basis was considered a luxury.

    They grew up in simpler times, with less stress, more booze, and no cable. food was a big part of their day.

    In my humble opinion, Old People Suck! Closed minded, uninformed, long winded, and they think they have earned the right to say whatever they want without consequence.

    Don't bother with them, they will be dead soon anyway. They will suck the life right out of you.

    Losing a lot of weight is like buying a company. There is going to be some turnover in you life. Some people simply will not fit in with the new plan, they need to go.

    Also remember, only you can make you feel bad about yourself. Take some responsibility for your own mental state.

    Do not give food that level of mythical power that many people do. Food is your enemy, treat it with respect and disdain.

    And remember, Old People Suck.

  3. Dear God!

    I can not believe you ladies are still on this?

    Law 1: Men are horny, its preprogrammed into us.

    Law 2: Many men are biologically attracted to girls depicted in porn.

    Law 3: Women can not and will not change Laws 1 and 2.

    Let it go, it is natures way. No amount of watching Oprah is going to undo a million years of biology.

    I have seen more harm done to marriages by Hunting, Fishing, Gambling, Booze, Drugs,and NASCAR than by any amount of looking at pixels arranged in the form of a naked woman.

    Grow up ladies.

  4. I found it helpful to make gradual changes in my lifestyle leading up to the pre-op diet.

    Cutting carbs is the best thing that will jump start you on your way.

    Making incremental, minor adjustments further out from surgery is easier and more effective than "crash" dieting just prior.

    Break down larger changes into smaller ones.

    No diet will kill you. Carrying extra tonnage through your life will. Only the first two weeks are hard, then it becomes habit.

    "Do, or do not, there is no try"

  5. I am bipolar. Took assorted meds for 15 years. Stopped taking them in December when I went on pre-op diet.

    I have logged a direct correlation to low-carb, high Protein diet and mood stabilization.

    Aside from weight loss, keeping my mood stable with diet and exercise is the best incentive to stick to my diet.

    I have decided that the MD's are just pill pushers, looking to keep us addicted and coming back for more. They are soooo worried about getting sued that they simply throw meds at you, it's a business, like anything else.

    I am not advocating that you throw your meds away, just look into it. Ketonic diet is used for treatment of epilespsy and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.

    The FDA doesn't care about you, the drug companies pay them.

    I have declared my mind a drug free zone and reclaimed my life.

  6. I have never been a big porn guy, but I understand. My wife could care less. She enjoys Sex and the City and other chick flicks and shows, I don't judge her.

    Part of the vicarious thrill he gets from it is knowing that you are trying to catch him.

    Simple answer, get him his own computer and let him do what he wants. The internet has replaced porno mags that he would hide around the house.

    My wife has the best way of dealing with images of "other women". If I notice a woman in media of any form she says, "If you can get her, go for it" Guaranteed to immediately quell any man's desire for other women.

    It is the forbidden that draws men, like moths to a flame.

    How is looking at porn different from other hobbies like hunting, fishing, golf, watching sports, NASCAR, woodworking? It's not. You are mad because it takes away attention from YOU! Like any other hobby, pastime, or obsession.

    Does it interfere with his ability to work? Has it put financial stress on your family?

    Ladies, if that's the worst thing your man does, be happy.

  7. High Protein/Low Carb and Low Fat. Eating salami and bacon is not the answer by any stretch.

    I have bi-polar disorder. Since moving to a high Protein low carb diet, by mood and cognitive functions have stabilized at an increased level from pre diet and pre surgery levels.

    Studies have shown that this type of diet helps to quiet the mind and stabilize mood swings. I am inclined to agree.

    Jack LaLaine once said "If men make it, don't eat it" I think that is the path I will follow.

  8. "The first rule of Italian driving (and life): Whatsa behin' me isa no important" -Raul Julia (The Gumball Rally)

    3 weeks out and weirdness is happening. My surgery and weight loss has raised the competitive nature of my entire fat family.

    Everyone has gone weight loss crazy. Even my wife who was only a size 16 has been dieting and exercising with me and I gotta say, she looks great.

    More energy, more "quality time". Apparently Full Contact Aerobics, as we like to call it, is good exercise.

    I refuse to get on the scale yet until my 6 week doctor visit. I will let my mirror and clothes be my guide for now.

    I don't want to start getting obsessive about the scale.< /p>

    Look forward, only 3 weeks out and I can honestly say this is the best thing I have ever done.

  9. I mean wife makes you roll down the car window bad.

    Have been on high protein/low carb since 2 weeks before surgery and of course for 9 days after thus far.

    Brushing 4x daily is not cutting it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated by me and those around me.

    My thanks to all.

  10. I though about a polite way to put this, but to no avail.


    I am 5 days post-op, my DW has been dieting with me since 2 weeks pre-op. Looking VG.

    No food, no booze, going a little crazy here.

    Have fun with this one.:smile:

  11. I have had CPAP for 7 years now. Here are some ideas.

    1. Make sure your sinuses are clear, really clear. Try some saline spray, stay away from Afrin or any others of that ilk.

    2. Get really soft pillow so that it cradles your head, try sleeping with your upper body slightly elevated. (I ended up buying adjustable bed)

    3. There are hundreds of masks out there, don't settle for the one they initially give you, it is usually crappy.

    You need to find one that fits the size and shape of you face.

    4. Hypnosis. Not kidding. See a certified hypnotherapist and tell them your problem. Did it pre-op to relive anxiety, works wonders.

    5. I felt 10 years younger the first day after using my CPAP.

    6. Be sure your machine has a built in heated humidifier, accept nothing less. This will open your nose and make it much easier for you to breathe.

  12. Greetings all.

    Home from hospital yesterday, never so happy to pass gas in my life, even wife didn't mind when she saw the level of pain I was having. (scared the dog).

    Anybody who says this is the "easy way out" will receive a prompt ass-kicking, as soon as I feel up to it.

    You can read about, talk to people, listen to Doctors, but until you do it yourself, nobody knows anything.

    Clears until Tuesday, see doc next friday.

    How long did it take your incisions to heal?

  13. Ladies,

    I realize I am treading on forbidden ground, but perhaps a different perspective.

    Married to DW for 18 years. My best buddy stood by me through worse, sick, and poorer. We do not fight.

    Marriage is like a fine china plate. Break it, glue it back together, all you will see are the cracks.

    Hubby threatens to leave, let him go. Otherwise you will spend your life as a POW. Most men are driven by their own insecurities and internalization of their shortcomings and failure to live up to their obligations.

    Life is too short to be unhappy. Name me one good thing that ever came about as a result of guilt? Guilt and shame profit you not.

    More harm done to kids by continued exposure to hostile environment than from divorce.

    "Marriage takes work", what a load of crap! If you have to work at it that hard, you have the wrong man.

    Plenty of good men out there. Find one not quite as attractive as you. He will be soooo happy and grateful to be with you. He will worship you, slay dragons for you, do what ever it takes to make you happy.

    For those men reading this, I will tell you the secret:

    Women want more than anything else, to be envied by other women. Make it happen, and happieness will be yours.

    Doesn't take a lot of money (although I personally have found it very helpful), takes a little effort and creativity.

    Ladies, take heart, do not stay where you are not valued. Failure is not a sin, so long as we learn from it.

    Sorry again for the intrusion.

  14. Male perspective:

    My wife is way more attractive than me, always has been.

    My standard reply when attention is paid to her: "If you can afford her, you can have her."

    All kidding aside, ladies, we are creatures of habit, we don't like change. The prospect of a newly attractive wife out in the world makes us look at our relative worthiness, and sometimes we come up a little short. This bothers us and most are not able to process these self ascribed feelings on inadequacy.

    Men, be cool. If she is going to go, she will go and that means she was never really yours to begin with. Another way:

    A dog on a short leash thinks only about getting off that leash, does not know why, only knows he wants off the leash.

    A dog with no leash, wanders around a bit, sniffs a few trees, then lays down by the back door and waits for you to come home.

  15. My story is just the opposite. DW is extremely supportive and has been doing the pre-op diet with me, (or at least not eating in front of me beyond the pre-op diet).

    As for one spouse or another leaving once weight is lost, try and remember who loved you when you were fat.

    Men are blockheads, you are just finding this out? We are mathematical, linear, and not very intuitive. You are the one who is trying to change the dynamic of the relationship, it is incumbent upon you to use crayons, hand puppets, graphs, charts, small tasty treats, or whatever gets through to make him understand.

    Men are actually like dogs (not that way, well o.k. maybe),

    We require clear rules and above all, consistency. We can be remarkably obidient, with a clearly defined set of instructions.

  16. Many people are haunted all their lives by two words: What's next?

    Career, money, homes, cars, social status, family, eventually if you reach a goal in life, you tend to focus on where you are now; not whence you came.

    It seems that life keeps moving the goal posts back after every successful kick.

    You seem to have fixed the outside, maybe it is time to fix the inside. (wow, did that just sound like a load of crap from Dr. Phil or what?)

    Basic instinct will lead most people to overcome any adversity, to know the true measure of a person's character; give them success.

  17. Midwest Chickie,

    34lbs is not nothing. To prove my point, find something that weighs 30-35lbs and carry it with you everywhere you go tommorrow.

    I am being banded in 2 weeks and am on 800 calorie pre-op diet. My wife, who is not really overweight asked me what I feel like. I showed her.

    Based on the amount I am overweight I calculated the amount of extra weight she would have to carry to achieve a proportionate weight to my own.

    I took 3 40lb bags of rock salt, tied them together, and had her wear them and try to walk. Now she knows why I have to do this.

    What the hell MWCK, you jumped through the hoops, you survived surgery and recovery, so at this point you can do one of two things:

    1. Go to the doctor, have him remove the Fluid, and eat hearty.

    2. Take the next step forward. Success is not a straight line, you mess up, you do better tommorrow. If you lose 34lbs every 12 months, you will get there, maybe not as fast as everyone else, but faster than many, and definitely faster than those who give up.

    Anyone who has ever quit smoking, drinking, drugs, or anything else worth giving up will tell you the same thing.

    Life is multiple choice, when you really think about it.


  18. I own a company that sells blueprinting machines. I drive about 50,000 miles a year and have been making bad food choices on the road for 20 years. Like the selling part, the rest not so much. No hobbies to speak of, but I have a lifetime worth of things to do that my weight has stopped me from doing.

    What is on your post weight loss list to do? I am interested to know.

  19. I am being banded on 2/19. My doc wants 10 days of low/no carb to shrink liver. What should I be doing now to make life easier afterward?

    Is there anything you guys wish you had done?

    Is there any item that you would have purchased?

    I run my own business and need to do any and everything to minimize downtime.

    I already have my list of about 100 things I want to do once I get my weight down.

    How long were you out of work? My job requires me to walk, talk, and drive a car, that's about it.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  20. I am 40 days from having my surgery (after a year of jumping through hoops).

    I humbly seek the wisdom of the collective: If you had it to do over again, what would you be doing right now to make it go better?

    What would you be eating? Diet? Exercise? Mental adjustments?

    Did you go on a last tour of culinary pleasures?

    My doc says no diet until 10 days before to shrink liver.

    I have been looking forward to this, but I will admit now that I have a date, I am freaking out just a little.

    Any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

  21. My 1st post, here goes.

    The inability to accept compliments or praise is more involved than just weight. There are self-image issues at work here.

    If you have the means, I might suggest seeing a therapist (I resisted for years, but have found it a wonderful indulgence)

    I have just received my surgery date after over a year of jumping through hoops. Do not underestimate the mental adjustments required for a complete life change.

    I am currently struggling with the question? Do I dislike myself because I am fat, or am I fat because I dislike myself?

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