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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sillypuddy421

  1. :cursing:Hello All~

    Been a while since I posted... Feeling like a failure...It has been about a year since my lapband was placed. I have only lot around 50 pounds...When I went for my first fill(under flouroscopy?) Dr. Choban said she gave me 7cc,which I was suprised since it was my first fill. I kept waiting,and waiting to feel the full feeling, and restriction,but wasn't sure what it was supposed to feel like. Then, six weeks later supposedly got another cc. The next six weeks, I told her I wasnt feeling anything different so she pulled what was in my band out-was one cc-apparently she missed the first time with the 7ccs. So, I felt I was behind by months! The next time we went to flouroscopy to fill. I now have 8ccs. That was the first time I felt restriction. I was so happy,but quickly learned what the discomfort of sticking felt like! It is so weird! One day I can eat something without a problem,then the next time it will get stuck. It definately makes you slooooow down! I am just so disgusted with me right now! I am in a funk,and trying desperatley to get out of it! Seems like when my excercising is on track,my eating is bad,and visa versa. I finally made it to one support group meeting at Mt. Carmel,then Melissa had an emergency and had to leave. Then, it seemed like most of the people were bypass patients... It is so hard to get to the hospital for the meetings that time of day! I live in Pataskala and traffic is horrid that time of day,but I know I need support! I haven't lost,havent gained,but am so frustrated I don't know what to do! Any suggestions would be helpful! I have come to one conclusion-I am a sugar addict! If I eat a bite of it, I want MORE!!!! So, if anyone has ideas,suggestions,a gun(kidding),please help me out! Glad you're doing soooo great K!!!!!

  2. HI everybody!

    Got back from vacation last saturday,and am trying to get back into the routine with work,life,etc. I still went to curves on vacation,but did eat a few things I probably shouldn't have,gained a pound but lost it plus one same week I got back,so not bad... I went to Choban today for my second fill. She seemed to think I lost the appropriate amount of weight even though I feel I should be losing more...I only got 3/4 cc-hope it is enough to make a diiference. The hardest part for me is trying to eat dinner without having something to drink-maybe that is why I still can eat too much,or get hungry faster. I am going to try really hard not to drink with meals,and see if it makes a bigger difference....I am also thinking about signing up for Water arobics at the Y-new session will be starting soon...I love the water!!! I had looked forward to swimming a lot on vacation,but the heater in the pool wasn't working,and it was a little too cool this time in florida. Bummer!!!! All my shorts, and capris are saggy now; think it's safe to pack them all away? In the past I always kept them,and sure enough,would end up back in them.... I don't want to ever wear them again! Surely by next spring they will be falling off-right??? All my scrubs are huge! About to get the scrubs I packed away a few years ago down from the closet. Hopefully it won't be long....

    I can hardly wait to be 100 pounds down!! OMG! You girls are doing great!!!! I mean even if you lose a pound a week,that's 52 pounds a year! The weight didn't get there overnight,so it's going to take some time,unfortunately... It would be great if we could put our jobs,family,etc on hold for a few months,and go through the training,and nutrition classes like on biggest loser! 55% body weight gone in less than a year! They must feel awesome!!! Hey K, I know you have one of the body bug thingys-does it help you? Do you think it's worth it? Was thinking about getting one... Well, I must go pack my food for work tomorrow-keep up the good work everyone!!!! More later!:eek:

  3. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had to attend two different meals,but didn't do too bad. I have only had one fill since surgery in September,so I feel I am able to eat too much. I ate a few things that were terribly sinful,gained two pounds that week,but lost them plus one the next week. I am NOT going to beat myself up over it because it was a holiday. Most importantly when I have a bad eating day, I get right back to it the next day! This week I am on vacation in Florida-ocean front which is beautiful!! The Water is pretty cold which is a bit disappointing because I love to swim,and it would be great excercise... I am a member at curves fitness,and got a travel pass,so I will be going there in the morning. When I get back to Columbus next week, I see Dr. Choban for a fill-yeah!!! I have been fortunate so far in that nothing has ever got stuck in my band,and I haven't experienced any sliming, or anything. That is ultimately why I chose the realize-have read,and talked to several people,and all say the same thing-no sticking, or sliming. I definately can't eat as much as I used to,and don't get hungry as fast,but I know my portions should be a bit smaller. When the doctor tells you the band is a tool,and not a cure all they are absolutely telling you the truth-it is what you make it!! If you're looking to loose the weight without any effort-probably best to go with the bypass surgery,and NOT the band. I am happy with the choice I made. Gives me a feeling of satisfaction when I see the numbers on the scale decreasing after I have been working out really hard! I feel great,and even though I have only lost 26 pounds,my energy level is so much better already!! Have a great day everyone-more later from the beaches in florida!!!:confused:

  4. Hi everyone~

    I am gonna try to make it to the saturday meeting at polaris-could use a good shot in the arm so to speak.... I have lost almost 20 pounds since getting banded September 9th,but I still don't really feel a restriction even though they gave me a 7.5 cc fill... I can eat way too much,and haven't had any trouble with anything I have eaten getting stuck,etc. I don't get another fill until December 8th... I have discovered-unfortunately, that I can still eat chocolate-bad!!!!! So, I am NOT bringing it into my house again! I did have york peppermint patties because they are dark chocolate, and low in fat,but still full of sugar! grrrr! I can hardly wait to get another fill. I do get hungry,but I agree,the head hunger is the worst! Still excercising like a mad woman-makes me feel good when I am done. I have a lot more energy,and my back isn't hurting as much as before surgery. As you are told prior to surgery,this is a tool-not a cure all,and it is most definately slow....On the upside,the scale is going down instead of up! Keep up the good work everyone,and hope to see you all at polaris on Saturday!


  5. HI everyone. I got my first fill last week-7.5 cc... Honestly, I am not really feeling any restriction... I am excercising 4-5 times a week,and measuring my foods,but am not dropping any weight... I see where people have lost hundreds of pounds with their lap bands, and I wonder if it is going to happen for me....Just pretty bummed right now... Glad to hear everyone else is doing well. Any suggestions????


  6. Hi K~

    I am assuming the meeting you were referring to was last Tuesday night? Whenever you all are planning a meeting,will you please let me know? As you know, I was banded sept 9th. I get my first fill on Tuesday,and am hoping it will make a difference. I know I am geting hungry too fast,and I don't feel any restriction at all. I have been excercising like a fiend,but have only lost 17 pounds the past six weeks (following surgery). It is a big mental thing! I'm thinking, ok, lots of people have had this surgery,and lost hundreds of pounds,and this is all I have lost in six weeks? Did I have the surgery for nothing? I am hoping after my first fill the weight will start coming off,and I won't be able to eat as much... Any advice you can give is always helpful.



  7. Good for you on getting your date!!! Hooray! I would start now,and just eat like the other gals said; I did low fat,low carbs,and walked,and had no problem with the ten pounds. I had my surgery September nineth,lost sixteen pounds the first couple of weeks,and now am stuck at that weight a couple of weeks. It is frustrating because I have been excercising more than ever! Hopefully that will change with my first fill on the 20th! Good luck,and keep us posted!!! I am sure you will do fine.

    Joyce-wishin she was in Florida! LOL

  8. Hi All~

    I am back to work now-this is my second week back. Went from laying on the couch post surgery back to work a 49 hour week-ouchy! LOL Actually it has been going great. I feel really good;that was the easiest surgery I have ever had! So easy I don't really feel like there is anything in there. I am getting hungry every few hours,and I am able to eat more than a cup and a half of food... I know they say they usually wait six weeks to give you a fill;anyone know if they ever give you a fill any earlier? I lost fifteen pounds the first two weeks,but the past week has been at a standstill even though I am excercising more... Did anyone experience what I am going through? I just don't feel any restriction at all, which has be totally bummed. I am going to call Melissa tomorrow;guess the worst I can hear is no. More later!


  9. Hi All~

    Nine days out,and feeling pretty good. I go back to work Monday,think I have how to get all the liquids,and Proteins worked out. I have post op nutrition class next wednesday-yeah! I am definately ready for something other than liquid! I think the thing with the liquids, it's all sweet tasting except the Soup, and cottage cheese. Anyone know what the pureed/soft phase consistes of? Right now, I am so concentrated on what amount of Protein I need to get in, I don't think of it as food, but kinda like fuel. I get the first fill on October 20-yeah! So far ten pounds gone! And does anyone know when the support groups meet? Have you all had one at Polaris lately?

    K,so glad everything was ok with your band. You are always so informative,and upbeat! Keep it up!


  10. Well, tomorrow is the big day for me. A little nervous... Was supposed to have surgery at nine am,but they called,and now it isn't til noon. Bleh! I will be starved to death by then,and worse with the nerves. LOL Nothing I can't handle though...

    K, hope you get rid of the acid reflux soon,and that it is just something minor. Please keep us posted! I will let everyone know how it goes with the surgery. Wish me luck,and keep me in your prayers,as I do with all you bandsters!


  11. Hi Everybody! Board has been pretty quiet lately...Wondering how DJ is doing,along with everybody else... Nine days til surgery,and wow,what things go through your mind... Soo excited about the prospect of being healthy,and trim,but scared some how I will be a failure... Also scary to think I am saying goodbye to so many foods that have "gotten me through" things-BUT also got me here... The mind is a powerful thing! My partner hasn't been to any of the pre-nutrition classes with me,and has no clue... Already saying, I should be able to have regular popsicles instead of sugar free ones since I won't be eating anything the first two weeks... I told her I don't want to start out a cheater-I am having a major surgery to help me lose weight.... Just don't think she gets it... And almost fell for that one! LOL Has anyone gone to counseling during this whole weight loss process? I mean other than the suppport group at the hospital? In the past when the weight started coming off,and the more attention I recieved, I didn't handle it too well-and would gain it all back! I don't ever want to do that again! Now I know what a friend meant by mental,mental,mental. He has a lapband as well,and said the mental part is the hardest part for him. Now I believe him! So any words of encouragement, or advice will be helpful!!! Hope all is well with everyone!


  12. Thank you for all the good ideas! Had all the preop stuff done today-yeah! Looks like everything is a go! I'm not too nervous about the surgery itself-scared of all the changes afterwards. I need to get focused on all the postitives,but it is hard sometimes. I just don't want to be a failure...

    I can't remember the one lady's name,but she was at one of the meetings at Polaris; she was supposed to have her band operated on,and I was wondering how she did. She seemed like such a sweet lady. Also curiuos how DJK is doing since surgery-haven't seen anything recent. Enough ramblings,hope everyone is doing great!!


  13. HI Everybody~

    My surgery date is approaching fast! Excited,but nervous... Not about the surgery itself,but how successful I will be after, and what I will be able to eat,and all the changes that will come after losing all the fat I have been hiding behind. As usual my mind is going a thousand miles an hour! I ordered some packets of Unjury to see which flavor I would like most,then will order more for post surgery. Had the first one today,which was vanilla-not bad at all! Do all of you still use the unjury,or are you able to get enough Protein eating food? How often does everybody excercise? I am afraid I will not be able to do it on the days I work. I work three days a week,and my days start at 3:30 am,and dont get off until about 7:00... So,will 4 days a week be enough?? So many thoughts running rampant! LOL Dr. Choban had Charlene call to see which band I want placed... I have been researching a lot,but still undecided.... Guess when I have my appointment with her the week before surgery, hopefully she will have each in the office,so I can look,and decide... Hope everyone is doing well!!!


  14. Hello All~

    New to this thread-have been following an ohio thread for a while,so I could try to decide if all this was right for me. I am having my band placed September 9th. Still trying to wrap my mind around everything. Not feeling hungry would be great,but I tend to eat out of boredom,and sometimes out of emotion so am trying to figure out how I will handle all the mental stuff. I do know I MUSt get healthier,and the time is NOW!

    I have a partner;she and I have been together almost ten years. She is still a bit hesitant about me having the band placed,or more so how it will affect our relationship when I lose all the weight. She has been over weight for several years-not morbidly obese,but obese. She is ten years older than I am,and our interests are very different. The main thing we have in common now is eating out... I like outdoorsy stuff-camping,hiking,horseback riding... I know when I lose the weight I will want to do those things plus even more, so I am not sure how that will all fit into our relationship either. I try ot get her to go do things with me,but she says she is older,and those things just don't interest her anymore. I CAN'T just eat for entertainment anymore though... I have gained one hundred pounds since we have been together,and I feel every one of them!! She supports my decision to get healthy,but we are both scared to a degree...Change is scary! Anyway, that is my story! Glad to see other "family" members on here! Wish me luck,and if anyone has any advice do tell!!


  15. Hi Everyone~

    Guess I will be joining you all soon! My surgery date is September 9th! :biggrin: Excited,and scared! Will they tell me at the appointment the week before about the liquid diet, or where did you all find information? I want my liver to be in the best shape possible for surgery-I don't want any complications! I am supposed to go on vacation September 30th,but thinking about postponing til December, or something so I won't be on liquids, or mushies. How soon is your first postop appointment? So many questions in my head! Also still trying to decide which band would be best? You all think I should be able to go back to work in the two weeks? Do they keep you overnight in the hospital? I am a dialysis tech,and I am on my feet 12 hours solid at minimum... See? So many questions!!:wink2: Driving myself bananas!!!


  16. Hi everyone~

    Was nice to meet some of you last weekend at Polaris-everyone looks so great!!! I can't wait to have my band installed so I can feel,and look as great as you all do! Still a little nervous,but talking with you all helped tremendously!

    DJK, glad your surgery went well; how long were you in the hospital? How long will you be off work? Dr. Choban says I will probably be off work for two weeks. Which band did you get? Dr. Choban wanted to know which one I wanted,and after reading about both, I have no idea which one... I just assumed she would install whichever one is the best... Also,did you do the medifast, or liquid diet prior to surgery? Even though Choban doesn't require it,some of the other bandsters say it is a good idea to help shrink the liver...

    It is a gorgeous day out, so I think I will take advantage of it,and go work in the yard a while. Keep up the good work everyone,and hopefully soon I will be joining you on the journey!


  17. D.J.~

    Good luck tomorrow-I am sure everything will be just fine-wish I was already having my band placed!!! Please let us know how everything went,and how you are feeling,etc. I am hoping to be where you're at within a couple of months. Just waiting to hear from the insurance. What insurance do you have,if you don't mind me asking. Anyway, keep your head up, and I will be saying a prayer for you!


  18. :thumbup: Thanks to everyone for being so helpful! It makes me feel a bit more at ease-and confident. I hear about the sliming,and how throwing up can dislodge the band, etc,and it sends me into worry mode. I am in healthcare,and am exposed to sick folks all the time-what if I get the flu??? Okay,okay, I am gonna try to quit worrying,and look forward to the thinner,healthier future! I am planning on attending the meeting at polaris specialK mentioned in July-hope to see everyone there!!!


  19. Hi All~

    I have done all my prereqs now,and Charlene should be turning everything into the insurance. Right? Does she automatically do that once everything has been completed,including nutrition classes, or do I need to call her? I had the group nutrition class last night. Kinda scary... There are so many things you can't eat,wondering what in the world I will eat,and will it truly become automatic like Andrea says. Also,she mentioned something about not being able to take arthitis type meds,or steroids after surgery because the smaller surface area. I hadn't heard that before... Ofcoarse with a lot of this weight off, I hopefully won't be needing the ibprofen, or alieve,etc for joint pain. There was soo much information!! I guess what scares me the most is I work such crazy hours,and have never been much of a "planner" when it comes to food, and apparently planning,and preparing food at home is key. I knew going into this,there would be a lot of changes,but soooo many I really didn't think of. I have no doubt the end result will be worth it-to be healthier;just trying to figure out how to balance it all out. I also worry about my relationship... My partner is a going out to dinner kind of gal,and I don't want to make her feel deprived,or awkward if she wants to eat out. Can you all tell my mind is spinning,spinning,spinning??? Despite all my fears, I know for my health,this is something I MUST do! Any words of advice,or encouragement would be helpful!!! Looking at Julie's pics is a true inspiration,as I am almost at the weight where she started her journey....Thanks in advance!!!!


  20. Darn! Special K,I missed that meeting! When are you having another one? I have my group nutrition class the 26th,then everything should be turned into insurance for approval. I do have a few questions, like what exactly is this "sliming" thing? Anyway, thanks for being so informative,and helping all us potential banders out!!!


  21. Hi Everybody~

    Had my one on one nutrition class today,and the group one at the end of the month, then they will be turning everything into Cigna. I so hope there won't be any hassle getting approved. I am so excited,but a little scared too. Scary giving up the "friend" that has gotten me through a lot of stressful times,but also taken so much of my life away. I have been trying to get out of my house more when I am not working,and trying to make new friends. I am pretty outgoing now,and I know with a lot of this weight gone, I will be able to do even more! Keep your fingers crossed,and if anyone has any ideas of how or what to do instead of emotional eating let me know!!!!


  22. :unsure:Wow! That is soooooooo wonderful! I am sooo envious K!!! I just flew back from Florida last week,and I completely know how you felt about the seatbelt extender-I have to use one still. I have to do my two nutrition classes in June,then they will be sending all my information to the insurance company. And I still have to go for the largest sizes in the plus section and hope they fit. And ontop of everything else I am in the health field,and have to wear scrubs;any bigger I won't be able to get any scrubs. I can hardly wait to get to the point you're at today. Congratulations!!! I am supposed to be starting a food journal,but am having a hard time starting. What exactly are they looking for? I guess I need to get a scale so I can figure out how much food I am eating. Keep up the good work!!!!


  23. :thumbup:Wow, I can only imagine how great you must feel with a hundred pounds gone!! That's awesome!! Was also glad to hear Julie is doing good after surgery. I am still going through the process to get my surgery done. I am planning on coming to the style show,and the May support group meeting. All the clearances are done now,so I think the next step is paying the two hundred dollars,and attending the nutrition class. The closer I get the more nervous,and excited I am getting. All the what ifs drive me crazy! LOL Keep up the great work everybody!!!


  24. Hi Everyone!! So glad to hear you're doing good Julie;was beginning to wonder. I sent you a private message-did you get it?

    How do you find out when,and where the support meetings are too? I have all the evaluations done,so I think I am ready to schedule the appointment for the nutrition class. I have a call in to Charlene to see if all the results from my appointments have been faxed to them,and to see what I am supposed to do next. Slowly but surely getting there.


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