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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jackieva

  1. Hi Dream! Congrats on your decision and I wish you well! The best advice I can give you going on my three yr. band anniversary is that you will notice that it is different for everyone. I tend to find that most meats (and don't forget about shrimp!!) are very, very difficult to chew until a small enough fragment to get down past the band. It also does not help if the meat is dry or hard to "break down". Its too bias of me to say what you will be able to tolerate and meats you cannot because it depends on your band size, fill, etc. I can tell you I avoid most steaks, white meat chicken, meats with breads (hamburgers, hotdogs, gyros). But if I am somewhere where I have no other option, I try to saturate the meat in some sort of condiment (ketchup, au jus, mustard, steak sauce, etc.) to help moisturize it. Even doing this, I am careful. Shrimp is the absolute worse for me. It never "breaks down". Hope this helps!

  2. Hi! I will Celebrate 2 yrs banded on Dec 31st, with a loss of 45+ pounds and counting. I think I have my "sweet spot" at 5 cc's and hadn't had a fill since Aprtil/May...Hadn't needed one. Lose about 2-3 pounds a month, which it fine with me. Since the band and I have become bosum buddies, I kinda notice a difference in "her" when I have a cold. If I am sick for any ailment, I get totally stuck, even with mushies. I can only have liquids, broths, and Jello. But once I am healed, i can eat normally (as I can with the band). I was wondering if perhaps chest congestion swells around the band making it tighter? Any thoughts? I have only had two cold this year, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this when ill?

  3. Hang in there everyone. I was banded on Dec 31st, 2008 and by the 3rd of January I was going stir crazy. Couldn't eat, sleep, get up, lie down, you name it. Lortab seemed to be on the fourth hour like clockwork and when I closed my eyes, I felt dizzy like I was drunk and the room was spinning, even with my eyes closed. I was second guessing the Band and it didn't help when I read the forum and others were fine after two days. But something happened day 14. I woke up painfree and its been great ever since. Take it day by day, try to keep your mind busy and relax.

  4. Hi everyone...I to was banded on December 31st so I kinda am in between the December Bandsters and the New Year Hotties. :thumbup:

    but I will reply. So far I lost 12 pounds, I am on soft foods. I discovered during my pre-op diet that I need a hysterectomy asap so I will heal from this first and I have surgery scheduled for Feb 4th, 2009. But I'm ok with it. Because of the surgery, my dr. decided we will not fill until after I heal for the second time:biggrin:

    However, I am no longer swollen, or in pain (WHICH WAS HORRIBLE) from the band. I do have a question though...since the band, I literally feel restricted even without a fill. I can eat about 1/2 cup of food, then that's it. I'm satisfied. I do not crave sweets, sugars, or breads like I used to, and of course I have eliminated soft drinks. I fill quickly and then I stop eating. Is this just a phase? Can an unfilled band still restrict your stomach?

  5. My obgyn called me during my 2 week pre-op diet. She is recommending a partial hysterectomy because of my fibroids. My uterus will be removed through my vagina and my ovaries will stay in. Of course I did not want to reschedule the Band and I was banded successfully Wed. My recovery has been painful at first but now its better. When my dr. checked on me the next morning (I elected to spend the night) I "confessed" about the new surgery pending. He says wait 5-6 weeks then have it done. I will be in the hospital for two days and on sick leave 4-6 weeks at home recovering. Anybody else have major surgery after LapBand? Anything I should be aware of?

  6. VC, I agree with you 100%. I spent the night at the hospital, not because I wanted to, I just didn't want my hubby dragging my kids out 45 minutes away on New Years Eve. Even before the banding, my dr. signed an order to admit me for 23 hour observation. I recommend it for everyone! I am so, so, so glad I stayed (even though I could have went home).

    I had dry heaves like crazy, seems like everytime I stood up, I was two seconds from collaspe (or it felt like it) and the nurses were wonderful. I still had my IV in so they pumped me with anti-nausea, and painkillers whenever I asked. Plus, the electric hospital bed assisted with me getting up and down. I was able to get some walking in around the halls. My room had a shower with a chair so I was able to wash in comfort. They served me my clear diet without problem. If I could have, I would have stayed there another 2 days.

  7. Hi all! I am finally banded and I thought this day would never come. I can't beleive it. I had to report to the hospital at 9am yesterday. I figured out pretty quick that since my surgery was considered "elective", I had to be last and the dr. was already running late. Luckily, I had a good book with me. So I had a gown and a warm blanket and I just waited, and waited. 9,10,11,12 (then it was lunchtime so everyone left to go eat), then at 1, a new shift came on board. It was a little difficult because now I had to answer the same silly questions to my new nurse, nurse asst., anstegelogist, etc. It was getting on my nerves.

    I also learned pretty quick that some nurses have very little patience with weight-loss surgery patients. I do not feel I got as good of care as the others. Some were very happy and supportive, others had a ho-hum-another one attitude.

    I got my IV and the leg warmers for the clots, then waited some more. I saw them wheel my friend in and I knew I would be next after her so I preparing myself mentally. After 15 minutes, another scrub nurse came out and wanted me right away because they opened a new operating room. Quickly, I recieved my "feel good" medicine in my IV and off we went. In the cold, scary operating room, the staff was opening the instruments and the nurse was trying to get me to breath into the mask. It seemed like forever before I was out. Almost immediately they were calling my name and I said "Is it in?" I had cheated so bad, I thought my liver was too fatty. And they said yes. After about 2 hours in recovery, they rolled me upstairs to my room.

    This is where I think I made the right decision. I had arranged for my dr. to keep me overnight because I did not want my hubby to drag my kids out on New Years Eve to pick me up. (By now its dark and six o'clock). The dr. said "see how you feel and if you want to go home, go home." When I saw my private room, over looking the gorgeous Manatee River in the Florida sun, I decided to stay. Last night was horrible. The nurse had to assist me in the simplest of tasks and despite all the anti-nausea medicine, everytime I stood up to walk, or go to the bathroom, I had seriuos dry heave convulsions. My body wanted to throw up so bad but nothing was coming out. It was horrible and I do not think I could have handled it at home. I still had an IV so I the nurses gave me pain and anti-nausea right in my IV and it worked immediately. I remained in the hospital until 2pm. today. I am home now, still in immense pain and soreness in the shoulders. I can't eat more that 3 sips of Soup or Jello, then I fill up. I just hope it will just get better with time.

  8. Poodles, Rachel, Steph, and everyone else being banded this week; This is it! This time next week we will all be banded and God willing come through this healthy. I am a bundle of nerves. I just have to get through these next two days and I am going to try and keep myself busy with cleaning, laundry, and shopping. I am trying to do all New Years preparation tomorrow and Tues. because I will probably be "out of it" Thursday. I do not want the new year to start with a dirty house and dirty clothes...bad luck :tongue_smilie:

    Anyway, those going tomorrow, my prayers are with you will be on my mind. Please let's post as soon as we are physically able so we can be abreast of your recovery.

    I never thought I would say this, but I am looking forward to the liquid diet post-band, 100% more than the liquid diet pre-band. I guess I am ready to become healthy again.

    I think I will also take this time to sharw why I finally decided to get banded. (Give you something to read and reflect on these last two days, I'm sure we all have a "Thats it" moment). In June, I went to visit my parents in NJ with my 4 and 5 year old sons. we went to Sesame Place amusement park and my kids wanted desparately to ride the big Water ride that involves the entire family in a tube then you slide down in the Water. Wearing a bathing suit never bothered me, but the worse part was walking up those steps to the top with the tube. By the time I got to the top (by then other kids had passed us along with their parents) I was out of breath, blue in the lips and on the verge of passing out. The ride attendant was so worried about me, she radioed the manager to meet me once we reached the bottom to see if I needed "medical assistance". Needless to say it took me over one hour to catch my breath and my kids only rode that ride once. Bless their hearts they didn't mind, but I did.

  9. Thanks Sandi for the words of encouragement. I am right there with Poodles. Trying very, very hard to adhere to the pre-op diet and have made a few slips. I am scheduled to be banded on the 31st, 6 days away and I to am worried about postponement. My starting weight is 235 and I hope my liver will not be bothersome. I will be totally DEVASTATED if after all this time, dr. appoints., money, stress, and worry if I will not be banded.

    I also do not find comfort in those who say "you can do it for your life" or "make the sacrifice for the two weeks". To me, to be on a total liquid diet over the Holidays is like putting an alcoholic in a liquor store and asking him not to touch. If my will power to turn away food was strong, I wouldn't be 85 pounds overweight in the first place. I think to be on the pre-op diet over the holidays is the worse possible, imaginable time and I don't wish it on anyone. Believe me, I tried everything short of begging to change my surgery date to no avail.

  10. Poodles, I understand exactly. I lost one pound and I am totally petrified that its "not enough" and I will wake up without a band. I cannot afford another attempt/tests etc. and my new Insurance will not approve it. I know the pre-op diet is to shrink the liver, not to necessarily lose weight but I think I would relax a little better if I lost something.

    I am nervous, excited, anxiuos, apprehensive, and hopeful all at the same time. One week from today I will wake up with a total lifestyle change, like adding a new child to the family. My life and eating habits will never be the same.

    Wish me luck today...time to make Xmas Cookies for Santa!

  11. I don't know if my advice would help or not, but I was in the same boat. My employer is changing to Blue Cross HMO Jan 1, 2009. They do not cover the Band, only bypass. When I learned this in November, I had less than one month to complete the approval process. I quickly scheduled the psych. eval and begged the dr. for the results immediately, (she did, had the results sent to my insurance by the next day...try to find an independent therapist, one who works out a small office or their home...they will work for you versus a big medical group), then my psp wrote his recommendation. I will have the upper GI right before the Band while I am under. Finally, because I did not have 6 months of diet with dr., I wrote a letter detailing my years of obesity from birth and the diets attempted over my life. They accepted that, and I will be banded on the 31st. Its worth a shot.

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