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Posts posted by ginabee38

  1. I don't like it, but I like it better than greek yogurt (BTW, I like Dannon regular or lite yogurt). Both are basically pretty gross to me.

    Phase 3. No veggies or fruit yet. What can I do with this cottage cheese since I seem to tolerate it. Anything to make it more bearable?

    I don't know if certain brands are any better, but I LOVE the little 4oz containers of Breakstone's cottage cheese. The curd is small and it has a good taste, to me anyway. I dont put snything on it, but you can put some cinnamon and stevia (not truvia...look for Sweet Leaf or other pure stevia, not a mix). Another option is ricotta cheese, which is much smoother and lends itself well to sweet (cinnamon and stevia) and savory (anything...I go to Italian spices such as garlic and oregano). Good luck!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  2. I had a few glasses of wine and i really stresses over it. That was my turning point of pre op diet. I put my stages in steps. Pre op diet was 1st step. Follow pre op diet to be the most healthiest on that or table. Keep pudhing forward my friend. One day at a time. You just need to reach sleeve date then sleeve will help you from there.....much luck!!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T337A using the BariatricPal App

    Alcohol should definitely not be in the pre-op diet. Alcohol is known to cause liver inflammation that lasts up to a couple of weeks.

    Wow...the inflammation can last a couple weeks? Good to know. I only drink occasionally, but I wilk do my best in the next month or so to stay away from alcohol to heal my liver. Waiting for insurance approval for 12/23 surgery date.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  3. Wow... thanks to everyone in here who can be an adult and hold a real conversation without trying to disrespect or judge the next person. There's better ways to get your point across. But anywho for the ones that care I told my doc of my "cheats" or whatever the should be called and he was ok with that n not upset about me taking the laxative that one time for that reason. He told me a lot of ppl do cleanse prior to but he did not require one. That being said I was sleeved 10/31/16 @ 245lbs.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    How are you feeling 2 days out?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  4. So I've been doing the liquid diet for two plus weeks now... and I have to say although it hasn't really been too bad, but now I would love to have something I can chew or something crunchy.. My surgery is scheduled for 9:45 am. I'm a little anxious but can't wait to get it done and move on.... Looking forward to the day when I can move on to at least be able to have an egg and some soft cheese. I hope the second two weeks of liquid diet go quickly. Excited....

    Sent from my VS986 using the BariatricPal App

    Good luck tomorrow!

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  5. When my mom mentioned my interest to my dad, he said "what's the point if she's going to gain it back?" My dad is a good guy, but can be a bit insensitive at times.

    My first response to hearing this was an open mouth and a sound of exasperation and surprise. As I though about it though, it occurred to me that if he had such a lack of faith that I would be able to KEEP it off, what makes him think that I would be able to LOSE the weight on my own in the first place?! This thought actually gives me a bit of power back. I think with a lot of hard work, this can work.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  6. It's so frustrating. Some of it, I feel, is based on the fact that they love and care for us. I think that's the first part, that you can do it yourself without surgery. I'm not sure what the second part is about. So far though, I have learned that it is crucial that we work on the emotional part of our journey, otherwise this "tool" that surgery gives us will be wasted. Maybe they don't want us going through surgery if they think we can't follow a diet plan...and believe me, part of me believes it to...part of me worries that the surgery will help me lose the weight, then I'll gain it again. It really is a mind game though, so if you're ready to make it happen, find a good therapist and/or support group and start your journey! We are here to help you and I'm glad to hear that your husband will be supportive of you and your choice.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  7. The time has gone by so fast. I can't believe I had the sleeve 2 years ago today. I had a lower BMI so I had to pay for it myself using my HSA in the US. I had been a yoyo dieter for years. I always loved to workout and would lose the 50 lbs but then I'd always be hangry and get tired of logging my food etc and eventually gain the weight back. I am so happy I decided to make this lifestyle change. It's not an easy way out. I still eat 5 small meals a day focusing on Protein, drink my Water, take my Vitamins, and workout 6x a week. I weigh myself 2-3x a week and focus on staying within a 3-4 lb range. When it creeps up I cut out the carbs and go back to the basics. This Group has been so Wonderful over the last two years. I have learned so much. The 3 week stall, my favorite Protein Bars, favorite shakes, etc. I also learned that even at 2 years out I make mistakes. Sometimes I will over eat and feel miserable for about an hour or not drink enough Water and get a headache. Don't beat yourself up but also never give up! You will gain confidence and courage. Here's me on my trike before surgery and then this summer rocking 2 wheels.

    If you ever have questions I am happy to help.


    You look great! I love your boots in your post-op pic...very cool!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  8. I was hoping by some miracle that I would be able to jump through pre-op hoops to get approved for surgery quickly snd have it by the end of the summer, but it did not happen that way. I am now grateful that I had this time yo really get on track. I feel like my brain is starting to shift a bit as I've been really delving into WHY I do certain things.

    One big thing I have learned with regard to my bingeing. When I am gearing up to eat a lot, I noticed that I give myself a type of permission...oh, payday...what can I eat?! That means I can get Chinese food! (Then it occurred to me...do I even WANT Chinese food?...and I really didn't!) I went through a few other not so healthy foods (like McDonalds,Taco Bell and Sonic) and made the same assessment. I didn't actually WANT to taste these foods, but something in my brain was craving them and telling me to go for it. You got PAID! You can eat ANYTHING YOU WANT! I'm wondering if it comes from a type of scarcity conversation in my head (like a deep fear that there will not be enough for me) and I think it might. I remember as a young kid, 10 or so, and having to split a food with someone...I always wanted to make sure that the portions of both people were the same, or maybe that mine was a bit larger. I still find myself thinking this way, but sonetimes I can stop the inner 10-year old).

    So, last night, I made the initial choice of pizza (NY-style pizza slices) and I enjoyed my first slice...and I was full...I had the 2nd about an hour and a half later. I thought, as I drove home, "you can always get delivery later, if you want", but I actually forgot about it (last night, anyway). Sometimes I remind myself, "you can gave Chinese another day...no need to have everything today".

    For a time, though, I used to do that after almost every Weight Watcher's weigh-in...I would allow myself a smorgasboard/feast and get 3 different types of food (but not necessarily eat it all). How's that for disordered eating?!

    Anyway, I wanted to share that bit of awareness with you all. Anyone else have this type of awareness wash over them...like an epiphany?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  9. It seems as if it can't be admitted in these groups and forums we are all human and make mistakes. If anyone isn't afraid that has messed up pls post how many days before and with what. No judgement here pls! We all know what we should be doing tx

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    We are all human and we sometimes slip and make mistakes and have momentary lack of judgement. It seems that the pre-op liquid diet serves 2 major purposes: to shrink the liver and get your brain prepared to make safe, healthy choices for your body post-op. If you have a fatty liver like I do, it would probably be in your best interest to shrink it as much as possible before surgery. I have not yet started the pre-op liquid diet, but I'm working on dropping some weight now and modifying some bad habits. I think people get really crazy when you're post-op (and rightfully so) because "cheating" can seriously hurt yourself. Pre-op is quite a bit different. Life happens. My surgery is scheduled for December 23...I expect to have a challenging liquid pre-op, especially because of the timing near the holidays, but I need a good week or so to recover, so I'll just have to do my best. Hang in there.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  10. Its hard to hear from other people, and in the end it is totally your choice. I used to get so upset but after having the surgery last week and having some issues i get why they are worried. It has been a very eye opening event in my life and My loved ones have been pretty stressed as well. My poor husband has had to deal with so much. So I now understand. Even if they are not good at saying it deep down it is just concern. Hugs

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    If you don't mind me asking, what kind of issues did you have post-op? I'm especially worried because my surgery is December 23, so close to Christmas. I'm working on being positive, but sometimes it's hard.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  11. Well, since you know you can do it without the surgery already tell her she's right, that you CAN do it without the surgery, then point out that even though you CAN do it on your own that you haven't gotten the results you want, or the longevity of the results you want and that this surgery is a tool you truly believe will help you get where you want to be and stay there so that you can have a long and happy life, because it sounds like your mom loves you and all that good moms really want for their kids is for them to be happy and healthy, hopefully that will help remind her of that then for good measure thank her for being so incredibly supportive, after all they do say that honey works better then vinegar!

    Thank you for your response. The one word that jumped out at me was "longevity". It's the maintenance afterwards that's really tough. I think this surgery will help.

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  12. Thanks for the replies! I know you are both right about making sure I get my Protein in and just cutting sweets and white flour out completely and limiting other starches. It is so weird to me that it is relatively easy to not eat those things if I just stay completely away from them, but if I have one single bite I end up on a binge.

    I was using a food tracker before, so I started that up again today. I don't know why it didn't occur to me before to log my Water intake in the food tracker, but I'm doing that too, starting today.

    The other tough thing for me to cut out is alcohol. I know that it is considered empty calories, but it seems silly to quit drinking now when I don't even have a surgery date yet. Did any one else here decide to wait until you actually have surgery to quit drinking? I mean, I guess I would actually quit a week before, when I'm on the liquid diet.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

    As for the alcohol, it's important to cut it out as much as possible because the surgeon wants/needs you to shrink your liver. Not drinking will help you towards that goal.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  13. Last week I went to my NUT and discovered that I lost about 5 lbs since August, and almost 10 since my first visit with Surgeon on June 8. I matter-of-factly shared this news with my mom. She said she has noticed I've been watching (what I eat). Although she doesn't really want me to get the surgery (VSG) she has been the most supportive in my immediate family. However, after I shared this news, she said something like "see, you don't really need it..." I was at a loss of what to say in the moment. I KNOW it will help me. I'm very worried about regain, but I think I will actually have a chance at really losing a significant amount of weight.

    Several years ago, I was able to lose 30# over the course of several months through walking, eating better and drinking a lot of green tea, in order to meet a weight requirement of 250# to go sky diving...and I did it! Unfortunately, it's something my mom likes to reference when trying to discourage me from the surgery and make me realize I can "do it on my own". Luckily, I think she knows that I'm pretty gung-ho about it. To me, this is my next "sky-dive" and it's going to happen (still waiting for insurance approval). Still, I'm frustrated on what to say in the moment when this conversation happens. Any ideas/thoughts?

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  14. It's amazing the surgeons don't all scare us a bit so we don't eat the wrong stuff post-op! My surgeon has us on purees soon after surgery and I had to ask him about the safety of this, based on all I've read and heard. His patients haven't had any issues, but I think we should all listen to our own doctor's orders after surgery. I'd rather be safe then sorry. I think @@jenniferbook902 is fully aware or her mistake and I'm so glad she had no issues arise from it. I'm still pre-op, but I feel like I'm pretty well prepared (although many people post-op say they weren't nearly as prepared as they thought they were, even after significant preparation and research).

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

    Thank you..I been doing good besides a bite of mash potatoes it's not easy I dont get my Proteins im at all

    Sent from my SM-G930P using the BariatricPal App

    Definitely work on the Proteins. This is VERY IMPORTANT. You need to keep your muscles well fed and prevent loss of lean muscle mass, and I believe that adequate Protein helps with hair loss. Other people on here can probably support this. As I understand, Protein and HYDRATION are the 2 most important things. If you're really struggling, call your doctor. Good luck! We're here if you need us!

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  15. Fellow NYer here! It's great to hear stories of success like this. Great job! I can't even remember the last time I was on a bicycle...I would have to say it's one of my NSV goals. I'll be 42 this November, then surgery is planned for December. I'm looking forward to a healthier new me.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

    Hi Gina. Thank you. Keep setting your goals and build your focus in the preop and postop. I've met so many who struggle after surgery because they were not mentally prepared to sacrifice. It's a change of lifestyle in the first year. Unfortunately I had to end a few friendships due to they didn't care about my surgery and continued to eat out and drink but that was not the way I wanted to continue.

    What are you stats and goals?

    Where in NYC ?

    I am gearing up forthe sacrifices. My mom was asking me last night about "all the little places I like to go" (I'm assuming she meant eating establishments)...I told her I am going to learn how to sacrifice them for awhile. I told her I probably won't be able to have pizza (or Pasta or rice) for about 6 months, or more, and even then, I expect to be full on half a slice or less. In the end, I just want to be able to eat like a person maintaining a normal, healthy weight. I know I'll need to seriously sacrifice foods, but ultimately I hope to learn some real moderation.

    So, I have some questions for you. What do you mean by the fact that they continued to eat out and drink? What type of change were you expecting them to make? Just curious. Did they not support you at all?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. I totally understand. I rushed to get pre-pre-op clearances this summer and I realize now that I was a bit delusional in thinking I would be able to get everything approved and done in time to have surgery to go back to school, between August 12 and September 1st. It didn't happen., and now I have to wait until my next school break. I'm still not even approved, but at least I finally have a surgery date (12/23). In the last few weeks, I have been noticing a shift in my thinking, so I'm feeling ok and possibly even thankful about the delay. Good luck with your process. Have faith things will work out for the better.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

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