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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JenzNewLife09

  1. Hey- I work for a vet. I know that we aren't dogs!! LOL But, most of our patients that we see are overweight labs, golden retrievers, chihuahuas and pugs. When we mention to the owners that their pets are "overweight" they are very offended and say that they are "healthy" & very "loved". However, when we actually see a pet with an "hourglass" figure, people automatically assume that they are too skinny, have worms or even neglected!! We(society) are so used to seeing overweight pets & then the second we see a pet with a figure, we just assume they are unhealthy.(What's wrong with that dog??) At the hospital, we always have to remind the owners that it's so much healthier for them to weigh less due to hip dysplasia, arthritis, and even diabetes in dogs!!

    Trust me, I am very guilty of my own overweight dog!! I want to give him extra treats cause I feel like I don't spend enough time with him. But, when I go to work & see the overweight/obese pets who can't walk into clinic without being in pain or severely panting, I think it's time to hold the treats. I have to remind myself & our clients we are actually giving them longer happier lives by taking them for walks instead. My dog has currently lost 11 lbs. Looking great & I can tell he's feeling better!! He doesn't stop & sit down on the last stretch anymore!! LOL :redface:

    So, for you to be on the "Normal" side of the BMI. You Go Girl!! :biggrin: Congrats!!

  2. Congrats on the 30#.

    I have also had the "pains" on my right side. Trust me, I even had self diagnosed myself with gallbladder issues. (thanks to the great internet) LOL And FYI, I do have all of my girly parts. =) So, I went to my family Dr. I found out that I had a Kidney infection!! First thing he asked me was how many sodas do I have a day!! Seriously?? Out of this whole lapband experience, that has been #1 thing that I have not gone back to. Jan 1, 2009- NO SODAS!! Jan 9, 2009 I had my surgery.. I have stuck to my guns on that one!! =)

    Well, I am really not sure where I was going with all of that. However, I was just letting you know that I am also sitting on this wagon with you!! I've hit my 30 lb mark. I've also had the side "pains"- (kidney related). I do get frusterated about how I havent lost more weight.. but I have to remind myself that in the past 5 years- I havent been able to lose 30 lbs on my own. I had Cigna for my insurance, so there was a lot of hoops for me!! LOL

  3. I had my second fill last week. The first couple of days, I could feel more of a "restriction" but, I am back to "normal" again. So, I am stuck on no losing any weight. However, I am not gaining any weight. So, I guess that's good. Yes, it's been 2 months since surgery- I've lost about 20 lbs.. That's more than I can say for the past several years!! :thumbup:

    I dont want to admit it though- I have not done any exercises.. My work schedule is hard to get those in there. I work 4- 10 hours days.. On the days that I am off.. I'm exhausted from trying to catch up on laundry, house cleaning & etc. But, I do feel that I have been staying more active than before. I rode my horse last weekend.

    My eating habits have changed. In a good way. I have completly stayed away from breads!! Better thing is, I dont crave them either- along with pasta!!

    Even thought this seems to be a slow process of losing weight, I feel that it's all good!! :crying:

  4. WOW!! That sounds like me!!

    I was banded on Jan 9th, then also has my first fill Feb 4th. Same thing, I did liquids the 1st day.. etc.. OK- I still feel like I can eat like I did before the fill. I don't even have any of the "spasms". I have been chewing my food like crazy- just in case. But, every once in a while when I slip up & dont chew as much, it's been ok.

    I know that I have lost almost 20 lbs.. But, this whole past month has been nothing but pure will power. Could I have lost this much weight by will power before the band to lose weight?? Nope.. I just don't want to screw things up inside - especially when I can't see it. However, I'm finding it frustrating that I can't feel anything.. I am just going by.. I guess I should stop eating, or people are watching me eat- I shouldn't eat anymore.

    I do remember the restriction that I had after surgery- I guess that is what I am expecting. (and I liked it) :)

  5. Hello Everyone!!

    Well, I must be in Bandster's Hell!! I wish that only 2 oz would fill me!! I'm keeping my weight down since I lost it from surgery. (about 13-15 lbs) However, I am making sure that I walk. My son & I even rode our bikes on Sunday!! Lots of will power here going on!! I did call my Dr & he even suggested for me to take some Adipex!! I was like, WHAT?? He said that it was to help until I get my 1st fill. Which is Feb 5th. So, I haven't filled the Rx yet, I'm trying the will power.. I do miss the "pressure" feeling that told me to hold off.. But, the good news is that I have lost 3 inches!! I am going to take my pic this weekend - my one month pic. I know that I have lost a size!! (I can pull off my jeans without unzipping them!!) :ohmy:

    Funny thing, my friends husband said that my eyes don't look as "puffy". :glare:

    My husband has been out of town the past week, he said that I am looking good. :(

    The girls at work have been so supportive!! They make sure I don't over-do myself with the large dogs that come in. Also, they are starting to ask questions. At first, the reason why I didnt want to tell them - is because of the questions, "I thought that you can't eat that.. or How much have you lost??" But, when they ask me questions, it's more of... "how are you doing?? you seem to be doing very well- I wish that I had your will-power!!"

    I guess with all of my other "diets" - I always end up saying to myself.. Oh well, I'm already fat- what will one more "..." do?? LOL Now, it's like - I went through the 6 months nutrition, the psych eval, been through 5 yrs of overweight, PCOS, high cholesterol, borderline of being a diabetic (my mom is now), and everything else that Cigna required & had approved.. :thumbup: I can do it!!

    I am looking forward for a wonderful year - a new life!!

  6. Hello everyone!!

    I am at day 10. It's very hard to control those head hunger habits!! - One thing that really helped me is hot cocoa!! It really helped things go down in the morning & helped with the "chocolate cravings". Also, the other thing that helped was - V8 in a can. I have to make sure I eat every 2-3 hours. or the crazy hunger kicks in!!

    ex: hot cocoa - 7 am

    scrambled eggs - 8:30

    depends on how the day goes,

    I have a Protein shake or V8 at 11-11:30

    lunch 12:30-1:30 today I had broccoli cheese Soup

    4 pm - Protein Shake

    i had malt-o-meal tonight for dinner..

    or have some potato Soup

    I know that this is no where near the healthiest - but, it's helping me from trying to sneak in a french fry, potato chip, or easy cookies!! The other thing is- this is still way less that I used to eat. I have even counted these calories (650-800)

    I used to eat a good 2500-4000 calories a day!! :wink2:

  7. Reporting in for my one week report. =)

    My surgery went very well. I have been on my liquid diet & have been doing well. I actually went to work for 4 hours yesterday- and another 4 hours today. However, I can tell each day, as I am feeling so much better.. I am also getting hungrier "earlier". Day 1-3 I got plenty of Water, Jello, Protein Drinks, etc. So, I was able to go almost 3 hours, without thinking that I needed something.. Tuesday gets here, I'm feeling lots better.. But, the hunger feeling kept coming around sooner.. Then same on Wed.. Now it's Thursday & I feel like that I can not get enough liquids down to keep me satisfied.. I did call my dr & they said it was ok to start on creamy Soups and soupy mashed potatoes.

    Anyways- I guess I am just wondering if you guys/gals are having the same problem/feelings..


  8. Hello!! My date was Friday- 9th. Everyday is getting so much better!! Lovin' the naps!! LOL However, I do have a dry-erase board on the wall to remind me to take my antibiotics (every 8 hrs) , pain (every 4 hours) & walking (every 2-3 hours). That was a lot to remember, especially when you're kind of out-of-it from the pain meds. =) :tongue2:

    I don't think that I am having hunger pains, it's more of my brain says - hey girl, you havent eaten any Mexican food or have our family friday night pizza. You "should" be hungry. So, i did bring out the hot cocoa, it told those voices something else!! LOL

    There are a few things that I am learning on my own.. ya, dont lay down after you have drank.. give yourself some time to let it get down, you wont have any air bubbles. I feel like a baby, honey- please pat my back to burp me!! LOL

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