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Big Momma is Shrinking

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Big Momma is Shrinking

  1. Losing weight is HARD WORK no matter how you go about doing it. The band is only a TOOL to help you get your eating under control. It will still be up to you to make wise food choices. You asked will I still be hungry...the truth, yes until you get restriction you will be hunger, but that is only temporary. Why do some people gain the weight back....because they either didn't or quit following the band rules, there are ways to eat around your band. My best friend is a food addict who was banded 5yrs ago. She lost her weight, but now knows the band wasn't the best choice for her. She can't eat until she's full, she wants to eat until it's all gone. For most of us eating too much will cause us to be sick, she knows how to push the food thru her pouch to eat the food she wants (not because she's hungry but just because she wants it). Your success is in your hands. If you are willing to make a lifestlye change then the band can help you to a healthier place. If you are looking for an easy fix that will allow you to continue making unhealthy choices and "melt the weight away" you will be very dissappointed. If you think this may be the right choice for you then the first step is to contact your insurance company to learn what if any WLS benifits they may have. Good luck to you in your discision making process, and I hope you find the solution to your health issues be it the band or something else. ~Monica
  2. Big Momma is Shrinking

    2 Days post band questions

    I agree with Sil... I am suprised that you are allowed foods 2 days post-op. I was full liquids for 1 wk then on to mushies. But in regards to your question, it is not suprising that you are sore there is still lots of swelling and it will take your body a little time to heal from the "trama" of surgery. Go very slowly and remember that this is a time for healing. Good luck and if anything doesn't feel right call your Dr sooner rather then later!!
  3. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Texans Bandsters

    I was told the Initial Weight is what is the determining factor. I was also worried about losing too much and then being denied, but the Dr told me no worries, and that the more you lose prior to surgery is the less you will have to worry about after the band. Also I believe insurance companies want to see compliance. If you can't follow a diet now why would you do it after they pay for your surgery. The band is a WONDERFUL tool, but you still have to do your part to have success. Good luck!!
  4. Oh and for the record....I've only lost 18lbs since surgery the other weight was during my 6mths pre-op so I'm right there with ya!!
  5. Tekker... I'm sorry the process is going slow for you, but atleast your fills are close togeather, with any luck you will start feeling some restriciton soooon! Until then I suggest using mind games and making wise food choices....eat foods that are lean and high in protien, that's gonna stay with you longer then if you eat simple carbs. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, and maybe try the baby plate trick. If I put that little amount of food on a regular dinner plate I would wanna cry....but since it fills up the baby plate I feel like I'm eating more. As for being depressed...DON'T BE!!! Your doing great!!! that is 15lbs that you will NEVER see again!!! That should make you feel great. You lost weight during the healing process, you are ahead of the game. We don't all lose massive amounts of weight right outta surgery, but there are also people who gain between post-op and their first fill....you weren't one of them so that's something to be pleased about. You must be following the band rules because you are already having success. I think We are ALL guilty of judging our success simply by what number the scales decide to display that day. My birthday is next week and I'm not getting on the scales until the day of. I'm hoping for a gift from the scale (so if i write a nasty post next week you'll know I didn't get one LOL). I think we need to be pround of ourselves for not eating the cookies in the pantry, or walking by the chocolate at the front desk, getting off the couch and going for a walk or to the gym. Don't decide that you are not doing well becasue of the number the scales show you that day....Look at the big picture. Hang in there and Happy Shrinking!! ~Monica
  6. Big Momma is Shrinking

    New Plates for My Kitchen

    When I bought baby silverware and plates before my surgery my daughter thought she was gonna be a big sister.....I set her straight on that one very quickly....lol I eat my dinner (at home) on the divided toddler plates, largest section for protien and the smaller compartments for veggie and carb (if I eat one, which i usually do). It really helps with feeling satisfied when you have a full plate of food in front of you. Every like trick helps!!
  7. Big Momma is Shrinking

    painful port site

    Londongirl, I was banded 3/26...I was still VERY sore until about 4 days ago. I will still have an occassional stabbing pain if I move a certain way. Please remember everyone heals at a different rate. If you are seeing discharge or your port site insicion is really red or hot call the doctor ASAP!!! If it's just a matter of being tender with some swelling then most likely this has more to do with your bodies healing process. If you have any doubts call your doctor, they are there to support you, so use them anytime you are in doubt. Hope this helps some. ~Monica
  8. I don't know if you sawmy post above, but the fill went great. I know have 3cc in my Realize band (but don't get another fill for 8wks.) I really have a hard time deciding if what I feel is restriction or if I'm just telling myself "you better stop." I eat until I'm comfortable, still eating on baby plates (not salad plates, I'm talking a real divided baby plate here folks). I don't eat between meals, I will occassionally have a small snack, but that's rare. I'm still frequently a member of the "clean plate club," but my portions are very small to begin with, so I don't feel too bad about that. I don't know if any of you can relate to this but my husband (supportive as he is) is driving me crazy(er)!! Everytime we eat togeather after about 3 bites he says "are you feeling any restriction yet?" and then I feel guilty for actually eating my dinner. I try to make sure that my portions are in line with what I should be eating. I know he's trying to help and be supportive, but sometimes I just wanna slap him...ugh!! ~Monica
  9. Aubrie....welcome to the land of addictive personalities...LOL I have always had a problem with walking in the door and shoving food in my face too...so here's my question to you, is life at home a little hectic and stressfull, or do you have a heavy commute? I know for me personally I think sometimes I head for the food as something to help calm me or take me away from all the crap whirling around me. Suggestion, try eating something protien rich as a small snack just before you leave to go home. Maybe that will help carry you through until dinner time, or even keep something in the car. Have something ready so that you have your portions under control, but maybe you just need a little afternoon protien to help pick you up. If you find something that works let me know....I'm always in need of support!!! LOL ~Monica
  10. I'm doing pretty well....had my 1st fill this past Friday (5/1/09) so far i'm down 18lbs since surgery. I was a little suprised to learn that i'm not scheduled for my 2nd for 8 more wks....I'm hopin for the best though....otherwise I'll be callin the office....lol


    btw...love the pic!! keep me posted on your progress!!

  11. Pezo.....u sooo funny LOL Got my 1st fill on Friday....didn't hurt one bit (and my port has been pretty tender since surgery too). I now have 4cc in my Realize band feel pretty good still eating small amounts and staying pretty satisfied. I hope you get some relief with your fill....and even if it's not everything you have been dreaming of just keep telling yourself this is a process....I didn't get fat overnight, I'm not gonna get thin overnight either (but God I sure wish I would!!!) Check in and let us know how the feel goes! Peas....How's the littleone feeling better by now I hope! I'm happy to hear you are talking control where your health issues are concerned, hooray for you, I wouldn't put up with a Dr that isnt' giving me the support I need either, I think more people should follow your lead!! I'm happy to hear so many of us are doing so well...Good luch to everyone on another successful week!!! ~Monica
  12. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Texans Bandsters

    You are gettin filled on my B-day!!!....let's hope it's a great day for both of us!!! (when I blow out my imaginary candles I'm gonna wish the scale would be my friend....LOL) Stay strong....you aren't going to be in Bandster Hell forever...and Yeah for you 20lbs since surgery...that's AWESOME!!!
  13. Big Momma is Shrinking

    jeans and port

    Here I was begining to wonder if I was the only one with this problem. I'm 5wks out and still get VERY sore at the port site. Waistbands really aggrevate it, and alot of times when I'm relaxing (ok slouching) on the couch I get a TERRIBLE pain when I try to get up. When I say pain what I really mean is I'm trying to figure out who is stabbing me with a hot knife.....I keep hoping this is only part of the healing process. I go Friday for my 1st fill so I'll be sure to talke to the Dr about it. If anyone else knows what I'm talking about and has any suggestions to alieviate or prevent this PLEEEEEEASE let me know.
  14. Big Momma is Shrinking

    need pep talk

    Oh Sandi, hang in there, it's going to get better!!! I found that if I had something that was warm/hot I felt like I was actually having something to eat verses lots of cold things. This is temporary, you just have to keep telling yourself that. You are going to feel better when you get to add some solid foods back into your diet, but there will still be times that you get hungry. You don't have any restriction yet so everything that goes in goes right thru. When you feel hungry drink some Water, since you are home and have more freedom over your time talke a walk or soak in the tub, something that will get you away from the kitchen. The easier it is to get your hands on food that harder it is to keep in outta your mouth. Good luck to you....and remember YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  15. Peas..... Thank you sooo much, that is so very kind of you. I have to be honest sometimes I feel like I'm invisable on here so i truely appreciate that. You are doing GREAT....How is your restricion coming along? I know you are about to get your 3rd (I get my 1st fill this Fri). I honestly think I have some restricion with the band alone, it's really hard to say for sure since I don't know what restrition honestly feels like, but I eat small amounts, rarely snack in between and eat at least 3-4hrs apart. Rachaele1....in my personal opinion high protien/low carb is the best meal plan for a healthy lifestyle. I think our bodies want natural foods that aren't ladden with chemicals and additives (that doesn't mean that's what our minds want though!!) I know it's hard to get off the carb train, but you will thank yourself once you do. Like Jennibells I'm not really "counting" but just trying to be very aware of what I put in my mouth. During my Pro-op phase I told the Dr I was planning to follow more of a "SouthBeach" menu, she said that combining that with my band should give great results. You just have to remember it's LEAN protien....not eat all the meat/fat/cheese you want. I've never been an Atkins-girl, but that carb count sounds more like an "induction phase" # to me, I would add back what u need to still have some energy and feel good, just try your best to make it healthier carbs (whole grain, freash foods). Good luck and happy shrinking!!!
  16. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Texans Bandsters

    Wstorms.....I believe that DOES indeed make you band-tiwns!!! Ladyracer....I am actually Alvin too
  17. Big Momma is Shrinking

    did i do something stupid.

    You are 7 days post op, you are healing. The pain is going to get better, I swear it will. You prot is attached to the muscles of your stomach. It is going to take time for your body to adjust to the "foriegn object." I couldn't say for sure if that is your port or maybe scar tissue or a hematoma *sp. But I seriously doubt it is anything to be concerned about. Keep following the Dr's protocal and remember, this is only temporary, you aren't going to feel like this forever!!!
  18. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Is it cheating or eating like a normal person?

    Jennifer.... You have every right to have an OCCASSIONAL indulgance....were it me I think I would have said "DidI ASK your opinion!!" If you deprive and deny yourself things you want or love you will resent your band. This is a way of life, not some short term diet fix.....repeat after me "I DON'T DIET" make smart choices and stay active and you will have no reason to feel guilty over a small bowl of ice cream or a piece of cake or chocolate.
  19. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Port Area numb?

    I WISH mine were numb!!!!!! I hope it gets that way!!!....right now I have days were it's no problem and others where it feels like I'm being stabbed with a hot knife. I'm hoping that this is all part of the healing process and as time goes on my muscle and tissue will get back to normal. In the meantime i think I'll start chanting....Please go numb, Please go numb....
  20. Big Momma is Shrinking

    I don't know what to eat!

    I personally am a HUGE believer in the SouthBeach way of eating..... lean protien whole grain carbs veggies and fresh fruit read lables and educate yourself on what you are putting in your mouth. if you have a big sweet/carb addiction it will be hard for you to kick....but I promise you once you get past that you won't want all of it anymore, and when you do decide to eat it it will make u feel like crap (or atleast it does me). You have come to the right place for support, keep in mind, you are still a band "baby" so to speak, you are in the learning phase and your band is not operating at it's full capacity yet. I wish you the best of luck, we're hear for all the support you need!
  21. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Texans Bandsters

    Heeeellllllooooo from Houston!!! Banded 3/26/09 down from surgery 14-18 lbs dependin on which day i step on the scale!!!
  22. Big Momma is Shrinking

    2 Questions: 3 Weeks Out

    Hello and welcome to BANDSTER HELL, I'll be your fellow tortured soul.... don't think you are screwing up because of the yo-yo numbers on the scale. Until you start having fills and actually getting some restriction it's normal to toy with those same few pounds over and over I'm 4wks post op today....eating solid foods but haven't been brave enough to try salad yet...and don't know when I will. Just try to remember you are still healing so don't be too hard on yourself.
  23. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Cravings for Sweets - What do you do?

    I second the S/F pudding here are some other ideas too http://www.lowcarbluxury.com/lowcarb-desserts.html just remember PORTION CONTROL!!!!
  24. Big Momma is Shrinking

    Two days to decide....

    I also go the Pepsi / Coke analysis....in the end I told him I wanted him to chose the band he felt was going to give me personally the best result. He told me that in HIS PRACTICE they are seeing patients reach their "Sweet spots" sooner with Realize and they seem to be having fewer port issues. He does not push one brand over the other. I don't think I have seen the new AP band so I can't say anything about it....but I was able to compare a Realize band to a Lap band and it is wider and softer....I think wider is good because it's going to have less chance of slipping. I told my surgeon before we went into the OR I wanted my pouch to be as small as it could be and still give me enough food to live and be healthy. I wonder if some people that don't have good results were left with a larger pouch? Good luck to you....I'm sure everything will go great!!
  25. Big Momma is Shrinking

    In serious pain

    Always.....thank you, I don't know if I'll every get to "Tiny Momma" but Hot Momma works for me...lol and I hope you can find someone to help you and then you can change your name too!!!! I agree with Cleo's Mom.....if you need a second, third, fourth or even fifth opinion then get one....the band was not designed to keep you in pain all the time and if you are then something is definetly not right!! I hate hearing that your expereince so far has been so unpleasent but I really hope someon can help turn that around for you ASAP!!!

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