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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by colorado.girl80

  1. Hi SparkleCat,

    How did your surgery go?

    I am also in Denver (littleton/centennial border) and would love to get together with other people who have had bariatric surgery.

    Most of you on this board have the sleeve it looks like. I got the lap band in 2008 when I was 265lbs. I am now at 145lbs and I love my lap band.

  2. Hi Fran,

    If you need any help trying to put this together please let me know. I wouldn't be able to be a leader but I would love to be a co-leader. I live in south Denver but I don't mind driving to Westminster for this.



  3. I am unable to vomit. Normally I would think this is a good thing (especially with the band), but lately I am questioning it.

    I have had food get stuck a few times, and even tried to get it to come up, but it never does. I am always just in pain for a long while until it goes down...which it always does.

    The reason I am concerned about this now is becuase I got very drunk the other night. I was feeling very sick (of course) and knew I was going to be sick. I retched a few times (not by choice) and nothing happened at all.

    I am just curious if it could be a bad thing at all. I would think that when a person needs to throw up that its their body trying to get rid of bad stuff. Can it be harmfull if it is unable to get rid of that stuff?

    **I know that vomiting is bad for your band and I would never try to do it on purpose.

  4. It seems like 100lbs was the goal for most people for the 1 year bandiversary. My overall goal was to be at 175lbs. I started at 262. Well, I have already passed that and now dont want to stop. I have lost 104lbs so far and am just over my 1 year. I am currently at 158 and would like to get to 145 at the smallest.

    I have been working out with a personal trainer for the last year and I know that i wouldnt be where I am without him.

  5. Hi Mel nice to meet another Coloradan, My doctor just told me I had to fast for 24 hours before the procedure not sure exactly why because I thought I would have to do some awful fasting for weeks before but anyhow guess my wishes came true I just got a call from my surgeons office and they had a cancellation on 11/20/2009 so I am having this done a week from Friday :( I will let you know how everything goes and hopefully you will receive your date soon and we can start this journey together!!!

    Wow, your coming right up then!! Congrats!!

    I also wanted to let you know that for me it was alot easier to give up things like soda than I expected. Donuts used to be my favorite food in the world and now they are hard to eat and since I dont have them all the time I dont crave them anymore. Hopefully things will go as easy for you. :biggrin:

    I will keep you in my thoughts!!

  6. Hi to all my fellow Jan 23rd bandsters!!

    I just saw that this room has been super quiet lately and figured I would help out!

    Weight loss has been really slow for me lately and I have lost like 7 lbs in 4 months. I think some of it is becuase I had to have my gall bladder out and it took me a long while to get back in the gym. Oh well, im back now and trying to work my butt off...literaly.

    i have lost a lot and am in a size 12/14 now and everyday I feel a little closer to my dream of becoming a police officer.

    Hope everyone is doing great and I hope to hear from everyone!

  7. I absolutly love my band. I have lost 82 lbs so far and couldnt be happier. I have had very few issues and would do it again in a heartbeat. A few months ago I had to have my Gall Bladder out becuase I developed Gall Stones (a side effect of weight loss) and have had slow weight loss since. I am getting back into the gym now and work out around 2x a week.

    I started as a size 22/24 and am now a size 12/14. YAY!! I would like to lose about 30ish more lbs and I feel like every day I am one step closer to my goal of becoming a police officer.

    I have issues with food getting stuck a couple times a week and have to remember to be very careful. I have read the descriptions of PBing and I do something but its not that I dont think. If I get food stuck and it has to come up its like impossible for me to get it up. I usually chill in the bathroom in pain for 20-30 minutes and all that comes up is mucus...it feels so much like throwing up...but not. Its a gross and horrible feeling and I wish I could just PB like other people. :tongue_smilie: Does anyone else do this?

  8. Well, my gallbladder is gone forever. I had it taken out on Friday and im feeling pretty good. My surgeon said that the "band tube" kept getting in the way but that he worked around it without any complications. He saved one of my gallstones for me (I know it sounds gross) and its huge. He cut it in half so I could see the inside and the half of it is as big around as a quarter. He said I had 2 that size and tons of little ones. Im so glad it is out of there now. I think it will be a little set back to my weight loss since I cant exercise but I will get back to it in no time.

    Hope everyone is well!

  9. Hi Everyone!!

    It has been forever since ive posted. Just busy with life I guess.

    My weight loss has been going really great but it is not easy. I am working my butt off and can be found in the gym all the time. I actually didnt realize I would like exercise so much.

    I have just had a little setback that I hope will be resolved quickly. On Sunday I started having this severe pain around my port area and on both sides of my ribs. It was some of the worst pain ive ever felt and it went right through to my back. I went to the emergency room where they were convinced it had to be a band problem (no one does lap band around here so none of the doctors know anything about it). After 6 hours in the emergency room, they found out I had gallstones (very common for people with rapid weight loss). Now it will be back to the operating room to have my gall bladder out. I am not looking forward to it but im in so much pain that I couldnt even work yesterday. I am going to try to work today though with no meds. :smile2: We will see how that goes.

    I hope everyone else is doing good!!


  10. Hi Amy,

    I really hope this fill does good things for you. I just had my 3rd fill last week and its great. I feel like im really getting to a good fill point. Ive got a total of 5.4 cc's in my band. I do eat more than the 3-4 oz but I lost 14 lbs last month so I think its good. Getting to a good fill helps so much!!

  11. Hey Everyone,

    It sounds like im right around the same loss as everyone else. Ive lost 36lbs. Ive had 2 fills so far and have 4cc's in my 10cc band. My first fill gave me restriction for about a week and this one has been much better. After my second fill (2 weeks ago) I was eating about 2-3 oz which was great. Im up to about a cup of food now so I will be happy to get my 3rd fill in 2 weeks.

  12. Let us know how it goes after this next week. Hopefully its a very short lived stand still.

    My personal trainer is $60 an hour and I see him 2x a week. Yeah its outrageously expensive and ive had to give up some things to do it but I love it and he pushes me so hard which is something I really need. Also, he is one of the best looking guys ive ever seen.....very easy to look at. :blink:

  13. Saundra, I would think if your eating 3-4 oz you dont need a fill. Ive been exercising with a personal trainer and im not losing much eather. He said that when you start something like this you start to build muscle and since muscle weighs more than fat you dont lose as quickly. He says my weight loss will spead up again but it will take a few weeks. Maybe this is whats happening to you. Are you doing your measurments? Even though im not losing lbs I an losing inches.

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