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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shaggs

  1. shaggs

    What to take to hospital

    Good luck on Tuesday Sunshine and make sure you let us know how you go ASAP!
  2. Thank you everyone, good luck for your surgeries and recoveries - your losses are a huge inspiration to me and I'll be holding on to that while I'm struggling on Optifilth. Havent gone too overboard on the binge this weekend (so far so good anyway LOL) there's nothing I really want to eat that I wont be able to eat 6 weeks afterwards anyway, but I'm defintely not practicing eating small amounts thats for sure and so not chewing properly. Couldnt sleep last night for the excitement!
  3. shaggs

    What is a PB?

    I had this question too! It is a productive burp which is where you burp and bring up a little something. Its not a vomit its just the food you ate and usually means you've over done it a little and should not eat so much next time or maybe chew better. Its pretty hey?
  4. Thank you for your pic comment you funny thang you! Its hard to post pics very psychologically freaky. Meant to say also I'm in Sydney (Revesby) you're a VIC girl aren't you? I do get there down there sometimes with NOOOO kids! We must go out and be gorgeous together sometime!

  5. shaggs

    Banding 27th Jan

    WOW sunshine, thats awesome! Well done! They HAVE to be happy with that! How am I supposed to keep up with all you top losers! Goodluck girl, I'm thinking about you and cant wait to hear the next update and watch that ticker keep ticking! I start my pre op diet Tuesday so I'll definitely be thinking about you!
  6. shaggs

    Packing on the pounds!

    A retrospective of my weight gain from 1998 to now. The next pics will be of the incredible shrinking woman!
  7. Hi Megsy, love your pic - You look exactly like the picture I have in my head of you! And thank you for my first ever friend request!!!!! Yay! (dag or what). Had my first appointment today and I have a date!!!!! 10th February!!! Sooooooo close! That means I start Opti on Tuesday ahhhhh and I'll be fasting for my birthday!!!!!!AHGHHH didnt expect this but I love it - i work best under pressure. I'm just waiting to hear about our finances and make sure we'll be OK with such short notice but I'm pretty sure we'll be good. I think its all systems go but I wont believe it until I take that first revolting sip of Opti. Blah! The nurse today was very impressed at my knowledge and understanding of the process (thanks to all the great bandsters out there like your good self to talk us newbies through it all). Anyway, keep me posted on your day in day out details - love it all!

  8. shaggs

    Banding 27th Jan

    Hi All 1. Good luck for the 27th everyone! its so close now... Megsy you're a cack! I am so worried about being hungry after the surgery though! Is there anything you can do? Have you "pushed" the band yet (conciously that is not when you're "unconcious"). What can you eat comfortably (not including Maccas)? Anyway, you're progress is awesome, its great checking in to see how you're going - good for you!
  9. I'm getting my surgery date on Thursday and I'm keen to go and very excited! However, I have one last lingering concern. What is the difference with dealing with food addiction with or without the band? Its seems that everyone is still suffering trying to not eat the wrong foods or bypassing the band or not having enough "will power" and I just wonder how is that different to what we go through on a standard diet without a band? The band then just adds its own issues eg: surgery issues, reflux, pain, financial costs, food sensitivities and sometimes, god forbid, food cravings??!?!??!? Do I really need the added aggravation? I worry that one day down the track I will be in exactly the same position as I'm in now - not being able to control myself around food - thats the only thing I want to be rid of. The weight loss is kind of secondary (kind of) my main concern is getting rid of this obsessive food addiction. Does the band really help keep us under control? Are we just replacing one obsession for another? To go from food to fills? Love to hear from anyone with any advice good, bad or otherwise.
  10. shaggs

    Banding 27th Jan

    Megsy you shocker!! You go girl!!! I am sooooo glad to hear that life goes on, at the moment my every waking moment is consumed by this surgery and I'm so glad to hear having a bender won't kill you!
  11. Loved your reply Katie, that is what I have been hoping for, some sort of explanation as to where all the bad thoughts go and I think you hit the nail on the head. I've had a similar experience on Duromine but it is so not a long term (or short term for that matter) solution. I do see a therapist also and yes, it certainly does help unfortunately its never often enough or for long enough but it has changed things quite alot. Anyway, thank you for your reply and good luck with the coming months - I so wish I was at your end of the process - just want the surgery done so I can get on with it now! Shaggs
  12. I have finally decided that enough is enough and at a BMI of 39 its now or never. I just need some reassurance from anyone out there that this is the best thing they ever did and they don't regret it, I can handle the bad news too I just want some realistic views on this procedure and how much it costs out of pocket with top health cover (full hospital etc) and is there anyone out there who does the procedure on Ezyclaim as my insurance will fully cover it then. Anyway thats not the biggest issue, I'm getting this done no matter what the cost but just cant seem to get any kind of cost info approx or otherwise. I would have an appointment today only that every single clinic is shut for xmas. Is it really worth it when it can get "undone" with the same old bad habits? Is it just a good kick start or is it really a long term solution? and what is the whole pre op diet thing about.....if I could go 2 weeks on liquids with my huge stomach capacity I wouldn't need the op!!! HELP! I am not scared of pain or any of that I'm scared that like every other diet aid - I will make it fail through bad habits and emotional over eating!
  13. Thank you guys for your excellent replies, they were exactly what I needed (and wanted) to hear. I had been thinking all of the things you mentioned but the overriding themes in these forums are not so positive although I do realise that you seek other people for help not to bang on and on about how great you're doing so there would be an inclination for the people facing difficulties to be more prevalent. You've made me even more determined and excited about the surgery - thank you both again!
  14. shaggs

    Turned into a Junk Food Junkie

    Hi there! I am never going to judge anyone who has food cravings! totally with you there, I am currently going throught the process of getting banded (I get my surgery date on Thursday) and this thread has raised some of the main issues I am having. What is the difference between being banded or not? It seems there are the same difficulties and hardships of dealing with food addiction as a standard everyday diet except you are also dealing with issues around the band eg: tightness reflux surgery etc. I understand the band is just to help but it doesnt really seem the case - it just adds its own set of problems. Let me know what you guys think.
  15. shaggs

    Advice needed for a pre op!

    Ha ha Joy! I'm the same, the last hoorah! And I dont even have a surgery date yet! I'm torn between starting being good now to ease the pain later and making the most of my freedom now! What will be your last supper? I have just read a msg from a man who just got a call to come for surgery tomorrow, no warning no pre op diet no last supper, I think I'd be in shock! Thanks for posting nice to know we're all in the same messed up boat!!! Good luck for the pre op diet, let me know how you go!
  16. Hi Barb How's it going with a new doctor? R u getting the band back in? Surely they cant knock you back on your BMI knowing wots go on? How're you coping with the disappointment of the situation? I have my 1st appointment next week and this is the only situation I am scared of but its great to know you are on the other side and ok but wots the emotional implications? I just dont want to think of it going wrong after this excitement and build up and long deliberations... Thank you for sharing your experiences, you dont really hear the other side of things like this unless you go searching. Keep us posted and well done for the excellent weight loss and maintaining that through all of this turmoil. Best wishes to you!
  17. shaggs

    Advice needed for a pre op!

    Oh Megsy!! I'm feelin for you girl! I do feel a little guilty that bandsters after you (like me) will probably not have to go through these horrors thanks to the guinea pigs (like you)! How did you know it wasnt something more serious? With those symptoms I would have though the worst and thought I had an infection??? So glad you're on the other side of that one and wow, what a lesson for us all. When I used to do weight watchers and was down to pitiful amounts of food I would get that way (also sometimes when pregnant) and I know this sounds simple and naive but a cup of boiling hot Water (as hot as you can stand) stirs things up and has got even my most constipated friends up and running. I have also used a chinese tea called Ballerina Tea (I dont know if its ok with the band but it affects the bowels and intestines not the tummy??? must check with doctor) it doesnt taste too bad it takes about 8 hours to work but man - it would liquify cement and you are empty!!! Make sure you're near a loo for that one! And then for the next week or more you are regular as and in perfect order. I didnt do that one pregnant but I do wonder if push came to shove I think I'd do it with a band. Ah all the tip and tricks us dieters pick up! Been there done that with suppositories but they only work for the absolute lower bowels issues (right at the gate that is). I hope someone out there has a magic trick for us all but I guess the answer to everything is just water water water! How's the hunger? R u hungry at all? Emotionally or physically hungry? I think I might grieve a bit for my friend food???? What to do with emotions when you cant eat them..... Thank you once again for sharing with us, loving watching your weight loss I am so excited now, I have even started to think differently, I'm not bitterly wondering why I'm not skinny anymore but instead I'm planning outfits and feeling the feelings already! Keep us posted!
  18. shaggs

    Advice needed for a pre op!

    Hi everyone! Got an appointment with the top of the list today - 21st January. I have read other's experiences with this place and they were done within the month!!!!!! Yay! That's my earliest estimate so far and I'm more than sure the one I'll be taking up! Megsy and Emmsie - I am so inspired by your progress! You guys are doing so well and it makes me even more excited! Having said that, I've stumbled across some Youtube footage that is quite graphic (I advise anyone to not go looking!) but even the worst case scenarios are still worth it - I think and the patients all say it is still after some horrific issues - most caused by procedures done a long time ago before much was known about the bands and some done in Mexico on the cheap so really I'm not tooooo worried but seeing the inside of the procedure was a little confronting but something I had to see (as a technically based person who usually deals with blood and guts pretty well). Alot of the failed situations were ending with people having mini gastric bypasses. It all kind of hit home that this is surgery, being cut open and messing with nature but you know what - bring it on!!! I have to keep this all in perspective and hold on the fact that this road I'm on is going to lead to surgery anyway (either heart or gall bladder or some other horrendous disease) so this is by far the preferred surgery of all especially while I'm still reasonably healthy and in control. I've been told I think too much..... Anyway, I'm loving hearing your stories and keeping up with everyone's progress thank you all for sharing, it has definitely kept me inspired, in check and out of my own head!
  19. shaggs

    Newbie Blogger!!

    Hey everyone,new to this whole blogging thing but I have started one on e blog under the name www dot daggs2shaggs dot blogspot dot com (dont know if I have to do code but anyway, there it is) Check it out! :confused:
  20. shaggs

    Newbie Blogger!!

    Hey everyone,new to this whole blogging thing but I have started one on e blog under the name www dot daggs2shaggs dot blogspot dot com (dont know if I have to do code but anyway, there it is) Check it out! :tounge_smile:
  21. shaggs

    Advice needed for a pre op!

    Megsy, r u allowed to drink anything other than water?

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