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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mandylove

  1. Mandylove


    I flew 1 week after surgery. My dr said it was fine. Just try to get up and move a few times during the flight if you can. I wore circulation socks since it was a long flight for me. I also didn't eat or drink before or on the flight!
  2. Mandylove

    Unfill Question

    I am approaching one year next week with my band. I have lost -60lbs! I got a fill in the beginning of November and it changed every thing. No hunger, lost 16 lbs. I was throwing up too much tho and having trouble finding foods I could eat so he said he took out .5, he could have done more I couldn't see, but I am thinking that with all the vomiting I was doing I was swollen too. So now that that's stopped it's a lot more comfortable and I can eat more. I go back Dec 5th! And plan to get a little more put in. I just know my green zone is right there!!! But I think it's better to be a little loose than too tight. I do not want a slip!
  3. Mandylove

    Unfill Question

    My dr unfilled me a little on Tuesday because I was having difficulty eating... He said he only took out about 1/2 a cc. Now I feel like I can eat so much?! Has anyone experienced this?!
  4. Mandylove

    First fill question

    I think it varies, my first fill made me really tired but mostly because I had a headache due to not eating. I would recommend eating a high protein dinner the night before to kinda keep u going the next day
  5. Mandylove

    Weight loss journey pics

    I kept the same clothes and took progress pictures in them each time. I'll add one below! It's so great to see the progress right in front of your eyes!
  6. Mandylove


    I decided to be brave and post my new progress pictures! -60lbs lapband with plication 11/12/12! Don't give up! I was stuck at one weight for months! Change your life! I couldn't be happier. Goal of -40 more in the next year.
  7. Mandylove


    @ChicagoRose @Bandista & @LisaCaron Thank you all so much!! It hasn't been an easy road but stick with it and I promise it will be worth it! What you said is huge, just because you didn't loose a pound be happy you didn't gain either! This is a lifestyle change and I know people will say that to you but it really is. I decided to take this journey really young (20 y/o) so I know if I don't make the right changes, in the end, I could go right back! Try to slowly add exercise and COUNT your calories! You can easily still eat 1400 calories a day if you don't pay attention with a band. I try to stay under 1000! And once your in the green zone it's much easier! Stay strong, have faith and talk about how you are feeling with you dr. I was 240 pounds less than a year ago! And even with my plateau I've still lost 1 lb a week averaged out! Feel free to message me with any questions or follow me on MFP!! thank you so much for all your kind words!
  8. Mandylove


    Thank you all! I had gotten fill after fill and nothing happened. Lost 40lbs quick and was stuck after that. Got this last fill, started counting my calories on an app called My fitness pal, and also doing a workout called t25 a few times a week and have lost 11 lbs in 25 days!
  9. I tend to get back pain after I eat even when I'm not over eating.... I'm sure it's a mix of gas and eating. Is there anything that will relieve it, it seems to last for over an hour or more! Pressure always makes it feel better but is there anything else, heating pad, icy hot, etc?! Thanks!
  10. I'm slowly but surely learning how to eat with my band after each fill, although I do find one problem. If I ever do get stuck which is thankfully not that often, but does happen from time To time...I'm unable to eat anything the rest of the day. I throw everything right back up no matter how mushy, even a smoothie! Does this happen to anyone else? & any tips on eating after you get stuck?! It's not fun especially if I ever get stuck early in the morning and then having to go a day without eating. I'm know my band is just swollen from the stuck but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Thank you all for your feedback!! This will help me so much on the tough days!
  12. Does anyone have any key signs of a slip? I've been having trouble keeping any real solid food down. Even stuff that I was able to eat even last week. I was banded with plication 11/2012
  13. I've had my lapband almost a year and have had some problems with bad shoulder pain. I've had it before as a trigger that I'm full but never like this. This is happening when I'm bit eating, and subsides when I do eat. Any ideas??!! Thanks!!!
  14. Mandylove

    Surgical Glue

    I had glue when I was banded in November. I tried my best not to touch it although after a while it really starts to itch. They were all of by the first month and my scars look 100x better than I ever thought they would!
  15. I'm approaching my one year mark in November and I remember looking forward at that point to my 21st birthday, which was last week, and wondering where I would be. I am -45 pounds and couldn't be happier. My body has lost weight in places it never has before. It hasn't always been easy but I have stayed strong and done whats best for me! -45 may not seem like a lot in terms of WL surgery but I'm am all around healthier, have more energy, and Confident!! I wanted to share my journey to inspire some of you to make the decision to change your life. Wether or not that means surgery. I regained control of MY life and it's feels amazing! SW: 241 CW: 196 thanks for reading!
  16. SF Jell-o and Popsicles saved me! Also hot tea helped with the hunger! Good luck! It's a hard journey but so worth it!
  17. Hi all! I was banded 11/12/12. -45 lbs. no complications thus far but right around my port my skin is making a circular indent in my skin. Its not apparent lying down just when standing or sitting. Please! Does anyone know what this could mean!?
  18. Mandylove


    I had terrible nausea that lasted 5+ days. The medicine the dr gave me didn't do anything. There ended up being a bubble in my band that was causing it. The dr went into my Port, let the air out, and I immediately felt better! If it doesn't get better that may be the problem.
  19. Mandylove

    August 9th

    Hi there! I was banded with plication 11/12/12 & couldn't be happier with my decision. Ive lost -40 lbs and am still loosing! My doctor did not require a pre-op diet other than 2 days of clear liquids prior. In the first week I lost 12 lbs. after surgery be prepared for the gas pains. I had them really bad in my shoulders. Keep up with the pain meds and you'll be fine! The biggest advice I and I'm sure many others would give you is just to walk as much as you can post op. It gets the gas out and you feel so much better. I would say within a week you will feel somewhat normal other than weak from lack of eating but I didn't have much appetite. Once I could eat, one bite of a scrambled egg filled me up. But don't worry! It won't stay like that. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  20. Hey all! I was banded November 12th 2012! I'm so happy with my decision but have found myself struggling the last few weeks. I lost -40lbs within the first 4 1/2 months and have since been stuck. I've had 4 fills and am just now starting to feel some restriction. Any advice on getting through this slump. The first 40 lbs fell off and Im mentally so ready for another 40 to reach my goal. Any advice would be great!!
  21. I am 3 months post op and down 35 lbs. I have had no complications and just got my first fill a few weeks ago. Today I had a very weird fluttering feeling around my band. It felt like it was spasming. It didn't hurt, just made me nervous. Has anyone had this happen to them. It only lasted about 30 secs but happened about 3 times in 30 mins. I also hadn't eaten yet so it may have been my stomach growling? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!! -Mandy
  22. I've noticed after I eat (30 min to an hour) I sometimes get some sharp cramping pains while I'm digesting. It sometimes gets worse and goes into my lower back. Does anyone else have this problem. I'm 7 weeks post op with no fill till next week.
  23. Mandylove

    First fill

    It was probably so uncomfortable due to you still healing. I had to get air taken out of my band 4 days post op and it was miserable! I screamed it hurt so bad, but regular fills won't be as bad! Your body takes time to heal
  24. Mandylove

    6 weeks post up question

    Thank you guys so much for all the feedback! So glad there are others out there who understand. I think alot of it is mental. When you get the surgery you expect something so different, like an automatic change and really once I was healed I could eat anything. I had to learn just cause I could, doesn't mean I should. Scheduling my fill this week, hopefully this will get me out of 'hell'.
  25. I am 6 weeks post op and I'm finding that I can eat pretty much any food (breads, fruits, chicken) but just not a lot of it. Some foods make me feel fuller faster (ex. Chili) but I am eating a lot more than I originally thought. About 800-1000 calories a day. I've lost 25 lbs without a fill but was curious if this is normal. I am getting a fill within the next week and hope that will give me more restriction but was curious if anyone else has this same problem. Thanks in advance for any feedback!

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