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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Toyster

  1. Glad to hear you're doing so well. I like the Wii Fit, too. Which of the exercises/games do you like best. I tend to do a lot of the balance games. But have a new knee now and think I can start doing some of the others. The step games would be good for me now.

    I do all of the balance games, step aerobics (took me some time to get the rhythm of this), hula hoop, short distance running in place (actually I walk in place). I also do only the standing yoga. I also do the fitness on the disk that comes with the game. I use 5 different Miis so that I can do it five times in a row as it only allows you to do it once a day.

    The soccer balance game is a hoot!

  2. Its been quite some time since I was last here. I finally had my first fill since my surgery on January 16th of this year. I do indeed feel restriction from my first fill. I started out losing fast and then it slowed as I was eating more. I am now at 200 lbs and expect to break it by the end of this week.

    6 days a week of exercise is a part of my life now. I especially enjoy working out with the Wii Fit game. It is fun and not difficult and you do indeed get a good work out.


  3. Congratulations to lucky five! I hit my halfway point too. As of today 67 lost and and 65 to go.

    The five day pouch test link:

    Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

    It really worked for me as I had gained 3 lbs. I did the pouch diet and dropped 5 lbs and even more today. I did drop quite a bit of liquids as I was tinkling all week from drinking 68 ounces of Water. I normally drink 6 oz glasses of water. I do take a water pill.

    I was not hungry when I followed it either.

  4. I had lapband surgery on the 15th of May and in this past week am becoming increasingly hungry. After reading your blog I feel encouraged that once I begin to have fills I will begin to get the eating under control.

    What food measurement are you currently eating? When I started feeling hungry my nutritionist suggested I go from a quarter of a cup to a half of a cup of food 3x a day. Once you get through the healing stage your doc might suggest you to eat more fibrous foods which will keep you full longer.


  5. That is wonderful. However, I bet the band is playing some part in your w/l if you couldn't do it before.

    If I may ask...why did you never bother to get a fill? and..are you considering getting it removed?

    You are absolutely right about the band playing a part in my weight loss. It certainly gave me the jump I needed to get going.

    My doctor said as long as I am losing the weight there was not a need for a fill. I will not have the band removed as I am sure I will need a fill sooner or later. I am to request a fill when I have not lost any weight for 2 weeks.

    I feel so much better as I no longer have sleep apnea, I can walk much better with my bum knees and I stopped taking my BP med (Ace inhibitor) however, I still take the Water pill to prevent Fluid build up. My workout is much easier and a friend insist the Soy Protein I use mixed with the no sugar Carnation Breakfast drink, apples and a banana is speeding up my metabolism somewhat.

    I am loyal to avoid eating junk food and fried foods. Haven't had any since before my surgery this past January.


  6. Hi Everyone,

    I guess you can call me the ultimate lurker because I rarely post but I see the post quite often.

    Yesterday my doctor informed me that I was losing the weight on my own as my band is unfilled. I have never had a fill since my surgery on January 16, 2009.

    I eat a cup of food 3X a day without Snacks. I add my fruits to my Protein Drink.< /p>


  7. Hi livin4jesus,

    Sorry to hear of your problems, I sure hope they are fixed very soon. You are certainly in my heart and prayers.

    I haven't been on for a long time. Still having trouble with blood in the abdomen causing pain and I don't like having to take so many painkillers. There shouldn't be the need by now. I also wear a brace. The worst thing is that I've put on 4 kilos = 8.8lbs and I'm very miserable about it. I wish I'd known about the "sleeve" before I had the 2 bandings as it sounds ideal. My new surgeon refuses to even think about it now. Ahh well, I still wouldn't have lost the weight I did if I hadn't tried, so I don't regret anything. People think I'm odd after everything I've been through for thinking that way but it is what I believe and know for a fact.

    Best wishes to everyone and "Goodonya to Oregondaisy"


    It has been awhile since I've posted here but Katy you have been on my mind often and I have and will continue to pray for you. I believe you are on the mend thanks to your new surgeon and you have weathered the storm. The best is coming. Keep the faith and hang in there.



  8. Well, I went to the Drs. today and I am still having a severe burning sensation at the top of my stomach. He is sending me for an ultrasound of my gallbladder and has scheduled me for an upper endoscopy on may 29th. I am not fretting this because I have not had one minutes trouble in the past 11 months. It's in the Lord's hands so, I see what the tests show and then deal with it. Thanks for your support and continued prayers.

    I am praying for you too and look forward to hearing what your doctor had to say.



  9. Hi Everyone,

    Its been a while since I've posted to this board. I was banded on January 16, 2009 and have lost 50 lbs so far. Is this unusual or too fast a loss for lap band surgery?

    I do everything the Doctor, nurse and nutritionist tell me to do. I also measure my food to assure the right amount. I was on 1/4 cup of food 3x a day for the first 2 months and now I am eating 1/2 cup three times a day.



  10. I don't know if it is unusual but I do know it is excellent! Great job!

    Thank-you for the compliment and I must admit that I for the most part do everything the doctor, nurse and nutritionist says.

    However, I had a few lap banders tell me it is unusual to lose 50lbs in 4 months.

  11. Hi

    I a new to the sixties forum and I just discovered it today while I was lurking around Lap Band Talk;

    I was banded on 1/16/09 and so far I have lost 50lbs. Is it unusual to lose 50lbs in 4 months?




  12. Hi,

    I sure hope everyone is doing well and I am praying for Katy. That awful surgeon should be stopped doing lap band surgery.

    I am doing well and now 5 weeks post op and have lost quite a bit of weight. Since the dehydration incident I have followed literally my doctor's and nutritionist orders. I am now enjoying soft foods.

    I was given the go ahead and workout by my physician. I am working out on a cardio cruiser for 15 minutes a day at this time.



  13. Hi Everyone,

    Had the Barium Swallow test this morning and it's not good news at all I'm afraid. It took the doctor ages just to find the band and when he finally found it, it had slipped right to the end of my stomach. He said that is why I've been vomiting so badly. The whole stomach has been getting filled and distended but not letting anything through to the intestines and therefore coming up again. This will have caused the 6th hernia as well.

    I rang the surgeons rooms and his receptionist just told me to keep my appt on Friday morning.

    This news has devastated me and I broke down and cried. This is the second time the band has slipped. It was a close call 4 years ago with another surgeon. This new one stitched the band to the stomach, so what on earth happened to make it come loose this time???!!!

    I'll have to be packed to go in on Monday, that's when he operates. My week has already been booked out with appts for my parents etc. I'm so very sad.

    Best wishes.

    I am praying for you to have closure of the problems and to be re banded with positive results.

    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wbLuJjb/">

    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wbLuJjb/weight.png"></a>


  14. Just wanted to say hello - I'm in SF, CA was just banded on 1/29/08 by Dr. Wetter at Mills-Peninsula. My head wants food even tho my body doesn't... anyone else ?

    I was banded on 1/16 and now on pureed foods and actually enjoyed the 1/4 cup of a scrambled egg for Breakfast and Mashed potatoes in the same amount for dinner. I am not hungry because I do feel satisfied. I guess following the liquid diet for two weeks did the trick.

    My challenge is not to taste the food while cooking for my guys.

  15. Hi,

    I got sicker! When I went in ofr my first follow-up appointment this wednesday My doctor had me immediately admitted. I was indeed dehydrated.

    They also said the liquids were backed up in my pouch and told me to lean to the right after I eat or drink to empy the pouch. I feel brand new and just a little hungry. I will be sipping all day with 15 to 30 minutes in between depended on how much Ihad to drink.

    I start my pureed foods tomorrow. So far since my 1/16 surgery I have lost 26lbs.

  16. Congratulations Long! 100 lbs is so amazing.

    I was allowed to drink 3 oz at a time when I first had surgery. They gave me a measuring cup.

    Now, I can drink a 24 oz glass of Water in no time at all.

    I don't drink anything other than water. Once in awhile, I drink Propell which is just flavored water.< /p>

    This is good news to me...I am a water drinker and used to drink at least 20 ounces every morning with my meds. Thanks for letting me know.


  17. yep, katy, hubby celebrated with me this morning. I hit the 100 lbs mark and he got up and hugged me and told me how proud is was of me. Then promptly went back to bed as it was 430am and he doesn't have to get up as early as me. I am just thrilled to have reached that. When i got banded i thought i'd be the one it didn't work for or something. Instead the lord has blessed me with just the opposite, i've had amazing success and a smooth journey thus far. Now i have visions of actually reaching my goal weight. Only 36 to go!

    fantastic! Praise the lord!!!

  18. Hi Toyster,

    I am so sorry to hear that you are having difficulties. I know exactly how you're feeling and it's not nice. Prop yourself up as much as you can when going to sleep and try not to eat for at least 2 - 3hours before you go to bed. Sometimes it helps.

    Best wishes.

    I am better now and I do have an adjustable sleep number bed that I am pleased with. I have been sleeping practically sitting up since the surgery.

    I generally drink Water two or three times before bed because I am really thirsty. Those small sips and at 2 0zs at a time is somewhat frustrating, however I am dealing with it.


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