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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by brittu

  1. Well I had something similar happen and what worked was to be completely unfilled and go on liquids for two weeks. It isn't what I wanted but it worked. The swelling and dilation was bad and I'd be at risk of a greater slip so I had to do it. I've also been trying to be very aware of the portion sizes now that things are better so I don't inadvertantly overeat. I'm also trying those Isagenix products to rest my band. I did an 11 day cleanse and am now doing the 2 shake a day thing with 1 cleanse a week to kickstart my weight and try to get by body as healthy and healed as possible. Britt
  2. brittu

    Liquid vitamin or chewable?

    For me, the answer is neither. When I was researching Vitamins I decided on powder that you mix with juice or other drink. From what I read the chewables are made with binders to try and preserve the b vitamins. The liquids are mixed with a preservative that just isn't good for you. But the powder is just the ground vitamins. The brand I like best is All One that I order online. I like the senior formula because it has ginko and other things I think are healthy. It's not bad at all mixed with juice or milk. I can actually feel the difference on days I take it vs. days I forget. Britt
  3. brittu

    weight gain, thinking of switching dr.

    Did your doctor remove the saline before adding a fill to check that it's all there as expected? My doctor's office did this recently and we learned that I'd lost some fill. That might help in determining for sure if there's a leak of some kind. Do you think you might have stretched your pouch? I did that and had to go on liquids for two weeks to reduce the swelling and get back to normal restriction. Some folks really like the 5 day pouch test as a way to get back on track (less daunting we 2 days of liquids rather than 2 weeks). I think there are normal fluctuations in how tight the band is at any point in time too. And I'd read that 8cc is on the low side for the larger band so maybe you need more fill at this point. Do they do a barium swallow so they can see that the restriction is just right? I think a lot of my problems where having a fill without the barium and not knowing my restriction was wrong. I definitely won't make that mistake again - I need to see and feel that the band is just right before I get up out of the chair. Also, you know your body and you have a right to say so to your doctor. I don't think it hurts to tell him that you don't appreciate how he's handling the situation and that you want, and need, him to listen to you so you can come up with a solution together. Sometimes docs need a little directness to get shocked out of their belief that they're always right. Before you leave his practice it might be a good idea to directly tell him that you're considering it and why. Just some thoughts :-). Britt
  4. brittu

    Getting back up

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I was just trolling the boards to find people who'd had success, suffered a setback, and were getting back on track. I could really use stories and ongoing communication with people who've been able to turn lap band issues around. My story is somewhat similar to yours. I was banded in August 2006 and lost 75 pounds, got within about 20 pounds of my goal. Then my insurance coverage changed and I decided to save myself the 2 hour drive to my doctor's office and get filled by a local nurse without fleuroscopy. Fast forward a year and I was up 25 pounds and finally made an appointment with my surgeon to find out what was happening. Turns out I had a dilated pouch and lots of inflamation and had to be unfilled and put on liquids for two weeks. And I found out that much of the fill I thought I had was gone. I suspect that the "save money" fill I had was the culprit and that I was operating with an underfill that whole time. I spent time researching whether I should have the band replaced or revise to a different kind of surgery. And am still working that through as I fight the insurance company that doesn't want to cover me since I'm no longer morbidly obese (well, duh, but if I don't get the band working correctly I'm sure that won't be the case for long). Plus they don't think my band problems are enough of an emergency to warrant fixing. I decided to do my best to get my band working again. After all, if I'd seen my doctor a year ago and had the right kind of care all of this might never have happened and I'd be on of those happy bandsters still loving my band. I'm being refilled slowly and had my second fill last week. I'm also trying to get my eating under control and have added some new nutrition products to help get me there. And tonight I'll head to a local band support group to see what else I can learn that will get me back down, and under, my lap band low. It's discouraging to have to relose those 25 pounds. And to have to take on fighting the insurance company if I need to have corrective surgery. It's also very discouraging to worry that I might not be successful with the band when I had been doing so well. Finding other people who have struggled and gone on to success will be a big help. Keep us posted on what happens with your "leak" and how you're doing getting back on track. It will be great to follow your success. Britt
  5. Hi folks, Here's my situation. I got a band in 2006 and did great for the first 18 months - lost about 75 pounds. A year ago I had a fill somewhere other than my doctor's office and plateaued then started gaining. A few weeks ago I found out I had a lot of inflammation and had an unfill at which time I also discovered that I'd lost saline from the cheap fill -- who knows, maybe I didn't have a real fill that whole time. I went to another doctor who diagnosed a slip and pouch dilation. He recommends a VSG but insurance denied it. They say they don't cover VSG which I can fight because they do (Federal BCBS). And they also say my complication doesn't warrant band removal and that since I no longer am morbidly obese I don't qualify for revision (that's just stupid since I met all the qualifications and had coverage when I got the band). I went back to the original surgeon who repeated the barium swallow and says if anything was wrong it was a very small pouch dilation which is now reverted. They gave me a very small fill with the idea that I could slowly return to restriction. I'm up about 30 pounds from my lowest weight and pretty upset about it. At this point I could either try to make things work with the band OR move forward with a VSG revision, most likely self-pay with Dr. Aceves. But that's a lot of money and I worry that if I couldn't keep the weight off with a band I could just as easily be unsuccessful with a VSG. I'd love some insight as to whether I ought to give the band some more time with proper physician visits, support group etc. Or if I ought to just scrap it and dig into my savings and get the VSG. Any thoughts? Thanks, Britt
  6. I never did reach my goal weight (140). I got close at 165 but am already back up to 190. I'm not sure how my insurance battle will go - I think it's doubtful since they denied me for 3 reasons (band problems not life-threatening, they don't cover VSG which isn't true, and I'm not over 35 BMI any more). I'll try it but I suspect I'll just get more roadblocks. I'm going back for another fill and band check next week and am doing one of those shake/meal programs my friend likes in the meanwhile. Figure I can keep the stresss off my band without going back to full liquids. I asked myself today if the band was working would I even want a VSG and the answer is no. I didn't even have any symptoms of the dilation or slip or whatever it was other than weight gain. I don't like having to chew to goo and can't stand the food stuck incidents. But I can control those by how I eat. One part of me just wants to go forward and make an appointment with Dr. Aceves and just go for the VSG. I'll lose weight just from the switch alone plus a renewed focus afterward. On the other hand I worry that if I could gain so much weight back with a band maybe a sleeve isn't going to work for me either. And my local doc wants to do it in two surgeries which I definitely don't want. I think I'll move forward with fighting the insurance company and trying to get my band working again at the same time. I'm just so depressed about gaining so much weight back. I really thought the band was the answer for me. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions. Britt
  7. brittu

    Exercising...but Gaining?? Please Help!!

    Just wanted to mention that you don't have to be a new bandster to use the free 10 week Lindora band program. All you need to do is have your surgery date and plug it in when asked starting on the Lapband.com site. I'm about to start it on Monday and my surgery was almost 3 years ago. Bitt
  8. brittu

    Lean for Life by Lindora

    My doctor told me about it on a recent visit. All you need to get signed up is your surgery date, the doctor didn'thave to do anything to activate it. It looks really interesting to me. It also includes two nurse phone calls during the 10 weeks. I'm starting on Monday. Why don't you do it too and we can support each other? Maybe we can get other Bandsters to do it too? Britt
  9. You know, my doctor says if you're physically hungry it means you need to eat. So if there's a nice protein-first snack that will help you make it from lunch to dinner you should do it. My mornings are easy but the evenings are hard and my nutritionist actually requires Snacks as a way to keep bood sugar level and eating in control. Britt
  10. brittu

    Any one in NW WA

    Alas, I now have about 45 to get to goal. I had a problem with my band and gained 45 pounds. I'm going to submit to insurance for my legs although I don't know if Dr. Dry does that. My dermatologist says my skin and is bad enough (repeated infections) that removal is the only option. Pacific Surgical in Olympia now does the cool lipo and when i was there the other gals were raving about how it shrinks up the skin. That will probably be fine for my stomach but I don't think it will be good enough for my arms and legs.
  11. brittu


    I had Microsoft Premera at the time I got my band in 2006. You have to have a 40 BMI or a 35 with two co-morbidities. I was the latter and they initially denied saying they co-morbidities I had didn't count (they were in the darn list on the benefits page so I don't know why the heck not). I sent a letter to the HR director and to Premera and they reversed the decision and my surgery was covered. I would have preferred to use NWWLS near my house for surgery but they just told me MS would deny me and and weren't interested in helping. Implied that if I gained more weight I should call them. So I went with another doctor who was happy to fight for coverage. I called NWWLS later to make sure they new MS does cover 35 BMI so they'll stop turning people away. Britt
  12. I was banded by Dr. Neal in 2006. They were the only office willing to fight for me for insurance (my bmi was 35). He did a great job on the surgery and is quite interested in his patients success. I just wish I lived closer so I could attend the support group. I had a fill a year ago with a fill center and wish I hadn't. I'm back driving down to see Dr. Neal (was in yesterday) and am ready to get back on track. I had a little stretch in my pouch a couple weeks ago so he can in to watch the upper GI and make sure things were healing. I think he's a good doc and I'm very happy with the office staff as well. Britt
  13. I haven't had plastic surgery yet but am planning on it when I get to goal. I heard Dr. Gavin Dry talk about plasic surgery for weight loss patients at the Evergreen support group and thought he was great. Patients who've used him were there and I talked to several who were thrilled with their results. He's the doctor I plan to use. Britt
  14. brittu

    Any one in NW WA

    I went and heard Dr. Gavin Dry speak at Evergreen about plastic surgery for the bariatric patient. I liked him a lot and patients who've used him rave about him. My legs are what care most about -they look like elephant skin legs now. Yikes! I'm going to go with Dr. Dry once I hit my goal weight. Britt
  15. brittu

    Support Group in Redmond/Bellevue

    Evergreen Hospital has a support group that's open to anyone. I've gone twice and enjoyed it: Lap Band Support Group 4th Monday of the month, 6-8 p.m. Evergreen Education Center, Room Tan 101 Dr. Lauter in Bellevue near Overlake also has a support group that meets twice a month and classes: Bellevue Medical Park at 1600 116th Ave. NE, Suite 304, Bellevue, WA 98004. Our phone number is (425) 453-7888 If you attend post back and let me know what you think... Britt
  16. I'm 2 1/2 years out from getting banded and having trouble. I started gaining weight and being able to eat more. When I went in to see my doc two weeks ago he seemed completely unconcerned about my weight gain and merrily sent me to get a fill. But during the fill there seemed to be a problem, swelling and perhaps a slipped band (the nurse didn't say slipped but the xray sure looked like it). They sent me home unfilled and on 2 weeks liquids. I was going to go back today but on Friday sent an email to a clinic much closer to my home that also does VSG just in case I need to consider more surgery. The coordinator called me right back (she's banded) and we talked for a long time. They take my weight gain and swelling seriously and want to do another fleuro and possibly endoscopy to see what's going on. And it turns out that they're a provider under my insurance (my surgeon isn't any more). So fills and any additional things I might need will be covered. Plus it's near my home and not two hours away. The coordinator said that VSG isn't covered but replacing the band is. They do VSG but insurance won't pay. They do lots of band replacements and the smaller bands like the one I have seem to be the culprit although I'm not clear why. So I'm headed in tomorrow for an appointment and to find out more. It was a huge relief to find a practice that really seemed to care that I have gained weight and also ready to do more testing to find out what's wrong. For those that might be interested I'll report back what I find out... Britt
  17. brittu

    New Doctor for Me

    Well the fleuro showed limited inflammation and a slight pouch above the band. The surgeon told me that if it was a slip it was very minor or nearly resolved but they don't want to add a fill until it resolves a little more. He said it would be possible to do a revision with a larger band. I learned that larger bands have fewer slippage issues because they put less pressure on the stomach. But given that it isn't clear I had a slip and that I had been doing well before my last fill he recommends we keep working with the band. I'm going to have an endoscopy on Friday just to make sure everything looks good inside. It feels kind of weird, dull or pressure and I don't remember having that feeling before. Insurancecovers the endoscopy so it seems worth doing. The bad thing is that they charge $3,500 for their aftercare program if we leave this band in. It includes a year of visits plus nutritional and behavioral counseling. It would be cheaper to stay with my current doc even with the long drive so I'm not sure what to do. My husband was surprisingly open to the $3,500 if I felt it would put me back on a weight loss path. I guess I'll wait for the endoscopy and decide at that point. Anyway, just in case you were interested that's what happened :-). Britt
  18. brittu

    Realize band vs. Lap band

    When I was in for an appointment last week I asked my surgeon about the Realize band. He says he doesn't plan to use it and feels it's inferior to the Allergan band. He said the new Realize band is better made that the last one but he still feels both the design and materials of the Realize aren't up to the quality of the Allergan. He's probably got a bias since he uses the Lap Band brand and is comfortable with it. But I thought I'd post his opinion for whatever it's worth. Britt
  19. What frustrates me most about liquids (I'm on two weeks for stomach swelling) is that I don't lose weight. Grrr. Britt
  20. brittu

    Going Out To Eat

    I don't order much and take a lot home with me. Sometimes I just order the takeout box with the food so I don't overeat. But for me the funniest part is how hard it is for servers to believe that I don't want anything to drink with my meal. I've just given up and let them bring me the water, it's too hard to get them to understand I really mean nothing to drink at all :-).
  21. brittu

    How much weight did u lose b4 .....

    I was wearing size 22s for a long time before I went to the store. I was shocked to find I was a 16. I brought them home and did a little fashion show for my husband and he just stood there with his mouth open. He was shocked. I kept having to turn around for him. It seemed like I had suddenly from a size 22 to a 16 and was apparantly quite shocking. The same thing happened at work the next day. It was definitely worth getting new clothes. I've had done it sooner if I'd known how it would make me feel. Britt
  22. I'd be lost without my Magic Bullet. I'm back on liquids for two weeks because I have a stretched pouch and inflammation. Last night I went and got the amazing chicken tortilla Soup I love and blended the heck out of it. It seemed like a real treat. I'm also trying to take advantage of this time by adding more to my liquids to get healthier. I got some greens/probiotic mix to add to juice. Some liquid hydroxycut. I like Protein drinks so that's not so bad for me. It would be easy to eat high fat Soups and ice cream but I sure would love to lose weight duirng this liquids phase...
  23. Well I started the pouch test and then went in for a fill yesterday and found out I had a stretch pouched and inflamed stomach. So I got a complete unfill and am on liquids for two weeks to heal. What I thought was interesting is that the nurse told me that healing takes two weeks and you need the have the band unfilled to take the pressure off and allow the inflammation to clear up. I thought the 5 day would help me shrink the pouch (I assumed it was enlarged) but it probably wouldn't have been enough. Also it was interesting to learn that .6ccs of liquid had gone away. I'm not sure if it was because I had someone else do my last fill. The nurse said the band is somewhat porous and can lose fill over time. I didn't know that. Britt
  24. If you're ready for it I see no problem with doing it. It sounds like you have adequate recovery time. The idea of going unfilled could be good but your surgeon can help you decide. If you were going right after your surgery I'd say wait but you're going to be banded the rest of your life so it shouldn't affect your enjoyment of your trip. The only thing to consider is whether you're the kind of person who vomits with food poisoning or not - you don't want to be vomiting with a band. I've traveled a lot and gotten sick a lot. I'm not a vomiter so it wouldn't matter to me but it's worth considering. Congrats on your decision and on your upcoming trip! Britt
  25. brittu

    picking a plastic surgeon

    After attending a bandster support group where they covered plastic surgery I realized that it's really important to get a surgeon who has lots of experience with weight loss patients. We saw lots of before and after pictures of surgery done by docs who used standard techniques and those who do surgery mostly on formerly obese patients and understand the different techniques appropriate for excess skin, etc. It was dramatic and it made it very clear that I want a guy who does lots and lots of people with significant weight loss. Britt

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
