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Everything posted by shaggs

  1. shaggs


    Now I know how its gotten so out of control, its arsonists! I had no idea! And they keep relighting fires that have been put out! I cant believe it!
  2. shaggs


    Good idea Megsy, I cant believe how out of control its gotten! I cant imagine what these people are going through, puts all of our pitiful issues into perspective.
  3. shaggs

    Here we go.........

    Welcome to the world of blogging Megsy! Love the pic and great to hear your fab progress. Soon your gym junkie will be wondering what a yummy mummy is doing with him!
  4. Thank you Megsy! I'm actually very calm about it all now and looking forward to being pampered by lovely nurses! The happy drugs will be nice too I guess! Everything at home is ready to go now, I'm all organised and will be so glad when this is over - bring it on! Loving watching your progress - you're doing great - I cant wait! Let u know how I go!
  5. Peachwood I'm as jealous as all hell! Well done to you, I guess you paid the price in worry and uncertainty! Good luck everyone - are you all freaking or what? I'm actually quite calm today, not starving too much and not worrying too much. Mostly worried about leaving my kids and husband and making sure everything is good at home so I dont have to do much for the next week. Cant believe its 2 days away! WOW!:cursing:
  6. Oh mi god Peachwood, I'd be beside myself not knowing yet! Are you doing opti anyway or have you been let off the hook? When do you find out? Good luck, let me know what happens.
  7. Your birthday is the same as my sisters! Luv the scorps!

  8. Sunshine you're doing so well! How inspiring!! Tell me more about your pre surgery jitters - I just want to eat them all away it feels like an odd mix of fear and excitement like when you're just about to go on a big ride but its lasting days and days not minutes. Suffering again on Opti - so hungry and pre menstrual and its really hot here and it was my birthday yesterday and I drank heaps of champers. I'm back on track but man, bring on the 10th!!!!! So want it over with! Its awesome to hear your success stories so inspiring and just makes me want to jump in there head on! Keep us posted!
  9. Great to hear you're back at it and doing so well Joyoc. Thank you for keeping me posted, this will be me next week!!!! How was your anxiety levels before surgery? Were you freaking? I've been so cool and calm about the actual surgery but now its starting to hit! Yikes!
  10. shaggs

    Breakfast ideas...

    Yeah I think I will have it after the op. Especially in the liquid phase, I think its good to focus on the protein and high nutrients in that time to help heal while consuming very little. I'm definitely focussing on very high protein foods as they really agree with me and carbs are my absolute enemy - they send my spiralling into uncontrollable bingeing and never ending hunger and apparently chips and crackers etc` go throught he band really well so that is a really dangerous place for me. So I'm actually loving opti (now - withdrawals was hard in the first few days) and its just so convenient - I dont always have meat cooked but I can always whip up some opti. I cant believe I'm saying this after the past week and I still have 6 days to go so who knows!???? But no matter what - I'm not ever going back to regular carbs everyday.
  11. We definitely have to be surgery buddies - so far we're definitely on the same page! I have learnt so much about hunger and food and being full (or not) on opti definitely worth it when you get on those scales (we've lost an identical amount of weight too!) well actually I'm 9.7 pounds 4.4kgs here). It seems worth it then doesnt it? Or does it? LOL. I have always found that deferring your busting to another time usually makes it go away completely. I have kept pushing mine another day I was saying Friday I'll have this then saturday and now I dont want to. I was so depressed Friday also but it has really passed now and I have come to terms with my situation I'm not being a spoilt baby who wants her cake and lose weight too! Although its PMT this week so we'll see how we handle that little bomb! I'm going to see the surgeon today, I think they might weigh me and yes I'm obsessing over that. I'll let you know how I go there! Chat soon!

  12. shaggs

    First Post-Op Appointment

    Megsy that loss is tops! You're doing unreal especially since you've been "cramming" it in as you say - have you really? Thats awesome - I cant wait one week 2moro. Good luck for tomorrow and resisting the "urge"! Keep us newbies posted on the first appointment process.
  13. shaggs

    Breakfast ideas...

    I'm loving the Opti bars for breakfast. High in protein and filling and only 3 points on ww. If you cant get through the whole thing it is great to nibble on also over the morning keeps away the hunger.
  14. We definitely have to be surgery buddies, I'll be hanging on your every word - so far we're definitely on the same page! I have learnt so much about hunger and food and being full (or not) on opti definitely worth it when you get on those scales (we've lost an identical amount of weight too!) well actually I'm 9.7 pounds 4.4kgs here). It seems worth it then doesnt it? Or does it? LOL. I have always found that deferring your busting to another time usually makes it go away completely. I have kept pushing mine another day I was saying Friday I'll have this then saturday and now I dont want to. I was so depressed Friday also but it has really passed now and I have come to terms with my situation I'm not being a spoilt baby who wants her cake and lose weight too! Although its PMT this week so we'll see how we handle that little bomb! I'm going to see the surgeon today, I think they might weigh me and yes I'm obsessing over that. I'll let you know how I go there! Their scales are about 1.5kgs less than mine woo hoo! Chat soon!
  15. Hi Serenity, I'm going to stop whingeing now about only eating vegies, at least its something. Are your liquids on opti liquids or any liquids? Anyway, we're on magic day six here and I am actually not suffering anywhere near as much, in fact, its been a great day! Everyone says it gets better and I think it has here! I look forward to hearing more from you. I'm getting nervous now about the actual surgery. how bout you? I'm pretty nonchalant about the pain and the surgery but now I'm starting to get thingy. I really hate the waiting around on the day. It makes me want to run (I've had 2 planned c sections before) to suffer that sick anxious feeling for hours on end is hideous! Here's praying for first cab off the rank that day! I am terrified too that I will get sick or something and the surgery will be postponed and I'll have to opti all over again - thats my biggest fear now. I wont believe its actually happening until I'm on that table!
  16. Hi Serenity, yes I find afternoons the hardest. Waiting for dinner feels like a lifetime and its usually the time I would be massively carb loading. I really miss carbs but I know if I even go near one thing I will fall off the wagon completely. I can have the Opti bars and 2 cups of vegies also although i do eat more vegies than that but only from the allowed list - no carby or starchy vegies. I have learnt to get inventive with the vegies. The Opti tastes better than I thought but man I'm bored and I'd give away my first born for carbs (I wouldnt really LOL). I'm finding this REPULSIVELY hard but for such different reasons than I thought. I think sometimes I'd just rather be fat but I have obviously forgotten the pain associated with that..... Hate all the fake sugary tastes, theres only one savoury option and thats the Soup - one variety only. I am so not a sweet tooth! Keep me posted on how you're going - its great to know someone else is suffering too! Why only liquids?
  17. shaggs

    March 4th.....band day!

    Hi Kylie, If you go to the website (click on the link from my ticker) and just enter a password (any old one) it will take you through the steps to create a ticker and then go to customize in your profile on LBT and cut and paste the link from the ticker website into your "signature" panel plus any other info you want to include like your name or whatever. Ithink that should work. I'll go through the steps again and check.
  18. shaggs

    March 4th.....band day!

    Hi Kylie congrats on the surgery date! I am being done on the 10th February and am currently on day 5 of the Optifast diet. Its not like I thought it would be and if I have any advice it would be to start weaning yourself off things now. Dont go cold turkey on Optifast - its too much to cope with on its own. Theres some recipes on my blog to ease the boredom of vegies and I wouldnt suggest gorging on the day before opti, try and stagger the hunger a little bit by not eating too much, it will make those first few days easier. There are so many people out there in cyber land in the same position as you so make sure you log on and share as much as possible - that helps HEAPS! There are some really wonderful caring people out there. Make sure you keep us posted on how you're going and thanks for sharing!
  19. shaggs

    Banding 27th Jan

    Congrats Granny! Glad everything went well for you and you're home and safe. You must keep us posted on the recovery process, every gory detail please!
  20. shaggs

    I'm Back !!!

    Welcome back Sunshine! So glad everything went well for you - very inspiring. I'm on day 4 of Opti and I tell you, being fat is looking very appealing compared to this. Thank you for keeping my eye on the prize on this really hard day for me (its Friday and I want to binge and drink). Not hungry at all just bored with opti and grieving the social aspects of food. Cant wait to be you! 10 days to go! And f#$%^&ing counting!
  21. Hi I'm 10th February surgery! I'm hating Optifast actually I'm just bored by it. Counting day the days so bad so I dont have to touch this crap again. This makes cardboard look good! How's everyone else going on the pre surgery diet?
  22. shaggs

    Sydney get togethers???

    Same here about the kids will do either way but will more than likely not bring them. Hard to get to know people when you're spending most of your time in the toilets or pushing someone on a swing!
  23. shaggs

    Sydney get togethers???

    I'll go pretty much anywhere and I'm coming from near Bankstown. I can do with or without kids and I can offer lifts also (I have a seven seater car). Just let me know!
  24. Haha! I actually live in Panania but never say it because no one knows where it is! I probably know your brother - its a small town this one! Spent alot of my childhood in Sans Souci (my grandmother alway lived there) and having a fire engine and chips at Mick Maulins (is that the right spelling?). What a small world! How're you doin? (all the gory details please). I'm on 2nd day of Opti which actually isnt too bad, I dont like being hungry but I can deal with the actual tastes etc. Lost 1.8kg since yesterday (wouldnt normally weigh everyday but just had aknowledge the starvation factor here). Anyway, 12 days to go! so excited cant wait to drink something normal again! Looking forward to hearing from you!

  25. I also have decided not to tell anyone for these exact same reasons. I have only 2 weeks til surgery and have considered telling my sister (who I'm sure will be very understanding and supportive) but I really dont think I'm up for questions etc. My husband is the only one who knows. When everyone finds out though - as I 'm sure they will - I know I will have to be very patient in explaining the procedure and why I did it as just about everyone I know just thinks of Gastric Bypas or the old "stomach stapling" and all the things that go wrong with that. We cant really blame them for not knowing but it is up to us to make sure that they have a clear picture of the procedure and knowledge creates understanding. I DEFINITELY cant tell my parents until after the surgery (and they live right next door!) they are total worry warts and will have to see me well and over it before they will accept it. Having said all of this, it is my birthday smack band in the middle of my pre op diet and EVERYONE will know that something is up when I'm not gorging along with the rest of them - I think I'll have to have a tummy bug that week.... Good luck, and remember patience and understanding!

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