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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by shaggs

  1. Hey Sunshine! I've heard lots of different outcomes from band slipping situations. If you're with private cover it is all covered otherwise you might want to call an ambulance and admit yourself as an emergency patient (tell them you're choking on your food or in hideous pain or something and then they have to deal with you as an emergency altho I dont know if they replace it then?????) One of my friends had a slip and the doctor took all fill out and left her for the afternoon and when she came back the band had gone back into place and it was all good. another friend's slip is more of a move and is all ok and liveable still with good restriction. I'm so sorry to hear you're having problems please let me know how you're going and make sure your doctor tries the whole emptying the band and leaving it for a bit to see if it corrects itself could save alot of money and trouble! In the meantime chin up and always hold out for the best!

  2. Its funny how people make cameo appearances in our lives! You are going great guns and what a difference those (seemingly) little moments in our life make to our overall well being. The psychological stuff is really the hardest part of all of this - if only there was something to help that side out a bit! I sometimes find myself having almost out of body experiences and going for food that I know is going to really hurt me, or eating when I'm full or drinking when I just ate and I marvel at how strong our urges are to override physical harm and searing agony. Is it our need to self harm? Or is it just addiction/comupulsion? I dont know - probably never will all I know is there are parts of me I barely remember anymore and I love it! I do feel so sorry for the old me and the people around me I see struggling with the urge to eat - no one realises just how uncontrollable it is until they've had a lapband or other situation happen where the urge is almost completely taken away and you realise you never really stood a chance in the first place. Whats your biggest battle? Mine is to not nibble all day long. I'm a grazer. And also going for food when I'm bored or upset. Oh and not eating chips and chocolate cause they go down so well. Still, even when I do have a go at the bad stuff its not very much of it so I guess all things in moderation??!?! Still, I would have had a lot more success had I made better choices and eating habits.

    Anyhoo looking forward to hearing from you again!

  3. Hiya! Its been a while since I've been on and its a strange weird dream like memory/flashback thinking about how much I used this site when I was being banded back on feb 10th - I feel like a whole new person. I have lost approx 17kg (37.4 pounds) and feel fab! I sometimes feel a little disheartened when the weight loss can be a lil slow and tedious but that usually means I need a fill. But no matter how disheartened I may feel I will never get over the fact that the weight does not come back on, I'm am down to a size 16 (12 USA) from a 22, I can shop at any shop and wear pretty summer dresses, my efforts can not and will not be sabotaged - the band is here to stay, I dont hate myself anymore, I can eat pretty much whatever I want with control and moderation and not feel out of control and useless, I'm not obsessed with food anymore, I leave food on my plate without mourning it, I dont gorge, I dont ever eat til I'm uncomfortable (unless I get stuck!). I just LOVE IT! Its a strange road and can be a little unpredictable at first but once you get to know your band and you get your fill level right - its brilliant. I've had about 5 fills and am at 7mls in a 12ml band and I'm contemplating getting another fill before xmas so I dont go overboard, keeps me honest! I do very little exercise which I'm not proud of but it is remarkable that I lose this much weight without killing myself on a treadmill but having said that, I'm joining a gym tomorrow and I'm finally psychologically at the point where I feel comfortable putting in the effort knowing that I cant sabotage myself and undo my hard work.

    Its so good to hear from you serenity and to know that all my ol favs are still on and we're all still plugging along. Sooooo much happier now than a year ago when I used to come on this site!

    Let me know how you're doing - love to hear all the details!

  4. I had hideous chest pains and tightness post op didnt get much of the shoulder pain but woah! the chest pain! Not much does help but I found crossing my arms over my chest and holding on to each shoulder and giving myself a "hug" squeezed the pain and gas out and it really helped. I also had peppermint mentos and that really settled the discomfort around the chest and stomach. You'd also be surprised how sucking in the air and forcing yourself to burp helps also. I was too scared to try this as I thought it would hurt more but I remember the moment I tried it and it really relieved alot of discomfort. Anyhoo, good luck and rest up and you'll feel tip top in no time!

  5. What a nasty pri&*(! I'd rethink my doctor if I were you - I wouldnt let anyone else speak to me like that if I was spending such a huge amount of money with them so why would I let a doctor??? Anyhoo - Sunshine's right - just keep up the opti so long as you're on a losing streak your liver will be good doesnt matter what weight you're coming from so long as your liver is giving up the fat you'll be alright - there are much heavier people than you getting this done with no probs so dont sweat it! Be prepared that you might not lose much more on opti as your body has a way of shutting down after about 5 kgs but keep it up anyway as your liver will be better off for it. Good luck and dont let the bastards get you down girl!

  6. Hi Retta, congratulations on your decision - I'm sure you wont regret it! Remember that complications are very rare and are nothing compared to the complications of being overweight and especially pregnant! I had 2 overweight pregnancies and one normal weight and being overweight makes things so much harder and more dangerous especially if you need an epidural (which lets fact it most people have these days). And lets not forget the health effects of being overweight in itself. I had bad knees, hips and feet and I knew I was headed for a joint replacement somewhere down the track and now almost all pain is completely gone just 2 months after surgery and only 10kg down! The pain was the first thing to go!!!!! I decided that I would rather have surgery to fix the weight and the joints now rather than surgery later that would only fix maybe one joint at a time. It was a no brainer! I saw people in hospital who had had knee and hip surgeries and boy was I glad I wasnt them! That looked painful and debilitating! As for my mood, I am naturally a rather depressive person (have taken medication once before in my life) and I am also an old hand at self hatred and shame about my weight and I cannot say how much this surgery has helped me. I REALLY dont hate myself anymore. I feel like I have actually helped myself and been my own best friend for the first time in my life. I am giving myself the best chance I can. Eliminating the self loathing and excess and guilt and disgust from your life just cannot be measured. You may have your ups and downs but you wont crash like you used to - I feel my moods now are only related to PMT and I'm even getting that under control (I think LOL) Let me tell you, you will not look back! And these are the benefits I didnt expect or even know about before hand. Lets not mention losing weight and fitting into fab jeans and the wonderful comments you will get. You will just love yourself sick! You go girl, keep us all posted, I'm sure there will be lots of pre and post op advice on its way!

  7. Megsy! Minor!!!??? I think not!! That is fabulous in the extreme!! 18kg and standard shops are not minor girl! Hold on to these victories - they are all that keep you going when you are convinced you have not lost a gram (eg: PMT). You're a star!!!

  8. Oh mi god so glad to hear your fills have done nothing! I had my first fill on Monday which was a breeze, little sharp pain but nothing really no probs. I am in the middle of a very bad week for hormonal grazing and uncontrollable hunger so the fill has done nothing so far I'm still eating WAY too much although I am almost succumbing to it and not even trying to fight it. I have a tiny little bit more tightness as the food goes down but really, there is no difference and I'm hanging for more. Apparently 3rd fill is the charm - man - bring it on! Also a word of warning, apparently your fill can tighten up over the week and be more restrictive at the end of the week than when its first done. That would be lovely but I'm not holding my breath!

  9. I cannot imagine what you are going through I would be so angry and upset about this too but unfortunately this is whats happened and now you have to have a positive outlook and good feelings about your surgery on Wednesday. When a band slips things can go REALLY wrong really quickly as you probably already know so you're kind of lucky in a way things could have been much worse (!?) I know its small comfort but maybe its something to be grateful for - I'm sorry, I would just like to bring you some comfort or something to help you but I just sound like I'm lecturing you and totally invalidating the pain you must be going through. All I can really say is, I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday and I'll be sending all my best wishes that everything goes smoothly for you and you'll have a speedy recovery and be back up and at em bigger and brighter than ever!

  10. I would DEFINITELY do it all again! 1000 times over (although I hope karma doesnt call me on this one cause I'd really rather everything just go smoothly and it never have to be done again!) but I would. It has changed my life in EVERY way! At no point has any of the pain or hassle or hard times EVER been as bad as the overwhelming destructiveness of being overweight. I would recommended this to anyone and it is so much more manageable than standard dieting. Its not a cure all but it is fabulous!

  11. I really suffer with this one! I find it sooooo hard BUT I have learnt some techniques. 1. Dont miss that drink before you eat make sure you have it. 2. Dont have a drink at the table. Dont buy a drink if you're eating out just dont have one on hand. 3. If you absolutely have to, have a tiny sip and rinse it around your mouth. Its not enough to cause too much trouble. AFter the first 5 minutes or so you get over it and forget when the half hour is up (USA usally wait 2 hours!) If you do happen to have a big gulp you will learn really quickly how much it hurts when all of a sudden a pouch full of food quickly rushes through your band all at the same time. Its very uncomfortable and painful. Forget that you wont feel full anymore, thats secondary to the main problem. The main problem is that food all getting stuck at once OUCH! You're doing well, keep training but go easy on yourself, you dont want to burn out too soon!

  12. No I didnt have to attend the seminar they held at my clinic. I did go though and so glad I did. I pretty much knew all of the info but they also had a patient who was done a year ago and that was the best! I loved her and her story and it was great. Just keep up with the online info and you'd be fine.

  13. I'm so sorry you have had such a bad experience but you've come to the right place for help I love this website. I was only banded 5 weeks ago so the pain and horror is still so fresh but I would do it all again 100 times over it has sooooo transformed my life, emotionally, physically, psychologically, in every way. I can totally understand the pain and anger you have regarding the assault but you have to keep that seperate from whats happened with the band and how you feel about it. I dont know about you, but I couldnt live without the band now. I so hope everything works out well for you and you never have to visit these dark times again. Best of luck, please keep us up to date won't you?

  14. Hey Sunshine. sorry to hear about your bad experience but it was a good learning experience, right? You have to keep in mind that if you get stuck or do even a tiny little productive burp or a full blown vomit, for at least 24-48 hours after your little pouch and where the band sits is swollen and you will be tighter than ever and get stuck. You may be fine eating toast another time but after an "episode" its best to steer clear of those known trigger foods especially first thing in the morning. Best to test the situation with liquids and go slowly until you know where your band is at. And yes, I learnt all this by one of those bad experiences! Not pretty! Good luck babe!

  15. I have heard that bands do naturally lose tiny amounts of fill over time and it does need to be topped up (evaporation etc). The best way to know if you need a fill is if you are getting hungrier than usual and eating more and only you can answer that and you have. Also, many people report finding themselves very comfortable at a fill level that has, in the past, left them very tight and uncomfortable. Its not as cut and dry as putting in or taking out the same amount and getting the same response (does that make sense?). Every day is different with our bodies and what is right one day may not be right the next. If you're feeling you need a fill then maybe you should. Whats the worst that can happen? You get a bit of an unfill? Keep in my that you're 5 kilos under your goal weight and you've got some room to play with there. Good luck and let us know how you go.

  16. Hi everyone. I'm a Feb 10th 2009 bandster - Happy 1 month Bandiversary everyone! Its been up and down but I must admit mostly up. My food intake has cut dramatically although I am now exercising self control with a little restriction. I dont get my first fill for another 2 weeks and I think I can wait. I'm being extremely careful (totally agree with small portions debbie) as I've had alot of pain and a PB when I've overeaten although no food has been stuck (not for too long anyway). I have to stop eating long before I feel full as it ends up hurting my scars half an hour later when my intestines start filling up. Still losing (20pounds so far) extremely happy so far, although have had my moments of doubt that this will work but I'm kinda making this my responsibility and the fill will just help me out. Cant wait for total restriciton though - had a taste of it after the op but its long gone now. Its hard but its workin so far. Love this band!

  17. You're doing a GREAT thing for yourself, good for you! I was so unsure but I really knew it was for the best. I got in really quickly and just went for it (sounds similar to you). You wont look back! There may be times you'll wonder if its working and why do it if it is still hard but those times are minute and overall, so far, I love it! Good luck for the next few weeks esp the pre op diet which is the hardest bit of all. The rest is easy!

  18. Yeah but you're a freak Megsy! I had shocking pain in recovery but I cant have morphine so maybe thats why. You're a bit wobbly for a few days but the recovery is SUPER quick and I was at the shops 3 days later and driving about 4 days after. Back on full motherhood duties (not easy) on day 6 all by myself with husband away for work. Eating pretty normally now at 3 weeks later (only small amounts though) still a little discomfort around port scar and if I eat too much but lower abdominally not around band. And I cannot say enough how BRILLIANT it has all been and I would do it all again even despite the hideous pain straight after. U walk within the hour after op. Gas pain is shocking but manageable. pain killers knock you around so you learn to live without or stick to panadol. All up, totally fabulous!!

  19. I went through SIOS as a fully covered private patient in a private hospital and I only had to wait 2.5 weeks from first appointment to op. It cost me $7000 up front. $5500 was for SIOS which I get almost $1000 back from fund and medicare. $1000 to the anethetist and get $300 back and $450 in fees before the op (surgeon $180, psychologist $150 and dietician $120) I got $320 back from all of them on very good private cover. so thats a net amount of about $5380 and that covers all of my fills, and further ops if anything else needs to be done or replaced or repaired plus dietician, pyschologist and all follow up situations for the entire life of the band and or me. Plus, our medicare safety net situation is now looking good and we can claim the op back at tax time but I dont know how that will pan out yet. Because the dietician is covered in my health fund everytime I see her now I get a receipt and can claim her back also which will be about another $480 back over time. I know that NSW is higher than Melbourne and QLD adelaide etc because of different hospital situations etc. I know a self pay customer through SIOS at a public hospital was $9000 or $15000 through a private hospital with no difference in wait. Fully funded on Medicare is virtually impossible with a long wait on pre op diet (which is horrendous) for the entire wait which is known to be up to 5 years by which time you've lost all the weight! Other Doctors in NSW charge pretty standard $4500 plus anethetist which is variable but that does not cover any follow up appointment or situations. I think I got a pretty good deal and.... IT WAS WORTH EVERY CENT!!!! AND MORE!!!!

  20. Totally agree Sunshine, best thing I have ever done. Would like to have a fill (have to wait over 2 weeks yet) but this is more than manageable at the moment. Glad yours went so well and its working for you! Cant wait!

    Emmsie, been wondering where u got to. Do you realise you've lost 14 kilos in 11 weeks? Which equals 1.2kg a week???? I dare you to find a better weight loss program than that. ESPECIALLY considering alot of that time is about healing and not being able to get around and exercise like you might normally. That is phenomenal!!!!! I go to a support group for the band once a month and yours is a great outcome already. Keep it in perspective. Let go of your old goals. You really cant make goals under circumstances you've never experienced before. Its an unknown and unpredictable situation and I would dare say, if you expected more than a consistent 1.2kg a week effort (500g is exceptional) then I would say your goals have been unrealistic (esp considering Xmas, healing etc etc). Give the situation time, go easy on yourself and think of the big picture. Its so easy to micro manage and get bogged down in the day to day but look at the big pic. 14kg in 11 weels AWESOME!!!

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