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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Luckyladeebugg

  1. Hey gals, it's been awhile. Hope you all are doing well. Sorry it's been so long since I've been on here to check on everyone, things have been pretty hectic here. I'm still losing, slowly...about a pound a week but I'm happy with that. I'm about to be moving and I'm hoping that being busy with that will help me drop a few more pounds a week, we'll see. I saw everyone's tickers, looks like you ladies are doing well. Keep up the good work and hopefully I'll be stopping by more often than once a month after I move. Take care.

  2. Rose, I'm 5'10", my starting weight was 260, I'm down to 240 now and my first goal is 200 lbs. I don't know what is a good weight for me, I honestly can't imagine being 175 which is what the charts say is a healthy weight for me so I'm going to see what my body is like at 200 lbs and then decide on a final goal weight from there.

    My doctor said no to me about abdominal workouts too, he said it's because they attach the port to your abdominal wall and you want to make sure it's totally healed before you strain your abs.

    I'm still doing good with my fill, I'm hoping I stay in the green zone and don't need anymore fills. I'm really happy with my weight loss right now.

    China, glad to hear you are doing well. Be sure to let us know how your new menu is working out. I could always use advice on what to eat.

  3. Hey Ladies,

    I know it's been awhile since I've been here to check in, things have been busy for me. I got my first fill on Tuesday, it didn't go too well. He had trouble accessing my port and had to stick me about 15 times before he got it, then 2 1/2 cc was too much and the barium wouldn't go down so he had stick me 3 more times to get it again. He ended up taking out 1/2 cc and that worked. So now I'm at 5cc and so far feeling really good.

    I had stopped losing weight after about 3 weeks post surgery so I was getting a little bummed out. Turns out the fill was just what I needed because I've already started losing again.

    Also, I was really excited because I had ordered some jeans online that were on clearance in a size 18 so that as I lost weight I would have some jeans but when they got here they already fit me. Yay! Looks like I need to start looking for jeans in a 16 to grow into.

  4. Hey Ladies,

    I'm starting to get really anxious about my first fill, I'm hungry now and I feel like I can eat anything. I've gained 3 pounds and I really want to feel restricted again. I started working out but I've found that when I do workout I wake up the next morning with a pain in my abdomen. I'm going to start walking tomorrow and see if that helps me drop the weight I put back on and I'm going to be more careful about what I put in my mouth. I still have 3 weeks till my first fill so I hope to have the 3 pounds gone and then some by that time. Wish me luck.

    Welcome Mommysgirls, glad you decided to post, it's really nice having people here that understand what you're going through. Hope to see you around here more often.

  5. Hey ladies,

    It's been awhile since I've been on here. I went to Houston for the holidays and had a great time. I've been eating some solid foods (I'm still favoring mushy foods though) and I've found that some of the easier foods to eat are higher in calories and fat so I'm working on making better food choices. I didn't lose any weight over the holidays but my doctor gave me the okay to start working out yesterday (no weight lifting though) so I'm hoping that I will start losing again real soon. Hope you all have been doing well and happy new year to you all.

  6. Everyone should be proud of their weight loss. Every person is different and if you start comparing your weight loss with others then you might get discouraged. We are all on the right track but we have different bodies and different amounts of weight to lose, remember slow and steady wins the race.

    7 pounds in a week is a huge amount of weight, don't underscore your achievement. Keep up the good work!

  7. 1) It means I won't have to take my blood pressure medicine anymore.

    2) It means my back will hurt less.

    3) It means I will be able to run again.

    4) It means I will be able to shop in the misses section for the first time in 10 years.

    5) It means that I won't feel like the fattest person in the room.

    6) It means I will be able to coach my kids' soccer team.

    7) It means I will feel sexy again.

    8) It means people won't think I'm lazy just because of my weight.

    Okay...I think that is more than you were looking for but I feel they are all equally important.

  8. I had my surgery yesterday and was wondering when the soreness in my stomach would go away. I know it will vary from people to people, but I was wondering some of your experiences. I am sorry if it was rude to post on this comment.

    Not rude at all, I'm one week and one day out and my soreness was pretty much gone around day 4 or 5. I still feel a little sore if I try to sleep on my port side.

    As far as my abs being sore, I swear by this and it helped me in one day, I drink cherry juice. Something in cherries (and also cherry juice, which is a clear liquid) helps with muscle soreness. It works if you are sore from a workout too.

  9. hey laurel , glad to hear that your doing good. i to am not back to my old self yet but im working on it. hey allie how are you today?

    well i went to my appointment this morning and it was cool. only problem was my blood pressure went down again it also happen 1 wk before surgery. today it was 92/60 dont know why i happen again. seems like if i lose over 7lbs i does that. any who i have to go back on the 6th for them to check it again and go over the blood work that i have to do. then after that i go back 2-24-09 to see how im doing and if i need a fill. so here it is i lost 11lbs so that takes me down to 378. i think im gonna add a 2nd tickler that shows how much i have lost since surgery. also they moved me to pureed phase and dr said i have to do better than i did on liquids as i was only drinking under 31oz a day. so i agreed and i will try. allie that is a good idea about the sheet. maybe i will do one also. i can do the gym in another wk as i still have some bruising and swelling on my one incision. i cant wait.

    well i hope everyone has a nice holiday. keep up with the posting too.

    one question "how many calories do you plan on eating per day when everyone gets to regular food" please think about this for a minute this the question for the wk. also allie we have a weightloss chellange for the new years if you would like to join and get in on the fun.:thumbup:

    Wow! 11 lbs, way to go! Keep up the good work, that is awesome.

    I'm putting myself back on liquids because I scared myself yesterday when I ate some chicken. It's been over 24 hours and I'm still full, that worries me. It's funny, the doctor says I can eat food but I don't think I'm ready for it, I never thought that would happen.

    As for the question, I think I'd like to be eating around 1000-1200 calories just because that is what they say you need to run all your organs and stuff without any activity. It looks like that is going to be quite a challenge since I feel like I can hardly eat anything right now, 1000 calories seems like an unattainable goal, we'll see.

    Where do I join in on the weightloss challenge?

  10. I'm one week out and my doctor told me I can start on regular foods (being very careful...I already know this is not normal) but I'm wondering what it feels like to get food stuck.

    When I eat I cut my food into teeny tiny bites and chew, chew, chew but I ate 2 chicken nuggets yesterday (not fast food ones or anything, two tiny baked pieces of chicken) and a few baked fries, this was at noon yesterday and I am still feeling full.

    I'm really thirsty but I feel so full that I can barely drink anything. This morning I felt a little hungry so I drank diet hot chocolate (my doc said warm liquids help things pass) and I'm stuffed again. Do you think I could have a blockage? Why would I feel full from liquid only? I don't hurt at all though, I'm just full.

    Does anyone know how I'm feeling that could help me out here?

  11. Thanks for the welcome.

    China, good luck today at the doctor, I'll be sending good vibes your way. As for your question about what I'll look like next year, I'm actually thinking about what I'll look like in just 3 months. The weight is coming off way faster than I thought and I know it's going to start slowing down soon but at one week and one day out of surgery and my BMI is now under 35, I would no longer be considered a candidate for lap band, that is crazy!

    I can't wait till Jan 15, I made a sheet with all my measurements, my weight and then I took a picture of myself (front view and side view) and I'm going to update it once a month. I never thought I would be looking forward to taking my measurements.

  12. Wow that is great I was banded on 12/15 and had my first post op appointment today and lost 7 lbs. Did you have to do a pre-op diet? I am wondering if I am doing something wrong since I did not lose that much. Any suggestions. What are you eating?

    I had a 1 week liquid diet before surgery and that is where I lost 8 of my pounds. My doctor told me not to expect any weight loss until my first fill, right now the band isn't even working since it isn't filled. I'd say the only thing I'm doing is making sure that the liquids I do have are low calorie (as tempting as it is to have a milk shake :thumbup:).

    You're losing weight though so I wouldn't worry, sounds like you are doing great.

  13. Make the appt for a referral and when you get there tell the doctor that you want a referral to a bariatric surgeon because you are interested in the lap band. If the doctor gives you shit just tell him that you want to talk to someone about it and that it is your decision (he probably won't give you shit though).

    Good luck and I'm glad you feel better. You should know this though, it was less than 2 months from the time I met for my referral and my surgery last Monday, I'm not saying that is the norm (it depends on how busy your doctor is) but be prepared for it to go very quickly. The quickness of it all is what shocked me the most.

    Keep me updated and let me know how you are doing.

  14. I'm military and altough I see an off-post doctor I had no problems with Tricare. A friend of mine saw her doctor on post and they had no problems referring either. Remember this, your doctor isn't the one that gets to make the decision about whether or not you need surgery, the bariatric surgeon does. Tell your doctor you want to see a bariatric surgeon, they should be fine and then when you see the surgeon you can worry about whether or not they think you should have the surgery. I will tell you this, tricare approved me and I only had a 37 BMI with high blood pressure. If you meet the requirements (BMI: 35-39 w/ co-morbidities or 40 or higher) you should be approved, tricare is actually pretty easy to get approval for. Hope this makes you feel better.

    Remember, go to your doctor, tell them you want a referral and don't take no for an answer. You'll find that it is surprisingly simple. I felt the same way you did.:smile:

  15. Hey everyone, I'm new here but I had surgery on the 15th too. I'm doing really well, I have practically no pain (except when I lay on my port side, that hurts a bit) and my incisions are looking good. I had my 1 week appt today with my doctor and he said I can start adding solid foods at my discretion. Chew, chew, chew!

    I've lost 7 pounds since my surgery and 15 pounds since my 1 week pre-op liquid diet. Glad to see you guys are doing well too, keep up the good work.

  16. I went in for my 1 week post-op appt. today and my doctor told me he usually says you can try solids at 10 days but I've been doing really well and healing quickly so he told me I can slowly start trying solids. He was very careful to tell me to chew and not try too much at once. He knows me well, he knows that I HATE throwing up and he have talked at length about what are good choices. He trusts me to make good decisions about what I eat and I wouldn't do anything to jeapordize my success.

    Everyone is different and every doctor is different, as long as you trust your doctor and feel comfortable with what he/she tells you then I wouldn't worry about it.

    You're not stupid, you learned from your mistake. A lot of this is trial and error and as long as you are learning you're doing good.

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