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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cherbear75

  1. Your question about how do yu get the tickers? Go to the tickers web site copy and paste and then you log into ladband and in the upper right corner click private messages. then on the left hand side of your screen scroll down till you see signature options then click on that and you will then paste it in the edit signature part. you can review it by looking at the top box where you just paseted and copied in the signature box. Hope i explained it ok.
  2. Hello AmyMoe,


    Your question about how do yu get the tickers?

    Go to the tickers web site copy and paste and then you log into ladband and in the upper right corner click private messages. then on the left hand side of your screen scroll down till you see signature options then click on that and you will then paste it in the edit signature part. you can review it by looking at the top box where you just paseted and copied in the signature box. Hope i explained it ok.

  3. Hello everyone, I have been so busy, with us only having one car cause the van broke down just after inspection UGH!! anyway, I have been doing very well, No problems and can't wait for a fill. I really try hard to limit myself and exercise my but off. But there are days I am so darn hungry and want to eat more than I should. So I put myself to work at home or get on the treadmill. I joined the YMCA (family plan)and have went only one time that would be the best place for me to go when I am hungry no food around and I feel good when I am done. because our van broke down I just can't get in the van and go. I am hoping that my fiance and I can go together tonight. Hope everyone is well :thumbdown:!
  4. cherbear75

    5mos. 100ibs off

    Congrats, You look GREAT!!! Keep up the good work. I am 4 weeks post op, I can not wait to get down to where I want to be. Lots of people like you inspire me to do well.
  5. cherbear75

    After 01/29/09

    You look great, Keep up the good job.
  6. You're welcome Baylee:smile:. what I have been doing is drinking a Protein shake in the morning and eating 1/3 cup of oatmeal or 1 egg or yogurt. I lost 3 lbs this week. I am on my treadmill for 20 min M-F and on saturday & sunday I am on it for 45 min to make up for during the week cause of working and not having much time. Amymoe: I hope you youngest gets better soon. Oh yea Baylee on last thing good luck on your new exercise and routine. Adamsmom: I have been wanting pizza for a week now. I am sure the was a hard challange for you. I had one the other day when my boss took us out for chineese food and i love chineese food. The only thing i could have is mushies and squishes so i had egg drop Soup nothing there was squishie or mushy:frown:. Good night all!
  7. I was thinking that we all could be loosing some inches right now but retaining muscle from working out. This could be a possibility. It seems to me that my clothes are getting a bit baggy but not too much. This is just something to think about.
  8. Hope you enjoyed your trip. I no longer have pains in my shoulder. I have been keeping track of my weight loss since i have been on my liquid diet. I have lost 19 lbs so far in 3 weeks. my weight loss has slowed down a bit. the only thing i dont like is my scale says 242, Dr Garcia's scale says 237, I should go by his scale because it is less, but I have been going by my scale because I wanted to keep track of what i was loosing weekly since I started my liquid diet. Thank you for adding me to your friends list. I will talk to you soon.

  9. Hello everyone, I just came back from Dr Garcia's office and he checked my incision and asked me if there was red around my incision because it does not look that bad, I told him yes there was and that is why i called the office. He told me to keep taking the meds till it is gone and i will be ok. YAY!!! However my first fill date is 2/25/09 I told them by then I will be able to eat a elephant in one sitting because I am so hungry. Baylee: Like I said i am hungry as well, and I found myself eating too fast and i also keep telling myslf to slow down. Your right it is not easy to try and slow down espically when you are so use to eating fast. I lose 2 pounds then gain it back again. I know you don't have the motavation to excerise, but you really need to just hop right to it. The excerise is the important part. It will speed up your metabolism. I found this website and maybe it will be helpful to you Lap Band Surgery, Your Journey to Weight Loss Sucess. This web site gives you info on diets, erosion, slippage, bmi, excerise and much more. Let me know what you think. I can feel my port on my right side it bothers me sometimes when I bend over, but other than that I am good. Adamsmom: Get better soon!
  10. Hello everyone, I am feeling good, I keep bouncing back and forth from 240 - 242, I dont know why that is, but i am not going to get frustrated over it. I was suppose to see Dr Garcia today for my 2 week follow up I really was hoping to get there because I wanted him to check my incision area that is open, however they canceled on me today because of the snow/ice storm here in PA that left everyone home or to close early :cursing:. So now I will be going tomorrow at 3:45PM. I will keep everyone updated. Hope everyone else is doing great.
  11. Hi Baylee, I had to go back to work and that is why I had to wear a bra :thumbup:. On the weekends I had heavy sweatshirts to wear that I did not have to wear a bra but when I go to work M-F I must wear one (of course) and it rubbed a lot. Well the good thing is i am on medication just as a precaution which is a good thing. I just hope I can make it to Dr Garcia tomorrow for my follow up. We are suposse to get 4-8 inches of snow here in PA Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and the change all over to ice in the afternoon. Anywho. How was your first day of eating mushies and squishes? I ate just 1/4 cup but I did eat a little to fast cause I was hugry but did not eat more than that even though I was still hungry, I dont want to strech my pouch. I can not wait for my first fill either but I to am worried about the stuck feeling but like you said we live and learn.
  12. I called my Dr today about my incision between my rib cage where my bra rubbed off all the glue and now the incision is open. He put me on antibiotics just as a precaution. He will not see me till Wednesday @ 1:15pm which will be my follow up from surgery. it is not hot to the touch and i am not running a fever, however it is a little red on the outside and i take a shower every morning so it gets wet and crust's over and then my bra rips it open again. So now I have to keep it covered all the time even in the shower. I am excited for tomorrow I get to eat foods that are the consistency of baby food, I am going to have me some eggs for breakfast a yogurt for lunch with a protein shake and for dinner I will have some pea soup with sugar free, fat free white chocolate pudding.
  13. I heard that when you take too much protein it will store as fat. i only take in 60g a day but my protein shake for 1 12oz cup is 60g so I drink it a little at a time through out the day. As for my scars they are all healing very good but 1 I am a little worried about because the glue is no longer on it because my bra keep rubbing on it and took off the glue and also the scab that keeps drying up. so i went out and bought sports bras and that is not helping much either cause when i sit down my fat pushes up to my sports bra and rubs. i go to the dr on wednesday. The scar is open a little bit. but i have been keeping it very clean, I dont want an infection. other than that i am doing great!
  14. cherbear75

    Anybody with a hiatal hernia?

    I have one and my dr said he was going to fix it when I had surgery and after surgery I asked him if he fixed it and he then told me it was not that bad and did not need to be fixed.
  15. I told everyone as well, They were all supportive. Well my fiance says it is for people who are weak mined and his father thinks the same. But my fiance still is supporting me. I explained to him that it is tool to help me and I must work with this tool and I can fail this tool as well. I don't feel there is anything to be ashamed of (not saying you are) I got the help need and I will use it to the full extent. I don't care what anyone says.
  16. Welcome Nikki! Baylee - My Dr. told me thin liquids anything through a straw with out using it. Tomato Soup is a very thin liquid and so are a few other soups. I went to the GNC stor today and bought a wehy protien that has 60 grams per serving. The Protein shakes are messing with my stomach as well. I also get some hunger pains but when I drink something it goes away for like a minute or two but then comes back again UGH!
  17. Baylee - I am right with you, I can only have liquids two weeks out. Anything I can drink through a straw, without using a straw. I can also have jello. I am going to the GNC store to get A better protein supplement today. I can not wait to eat again.
  18. I am not getting enough protein in, I get hungry too fast after drinking my slim fast protein shake. I will have to get something that has 20 or more grams. I did check out the unjury but I thought it was a little too much for my pocket. I will just go t the GNC store here in PA. I have lost 17lbs since the liquid diet and have been on my tread mill since Saturday. I am just worried about the protein issue, this is something very important.
  19. cherbear75

    Wedding 7 19 08

    From the album: Me and my Journey

  20. cherbear75

    cherbear @ zoo in June 08

    From the album: Me and my Journey

  21. cherbear75

    cherbear 1 3 09 backside

    From the album: Me and my Journey

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
