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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shaggs

  1. shaggs

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    You're so right blklab70 this is AWESOME! I still have pain in the port site but its more crampy, stingy, pulling type pain not so much throbbing (although it can throb a bit if I lay too far on my left side) but the pain is pretty much gone now. I guess we have to remember there is a foreign body in there that your flesh has to heal around so it may take a while - my tongue piercing hurt longer than this has! This has been nothing compared to that! Good luck for a great recovery!
  2. shaggs

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Skinneyminney, I think you have what I had during my first week also. It seems to be a deferred gas and or stomach pain (rather than in your shoulders but it can be in both) I found that patting (sometimes thumping) my chest really helped disperse it and then as the week went on I would cross my arms over my chest and "hug" myself squeezing my shoulders in which created a kind of deliberate burp and a huge relief from the pain. People suggested mints and I did get quite attached to mentos (peppermint) they helped alot but the squeeze was the best. The pain in my chest is pretty much gone now (its day 14) so hopefully yours is on its way out. Good luck with the coming weeks!
  3. Saw the chiro today and wow, that feels better! Although I havent eaten much today so the gas pain hasnt really been an issue, we'll see as the day goes on! I fessed up on the surgery also, chiro was very happy about it and knows the SIOS pyschologist - its a small world! I can lay on my tummy now so a massage is on the cards! Cant wait! Thank you everyone! First check up tomorrow!
  4. Hey Leah! I actually didnt feel guilty at all (LOL) but it didnt go to my head like I expected it to??? Bummer. I usually like chardonnay and it was my old favourite brand and it tasted quite gross so I drank it really slowly and didnt finish the second glass so maybe thats why I didnt get a buzz. Or maybe its because I also could down a bottle of spirits on my own in one session not even a couple of months ago????? I think my taste buds lean more towards sugar now because of all of the fake opti crap and juices etc. I actually feel like dessert wine. Must give that a try one day soon! Thanks for the Bowen idea, I know the residual gassy pain I'm getting could be easily fixed with the right pair of hands and some trust from me (tummy still quite sore) - just dont know if I'm ready for that yet. Also, some Bowen therapists are very hands on and some are almost Reiki, I really like being touched and kneaded into submission (LOL) I've got a great masseuse and chiro but I really didnt want to tell anyone about the band,not even them and I still cant lay on my tummy yet so I dont know if I'll really enjoy it? I dont know, just whinging again I guess but I can definitely feel a massage of some sort coming on this pain is dragging on too long now. Anyone else got any ideas? The pain is definitely gas related and goes from my left hip up through every cut on stomach, into my chest and through my left shoulder and ribs. I can handle it, I have to brace myself when I want to burp and it quite often hurts when I take a breath, but i would really like it gone now! I'd be interested to anyone else's tips, massage is winning at the moment.
  5. I wrote you a message the other night to let you know I was on chat and I sent it to myself! Good one! Check out my visitor board for your message! What a %^&**(!

  6. shaggs

    Sydney get togethers???

    I can be there! Life can be a little random but I it should be good for then! Let me know of any changes. C u then!
  7. shaggs

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    IMHopeful, what an amazing experience this must be for you! Its such an awesome journey and even better when you see the health effects. I've lost 19 pounds all up and I can feel an amazing difference in my body and all of its aches and pains and problems - and it does bring tears to my eyes. This is the best thing I have EVER done! And its only been just over a week. Imagine a month or a year! Wow! Keep up the awesome work and enjoy the great health!
  8. shaggs

    March 4th.....band day!

    How's it going Kylie? by my calculations you would be on Optifast now? Its getting close - it'll be here before you know it! I'm still loving it - I hate fluids and I'm starting to have a little mushy food (more like thick soups now). This has been the best thing I have EVER done. I hope you feel restriction straight away like I have and I hope my restiction sticks around for a while yet - its excellent, unbelievable and I actually dont feel like rubbish either! All up, you wont regret it - its tops!
  9. Hi Angel, I was just reading your thread about what to eat in an average day and it was great. I havent tried velish so thats a must and I'm eating (drinking) alot less than others so maybe I'll start keeping on it. I find it hard to take a drink seriously as a meal. I just sip sip sip. Time to start real meal times and sit downs etc. Thanks for the chat tonight - it really helped!

  10. Thank you for all of your great support and advice guys, I really appreciate it! I made it through the night but found myself in the same situation tonight. I think I go too long between lunch and dinner and while I'm not actually physically hungry my mood nose dives and I feel yuck about drinking anything. I also find it very hard to sit and consume a drink and treat it as a meal. I tend to sip and sip over time and never really get full or feel completed. So tonight I didnt blend my soup and I chewed it into a mush instead and it felt great to chew and have control. i was very careful that is was soft and only tiny mouthfuls and I conquered the crap mood! My mum was worried about me and god love her, she bought me a bottle of wine and I shared it with my neice, she had most of it but I had two little glasses and yes, it has taken the edge off alright and I dont feel the least bit guilty! Another day down 3 to go! I'm such a sook! its such a small amount of time but it does do your head in!
  11. I'll go to chat now if you're around?

  12. R u there emmsie?

  13. go to chat again megsy

  14. Ohmigod someone's out there! Thank you Emmsie!
  15. I'm suffering. My husband is away and the general activity in this house when my husband is away is to have a few drinks and some nibblies and watch some chick flick or another with a few of the girls. Since I no longer have these fun times to offer I am sitting here alone, bored and hungry! I want chips and wine and nibblies. Is this social hunger or real hunger? I cant possibly understand what I have found ok about only being on liquids and or optifast for the past 3 weeks!!!??? I stump myself! Help!
  16. Megsy, you've done so well you have to look at the big picture 13 kgs in not even 2 months! Thats awesome!!!! Now let go of the numbers they do your head in. My clinic is constantly pushing that the first 6 weeks is for healing not weight loss so really, you havent even started yet! I already feel heaps of restriction but I know thats probably because I was only done a week ago and theres still swelling etc but I really hope it stays that way. i cant imagine not having it now I've experienced it - you must be beside yourself! Good luck for the next fill hope it brings all that you imagine and more!
  17. Theres a private message coming your way with my number in it. You have to have someone to talk to. I did and it helped sooooooo much and I'd love to be able to give back and pay it forward if you dont have anyone.

  18. Hi Kylie, you're right to be nervous, I was nervous too make sure you ask for some pre op medication it will chill you out. I absolutely LOVE this band and its only been a week. The restriciton is FABULOUS. Its a little hard getting used to only drinking but the weight loss is awesome and you heal and feel better so quickly. Having said all that - I dont have the best time with pain killers so I think I felt it more than most and it hurt like hell BUT never ever once did I ever regret what I did or wish I didnt do it and from the very begining in the most hideous pain I was still saying I was so glad I did it. It was never that bad! Even though it was bad - do u know what I mean??? You absolutely HAVE to do it! It is AWESOME and such a great learning curve. Its the BEST! I cant recommend it enough and even hideous is bearable and worth it! I am back to driving and getting around a little carefully and with plenty of rest so matter how bad it gets remember its only a couple of days!

  19. shaggs

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    Hi I was done Feb 10th and the pain in recovery was indescribeable!! And I have had 3 c sections before so I kinda new what i was in for! I vomited 4 times that day and I lived to tell the story (painkillers do not agree with me) even though my surgeon was peaking out! My gas pain is in my chest which at best feels like a rock and at worst stops me from breathing. Not once though have I ever thought "I wished I'd never done this" I dont regret it one bit! Port site is sore of course but recovery and mobility is ultra fast! Its now day 5 and I can sleep on my back or side with a little tiny discomfort. I'm pretty much up and at em just slowly and carefully. Missing and grieving for food badly but I love the restriction and lack of hunger and the gross feeling you get after 2-3 tablespoons of anything no matter how much you love it. I am sooooo looking forward to mushies or pureed on day 14. I have lost 3kg since surgery 5 days ago and thats 8.2kg total (approx 16/18 pounds I think) and I love my new body already. Every second of excrutiating pain was worth it! And I love hearing everyone's stories, keep them coming! I couldnt have done this without all of the great people online supporting me!
  20. You lucky cow Megs the pain is feral in the extreme! No wonder you were out and about and getting munted on day 11! You must be made of steel girl! I've been thinking about you and your stories from then and I have to say I am also starving! I just keep sipping (soups Water drinks anything) but I'm hungry again in 10 minutes and man I would murder to have a chew. I'm counting down the days til I can do mushies. How was your fill? Is it working yet?
  21. I'm all done and feeling pretty good (now). Its day 4 and so far so good and feeling very optimistic! LOOOOOVE my new body! My hands and feet are gorgeous! Thank you everyone!

  22. How are you doing? Hope you're OK and recovering well. Get in touch and we can compare horror stories!!!! Thinking bout you band mate!

  23. I'm done!!! Everything went well. The pain and surgery situation is quite a shock but now three days later I'm feeling really good and not once did I think "is this all worth it" cause it is soooooo worth it. So glad its over with and recovering well. First day or two i didnt want to communicate with anyone - I was thinking how come no one told me it would be like this? But the recovery is really quick so thats a huge bonus. Just taking it easy and loving the weight loss even though I know its about healing but looking in the mirror and seeing someone elses body winking back at you is amazing!!!! And thats only approx 7kgs! Thank you everyone for your tremendous support it has made all the difference!
  24. I'm waiting on a call sometime today to find out what time tomorrow. I'm sweating they're going to forget me! If they dont ring by lunchtime I'm ringing them. I'm a little nervous but these bush fires have put things into perspective! Thank you for your thoughts - Its really nice to know there's a world of people out there who are waiting to hear how it all went! Especially when no one here knows! I'll be thinking of everyone tomorrow and all of the pioneers and guinea pigs who went before me - thank you for the inspiration and courage!
  25. shaggs


    Oh my God! You must have been terrified! What a stroke of luck that wind was! Someone's looking after you! And it just goes to show that none of us is safe where fire's concerned. Best wishes to anyone out there affected by this awful tragedy. If I hear anything about sending things down there I'll let you all know.

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