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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jaffa

  1. Jaffa

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    Bj, you made a statement early on that is flat out wrong. Racism is NOT more likely then prejudice against someone being fat. There have been lot of studies that prove this, here is a link to just one. ABC News: Study: 'Weight-ism' Is Bigger Than Racism
  2. Jaffa

    Introducing myself

    Amazing what people can say. When I was 12, a guy asked me when I was going to get a bra. 30 years later and it still bothers me.
  3. Jaffa

    First Procedure

    Ok, I don't want any plastic surgery. Yikes, I'm a coward. I have seen it, and it is alarming to me. Having said that, if I get to goal and still have man boobs, maybe I could have them removed and implanted in someone else at a reduced cost?...LOL
  4. Jaffa

    Bougie size???

    It luked lyke it was speled corectlie to me? But, you wouldn't know I can't spel eather.
  5. Jaffa

    Introducing myself

    Boy, that is right on. I have always been able to diet and lose weight, but I have always put it back on, plus some. Good luck on the credit thing. I had bad credit at one time, because I got in a fight with the IRS....well, I won, but in the meantime, they made my life hell.
  6. Jaffa

    Off to San Diego!!

    My wife, will be heading down next week. She is already nervous!!! It's going to be a long long week. We will arrive a week from Saturday.
  7. Jaffa

    strech marks...anyone try cosmetyn?

    Yes, I used it. It worked well, but I have to say, it takes about 8 weeks to really make a difference. You need to only use a tiny bit each day, to make it last all month. Also, be aware, that they keep sending it each month until you cancel. After about 16 weeks, most of my results were stable. In other words it pretty much didn't change. My suggestion, is to use it for 8 weeks, and you should start to really see some repair, but when it seems to not be helping or doing anything anymore, then quit. It is expensive. Bio-oil is another similar option, but I didn't like it as much and it seemed to cost about the same amount per month to use.
  8. Of course you can stretch out your pouch. Adjustable, is simply a term used to mean that you get adjustments to slowly get you to the right restriction. Yes, of course it can go back the other way in the rare case that you need to get more calories because of an illness. But, this adjustable thing is purely being misused or misunderstood by people. It is for when you have a problem that you adjust to less restriction. Otherwise adjustable is just a nice way of saying, it isn't going to do much until they get it just right to have the right amount of restriction. Now it doesn't seem like such a positive does it?
  9. Jaffa

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    I will try to find the study and post a link, but you should know that a study I once read, concluded, that you could be any race and have a better chance of getting hired then if you were fat. That may sound shocking, but it didn't surprise me one bit. For all of the protection and work we have done about being unfair and judgeing people by their looks, practically nothing has ever been done about the discrimination of fat people. Discrimation based on weight has been proven to be the most common form of discrimination, but are they a protected class? Heck no. I like to call these people antifatites.
  10. Fluoroscope, is the only real way to see. But, it is pretty doubtful that you stretched it already. Slow down....and don't eat until your full, eat until you are not hungry. Or measure your food and stay within you portion size recommended. For most that is one cup of food.
  11. Jaffa

    True? Divorce after WLS within 3 years? Why?

    Well, they do say that financial problems are the leading cause of divorce. I'm glad you were able to talk about it, and find a solution. It is many times hard for people to "move backwards", but I have done it many times in my life. I have actually, always been relieved and happier afterwards. This may really work for both of you.
  12. Jaffa

    Just Curious......

    Ok, totally, off subject, but do all of the rooms have DVD players? I was wondering about bringing dvds for my wife to watch? She is also going to dr aceves.
  13. Are you still on pain meds? How much pain med and for how long did you need it?
  14. Jaffa

    Lets add it up!

    55 for me that makes 128
  15. Jaffa

    Was anyone scared?

    Yes, everyone is scared of doing something that they haven't done before. Were you scared the last time you drove your car? Your odds of being killed were just as great as this surgery. The difference is, you have driven a million times.
  16. I like to take 6oz of yogurt and add a scoop of unflavored Isopure powder. You can't even tell it is in there. I'm not sure if you are able to eat that much? It is yogurt, so it should slide right through, and it makes normal eating the rest of the day much easier.
  17. Is if fat or just skin? Yea, I know, does it really matter? I have a lot of skin still, I'm hoping after a year or so it will retract. If it doesn't, I'm not having plastic surgery, I have seen that done, and can't stand looking at the scars and recovery. I would rather just live with some loose skin.
  18. Jaffa

    Lap Band vs Sleeve

    I can't speak from personal experience about the bypass. But, what I have learned, and what I don't like about bypass, is that it has a lot more follow up care. You are not removing the ghrelin producing part as much, even though there are studies that show it goes down for awhile. But, the biggest thing is regain. I think the regain is much more likely with bypass over sleeve. Mostly because of the stretchy nature of the stomach that is left, and I think the ghrelin returns or is left much stronger, making you want to over eat. I'm not saying that it isn't right for the right person, but for most, I don't think it is really the best surgery. I would get a sleeve, then later if I still need more help add the DS. But, I think that is rarely necessary?
  19. Jaffa

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    This is a big part of why I chose the company I went with. And they really have been very good with the aftercare. Even if someone retires or moves, they are big enough that I won't have to start searching for a new person. They also take on other peoples patients.
  20. Jaffa

    man problems

    LOL....it has ended yet. You will see.
  21. Jaffa

    True? Divorce after WLS within 3 years? Why?

    LOL....it doesn't sound like you would be too upset if you moved on. Come on, as long as your being "honest", you just as well admit at your age, and something as drastic as going from fat to thin, there is no way your staying with him. Heck it may even be the real reason for the surgery. Don't get me wrong, I don't see anything wrong with that, if that is what you want.
  22. Jaffa

    Text messaging another girl...

    Oh yes, at age 22, you would think that way. It is a little different when you are younger. At 22, everything was flirting and about sex. At 40, very little is about either.
  23. It will all be just a blur one day!!!
  24. Boy is that true for me. I ate some peach cobbler for lunch today. Can't imagine anyone with any understanding of nutrition recommending it, but it was sure tasty!!!!! And even though I knew I shouldn't eat it, I did. I guess, if I was really stupid enough to pretend it was a healthy fruit based food because it has peaches in it, then yes, I would need someone to straighten me out. But I would like to think most aren't really that messed up?? Maybe they are?
  25. Yes, and here is some marketing stuff on the lapband. ITS Reversible....LOL....yes, when it fails and screws you up, you can have it removed. ITS ADJUSTABLE....well really just to get you to the spot the sleeve takes you to, and only to try and keep you at the spot the sleeve stays at all the time....LOL ITS Less Invasive....well yes, but your body might not think it is less invasive. I guess that is why scar tissue develops? Why do people insist on PBing marketing reasons for surgery choices of location, doctor, or type? I mean does the average person really not know what they should and shouldn't eat? I practically, have taken all of the courses in college to be qualified as a nutritionist, and it really comes down to some pretty simple rules that we all live by or don't live by and are extremely well known.

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