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Sherry 87 down 15 to go

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sherry 87 down 15 to go

  1. Hi, again!

    I have scheduled my arm lift surgery for Feb. 17th. I started looking for sleeveless or spaghetti strap sleeping garments for during the healing process, and can't find any that don't go over the head (no zipper or buttons except for the pajama type things, and I don't like to wear things around my waist when I am sleeping. So my question is, after the arm surgery, can you get an over the head nightie on (ie., raise your arms enough to get the thing on!)? Thanks again for sharing your experience and info!

    Just a thought, but why not go to one of the Dept stores and look, there are some (walmart) that still have those cotton type sun dresses that can be stepped in to. They are roomy enough that you could sleep in them.

    Good Luck!!!! I can't wait till I figure out what I will do about all my excess!

  2. Hi,

    Congrats on your decision to have your lapband done. Also on choosing to use Britt & Groves, they are the best.

    I know that there has to be a six month pre-op diet for most insurance companies to approve. This diet has to be monitored by your reg. doctor.

    My husband is doing this now and will hopefully have his surgery scheduled about the time you have your first appointment.

    We are excited. It has been a year since I had mine. I haven't lost it as fast as I thought I would, but I am still losing and that is what counts. (my ticker is correct now :scared2:

    The pre-op diet could be one of two different diets. Similar to the Atkins, w/protein being your main goal. Or counting calories w/protein still being the main part of the meal.

    I personally couldn't do Atkins and had to do the calorie counting.

    Good Luck!! You found a wonderful site to get your questions answered. Feel free to email me at anytime at the same user name as here, but at hot mail instead.

    Have a great day,

    Sherry French

  3. I'm being banded on 3/30!!! My pre-op appointment is tomorrow to go over everything so I'm pretty excited and nervous to hear what my surgeon has to say!

    I know I have a hiatal hernia... so I'm wondering what he will say about that!

    YAY! Let's "band together"!!!

    I also had one, but didn't know it. It was removed in surgery during the LapBand procedure. It didn't add that much time either.

    Good Luck, God Bless!

    p.s. my ticker isn't correct... I do need to fix it, lol if I could remember how I did it the first time.

  4. The nutrition visit is basically you going to Guntersville right past the Walmart there and sitting in with others to listen to a nutritionist talk about how you should be eating afterward. There is a question/answer time and it took about an hour.

    Beware, there is an $80 fee for this.

    My hospital stay was done on outpatient basis. The surgery took about an hour. I did go home that evening and arrived at home around six, with my surgery being at noon.

    Good Luck! God Bless!

    btw, my ticker isn't correct any longer. :sneaky:

  5. I buy mine at Lane Bryant, as well. However, I have purchased one lately from Catherine's. It is one for summer and I haven't worn it yet.

    Anyone else looking to have a reduction after the weight loss?

    I want to due to back pain and such. A C size sounds wonderful. Heck, a B size sounds wonderful to me.

    The physician that did my first appointment about a reduction told me that I have no fat tissue in my breasts, therefore when I lose weight, I will not lose boobs. :confused:

    I guess they will just keep sagging till all the weight is gone. lol

    Lane Bryant last lots longer than anything I have ever worn.


  6. UPDATE:

    I waited most of the morning waiting on the phone to ring and ended up finally going to lunch at home. I did not even check the answering machine at home because I didn't want to push it..thinking they had called when I specified they call my cell. LOL

    So, watching Design on a Dime, I popped a piece of celery in my mouth and the phone rings and it is Dr. Groves office!

    I have an appt for Jan. 28th. I have to go to the seminar on the 15th!

    I just need that five years of documentation. I am working on that now. I happened to think about visiting Med Assist in 2004. Just don't remember if they weighed me or not.

    Wish me luck!

    Thanks to everyone who has replied.


  7. Cheryl, I did not take it as you being rude, but being honest.

    I do want this enough to fight for it. I do not mind going beyond a few phone calls to get it either.

    Before my doctor's appt today, I called the insurance and got the requirements, then got the date of my first appt with my doc. So, finding out it was in Nov of 2005, I knew that wasn't enough.

    I called my Dr. from back home. I saw him for three years. He had me on a diet even, but no where in those three years worth of papers was anything about how much I weighed! Nothing.

    I was amazed, to say the least.

    My OBGYN that delivered my youngest in 1996 had retired, but the doc that didn't keep records told me all his patients were transferred to another doc and she gave me the name. So, I called his office.

    No, I was told they did not have my records. I didn't "pay" to have them transferred, therefore they were probably destroyed. Okay....

    So, I called the surgeon I thought of when I was on hold with the OBGYN. This Dr. did my hystorectomy in 2000. SO, I looked that number up, and was ready to call when the OBGYN told me that they couldn't help.

    So, I called that doctor. :wink_smile:

    Yes, they did have my record. Yes, they had my weight on the first page of my form, Yes they would not have any issues with faxing it to me.

    And she did.

    I took it with me. Funny thing is, I weighed five lbs less than I did today at the doctor's office. Okay, that isn't funny, since that was 9 years ago.

    But my Doc says he doesn't see an issue w/me getting approved with all my medical problems.

    I do not mind writing a letter. I can do that. I wouldn't really know where to begin, but I can do that.

    I have never been thin, I have never wanted to be skinny.

    I want to be healthy now. I hate having to take meds, I hate having the meds not touch what is wrong with me.

    Doc says the weight loss is well documented in his office and he knows this is the right step for me. He said he was going to push to get it done quickly so that I won't change my mind. He says he is afraid I am giving up.

    I have shown disappointment in myself. I know I have. I am very disappointed in me.

    SO, here I am. I have called Dr. Groves office. I do not mind waiting on her to call me back. :thumbup: Gives me more time to think about it. Which is what my doc didn't want me to do.

    Maybe it won't be long before I hear something.

    My fingers are crossed that whatever happens is the right thing for me. I will fight it till there is nothing left to do if they turn me down.

    I need it. I want it.

    Yes, I am ready for a change.

    Thanks for your replies.

  8. Thank you so much for your replies! I love this place!

    I am going to call my insurance company today to see if they cover it. I want to see my doctor before the 19th, now that I found this place, I am anxious to get on with it.

    How do you handle others telling you that you are taking the easy way out? Seems like the easy way is to say you are on a diet and then eating whatever you want anyway.


    I hope this is right for me. I hope Dr. Groves will take me.

    Hope...that is what I have. Just "hope" I also have the courage to go through with it.

  9. Hi, I am from Marshall County (Arab) and my doctor has suggested the Lap Band to me. He says he has the six months needed for the requirements since I have been trying to lose weight for literally "forever".

    I have had all kinds of issues with digestive problems, joint pains, reflux, high blood pressure, etc, etc. Doc says it will all be alleviated with weight loss.

    I am also ready for a breast reduction which doc says would be relieving my back pains and shoulder pains. In order for my insurance to pay for it, I have to lose about 25 or more pounds in order to get the size I want. I don't want to be so small that all you see is my stomach, however if I lose my stomach..... So, I have an appt with my regular MD on the 19th and we will be discussing it in depth on that day and he will refer me.

    Does anyone else have United Health Care Insurance?

    I am considering Dr. Groves. I know someone that went to him and is having great success.

    I am around people all day that eat any and everything that they can or want to eat. It is disgusting, actually. :)

    I have great expectations since I would just as soon not eat as to eat most days. My metabolism is little to nothing. I have a tread mill and need to put it to use.

    As of right now, I weigh 247 :mellow: That is so sad.

    I hate that number. Last Feb I weighed lots less than that... heck, last summer I weighed about 20 lbs less.

    Then things happened, for two months my tread mill was stored out of the way for a house guest that just went home last week (mom in law). I am ready for the new year, I am ready for a new me.

    My name is Sherry, I am obese,:thumbup: I am ready for a change.

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