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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AngelWithHorns

  1. Hey Tarob, from my understanding Dr. Bessell does private patients at Flinders Medical Centre ( in the public sector) for people in your situation? This was the case when I was looking into it in DEc 08. It is worth giving them a call!!! First post op support meeting tonight with AOS going to pop in a hide in the corner somewhere!! Good luck n let us know wat happens but make sure u call AOS im sure he does the surgery at a public hosp but no idea on waiting times!!-

  2. Hey Leah, all the questions are fine!! I’ll send you a bill in the post! Did you get a letter from AOS about post-op support group? I’m hoping to get to the one in May!! I have my moments with restriction as well! In the morning sometimes I can hardly have anything while last night I was able to eat a slice of pizza and a little lasagne at a party. I was drinking while I was eating tho so I guess it ‘washed’ it down!!

    My restriction is fairly good now! I find I can still eat about a cup but not any more really liked I used to!! If I overdo it I ‘slime’ and had my first little PB yesterday with a pie I ate. I have been going about 3-4 hours between any foods but could prob go longer but at uni its eat whenever you have a break in lectures. How are you going with it all?? I’m getting very excited, im sitting just over 100kg now so cant wait to be over, ill give it a couple of weeks!!!!

  3. Hey, in a simple answer, it wont change your eating habits. yes you wil feel fuller for longer on smaller amounts but it wont stop behavioural eating sorry :cool2: I was banded 3 months ago and you still have to watch what you put into your mouth, you cant rely on band to tell u to stop u have to stop when your full :laugh: When you say you are always starving do you mean you always want food or your tummy grumbles?? Lots of questions sorry! but know how u feel its a big decision, one i wouldnt change!

  4. Hey Suzie, mine stopped for a bit too so dont stress. Just have a look at wat your eating i found i was drinking too many calories!!

    Leah, have u had any probs with food yet? i havent execept for them hot chips and they went down fine i think i just had too many oops lol. Yeah I was amazed at my swallow too, I knew the Doctor doing it cos i worked at Wakefiled as a student so he talked me through all ym anatomy was heaps good! Yeah im getting into a good line of work thats fr sure!!

  5. Hey Leah,

    Call me Emma! I got 0.6mL in so in total have 5.6mL now! So far so good except for a few mins ago had a handful of hot chips and had a sip of OJ and it wouldnt go down it just sat there and i burped a little bit and after a few mins it went away so i think im officially full now! No dinner for me!! How did you find the fluroscopy? Thats what Im studying at Uni atm, to become a Radiographer!

  6. Hey I had 1.6 from the surgery - didnt even know i had any! Then she put in 2.4 to make it up to 4.0 then the next fill she added 1mL so in total i have 5mL. Today I see her again and am guessing she is putting some more in but no idea how much! If anyone uses msn - message me to add you, i found having some mates u can talk to more easily is fantastic!

    Em x

  7. Thanks Matalo, I think chewing gum is a good idea it will keep my busy for a while, and I need to find my love for fruit again because ive been going for the naughty things! I know im human its just tough but thanks to you and all the others for the replies I feel better now!!

    Elgrad, thanks for the optimism! My habits changed for a few weeks but now back to the old ones! But as you said use my Therapist to its advantage! I’ll get my $165 worth this time!!

    GuyMontag – you crack me up yet you are so right! I’ve got it but its not turned on!! I’m hoping to turn it on next week if my doc lets me! I’ll keep you guys posted on how I go!

    Alfie I hope you get to your sweet spot soon! I have no idea how big my band is, ill find that out next week! I feel more focused today, but I still have the urge to snack so I made sure I had some fruit there ready!

    Catherine – you have no idea how much you helped just saying I am normal! I’m lucky I haven’t put weight on yet, but im keeping a close eye on it!

    Lyndie – Small meals often sounds like a good option til I go and see my doc, it would stop the cravings mentally and physically might give it a go! Thanks!

    IWantToBeSkinny – we are not alone!!!! I know how you feel hun, but I reckon we will get through it! Worked out I need to exercise more aswell! I find it hard to know when I am full as well so ill have a good chat to the Psycho – therapist!

    Thanks again everyone I needed your thoughts badly and hopefully ill jump on the fat wagon soon and shed some flubba!

  8. Ok, so I have a confession!! I'm struggling! I was doing soooo well! But then real food came along and so did my old habits! I wake up and think about foor 24/7!! I'm not sure if its because I am slightly 'hormonal' at the moment or what! I feel i have no restriction so I tend to be eating more and more frequently! So i need a good slapping!! Any offers??? PLEASE! I see the Psychologist next week hopefully he can help and hopefully get a fill too to get this party started! I've lost 17kg so far roughly but the last 2 weeks hardly anything so grumpy!!! I'm a cranky cactus!

    Ok i feel bettter now!! Now you all know my dirty little secret!!:thumbup:

  9. Hey Rubes, I'm 20 days post op now and its great that you are not vomitting because you're not meant to!!!!!!! Feeling no restriction is normal because the band isnt inflated yet at all, i feel no restriction so use will power to ensure i dont overeat! Just stick to the meal plan your nutritionist gave you and you will be fine :thumbup: You're experiencing normal things nothing to worry about :cursing: Goodluck xx

  10. Well guys now I am mushy foods and enjoying it! I cooked up a storm the last few days of satay chicken, butter chicken, shephards pie and chilli con carne and pureeed them all then packaged them into portion sizes so now on an average day i have:

    Morning: 150g yogurt

    Lunch: Shephards Pie and Mashed Potato (1/2-3/4 cup)

    Dinner: Butter Chicken and Mashed pumpkin and Sweet Potato (1/2-3/4 cup)

    Get a little hungry in between but usually drink my diet cordial to get through! Thanks all for your replies!

    Em x

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